Cote- True conquer -Classroom...

By latheef34

80.3K 1.9K 518

Akira Fukuhara is a cold-hearted boy who has little concern for others and crushes those who will stand in hi... More

chapter-2 Childhood
Chapter -3 arisu sakayanagi
Why Xmale reader and fanfics are cringy
Chapter-4: Starting of plot
Chapter-5:Start of Main Events
Chapter-6: Starting plans
chapter -7 meetings with 'friends' love is 'everything' and other jokes you can tell yourself (R-18)
Akira past -way before reincarnation
Chapter 9 Thinking time
Side chapter-1 Whole some shit
Chapter-10 : talking about business with a businessman man
Chapter-11 : What a pain
Chapter-12 : A forbidden relationshipe (R-18)
Chapter-13 : Class leader meetings
Chapter 14 deal
Chapter-15 : Results
Chapter 16 :Childhood friendship
chapter 17 :dealing troubles
Akira's bio (Not neccersaily important )
Chapter 18 : Meeting horikitas
Chapter 19 :Break time with classmates
Chapter -20 :Tainting Honami (r-18)
chapter 21 :pure soul
Chapter 22 : Honami's desire(r-18)
Chapter-23 : Pleasure changes people (Light r-18)
Chapter-24 : The talk between two evils
Chapter-25: The tale of Honami the brave
Chapter-27: Desert Island test
Chapter-28:Desert island day-2
Chapter-29 Desert island part-3
Chapter-30: Desert island-final
Rumours are nasty
Childhood friend you wanted to fuck(CFYF)
m for manipulation
How to flirt and objectify girls wihtout being creepy
Planning to takeover academy
Gaining class-b details
Kamuro-THe super seducer
Class-d done
Ryueen kakeru joins the team
Made a girl wet
Arisu became love struck
Love struck arisu part-2
Arisu is love with me part-3
Arisu back to herself
Fake and real genius
Unexpected alliance
Butterfly arc starts
Very dark and horror
near Death brings people closer
Harem formed
Dead bodies everywhere
Horrors of the world
Having sex with girl you saved(R-18)
My beloved maid
Arisu becames heated part-1
Arisu pleases her man(r-18)
Arisu is persistent(r-18)

Kamuro masamuni

333 14 0
By latheef34

Arisu let out a soft sigh, her gaze softening as she looked at Akira. There was a depth in her eyes, a motherly warmth that was often hidden behind her icy demeanor.

"Akira," she began, her voice a soothing lullaby that could calm the most tempestuous seas. "I can understand your... sudden urges. It's natural, especially at our age. However..."

She reached out again, this time to gently brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead, her touch feather-light yet grounding.

"We are in the midst of a grand scheme, a game that requires strategy, focus, and a clear mind," she continued, her words echoing in the silent room. "We cannot afford to let such... distractions cloud our judgment."

Her smile was gentle, her tone composed yet brimming with care. "Let's remember our purpose here, Akira. Our ambitions, our goals... they define us, not our desires."

Her words, so delicately put, held a firm reminder. It was Arisu at her most caring, yet she never strayed from her character. Despite her softer approach, she remained the confident, focused leader, her mind always on the larger game at play.

"Fufufu... let's aim for victory, shall we?" she concluded, her soft laughter echoing around them, a soothing end to their intense conversation.

Akira blinked, taken aback by Arisu's words. "Us...victory?" He repeated, confusion evident in his voice. "Aren't we supposed to be competing against each other?"

Arisu smiled, a hint of amusement in her eyes. She leaned back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest as she prepared to explain.

"Akira," she began, her voice calm and composed, "There's a difference between competition and rivalry. Yes, we're in different classes, and yes, we each strive for the best possible outcome for our respective groups. But that doesn't mean we have to be at odds all the time."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before she continued. "Consider it this way. We're both working towards the same goal - success. And in a game as complex as ours, allies can be just as valuable as competitors."

Arisu's words made sense. In a place like the Advanced Nurturing High School, where competition was a constant pressure, viewing each other as potential allies rather than enemies could be a more effective strategy.

"Fufufu... Sometimes, Akira," she concluded, her soft laughter filling the room, "working together can lead us to victory faster than working against each other."

Just as Akira and Arisu were about to finalize their unconventional alliance, the door to the room creaked open. In walked Kamuro Masumi, her eyes wide with surprise as she realized she had unintentionally interrupted a confidential conversation.

Arisu and Akira turned simultaneously, their gazes landing on the startled Kamuro.

"Kamuro," Arisu began, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What a surprise. Have you been eavesdropping?"

Kamuro spluttered in response, her face growing red. "N-no! I was just passing by and...and..."

Arisu's laughter echoed through the room, causing Kamuro to wince. "Fufufu... Seems like we've caught ourselves a little spy, Akira."

Akira chuckled, joining in on the fun. "Indeed, it seems so. What do you suggest we do, Arisu?"

Arisu's smile widened, a plan already formulating in her mind. "I think we should let her join us. After all, the more, the merrier."

As the trio delved further into their discussion, an unexpected moment of comic relief presented itself. Kamuro, still slightly flustered, gestured wildly as she tried to articulate her points. Suddenly, she knocked over a water bottle that was precariously perched on the edge of the table.

The water bottle fell, the lid popping open as it hit the floor, and water splashed everywhere. Akira, quick on his feet, lunged to catch the bottle, not realizing Arisu was doing the same.

The result? Akira ended up colliding with Arisu, his hands accidentally landing on her as he tried to regain his balance

 Akira looked at Arisu with a surprised expression.

"Arisu," he said, trying to keep his voice steady, "You're... bustier than you appear."

The statement hung in the air, shocking in its bluntness. Arisu blinked at him, her cheeks turning a faint pink. But despite the unexpected situation, she regained her composure quickly.

"Fufufu... Seems like appearances can be deceiving, Akira," she retorted, her voice as calm and icy as ever. "But I would appreciate if you refrain from making such personal observations."

In the aftermath of the awkward incident, Arisu's icy gaze turned towards Kamuro. There was a hint of annoyance in her eyes, but she maintained her composure as always.

"Kamuro," she started, her voice as cool as a winter breeze. "Your carelessness resulted in quite an... uncomfortable situation. You've tarnished my purity as a woman."

Akira nodded in agreement. "Right, Kamuro. You should be more careful."

Kamuro gulped, her eyes darting nervously between the two. "I-I'm sorry, Arisu, Akira. I didn't mean to..."

Her apology was cut off by Arisu's soft laughter. "Fufufu... Apologies won't do, Kamuro. We need compensation."

Akira grinned, taking a step closer to Kamuro. "Right, Kamuro. How about helping us with our strategy? Your insight would be valuable."

Kamuro blinked in surprise at their unexpected demand. But before she could protest, Arisu reassured her, "It's only fair, Kamuro. After all, you've become an inadvertent part of our alliance now."

Kamuro looked taken aback. "But Arisu, it was just an accident... and besides, it's not like you're the epitome of purity."

Arisu's soft laughter echoed around the room, a chilling note amidst the tension. "Fufufu... That may be, Kamuro, but it doesn't excuse your recklessness."

With a pointed look at Akira, she added, "Your actions have consequences. As compensation, you're going to assist us with our strategy."

Kamuro gaped at her, but before she could protest, Arisu continued, "And don't think we didn't notice how conveniently you happened to 'stumble' upon our meeting. It seems like you were planning to eavesdrop. Now, you'll become an active participant instead."

As the dust settled, Akira turned back to Arisu, his brows furrowed in curiosity. "Arisu, how have you managed to hide such a well-endowed figure for all these years?"

Arisu's lips curved into an enigmatic smile, a soft blush dusting her cheeks. "Fufufu... Akira, some secrets are meant to be kept hidden, don't you think?" she responded, her tone teasing and suggestive.

Kamuro, having regained her composure, jumped in. "Wait a minute, Arisu, you mean you've been—"

As Kamuro attempted to join the conversation, Arisu quickly cut her off with a firm, "Kamuro, remember your place."

While Kamuro was still recovering from Arisu's stern interruption, Akira turned his attention towards her, curiosity burning in his eyes.

"Kamuro," he said, his tone casual yet expectant, "what's this secret about Arisu you were about to share?"

Caught between Akira's probing question and Arisu's warning glare, Kamuro hesitated, clearly torn. It seemed the peaceful atmosphere of their meeting was about to take another tumultuous turn.

As Akira's question hung in the air, Kamuro found herself contemplating the hidden aspects of Arisu's image. Arisu Sakayanagi, Class A's leader, was a woman of many secrets and maintaining her well-endowed figure was one of them.

Kamuro was aware of the meticulous attention Arisu paid to her appearance, down to the smallest detail. Her clothing choices were always strategic, leaning towards styles that were elegant yet modest, effectively downplaying her bust size. It was a subtle tactic that often went unnoticed but was undeniably effective.

Moreover, Arisu was quite disciplined when it came to her physical health. Regular exercise, balanced meals, and adequate rest were all part of her routine, contributing to her overall physique.

However, Kamuro knew there was a deeper reason behind this discretion. Arisu, being a strategic leader, was well aware of how perception could influence people's actions and attitudes. By downplaying her physical assets, Arisu ensured that people focused more on her intellect and leadership skills rather than her physical appearance.

Secondly, Arisu's relationship with Akira was complex, filled with strategic maneuvering and rivalry, but also mutual respect and hidden affection. By keeping certain aspects of herself hidden, she added to her enigmatic persona, maintaining a sense of mystery that kept Akira intrigued. Additionally, by not emphasizing her physical appearance, she ensured that their interactions stayed focused on their intellectual rivalry rather than veering into more personal territory.

Caught in the momentum of their strategic discussion, Akira suddenly spun an unexpected request towards Kamuro.

"Kamuro," he began, an impish glint in his eyes, "how about getting into a maid dress and becoming our personal maid?"

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