To Be The Best

By Wrongway12657

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Asta's dream to become the best UFC fighter starts in his high school years where he will have to overcome ch... More

Chapter 1: Eventful Day
Thank you!
Chapter 3: Mall trouble
Chapter 4: New Day
Chapter 5: Bad Timing
Different writing
Chapter 6: Regret
Chapter 7: Is this Love?
Chatper 8: Friends and Feelings

Chapter 2: Invitation

122 1 0
By Wrongway12657

As Asta practically screamed hell yeah both fighters looked directly at where the scream came from which made Asta very nervous. Till the bell rang. Their focus reverted back to each other and three minutes was shown on the timer above the fighters.
Yami started off the fight with a jab straight towards Jack's face hitting it hard, to which all the fans started screaming loudly.

"So lively huh" The ash grey haired women said.

"Relax mom, its usually like this loud when they fight" Asta said back in reply. As the fight continued Yami was managing to pull in some strikes while Jack was up against the metal fence acting like Yami's knee wasn't bothering him, till a takedown happened and Yami was taking control of the whole round.

Jack tried pulling out his famous moves, but was ultimately pinned down and couldn't escape Yami's grasp of knee strikes and punches, which were hitting Jack in the abdomen, face, neck and chest. Pure pressure was facing towards Jack and he needed a way out, stuck to the ground like he was glued to it and only barely blocking Yami's strikes. Yami on the other hand tried knocking out Jack in the early round, but found it rather difficult since usually he would just pound away at his enemy till the ref kicked in to stop the fight 'huh he seems perfectly fine' Yami thought not knowing that Jack was actually almost passing out, Yami then tried something new and put Jack in a submission hold and actually flipped Jack so that he was on top of Yami while he did a guillotine hold.
Jack was fainting fast and noticed he wouldn't make it past to the second round and suddenly Jack passed out causing the ref to intervene and stop the fight. Yami won with a minute and thirty left on the clock surprised at the fact that the champ didn't fight back to gain control Yami went up to the now conscious Jack and told him

"Fought well I guess" Yami said looking disappointed.

"Keke I want a rematch someday champ" Jack said all sinister like while trying to regain his balance.

"Alright creepy bones whatever" Yami said back. While those two were chatting in the ring Asta, Magna, Liebe and Luck were all cheering and laughing while Lichita was the only one surprised at how quick the match was.

"All that hype for a match that only lasted two minutes?" Lichita said in disbelief.

"Well duh mom, ITS YAMI, the best UFC fighter in the underground!" Asta said all excited.

"Can't blame you on that one" Lichita said smiling, while she looked at how happy her own son was. As they were leaving, Asta asked her mother if she enjoyed it and said.

"Yeah I guess I did, but you have to promise me that you get good grades" Lichita said smiling, still not understanding why Asta was so fixated on MMA.

"I will" Asta said back not knowing that tomorrow was going to be a special day for him.
Its now the next day and Asta forced himself up early not forgetting he had to deliver back the invitation Finral dropped.

"Ugh. Why does that guy have to be so clumsy" the drowsy yet half awake ash-grey haired boy said. Asta managed to make it into the washroom, took a shower, put on his school clothes and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey hun, breakfast is almost ready!" Asta's mom said all happy. Asta didn't know why his mother was so happy until he noticed the invitation was sitting on the kitchen table.

"I didn't know you got accepted to CKA!" Lichita said while doing a happy dance.

"Oh uh I didn't that was just someone who dropped it and how did you get that from my bag?" Asta said still tired and trying to wake himself up.

"Well last night you forgot to bring out your lunch, so... I grabbed it out of your bag and noticed an invitation" Lichita said still smiling, as she said this the food she was making finished and finally was set on the table.

"Go on eat up" Lichita said. Asta then ate his full and gradually thought 'how can my mother have this much energy in the morning?' Till the doorbell rang and Lichita answered.

"Oh hey Mrs. Staria!" Magna said all pumped up.
"Hi Magna! How did you find our house?" A wondering Lichita asked.

"I have your son on snapchat see!" Magna said while shoving the phone in Lichita's face. Asta forgot he had his own phone at that point and started choking on his own food.

"So what brings you here so early?" Lichita asked another question to which Magna replied back saying.

"I told your son that we could go and drop off the invitation today" Magna was still pumped up and drastically wanted Asta outside.

"I'll be there in a second!" Said a still tired and weary Asta trying to pack everything he needed.

"Alright I'll be waiting outside!" Magna said. Asta managed to grab everything he needed including the invitation and ran with Magna to catch up with the subway.

"So Asta where do you think the guy who dropped the invitation will be?" Asked a curious Magna.
"I don't know" Asta replied as both of them entered the subway, Magna only was caught in disbelief in what Asta said not knowing where he would find the guy. Thirty minutes passed and they made it to Clover Kingdom Academy.

"Woah look how sparkly it is!" A starry eyed Asta said, this time there weren't any tiredness shown by Asta since he never seen something so big, yet so clean.

"I might have to hold you back Asta" Magna said a little disappointed. Asta and Magna managed to walk to the front desk and asked the person who was there if Finral was here, when they saw two girls walk by them with a completely disgusted look on their faces.

"Who are those two?" A silver haired girl in uniform said with pink eyes showing a disgusted face and tone towards Asta and Magna.

"Don't ask me Noelle, but you shouldn't be so rude" said a vermillion haired girl with yellow sparkly eyes in uniform, worrying that her friend might've caused an incident. As they walked by, Magna and Asta were only in complete shock by how beautiful they were and Asta managed to start drooling over them till the front desk man asked.

"So Finral Roulacase is the one who dropped this, correct?" Asked the front desk man.

"Oh uh yeah" Asta said with a little drool coming from his mouth as he turned back around.
"Yo wipe that off idiot!" Whispered Magna. Asta then wiped off the drool and handed the invitation back to the front desk man who had zero expression on his face typing away on his computer.

"Maybe we should apply here with Luck and Liebe!" Asta said.

"No way bro we wouldn't even be accepted, this school requests of a GPA of 2.5! Thats way too early and out of our league for a school" Magna said back trying to convince Asta to let it go. As they started to head back. Asta noticed that the school was massive and that the hallways were the size of his classroom stretched across.

"So big!" An excited Asta said.

"Alright Mr. Brighteyes we gotta go back before were late" Magna said dragging Asta by the neck collar. Asta managed to grab a pamphlet from the front desk and read it out loud.

"Our education is the best in the world. Many of our students managed to even become famous for example Charlotte Roselei or Acier Silva" Asta said still reading the pamphlet as they were walking towards the subway.

"Wha- HEY how did you get a pamphlet?" A mad Magna said. Asta just ignored Magna and continued reading the pamphlet till they entered the subway.

"Check this out Magna we can go to this school if we become MMA fighters its a free scholarship if we graduate and they even have a big ass gym too!" Asta was now more excited than ever to become a UFC fighter one day, till Magna shut him down.

"Look man, your mom won't let you become a MMA fighter so why do you still ramble on about such nonsense" Magna said.

"Because it is MY DREAM to become the BEST MMA fighter!" A screaming Asta said, the other passengers on the subway all groaned and looked annoyed at all the commotion that was happening in Asta's area as it was still too early for such things.
Eventually Asta and Magna made it back to their school, then lunch came around, when Asta texted to everyone that he wanted to eat with each other outside. To which they all agreed.

"Man Liebe you gotta apply to CKA!" Said an over aggressive Asta shaking Liebe.

"Chill Asta, Liebe might choke on his food" Luck said worrying about Liebe. Asta stopped shaking Liebe to which he responded back.

"Only if you apply Asta then I'll go to CKA" Liebe said this with excitement as he knew Asta wouldn't let the opportunity slip by. Magna only sat there wondering if Liebe actually knew that Asta wasn't really a fighter while eating his own lunch.

"So Magna wanna fight!" Said Luck with a sinister smile.

"Woah! Um maybe later" Magna said frightened at the look Luck was giving him.

"How about I steal that piece of meat will you fight me then?" A still sinister Luck asked. Before Magna could respond Luck grabbed the piece of meat and ate it when Magna tackled Luck down from out of nowhere.

"Don't steal a mans food bro!" A now angry Magna said. Luck was only laughing his head off while trying to escape Magna's clutch.

"So Asta, think you can apply?" Liebe asked.

"Oh I'm definitely going to apply for the free scholarship for MMA fighters!" A pumped up Asta said looking all proud and excited. As lunch ended the four of them said their goodbyes and Asta and Liebe entered History class.

"Today we have a special guest coming in" Ms. Sloth said. Surprisingly enough Asta and Liebe were excited to notice that the special guest was none other than Yami.

"Hello my names Mr. Sukehiro and today I'll be the special guest for history I guess" Yami said looking displeased. Asta and Liebe were the only ones listening as class went on. Soon the class was about to end and Yami then asked a question.

"So whose moving to the new high school called CKA?" The curious Yami asked. Both Liebe and Asta raised their hands in unison.

"I see, so you two are going to move to CKA? How interesting" Yami said. Asta and Liebe were only confused at what he meant till he asked Asta and Liebe why they were going.

"I'm going because I want to be the BEST MMA fighter!" Asta said while throwing his fist into the air.

"Same goes with me sir!" Liebe said it like he was in the military. Yami only laughed and said.

"You guys have big dreams huh" Yami laughed at his own comment and then said he'll see them there, then left. Asta and Liebe both understood what he meant.

Later that day Asta was invited by Liebe to spar with him in the underground since the ring was open, over the phone, Asta was only surprised and shocked, so he tried getting his way out of it since he didn't even know how to fight, but Liebe insisted and pleaded with Asta because he wanted to know how strong Asta was.

"C'mon man just one fight!" Liebe said while trying to convince him on the phone.

"Err... uhh I don't know I've only done simple strikes" Asta said still trying to get out of it while laying on his bed. Asta was sweating bullets now really wondering what would happen if he did accept. Then Liebe all of a sudden yelled over the phone causing Asta's eardrums to burst.

"PLEASEASTAIWONTBOTHERYOUAFTERTHISONETIME" Liebe said it in one breath while screaming his head off.

"Uhm... fine I will" Said a defeated Asta on the phone, he was lucky Liebe wasn't there in front of him.

"YAY!" A glorious Liebe said then hung up. Asta realized he didn't give a time that they were supposed to be there till a notification popped up saying
Liebe messaged you: At 8PM got it???

Asta just went with the occasional "ok" then ended the conversation. 8PM was coming fast and Asta didn't know what he would do, he still didn't even asked his mom if he could fight, but he already knew the answer. Asta gave a promise to Liebe and he knew he couldn't just let him down, so Asta instead went ahead and forced himself to face the consequences that were going to be present very soon. As Asta walking into the kitchen he asked Lichita if he could fight tonight.

"So uh yeah thats where its gunna be and it um starts at 8PM" Asta said nervously.

"My son, you know I don't like you fighting so why didn't you just tell him I wouldn't let you?" A disappointed Lichita asked.

"Cause mom I sorta- no I didn't tell him the truth that I wasn't a MMA fighter hehe" Asta was now sweating from his nervousness and didn't like what he thought of what his mother would do next.

"I'm guessing you don't have anything to wear when you fight?" Lichita asked concerned.

"Uhm what?" Asta said back.

"I asked if you have clothes to fight your friend" An annoyed Lichita said, 'sometimes I don't even know if hes my kid' Lichita thought.

"Oh. I do mom" Asta said. At this point he didn't even question her and didn't even care about why shes letting him go, at least he was going to fight.

"So what time do I pick you up?" Lichita asked this time she wasn't pleased. Lichita then changed her mind in flash wanting to come, but she didn't tell Asta.

"I'll just call you" Asta said as he started walking back to get ready.

"Oh and kiddo, your grounded after this" An angry tone was found in the lines of "kiddo" and "after this" to which Asta lightly squealed as to signify that he was afraid. Asta was now ready even though he had no gear with him, but just his UFC boxers he bought while back. As they were heading out the door Asta asked why his mother was coming.

"So why are you coming?" He was very curious.

"Well I want to see your skills since you said you were a UFC fighter" Lichita said jokingly.

"You know well I can't fight" Said Asta pretty annoyed that his mother was teasing him. Asta and Lichita managed to make it to the underground and Liebe with his trainer as he greeted them.

"Ah you must be Asta and I'm also assuming thats your mother and not your personal trainer" said the tall and slim built man.

"Your correct Coach Sai!" Liebe said.

"So, about the match Asta, the rounds will be 1 minute long and we'll go up to ten ok?" Liebe said this with a big toothy smile all excited.

"Got it" Asta said just looking at Liebe's coach, Sai, 'hows he his trainer?' Asta thought. Asta and Liebe then entered the ring and Asta was surprised that Liebe didn't even ask him why he didn't have any other gear or why his own "coach" wasn't here, but instead Liebe just gave him some extra gloves and said to go warm up in the ring. Asta was now afraid that his mother might step in or he would get knocked out from a single punch.

The time came to fight when Liebe's trainer rang the bell indicating the match has started, Liebe went straight for a jab to which Asta sloppily dodged, Liebe took notice of the sloppy maneuvering and managed to get a kick in hitting Asta in the ribs, of course Asta felt it and ran away breathing heavily trying to stay alive as the pain stung. After two rounds went by Asta found it hard to continue fighting, some of Liebe's moves began to show on Asta and the lack of experience Asta had made it worse. The fight continued to round five and Asta knew he couldn't hold on anymore stumbling to even block one of Liebe's strikes, making Liebe's blows sound like they were hard enough to knockout a fully muscular man in his 20's. As the last round begun Asta was surprised that he lasted this long trying to dodge and weave still running around, Liebe was quite annoyed by that and kept trying to bring Asta down, till he somehow hit an axe kick sending Liebe to the mat, Asta then pulled it together and bashed his fist right onto Liebe's head over and over again before the match was stopped by none other than coach Sai, surprising everyone in the arena.

"Man that was one hell of a match Asta" Liebe said while trying to get back up still somewhat damaged from Asta's blows.

"I know right!" A laughing Asta said. Out of everyone in the arena he was the most surprised now knowing he was capable of doing such moves.

"Hey hun you did great" Lichita said as Asta left the octagon ring.

"I can't believe I hit a axe kick mom!" An excited Asta said, but not so loud that Liebe couldn't hear.

"I couldn't believe it either" A now smiling yet terrifed Lichita said. She eventually knew this would happen and that his dream was one step closer, the only thing she honestly didn't like was that Asta might begin fighting in other places leaving her all alone. As Liebe went to walk over to Asta, Yami their favourite fighter and favourite history teacher suddenly walked in.

"I saw the whole fight kid" Yami said to Asta.

"You have potential, but you lack in a whole lot of things, you also seem like you don't fight" Yami said this while puffing a smoke, something he was very famous for.

"Kid I might just recruit you to join CKA" Yami smiled when he said this shocking both Asta and Liebe.

"I want you to spar again one round for a whole three minutes got it? Its a test to prove if your really worth my time kid." Yami said.

"Yessir!" Both Asta and Liebe said while bowing. As they entered the ring Lichita was talking to Yami.

"So are you a coach too?" She asked as Yami stood by her.

"Ma'am I'm here to just recruit people for our combat sports program, there aren't much of us to be honest" Yami answered her back like he was mad about something. As Asta and Liebe were sparring, Asta tried to do a cresent kick, but it came off as a hook kick hitting Liebe square on the side of his head.

"Damn, kids got some skills in kicking, but what about his punches and dodges?" It was like he was asking her, but she wasn't sure so she didn't answer him. The sparring match continued and Asta was now in a tough position with Liebe getting up close to Asta almost grappling him, Asta was barely dodging his grapples and almost was caught in one, then the bell rang.

"Good sparring match guys!" Yami said.

As Asta left the ring Lichita went up to Asta and whispered to him "your gonna be grounded for much longer now, you know that!?" Lichita was oozing off her anger towards Asta and he just looked at her shaking wildly.

"Got it" A low toned Asta said back afraid if he answered wrong he would get a beating.

"Seems like I might just recruit you both" Yami said. Asta couldn't believe what Yami was saying it was like his dream was coming true.

"THANK YOU SIR!" Asta screamed.

"Hey kid I said I might don't get your hopes up or I will recruit your friend" Yami said with a death stare gripping Asta's head and lifting him.

"Ow, ow! Ok I get it!" Asta said. Yami then let him go and walked to grab two invitations and handed them both to Asta and Liebe.

"You guys did good, but your both lacking some important things, so I'll recruit both of you and train you" Yami said. They then all said their goodbyes and left the underground.

"I can't believe it mom I got accepted to join their combat sports league!" A starry eyed Asta said with a fat smile showing his teeth while holding the invitation up in the air.

"Can't believe it myself kiddo" Lichita said with a sad smile.

"So hun how did you manage to do those moves?" Lichita said wondering since he didn't even know how to fight.

"I- I don't know mom! I'm just happy I pulled it off!" Asta didn't care at all that he was able to pull off such moves, but then his legs gave out from out of nowhere, falling face forward right onto the pavement knocking him out.

"My little boy!" Lichita said running to Asta scared. Asta didn't realize it was morning till he woke up in bed and smelled his mom's favourite cooking.
As Asta left his room he went over to the kitchen, "hey mom".

"Hi hun how was the three day rest?" She asked worriedly.

"I slept for three days?!" Asta couldn't believe he slept for three days, his stomach growling at him like it wants to feast on his bones. Lichita heard this and prepared an exquisite meal for Asta that was large enough to feed a family of four, 'I know my boy' she thought as Asta was viciously eating anything that was on a plate. Lichita then told Asta that the school called and that she told them what happened three days ago.

"Thanks mom!" A relieved Asta said.

"No problem" Lichita had her signature smile on and Asta only laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked the loud cackling boy.
"Heh, its because I remembered I kicked Liebe's ass!" Asta cackled even more till Lichita hit him square on the head.

"Watch your language" A devilish Lichita said.
"Uhh- yes ma'am" A worried Asta said back.

"So you forgot you were invited by Yami to go to CKA right?" Lichita asked.

"Oh I completely forgot about that!" A dumbfounded Asta said as he was slapped across the face by his mother, making him fall off his chair.

"I sWeAr YoU oNlY ThInK aBoUt FiGhTiNg HuH?!?" Asta was now sweating hard with a pale look on his face as he got back up. Time passed by and Lichita told him today was the day he was supposed to go and look around his new school, so Asta did his daily routine taking a shower, putting on some nice clothes and headed out.

"Hurry! We'll be late for the subway my little Sweet-pea!" Lichita was really excited to see the school while Asta was annoyed he was called a little sweet-pea. Soon they were on the subway and made it to Asta's new school just in time to see Yami, Liebe and his family, Magna, Luck and what looked like the principle with his royal robe on.

"Asta!" Liebe, Magna and Luck said.

"Whats good guys! Oh Luck, Magna how did you get in?" Asta said.

"Well we knew you guys would make it so we decided that we couldn't be left behind so we applied and looks like we were accepted BABY!" Magna said with pure excitement just oozing out of him, it was like his excitement was the cause of everyone else's.

"Right, well I'm the principle Julius Novachrono and I'll be mostly in my office, its so nice to finally meet you all!" The look in Mr. Novachrono's eyes indicated he was excited to know what they could do.

"Its really nice to meet you too Julius! I'm Asta's mother Lichita Staria" Lichita held out a hand and Julius immediately grabbed it and shook her hand rapidly.

"Uhm you can stop now" An embarrassed Lichita said, Julius was almost tearing her arm off until his assistant came out.

"Mr. Principle you should let go now you know its not nice to almost destroy our guest!" An annoyed small young man with light blue hair said.

"Ah my assistant everybody! His name is Marx" Julius said while walking over to him smiling.
"Sir I think introductions should be done now correct?" Marx said.

"Hold on" A pale looking women said, she looked rather tall and quite beautiful with some nice earrings and even having her hair done.

"You forgot about us" The man said, he wore a suit and what looked like a top hat, he too looked quite handsome and had a rather sparkling tone.

"My apologies what are your names?" Julius asked.

"My names Elizabeth Denvil and my husband here is Robert, we both are very glad that our own son finally was accepted to a place rather than that disgusting old school with mold and food falling off the walls" Asta didn't like the fact she was making fun of his, Magna, Luck and Liebe's old school, it was like a complete insult to the whole school and the students plus staff.

"Alright well its not a problem madame!" Julius said.

Liebe was pulled away from his mother so that they could chat a little. "Don't disappoint our family name now Liebe and your friends that one with the weird mullet, the ash-grey haired boy and blue eyes over there I don't like them, so if you continue being friends with them I suggest you don't bring them home got it?" Liebe nodded afraid to answer back.

"Shall we head in now?" Marx asked. Once they headed in the tour went on for quite a while, showing where the cafeteria was, certain classrooms, which lockers they would use, the gym area where they played sports and then the real gym Asta and Liebe were looking for, the combat sports gym. It had punching bags, three rings, weights and dumbbells and other things.

"I'm assuming that the four of you decided to join the combat sports scholarship, so this is where you will train. Your history teacher Mr. Sukehiro here will be the coach helping you learn new skills and techniques, but don't fear as there are more coaches who will teach you things as well, so it wont just be Mr. Sukehiro" Marx said, he didn't seem like he was happy throughout the tour, but no one really cared.
"One question" Elizabeth asked.

"Go right ahead ma'am" Marx said.

"Will the combat sports kids be accepted to a good college?" Elizabeth wanted to know since she didn't know much about the combat sports scholarship.

"I assure you ma'am we have only the best college's that will accept your son!" Marx said nervously.

"I have a question as well, what happens if my son is injured?" Lichita asked.

"Well ma'am first off we have two medical rooms one to the right over here and one near the gym and cafeteria, we are still currently trying to build another medical room upstairs so that we don't have to have your child walk quite a long way to reach help and second if they are injured we have high class professional doctors and nursers here to ensure your child is safe" Marx said.

"Alright" Lichita was happy about that, knowing Asta he might get in detention again. A couple hours past after reviewing some safety measures, a contract stating it is not their duty to track down their child if their child leaves the premises, how classes work, other classrooms and places that were important like the outdoor cafe, outdoor restaurant, tennis court, swimming pool, outdoor basketball court, baseball court, soccer court and the list goes on and on. After the tour was over it was almost dinner time and Asta with his mother said their goodbyes to his friends, principle, Yami and of course Marx.

"School seems so big mom!" Asta said with sparkles in his eyes as they were in the subway.

"Sure is kiddo!" A full grin could be seen on Lichita's face, happy that her son was excited to go to a new school. As they made it home both Asta and his mom sat down on the couch turned on the TV and eventually fell asleep with Asta in Lichita's lap.

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