Scary not Scary (The Holidaze...

By SandraCorton

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George was the King of Halloween. He ruled the realm of darkness in a way that none had before him, yeah, he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 30

47 10 2
By SandraCorton

Chapter 30
“Where are we?” Devinah asked as the heat and humidity engulfed her.
“Cupid left me here once when I thought I was still a mere human. Now we’ll wait until they join us here,” Mia said with a grin as she led Devinah inside a building.
By the time Salem arrived, Devinah had tried many tasty foods and consumed a few drinks that Mia insisted she would like. She felt a bit dizzy and a lot happier, until Salem arrived.
As much as he needed her in his life, he had still ignored her for a long time. It left her with insecurities about him that she had never had before.
“Devinah, please come back home,” Salem pleaded.
“Maybe I should stay in this world. They have such interesting food and drink,” Devinah trailed off with a giggle.
Salem turned accusing eyes to Mia, “did you get her drunk?”
“Did you get your dragon under control?” Mia crossed her arms and glared at Salem.
With his mouth open to return fire, he quickly snapped it shut. He knew exactly how right she was. At no time had his skin stopped blazing and even now, the dragon wanted out. It was much harder to control his dragon without Devinah around.
“I’m trying,” Salem managed to say through gritted teeth when his dragon wanted to attack Mia for her words.
“What is this ‘drunk’ word?” Devinah slurred.
Salem’s glower came with red flashing eyes that glowed malevolently, “I’m taking her home with me.”
He gathered Devinah into his arms and his skin eased its cranky itching. Devinah flopped around making it hard to hold her.
“You deliberately did that, didn’t you?” Cupid asked.
“What are you talking about?” Mia replied with a cheeky wink.
Salem heard no more as he went back to Spookville. He would make sure to take care of Devinah before he explained how sorry he was that he didn’t treat her well.
“We can never have children, Salem,” Devinah told him once he sat her down on his bed.
“Why would you say that?” Salem asked as he stroked her cheek.
She hiccupped once before answering, “you only arrived here because this Holidaze needed you. Avery and Connelly only arrived because they need to take over the job of the rabbit. We won’t have children unless a Holidaze is in some sort of trouble,” she explained.
“Who’s Avery?”
“Sander and Meri's daughter.”
“You really should rest now. We can worry about this later,” Salem soothed.
“You don’t understand, Salem. I left not just because you ignored me but also because I know in the human world that its normal to have children and here we can’t unless another Holidaze has issues,” Devinah raised a wobbly hand in the air.
“And you want that? You want children?”
“Looking at little Connelly showed me exactly what my life would never contain,” Devinah waved her hand around in an awkward gesture.
“As long as I’ve got you in my life it will work out perfectly fine,” Salem assured her.
“You showed that really well,” she snorted.
“I’ve been an idiot but I think we should discuss this later when you feel better.”
“I’m sleepy. What did Mia give me?”
“Probably an abundance of tequila. Don’t worry yourself, we’ll work it out in the morning,” Salem said as he stroked her hair.
“I’m not happy with what you did,” she said around a yawn.
“I know and I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“You’d better,” she murmured before sleep finally overcame her.
When Devinah finally woke up, she didn’t know where she was. It took her a moment to recognise Salem’s rooms within the castle. It looked like she was back in Spookville. She wasn’t sure how to feel about that.
“Hello Sleepy,” Salem’s voice sounded close to her.
She turned to find him sitting next to the bed that she occupied. There was the face who she had started looking forward to seeing every day. The reminder of how he had forgotten about her stung, so she quickly turned away from him.
“I didn’t realise exactly how much I needed you until it was to late,” Salem admitted into the quiet but she said nothing, “my dragon isn’t happy with me for pushing you away, even when I didn’t realise what I did.”
“What do you expect me to say?” she asked as she allowed her gaze to fall on anything but him.
“You didn’t deserve for me to ignore you, especially with everything you’ve done for me. I made you doubt my feelings for you but they are as true as ever.  I could never live my life without you. You are everything to me. Please, don’t give up on me,” he pleaded.
“You gave up on me first,” she accused.
“No, I never gave up. I just stupidly forgot to give you the attention that you deserve. You are the scarer of the world and I would love for you to be the Queen of Spookville,” Salem dropped to his knees in front of her.
Devinah gaped at him for a moment. Sure, he had mentioned numerous times about her being the queen, but she had never taken him seriously. Now she could see that he meant every word he spoke.
“Are you serious?” she had to ask.
“Yes, of course I am,” he insisted.
“You can’t ever ignore me again,” she waved a finger at him.
“I won’t and if I do you can pull me up about it. Please don’t run off again. I need you here in my life and I didn’t mean to make you feel as if you weren’t welcome here. You belong here just as much as I do. Please give me another chance to show you how much you mean to me,” Salem begged as he clasped her hand.
Devinah relaxed. All of her doubts faded away and the tension that had grown within her chest vanished. He hadn’t meant to ignore her.
“I focused on my goals I had as a child to fix up Spookville and that took all of my concentration. My dragon didn’t like being away from you and he kept wanting to see you. He doesn’t like it when you’re away. I had fire in my veins from the moment you left,” he said with a pout.
“Serves you right for ignoring me,” she tried to glower but her happiness overruled her earlier frustration.
“I want you to join me so I can show you the new Spookville,” Salem gestured to outside the castle.
“Let me straighten myself up first and then maybe I’ll go where you want.”
“I forgot you might have a hangover.”
“What is a hangover?” she asked.
“Do you feel sick in anyway?”
“No, I feel fine. I just want a chance to clean myself up and then I’ll consider whatever you ask.”
“You look beautiful to me, all spooky and perfect,” he said as he leaned into her space to kiss her lips.
It felt like forever since they had shared a kiss. Devinah responded with such enthusiasm that Salem took the opportunity and enjoyed it for every sweet kiss he could receive.
“How did I ever forget to kiss you every day?” he asked in amazement and she couldn’t stop herself from giggling.
“You had a world to begin anew,” she said as she touched his cheek.
“But I never should have...”
“Shush,” she placed her fingers over his mouth, “you can make up for everything right now.”
Devinah kissed him this time and a world of bliss surrounded them. Everything she had always wanted from him was now at hand. This was their world and she immersed herself in its embrace.
Only a knock upon the door took their focus from each other. When the knock became louder and more insistent, Salem managed to grumble out a protest.
“Sire, Halloween eve is upon us,” Gardemon said from the other side of the door.
“Ah, yes, that’s what I wanted to show you, before we became a mite distracted,” Salem grinned cheekily at a dishevelled Devinah.
She smiled back at him, “if you allow me a moment, I’ll come and see your wonderful new Spookville.”
Devinah disappeared but this time Salem’s skin didn’t blaze. She had soothed the dragon with such ease that he could only smile.
Upon Devinah’s return, Salem stared at her in wonder, “you have given me new life, Queen of Halloween, and tonight I want all of Spookville to know about it.”
He spun her around and the dark dress she wore flared out around her. Staring into her blue eyes had him sailing away on a sea of passion and desire. She was his perfection.
“Tonight is the time for Spookville to meet the one who I could never live without. They will know that trying to live without you is what turned me into a beast. I am yours,” he bowed deeply to her.
“And you are mine,” she whispered in reply as a delicious joy ran through her.
Never in her life had she felt so accepted. Knowing that Salem hadn’t abandoned her gave her such wondrous emotions coursing through her. All of Spookville was now hers to enjoy with Salem by her side.
“Come and see our brand new world.”
Before Devinah could say anything, she found herself at the front of the castle. She wasn’t sure what she should’ve expected but it wasn’t what greeted her.
Spooktacular could be the only word to describe what stood before her. Skeletons frolicked and danced while the zombies shuffled around. Treats sat upon every surface, enough to make every human child ill, but it was the tricks that won the day. Ribald laughs and screams echoed around as the tricks exploded or released odd noises and smells. Every being enjoyed themselves immensely at the one thing that defined Halloween, spookiness.
“You outdid yourself!” Devinah admitted, which left Salem beaming at her.
“I’m glad you can now enjoy the effort I put into our new and improved Spookville,” he said as he pulled her into his embrace.
“Me to,” she smiled in reply.
“It’s good to see you both,” a voice spoke from behind them, so they turned to see Severson and Faye approaching.
“Our new world,” Devinah murmured, “I’ve found my place in the world and I never thought I’d get there. In fact, I didn’t think there was a place for me in the world. Thank you, Salem, “ she pulled him into a hug and beamed with happiness.
“You are the scarer of the world, so it would make sense for you to belong in Spookville,” Salem replied while squeezing her close.
“Long live Spookville!” someone in the audience shouted.
“Long live the kings and queens of Spookville!” another voice hollered.
The morbid cheers this time warmed Devinah’s heart. Everyone wanted her here. Everyone here welcomed her and she knew she never wanted to think of leaving again.
“Scary not scary, huh?” Salem asked as he peered at her.
“Oh, no, we’re scary through and through. This is our Halloween paradise and I’m never letting it or you go again,” she promised.
“Good to know.”
Salem couldn’t hide his sheer happiness at knowing Devinah was there and would continue to be there for him. All her doubts had vanished and he couldn’t be more grateful. Now they could start to build their spooky life together and he couldn’t wait to start.
As the gruesome cheers continued to fill the air, he beamed at her and the smile she returned to him melted his heart. Now he was glad to have spent his years as George, all because they had led to Devinah being in his life. She soothed the beast within him and made him whole. She was now and forever his spooky soul mate.

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