~Everything You Need~...

Por BlackSabbathLov3r

13.2K 456 150

1983~ After having to stay with her only friend Lars. Ember meets a godly bass player who she gets to know af... M谩s



206 5 3
Por BlackSabbathLov3r

Cliff smiled and grabbed my hand taking me to the car. "Where are we going?" I asked as he started to drive down the beach line road. "The fair." He said smiling. I felt my face light up.

I love fairs, especially their food. When I first came here I used to always find fairs and stay there practically all day living off the food and fun. My mom never seemed to notice I was gone. I met Nat at one in San Francisco a couple days before sophomore year. "I love fairs!" I said putting my head on his shoulder.

He chuckled as the Ferris wheel came into sight. The fair was posted up on the pier. He parked and I practically jumped out of the truck. Sure I didn't have much clothes on but I didn't care. Fairs always made me happy.

I stood in front of the truck as Cliff got out. He walked up and took my hand and we made our way through the crowd. He pulled me towards a stand that had a ton of things.

I looked at the menu as we waited in line. "What do you want?" Cliff asked, looking at me. "A corn dog with chili tots and lemonade." I said moving our hands back and forth. He nodded as we moved up in the line.

We got to the stand and some white trash greasy looking guys looked up and looked at me before smiling. "What can you." He said. Cliff moved closer to me and closer to the stand still holding my hand. "Two corndog, a thing of chili tots, a thing of nacho fries and two lemonades." Cliff said, pulling his wallet out of his pocket.

I smiled and held his hand with both of mine and pulled myself close to him. "Uh. That'll be $24.74." The man said, looking at Cliff. Cliff paid and we went to the waiting area. We got our food and found a place on the ground to sit under the neon lights.

I started devouring my corn dog as Cliff chuckled, "You really are hungry." he said. I nodded as I continued to eat my corn dog. We ate and talked a little before dumping our trash away. "Do you wanna ride some rides?" Cliff asked as we walked towards the ticket booth. "YES!" I said now dragging him towards the booth.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me from behind as we got in line. "So what did you say to James before they left?" I asked slightly, looking at his head which was now on my shoulder. "Nothing." He said smiling. I sighed and moved forward in the line.

We got to the front and he let go and took out his wallet. "30 tickets." Cliff said, pulling out the money he needed for it and paid. The guy handed us the tickets and Cliff grabbed my hand before we walked out of the line. "LET'S RIDE THAT!" I said dragging Cliff to what I was talking about.

It had two things that looked like bullets on the ends of a rod and the things were split into two chambers. It was spinning really fast. I held his hand as we got in line, "Are you sure you want to ride this?" he asked. I looked up at him with a smile, he looked terrified. "Yes I do. Are you scared?" I teased.

"No!" He said screwing his face up at me. I laughed and laid my head against his shoulder. We waited in line as screeches from the ride. I looked at Cliff's terrified face as we got closer and closer to the front. We got to the front "Two tickets." the lady said.

He handed her two tickets and we were let in. The inside had strap belts that went over your lap and had a bar to hold on. I smiled and started strapping myself in as Cliff was hesitant to get in. "C'mon you big weeny!" I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him in.

He sat down and started to strap himself in. He looked scared, I grabbed his hand and looked at him with a smile, "You'll be fine. I promise." I said, kissing his cheek. He smiled lightly but still looked scared, "What if it-" he spat out before I put my hand on his mouth. "Nothing will happen!" I said before moving my hand.

He sighed and I squeezed his hand. The worker came around and made sure we were in properly before shutting the cage like door. I looked at Cliff with a smile and he looked scared shitless but was trying to hide it. I giggled making him look at me.

The thing started to spin, not the rod, the actual compartment as the rod started to rise up. Cliff grasped my hand squeezing tight, I chuckled and brought his hand up to my face and kissed it.

He looked at me as the ride started to spin around. "WOOOOOOO!" I yelled while smiling and closing my eyes. "Holy fuck. Holy fuck! HOLY FUCK!" Cliff yelled. I started laughing as the ride got even faster. I looked over at Cliff who looked pale.

That's when I started to worry, what if he throws up? The ride started to seemingly slow down and I let the air I was holding in out. It came to a stop and looked at Cliff, "See! You did die!" I said.

The lady came back around and started to open the other people's compartment before coming over to ours. We got out and Cliff almost fell. I started to laugh before walking over to him and grabbed his arm. We walked towards the booths with the games and I saw Cliff smirk.

He took my hand and dragged me to the game where you throw the balls at the stack of jar-like things. "Two tickets per three balls." The man said. Cliff handed him two tickets and smiled at me. The man handed him the balls, Cliff threw the ball knocking 3 of the six down.

He threw the next ball and missed. I grabbed the ball from his hand and threw it, hitting two of the three things left. I groaned at the one I missed. "Better luck next time!" The guy said as we walked away. "We still have 16 tickets left." Cliff said holding the string of tickets.

"Let's do the shooting game!" I said, grabbing his hand and walking towards the booth. "3 tickets per person." The man said. I grabbed three and Cliff grabbed three. "Ok all you have to do is hit 3 ducks. You get 6 bullets." The man said, handing us the guns.

I nodded and pulled the shot gun up to aim level. (these aren't actual guns btw. If you've been to a fair or carnival it's like that shooting game.). "Go!" The man said as the ducks started to move. I aimed and shot one. "One!" the man said. Cliff fired and missed, "Ooo, a miss." the man said with a smile.

I aimed and shot another one. "That's two for the lady!" The man said. There was a moment of silence before I fired again before the sound of Cliff firing. "Three for the lady and one for the gentleman." the man said. "If you hit 5 you get two stuffed animals." the man said to me. I nodded and aimed again.

Cliff fired and missed. Two shots rang out and when I looked two holes were in the duck I had just shot. "One more shot for both of you." the man said. I shot and missed, I sighed and looked at the stuffed animals. Cliff shot one before putting the gun down.

"Ok you both won prizes. Pick which one." the man said by the shelf full of prizes. "Give me the penguin in the hat." I said pointing at a penguin that looked like it was stoned. He got it down and handed it to me. "I'll take the red monkey." Cliff said. The man grabbed the stuffed animal and we walked away.

"This is my gift to you. I feel like it resembles you." I said smiling at Cliff holding out my penguin. "Well in that case take my monkey. I feel like you two would be friends." Cliff said with a smile. We swapped animals and walked towards another booth.

We play for like another 15 minutes, "I'm tired." I yawned looking up at Cliff. He had the penguin, a huge donut, a frog and a bag of homemade saltwater taffy. "We still have 5 tickets left." Cliff said, holding out the bundled up tickets. I took them out of his hand and the donut, "Hold this."I said handing him my monkey.

He took it and I looked around. I smiled and walked up to this kid who was probably about 4 or 5. She was standing with her parents in the ticket line. "Uh hi. My boyfriend and I have five tickets left and we are about to leave. I was wondering if maybe you guys wanted them." I said to the mother. "Oh. Are you sure?" She asked, looking at me.

"Yes we have to leave and I don't want to just throw them away." I said. The lady smiled and I gave them to her. "Tank you!" The little girl said, looking up at me with a bright smile. It melted my heart. I love kids, I always have.

"Of course Sweetie! Hey! Would you like this donut stuffy? I won but I don't really like donuts." I said crouching down to be eye level with the little girl. "Yes! Tank you so much!" She hugged me. I chuckled and lightly put my arms around her.

"Of course Sweetie! What's your name?" I asked as we pulled out of the hug. "Rosalie!" She said, smiling at me. I smiled at her even more. "Rosalie is a pretty name." I said, smiling at her. "Tank you!" She said, I stood up and went to walk away back to Cliff who was standing about six feet away.

"Wait!" Rosalie said. I turned around and looked at her with a smile. "What's your name?" She asked, smiling at me. "Ember." I said, smiling at her. "Tank you Ember!" She said, smiling up at me. I nodded and walked over to Cliff.

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