Random One-Part Stories Series

By RiptileSprinter

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All of my random one part stories all in one place! More

#1 - How Much Can Teens Take
#3 - Athletically Humiliating
#4 - Contemptuous Charity
#5 - Wet and Wild
#6 - The Sacrificial Student

#2 - Shipped Away

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By RiptileSprinter

Josh was a high school student who was in his freshman year. Although he was pretty new to the school, he had made a lot more friends in his first year than he could ever imagine. That was no surprise to anybody in the school since he was a nice and adorable guy, and he was a very likable person. He was also doing very well in school which cemented the fact that he was almost as perfect as a person could be. Although he was "the perfect guy", he wasn't arrogant to any people. He also got a group of his close friends which included him, Lucas, and Noah. They were really close, and would hang out anytime they had together which was kind of like a second family for them.

In a rather normal Thursday evening, Joshua and his friends were finding a computer game to play. The friends tried scouring through their massive warehouse filled to the brim with computer games, but found nothing that satisfied them for the night. However, the friends stumbled on a game they all were interested, but there was a problem. Both Noah and Lucas had had that games for years, but Josh didn't even knew what it was. He obviously didn't have it installed, and the game costed way more than what his remaining allowance could offer. He tried begging his dad for a little money to together buy the game with his remaining allowance. Obviously, his dad said no, and made Joshua very sad. He wanted to get that game since it looked amazing, but he couldn't even able to afford it. Unluckily, his bedtime finally came, so he had to go to bed although he still couldn't get his mind away from that game he wanted so badly.

The next day, it was a Friday which made Josh very happy, but he was still bothered by that game he wanted. After finishing his morning classes, he sat down with his friends to eat lunch. "Man, I wanted to get that game so badly. I wish I had more money.", said Joshua with a mildly irritated voice. Lucas then replied, "Bro, just ask your dad, I'm sure he'd give it to you." "Don't you remember that he asked his dad last night and he declined?", said Noah. "Maybe, you could get a job?", Noah replied. "You dummy, we're just 14! No one will accept us unless we're 16!", Joshua replied with a strong voice. "Yeah, good point. Sorry.", Noah replied. "Hmmm... I can think of something.", said Lucas. "What is it?", Joshua asked with a curious voice. "Well, as you know, my sister hosts a gameshow, and she was complaining all night last night that she needed a contestant.", said Lucas with a mildly excited voice. "So, you want me to be on it?", Joshua replied with confusion. "Exactly! I think our guy, Josh here would do well on a gameshow.", said Noah with a very excited voice. "Um, I'm pretty sure gameshows only accept contestants 18 or older, right? And I'm only 14.", Josh replied with a very confused voice. "Well, she told me they accept anyone older than 13.", Lucas replied. "Well then, will I get any money if I win?", Joshua asked with excitement. "Yep, and about a thousand dollars of it.", Lucas replied which was an awesome situation for Joshua. "I can already tell that you're really excited, Josh.", said Noah. "Well, I got to talk to her about this, and I'll let you know maybe tonight when we got on a call.", Lucas replied. "Sweet!", said Josh with a very excited voice. He was very excited since he had never been on television, and he had never gotten the chance to win something this big in his life. After lunch, the boys separated, but Joshua still couldn't get the excitement of being on a gameshow off his head. It was an opportunity of a life time for him.

Later that night, the boys got onto a Discord call. Joshua was so excited for big reveal, and his first sentence on the call was "Do I get to be the contestant?". Luckily, the answer was yes, and he was super excited. "My sister said they're going to be filming it tomorrow.", said Lucas. Josh then said, "Well, where is it going to be?". "Well, you come to my house tomorrow at 9 and a half, and my sister will take us there.", said Lucas. "Cool! Do I need to bring anything?", Josh asked. "Well, just bring a couple extra sets of clothes.", said Lucas. Josh started to get a little sceptical, so he asked Lucas, "Why, though?" which he simply replied, "That's what she said.". "Have you ever seen your sister's show?", Noah asked. "No, actually. That's why I'm going with her tomorrow because I too want to see the live show, and my parents are in LA until Tuesday.", said Lucas. After the conversation about Joshua being on a gameshow had ended, the friends started playing games like usual. They all had fun, and enjoyed that Friday evening.

Eventhough that night went way better than the night before, Joshua was still sceptical about being on a gameshow, but he decided to go on it anyway since he wanted to play that game super badly.

Next morning, Josh woke up way too early than he normally would on Saturdays, and swiftly did his morning routine. Before he headed down for breakfast, he packed some sets of extra clothes into his backpack like he was advised to. He then went down to eat breakfast. About 20 minutes after he finished breakfast, he asked his mom to go out with friends which she allowed him to like most weekends. He then grabbed his backpack, sprinted to his bike, and quickly biked to Lucas' house which was a few blocks away. When Joshua arrived at his friend's house, he rang the doorbell, and went inside after Lucas himself opened the door for him. "Caroline!", Lucas yelled. A very pretty girl in her early 20s then walked out from the back of the kitchen, supposedly doing the dishes. She had brown hair like Lucas, but had hazel eyes instead of brown. She was also very slim, and she was pretty much a model in his eyes. "This is my friend who I was talking about last night.", Lucas told her. "Hello", she greeted him nicely. "Joshua, this is Caroline, my sister.", said Lucas. "Sorry about that, I've just finished doing the dishes. You know when my parents are gone, my brother never do anything.",said Caroline. Lucas was a little embarrassed, and tried to shut his sister's mouth while Joshua giggled. "Alright, seems like you arrived here early, so what are we waiting for? Let's go.", said Caroline. "Is this really the first time you ever bring your brother to work?", Joshua asked politely. "Um, yeah. My parents aren't here until Tuesday, so I was asked to take care of Lucas.", she replied. They all then got into the car, and she drove off the driveway.

About 20 minutes later, they all reached the studio downtown. The three walked into the studio, and was met with another pretty girl waiting for them. "This is Bella, my assistant.", Caroline introduced her co-worker. She was slim, and model-like just like Caroline, but she had blonde hair and green eyes. "Oh, Joshua. Can you give me your address?", Caroline asked him. "He was a little sceptical, but gave them his address anyway. "Joshua, you could just go wait in the waiting room. You, Lucas are coming with me.", said Caroline before she dragged her brother away. When Joshua walked into the waiting room, he saw a couch which he sat on it.

About half an hour later, Joshua was called out to backstage, wearing his same clothes which was a pair of blue shorts and a black T-shirt. At the backstage, he saw Caroline and Bella beautifully dressed in their blue post women uniform. Caroline then rubbed his blonde hair, looked straight into his dazzling green eyes, and said "Good luck, boy" before she walked out to the stage. Moments later, the camera started rolling, and Caroline did her intro. "Hello, everyone! I'm your hostress, Caroline. Welcome to Shipped Away. The show where you put your postman skill to the test to either go home with a thousand more dollars in your pocket, or sacrifice your conveniences and go home miserably.", said Caroline as she was doing her intro, and the crowd cheered for her. "Today, we have a rather young contestant who is my brother's best friend. Give a round of applause for Joshua!", said Caroline as the audiences cheered for Joshua as he was coming out. He could also see Lucas among the audiences supporting him from afar. "Joshua, do you think you're going to win the 1000 dollars?", Caroline asked. He confidently said, "Definitely"."Woah, slow down, buddy.", said Caroline. "What would you use the money for?", Caroline asked him which he replied with "Well, I'm going to use a little bit of it to buy a game I really wanted, and save the rest.". "Well, boy. You definitely have a clear goal, don't you? Before we get into the show, let me introduce my assistant, Bella!", said Caroline as Bella walked out beautifully. The audiences was loving the way she was walking out so much that some even gave her a wolf whistle. She was that likable to people.

"Alright, let's start the first challenge, shall we?", said Caroline as the camera cut while the crews were moving the stuff onto the stage, and then started rolling again when it had been set up. Caroline then introduced the first challenge to everyone. "As a postman, you have to deliver mails even though the weather wasn't the best. Therefore, your first challenge is called 'Wet Mailing!'. In wet mailing, you, Josh are going to be riding that bike, and throwing mails into mail boxes. Meanwhile, it's going to be raining and super windy, so stuff that comes with the wind would be coming at you. The goal was 5 mails in the box for 10 mails delivering. If you've done that, you've completed the first challenge. That's easy enough, right?" Joshua then nodded as he was told to get on the bike. He was then handed a bag filled with 10 envelopes to throw into 5 mailboxes around him. He got ready as the girls backed up.

Caroline then started counting down, "3, 2, 1... Go!". Joshua immediately started throwing the envelopes into the mailboxes while the water immediately started raining onto him, and made him soaking wet. The water was pretty cold as well, so it was hard for him to concentrate. His long blonde hair was also soaking wet, and covered his face which made it even harder than it already was. Obviously, he failed to throw the first envelope in, and failed on a couple more attempts. On his forth attempt, he finally got the first one in, and since he was on a streak, he got the 2nd one in on his 5th attempt, followed by another successful attempt after that. Bella realized it was too easy for him and it was time to increase the difficulty, so she turned on the fan. The fan blew cold air onto poor Joshua which made him shiver. The audiences started booing at Bella since the wind wasn't that strong. She then apologized to the audiences by turning the fan to max which made Josh shiver even harder. It took him 3 more attempts to deliver the next envelope, leaving him with one left to deliver, and one attempt left to deliver. Caroline still thought it wasn't hard enough, so she started throwing buckets of leaves, and dirt at him. He slowly turned from just wet to muddy, and the dusty environment drained even more of his concentration. After long moment of aiming, Joshua couldn't take it anymore, so he decided to give that last envelope a toss. Unlucky for him, the envelope hit the rim of the mailbox which caused it to bounce off, and made him fail the first challenge.

As Josh was defeated, he glared into the audiences, and saw Lucas' face both expressing guilt and disappointment. The rain, wind, and the dust then stopped before Caroline said "Well, Joshua. You lose. Now, you have to lose a piece of clothing. Would you mind if you take your shorts off?". Joshua resisted, but couldn't do anything as the girls lifted his 115 pounds body with ease. He was then put down on the floor, and got his blue shorts slipped off of his legs which revealed a pair of wet white briefs. "Josh, you've lost, so we're going to add 5 locks onto your final challenge.", said Caroline, but Joshua didn't understand. He was left there puzzled, so he wondered what it could be.

"Joshua, since you've tried to resist our punishments, we'll give you some more! Bella, get him back on the bike!", Caroline demanded. Joshua was was put back on the bike with his bottom stripped almost bare. The wall infront of him then got removed which revealed a big pool which was covered in hay, so Joshua couldn't see what was in the pool. "Hold on tight!", said Caroline as she pressed a big red button which wasn't a good sign for poor Josh. Suddenly, the bike flung him into the air, and launched him towards the pool. The audiences laughed as he was flung into the air, and flailing his arms and legs in shock. Before he even knew it, he was submerged in 3 feet of mud. He came up with his entire body covered in mud, hay, and all other stuff in there. He quickly gasped for air, and tried to get out of the pool as Bella sprinkled some more hay onto him. Meanwhile, the camera was following him left and right like a paparazzi. The camera then cut for the commercial break as muddy Joshua finally got up, and lied down on the floor with his clothes covered in mud and hay.

"Hello guys! Welcome to the second part of the show, and our boy, Joshie here already failed our first challenge.", said Caroline ad the second section started. Joshua hung his head in shame since he had already failed the first challenge, resulting him to get a mud bath. "Well Josh, I don't think people would like you to be their postman right now.", said Caroline. "Therefore, Ladies, get 'em under the dunk tank!" Immediately, Joshua got dragged from the edge of the mud pool to the dunk tank. As he was getting up the tank, he saw a lot of ice cubes floating around, and sensed the coldness. Before he could even react, Bella pushed the target which sent him plunging into the cold water. Luckily, the mud came off, but the cold water made him shivered very hard. Although he was cleaned up, his underwear were still brown from the mud staining it. Anyway, it didn't stop Bella from dragging him back to the middle of the stage.

"Well, Joshua.", said Caroline. "How are you feeling?", she asked. "Pretty cold", Joshua replied. "Alright, for the next game, Joshua. You have to sort the mail. Just sort the mail into the correct box, and you got a point. You have 30 seconds to deliver 15 boxes,", said Caroline. Joshua thought it was very simple, so there was no way he'd fail, or so he thought. Caroline then said, "...and while you are doing that, the office would suddenly has an ink spill. Good luck with that, Joshua." Joshua immediately got nervous again since he knew that showering himself in ink wouldn't do him any good. After Caroline finished, he was guided to a chamber. As he stood there facing out, he saw 3 huge boxes lying in front of him. They had "New York", "LA", and "Dallas" labeled on them. There was also a piece of wood which acted like a place for him to put his incoming mails. There was also a small hole coming from the side which support the fact that it'd be the place for him to put the mails.

"Ready, Set, Go!", Caroline exclaimed. "The mail slowly started flowing into his chamber while he started to feel something dripping off his hair. Turned out, it was something that looked like blue ink. It was a little thicker than what regular ink should be, but it certainly started painting everything blue. It started dying his hair blue before continuing to dye his other parts blue. At first, sorting the package was done with ease. When the ink started to get on his face, and covered the mails, it was really hard to do so. Later, the ink dyed his shirt, and underwear dark blue, just like he spilled the ink in his pen onto his clothes. He knew it was pretty much impossible to wash the blue ink off of his white briefs. "Hopefully, he was fine with his clothes and body being blue.", said Caroline. He started struggling, and even slipped which sent him tumbling down to the puddle of blue ink below. The audiences then started laughing which made him even more mad. Eventually, the entire chamber was turned blue, and there wasn't a single spot on the person or the walls that wasn't blue. It was also hard for him to see a thing while having tons of blue ink raining onto him. Still, he tried his best to do the job, and he managed to deliver his last package just in time. He was relieved for a moment, but forgot that they had to check his work. Before they did that, he requested a towel to clean his eyes. Luckily, Caroline was feeling a little bit merciful, and gave him a towel like he requested. She did that because she really would like his heart to pound when the valuation was taking place. After he wiped the ink off his eyes, Bella started going through the ink-covered mail, and eveything seemed normal at first. When she had gotten to the last few, she discovered the error, so he ultimately failed the challenge. He took a look at Lucas in the audiences for some emotional support, but he didn't seemed impressed at his performance. Despite that, Lucas still smiled when he saw his friend looking at him, and still wished for Josh to win the game.

"Well, Josh. Since you're covered in so much ink, I think it'd be sensible if we get you some of our own correction fluid!", said Caroline. Joshua immediately got nervous again as he was about to be turned from completely blue to completely white without his consent. "But before we do that..." , said Caroline. "Just like rule said, we'll strip off your shirt!" Just then, Bella approached him to take his stained shirt off of him. Since he knew he'd have to get it off anyway, he didn't resist, and even took ink stained shirt off himself to hand it to Bella. When he took it off, he noticed the ink penetrated through the shirt, and also dyed his upper body blue. Right then, he was only in his ink-soaked underwear, and looked like a piece of paper covered in blue ink, except he was a human. Bella then squeezed the ink out of his shirt onto his head before padding his head with her gloved hands. She then told him he was a good sport which made him feel a little warmth in his heart. Anyway, the cold-hearted punishment must continue.

Joshua was dragged to something that looked like a pull up bar. He then got his shoulders and wrists strapped to the bar, and his feet got strapped to the floor. Basically, he was strapped in a T-pose position, so he couldn't move. As he waited there for his faith, he saw Bella and Caroline pulling firemen's hoses towards him, and aimed them at him. He thought they were going to hose him down, but that wasn't the case. Suddenly, when they turned on the valve, a lot of "Shipped Away's Correction Fluid" came bursting out of the hoses. Joshua kept his eyes and mouth shut as the white liquid started covering his body with it. Meanwhile, the audiences started lauging again while he was being turned from blue to white. Soon enough, his entire rear was completely turned white, perhaps maybe way too much. As he was dripping with the white fluid, suddenly, they just stopped spraying at him. Just when he thought it was done, he felt the liquid spraying him from behind. He could also feel some liquid running down his back and legs, and feeling it clinging to his skin. After they were done, Joshua was finally let go.

Just like usual, Joshua requested the towel, and he got it which he used it to clean off the stuff on his face. His body was white, very white. The only thing that had different color on his body was his pupils which were green. Joshua then desperately asked, "What's in the ink, and the correct fluid? Am I gonna die from them?". Caroline then responded, "Don't worry. The ink is just food coloring and cornstarch while the correction fluid was made from a slightly diluted white paint. It's not harmful since we're not trying to kill you, we're trying to play a game.". Joshua was relieved since those stuff weren't toxic, and some of it had also gotten into his mouth. "Anyway...", said Caroline. "Since you've failed the challenge, sadly, we'd have to add 5 locks to your final challenge." Joshua was sad, but he was still sceptical about what the phrase 'Adding 5 Locks' mean. Anyway, it was time for the final challenge.

Caroline then explained the rules for the final challenge, "For the third challenge, Joshua. You'll have to do some community work. Unfortunately, a boy had gotten his football, a cap, and baseball bat thrown into the dumpster by his mom. What I wanted you to do is go get it for him although he wasn't very grateful, and would probably throw some stuff at you. The thing is you only have 30 seconds.". Since Caroline knew Joshua was going to ask this, she said it before he could even question, "You may ask if the dumpster is safe or not, and it is safe since it's the trash from the studio.". Obviously, Joshua was relieved since he thought, 'How dangerous could it be when she said that'.

After Caroline finished explaining the rules, Bella approached Joshua with her hands gloved up for obvious reason, and grabbed him by his wrists. She then led him to a green dumpster which had one of the foulest smell a dumpster could ever have. Joshua took a peep in side, and saw bags of trash, some left overs, and a ton of nasty liquid sitting at the bottom which those trashes floated on top. Joshua wanted to vomit, but he didn't want to embarrass himself even more. The smell finally reached the audiences, and it didn't smell very good for them either. He could even see Lucas plugging his nose which he knew it was a bad sign since Josh knew his friend, Lucas could handle some very strong smell, yet he was still plugging his nose. Right then, a 10 year old boy walked up to the stage which made Joshua very confused. Things began to get clear when Bella handed the little boy a bucket which no one knew what was inside. After everybody was set, Joshua was guided to a ladder which he knew he would have to use it to get into the dumpster.

Before the game started, Bella gave him a pair of swimming goggles, so he knew it wasn't going to be pretty for him. As they were about to start, Bella nudged Joshua nearer to the dumpster which he knew it was time for him to get stinky. His sense told him to climb up the ladder which he did, and waited at the final step. Caroline told him to get in the dumpster which he chickened out, but he still carefully climbed into it. When he successfully climbed into it, he had discovered that his 5ft 6 body had sunk chest deep into the nasty dark brown liquid below. There was also white clouds starting to form around him which he believe was the correction fluid coming off him. He could feel the squishy bits on his feet, and some squishy thing that was floating around his body. Then, it was time for the real deal.

"3... 2... 1...", said Caroline as she suddenly said "Go!". The moment he heard Caroline said 'Go!', he suddenly became scared of what was inside the dumpster, and whether he would have to dive in or not. Anyway, he tried the keep the thought of it being super gross out of his head, and tried skimming the surface to find the items. Luckily, he found a football floating right behind a trash bag which was a very quick find for him.

Just when he was seaching for other items, he suddenly heard a rustling noise from outside. Suddenly, he felt a wave of dry leaves hitting him, and it covered the dumpster with it. 10 seconds had passed, and his right foot finally stumbled on something. It felt like a hard and thick rod which he knew it was the baseball bat. The only problem was it was very heavy, so it sank right to the bottom which he somehow had to get it out. He tried to get it out using his toes to grab it and get it out, but ended up slipping backwards which fully submerged him in the nasty liquid. When the audiences saw that, they started laughing while Joshua went into a full-on panic mode. When he finally re-surfaced, the correction fluid was removed from him, but it was replaced with the stinking and rotting trash juice. He stank real badly, and when the foul smell hit his nose, the smell was beyond words for him. He gagged and gagged until he almost ran out of breath. Him splashing in the rotten juice wasn't very good for the audiences either. Since he splashed around, the nasty smell could come out, and it wafted across the studio. Even the audiences started to plug their noses. Right when Joshua was gagging, he could feel more stuff being dumped onto him. This time, it was leftovers. The rotten food juice flowed right down his back, hair, and face. Some even got into his mouth which he spat it out. Bits of food were left on his hair and his upper back while the rest fell into the rotten dumpster juice. Anyway, Joshua got himself together when a rotten orange flew out of nowhere, and splashed the rotten juice on the back of his head. The audience laugh, but Joshua wasn't having fun anymore. He immediately dove back into the nasty liquid, and retrieved the baseball bat. He got his second item, but got himself covered in the gunk sitting at the bottom in the process.

Joshua was left with the final item which was the cap. It was the smallest item, and would certainly be hard to find. He could also tell that he didn't have a lot of time left which concerned him. While he was searching for it, a ton of chaotic things happened. Tons of pies were thrown at him from many directions. Some missed while some got him in a head shot, and one even managed to go onto his face. The pies that hit him started covering his head in cream and making it sticky while the missed pies continued to spoil the liquid even more. Although this already sounded chaotic, he wasn't just being attacked by pies. More trash started to get thrown into the dumpster. Grass trimmings were being thrown in which mostly got stuck to his creamy hair and face. Some more leftovers were being thrown in, showering him in it. Even some used diapers were being thrown in. Many missed, but one landed on his head, and one went right into his face. When he took it off, he saw that the diaper was wet, and had a yellow tint to it. He immediately thrown it away out of disgust, and tried avoiding them from then on. Some wood ashes were even thrown at him which covered his face and hair with the gray dust, and covered the entire dumpster with it. The madness caused the trash level raised up to his shoulders which was almost 4 and a half feet high. Joshua got tired of being thrown with stuff, so he came up with a great idea. He thought if he had gone under, he would have been safe from the madness above, but he didn't want to go into that disgusting liquid anymore. Anyway, he mumbled 'Screw it!' under his breath, and dove in. Luckily, that was just what he needed, and the cap floated into his hands while he was diving for it. When it slipped into his hands, he immediately surfaced, and most of the gunk was cleaned off of him. Just when he was getting the cap out, the ungrateful boy poured so called 'Bird Poop' which was just some ranch mixed with cornstarch onto Joshua. The girls then poured bird seeds onto him which made him looked like a perfect bird treat. His head and neck was turned white with brown flakey bits covering it. Finally, he was able to throw the cap out, and finished the game.

"Well, well. 3 items, right, Joshua?", said Caroline. "Let's see how much time you took." Caroline got out her stopwatch, and took a look at the time. "Your time is...", said Caroline as Joshua's heart was pounding. "29.4 Seconds!", Caroline exclaimed. Josh was very relieved since he didn't have to do a punishment, and he at least passed a challenge.

"Anyway,", said Caroline. "Since you've failed 2 out of 3 challenges, I think it's fair if we give you a little punishment.", she said. Suddenly, Josh screamed 'No!' out very loudly which made everybody get that he didn't want to do it. "Caroline, I think it's fair if we let the audiences decide it.", said Bella. "True,", she answered. "Audiences! You can vote by pressing the joystick on your seat!", Caroline exclaimed. "If you want to see our adorable contestant do the punishment, click option 1, and if you still have mercy to this boy, click option 2." Joshua glanced his eyes across the studio, wishing the audiences to have mercy to him. He begged everyone using his eyes, especially his friend, Lucas. After all audiences had voted, it was time to reveal the result. Caroline then said, "The results had come in, and unfortunately, Joshua the audiences wanted to see you get punished." Joshua immediately turned to Lucas, and looked at him with his blood already ready to boil off his face. Lucas who was trying to keep their friendship going decided to signal his friend to know that he didn't vote for him. Before Joshua was finally able to get out of the dumpster, Bella reached her hands out to his head, and pushed him entirely under the nasty dumpster juice. The so called 'Bird Poop' had come out, but the stinky odor of the dumpster juice replaced it. Finally, he finally started climbing the ladder back out, so the effects started to reveal themselves. His head was covered it bits of leftovers. His upper body was covered with bits of dirt, grass, leaves and all other gunk in there. Luckily, the trash water washed out some ink off of his white briefs although they were still stained, and still covered with some brown gunk under there. Lastly, his legs and feet were covered in mud-like gunk which were sediments sitting at the bottom. Of course, Joshua reeked of the nasty smell, and stank horribly. Therefore, nobody wanted to get near him, even himself as well if he had any choice.

Although he stank horribly, some brave volunteers managed to drag Josh to his punishing site. When they got him there, Josh saw a thick metal rod laying across 2 poles with one end attaching to a motor, and a huge plastic tray below. The girls started to tie his arms together which that was tied to an end of the rod. Meanwhile, they started tying his lower thighs and feet to the metal bar as well. He was hung there facing up as if he were a pig getting ready to be grilled. Joshua wasn't aboard to this, and highly resisted by screaming. Caroline finally fixed this problem by fitting an apple into Joshua's mouth to make him shut up. The ladies then got 2 buckets of barbeque sauce and some other spices ready, and got themselves a brush each.

When Bella turned on the switch, Joshua started rotating around. Before they could start brushing Josh with barbeque sauce, they had to put some sprinkles of salt, garlic powder onto him which easily got stuck to his body since he had just been wet from diving in the dumpster. Next up, it was time for powdered cumin. It completely stained both his skin and his underwear yellow. After that, they rubbed the powder in, especially in his hair and face. Luckily, since he was wearing goggles, the cumin powder didn't get into his eyes, but it still blinded him by sticking to the wet goggles anyway. After that, he was then sprinkled with cinnamon powder which turned his entire body from yellow to brown. Lastly, he was hit with a light layer of paprika to give the spiciness.

After finishing with the dry spices, it was time for the barbeque sauce. As the girls started brushing him with barbeque sauce, they started small by just brushing his arms and legs. After they were covered, they moved on to his stomach and back. When they finished glazing his stomach and back, they moved on to his chest. Unlike other times, they decided to pour some sauce onto Joshua's chest, then used their gloved hands to rub it in. Finally, they poured the sauces left onto his face, and crotch which completely soaked them in the sauce. Bella decided to brush the sauce onto Josh's face while Caroline decided brush it into his underwear which tickled him a bit. Joshua was having a hard time breathing. Bella, being the kind soul she was, she removed the apple from Josh's mouth. He was able to breathe better, but he was already turned into a seasoned boy; ready to be grilled. As the final touch from Caroline, she stuffed her brush into the back of his underwear, and left it there. As he was left spinning there, covered in barbeque sauce and had his butt stuffed with a brush, Caroline said, "Well, Joshua. Since we've trolled you, I won't add any more locks, okay? I think that is fair enough." Josh felt a little relieved, but he still didn't know what it meant. After that, Caroline then said, "Sadly, that is going to be the time for our second commercial break. Will catch you soon!". The camera zoomed in at Joshua who was spinning around before cutting for the break. Although Lucas felt bad for Joshua, he couldn't do anything to help his friend since he had gone way too far into this.

As the show was taking a break, Joshua got an opportunity to clean up which he did, but still knew he was going to get even more messy. As he started showering down, the various gunk came out of the nasty stream of water. The spices came out, the dumpster gunk came out, and even the blue ink came out. He was absolutely disgusting, and when he looked at his once a white pair of briefs, he saw it looking very much like a piece of worn out rag although it was one of his newest pairs. He knew he was going to get into a huge trouble when he got home, so he decided to hide it in the deepest darkest slot that his backpack had to offer before getting a new pair of white briefs which was the only type of underwear he got in his backpack to wear. Since he knew he was going to have to take off his outer clothes on show anyway, he decided to just go out in just his underwear. As Joshua was walking out, slightly blushing in his white underwear, Bella was told to quickly bring him back on stage since the break was almost over which was perfectly timed. Bella also said to him that he knew what to do since if he wore his outer clothes, they were going to get stripped off of him anyway.

After everyone on stage, ready to go, the camera started rolling before Caroline did her intro. "Welcome back to Shipped Away, with us, Caroline, Bella, and Joshua!", said Caroline. "How was the first 3 challenges?", Caroline asked him which he responded nervously with, "Well, it was really disgusting.". "Would you like to continue?", asked Caroline. Joshua then responded with "Not Re-", and before he could finish, Caroline interrupted with, "Of course, you want to continue!". Although that wasn't what Joshua wanted to say, he decided to stay quiet since he knew he won't be able to overpower the girls anyway, and he was scared that something bad was going to happen to him.

Caroline then started explaining the rule to the last game. "Alright Joshua, here's the final boss. You're going to be locked up in that cage right there, and your only objective was to find the keys to the lock which are scattered around the cage. You then need to use the keys to unlock the lock, and if you've unlocked all 20 of them in 20 minutes, then you will be able to escape. Meanwhile, we're going to be throwing various items at you every 2 minutes, so 10 items total. If you manage to get out in time, you're going home your style with that thousand dollars, but if you don't, you're going home our style. Understood, Joshua?" After Caroline finished explaining the rules which was the part that Josh felt like she was being the most honest, he protested with, "20 locks are definitely way too much, Caroline.". Caroline then responded with, "Well, since you've failed 2 challenges, we decided to add 10 locks to the baseline which was 10." She then added, "You should consider yourself skillful to only get 10 locks added to your total. Only a handful on this show got as good as you. Well, there was an episode where a guy only got 5 locks added, but that was a very rare sight." Joshua felt pretty convinced that he did great, but knew the final boss was still waiting for him. Before they got into the challenges, Caroline asked Joshua if he had any other questions which he shook his head. That meant it was time for the final challenge.

Before the girls brought Joshua to the cage, Bella gave him a pair of which he was extremely grateful about. He put them on, secure the straps before letting Bella take him to the cage. The cage which was surrounded by a large pool of shallow plastic tarp looked like a cage for big dogs with wood flooring which he doubted it was going to fit him a first. When Bella opened the cage and told him to go inside, he crawled into it, and to his surprise, it was just big enough to fit his 5 foot 6 body inside. Bella then said, "Get Comfortable" before she started to wrap the cage with chain, and putting on the locks. After about a minute, the 2 girls finished chaining the cage up which was very quick for Joshua. They then tossed him about 30-40 keys before telling him not to touch them before they tell him to. After that, the girls backed up, and prepared to give him the signal to start the game.

"3... 2... 1... Go!" The timer started while Joshua quickly scrambled around the cage to find his keys. Luckily, the first key he picked up opened one of the locks which was very good for him. Meanwhile, the girls grabbed a water hose each, and aimed them at Joshua. They then sprayed the water onto him which made him wet and cold. He also constantly had to battle his blond hair to not make it cover his goggles which he regretted not taking a hair cut before coming here. The audiences also started laughing at him as he was trying to avoid the water stream like a wet dog trapped in a cage. As the water was heavily pouring onto him, Joshua made sure to quickly make a lot of progress because he knew it was going to get way harder as time went on. As Joshua was being showered by the 2 girls which got him absolutely soaking wet, he managed to crack 3 locks which made Caroline very impressed. After a minute of constantly soaking Joshua which made a huge pool of water around his cage, the girls finally stopped, and prepared the next item to be dumped onto him.

Around a minute later, it was time for Joshua's second punishment. As he was cracking his 4th lock, Caroline stood in front of him before splashing a bucket of mud right onto his face and stomach. He rear turned brown as Bella snuck behind, and poured another bucket of mud right on his head and back. Joshua was turned completely brown as he cracked his 4th lock. The visibility was getting worse as the girls wouldn't stop recklessly splashing him with mud. It was also getting harder to see the keys which he knew it was the sign of what was to come. Although Joshua was completely covered in mud, he didn't disgust it very much since he used to play in it all the time when he was younger. Still, it wasn't very pleasant in this situation.

Another 2 minutes had passed, and Joshua had cracked 6 locks total. It was time for the 3rd item. This time, the girls menacingly walked to him with a bag in hand while circling him, but he didn't notice them since he was busy finding the key for the 7th lock. Just then, a flour storm erupted inside the cage, and made everything either very dusty or very chunky. He could also feel the flour clinging to the mud on his skin which was a very weird feeling. After multiple bags of flour were deployed onto him, it was the end of the punishment, but the damage was still left there. Joshua's entire body was covered in the white flourey powder while some covered his goggles. After a moment of using his hands to wipe the flour off his goggles, he went back to cracking the locks. He also noticed the flour made it harder to locate the keys which was the thing he needed to escape. Anyway, he could still felt the keys, and finally managed to crack the 7th lock.

Another 2 minutes went by, and the progress was a little slow. With the flour sabotaging him, he could only crack a lock more, and was working on his 9th lock. Meanwhile, the girls carried over tubs of ice cream while using the spoon to scoop and eat them. When they arrived at the cage, Caroline was way too impressed of Joshua's progress, so she knew she had to slow it down. She grabbed a tub of melted chocolate ice cream, and held it to his face before splashing the entire bucket onto him. Joshua immediately started shivering, and he didn't appreciate getting his head all sticky. When he got himself together, he wiped the ice cream off his goggles before focusing on the locks. Just when he thought his was in the clear, Bella then made her way over, and started covering his back and hair with it. Joshua then started getting brain freeze, but couldn't do anything about it. Caroline then aimed another bucket of melted vanilla ice cream onto his stomach which also covered his underwear and thighs in ice cream in the process. The girls then started dumping blocks of ice cream over the cage which dripped down onto Joshua as they melt. Although Joshua was shivering in his sticky body, he was still determined because he really wanted the price, and because he came way too far to fail. A while later, he finally cracked his 9th lock while looking like an ice cream sundae.

Another 2 minutes were gone, and Joshua had finally got the 10th lock down. It also meant it was time for another punishment. As he was finding the key for his 11th lock, the girls walked up to him with 2 gallons of craft glue each. Caroline leaned down in front of Joshua, and splashed the glue onto his face. He was in shock, and was disgusted to have glue on his face. As he was trying to wipe it off his face, Caroline continued to bombard his face and hair with glue. As Caroline was busy with his face, Bella came in the back, and covered his back and butt in glue. She then helped Caroline cover Joshua's rear and legs with glue which completely turned him very white and sticky. The audiences also loved Joshua's reaction with the glue, and laughed very loudly. After the girls stopped bombarding him with glue, Joshua thought it was already safe. A moment later, the girls came back with many vials of colorful glitter, and started sprinkling them onto him. His face was covered with blue glitter. The red one stuck to his chest and stomach. His legs, thighs, and underwear werr shining yellow. His hair was turned green by the green and lime colored glitter. His back was covered in purple glitter while the back of his briefs and butt both were covered in orange glitter. He was covered in rainbow colors of glitter, and looked like he was covered in unicorn poop. As a finishing touch, Caroline sprinkled white glitter all around him which spreaded throughout his body. The audiences laughed very hard which made Joshua not very pleased. As Joshua through it was done, Bella figured she was bored, so she grabbed a hair dryer and used it to melt the ice cream on his cage. The feeling of something dripping onto his skin was not very pleasent for him. The glue also made it harder to find the keys, but he still managed to crack the 11th lock shortly after.

Obviously, the glue made it way harder for Joshua to find the keys and crack the locks because the glue was covering the keys, so it was hard to get them into the locks. Anyway, after 2 minutes had passed, Joshua only cracked another 2 lock which left him with the last 7 to crack. After the miserable 2 minutes with glue covering his face and body, it was time for the next item. The girls rolled out a wheelbarrow filled with grass trimmings and hay. They then started sprinkling them all over Joshua which they stuck to his body well because of the glue. After his hair and back were covered, the girls started targeting his face. The girls each grabbed a handful of grass before flinging them onto Joshua's face. When the grass got stuck on his face, the girls and the audiences laughed while Joshua tried to wipe the grass off his face. It was hilarious, at least for the viewers. Anyway, the grass became very annoying for Joshua since it made him itch which made his progress way slower. Still, Joshua didn't give up, and still continued finding the key for his 14th lock.

About 2 minutes later, as Joshua was minding his business, cracking the 15th lock, he could hear some spraying sound around him. When he looked down at his left thigh, he saw a pink dot sprayed onto his thigh. He thought it was permanent, but when he tried to wipe it off, it came off really easily. He knew it was spray chalk, and when he raised his face back up, he saw Caroline who immediately started spraying his goggles and face with the blue chalk spray. He screamed very loudly out of shock which made the audiences laughed. As Joshua could only see the color blue, Bella who approached from the back started spraying his back and hair with various color of chalk spray which included pink, orange, and neon green. After his back was covered in washable graffiti, he finally managed to wipe the blue chalk spray off of his goggles, but they immediately got covered with the orange spray again as Bella made her way to the front. She then covered his rear, crotch, and legs with the colorful spray while Caroline was making her own art on his back with her can of blue spray chalk. After the girls were done, Joshua was left alone to clear the graffiti off his goggles before he could continue cracking the 15th lock.

Luckily for Joshua, he managed to crack 3 more locks which put him at 17 locks total. The final 3 were at the door which would meant a quick escape for Joshua, but since 2 minutes had passed, it was time for another punishment. This time, the girls rolled out a cart, rather than bringing them out theirselves. As Joshua was concentrating on his 18th lock, the girls carried out 2 huge cans of dog food each, and cracked the can open. The girls then blended the content into a disgusting meat smoothie. Caroline then showed it to the audiences, and a loud 'Urgh!' could be heard while Joshua was still unaware of what was going to hit him. As Caroline snuck in front of Joshua, and as he was raising his head up, he was met with a splash of dog food to the face which covered his face in bits of meat while making him gagged very hard. Meanwhile, Caroline splashed another can of it onto his rear and legs while Bella was taking care of his hair and back. Josh started to stink horribly, but that wasn't it. The girls went back to the cart to open a 30 pound bag of kibbles. They poured about 10 pounds of it into a bucket along with another 4 cans of dog food before blending it together to form a stinky brown paste. Caroline then took the bucket, and went in front of Joshua. This time she didn't wait for him to look at her, and splashed it into his face which stuck to his face like oatmeal except, it was stinkier. It made Josh start gagging terribly as Caroline continued plastering him with the paste. After his body was covered, Bella showed up with the remaining kibbles, and poured them all over him like cereal stuck to the oatmeal. After that, the girls were done for the punishment, but Joshua was still left disgusted while he tried to crack his 18th lock.

2 minutes later, Joshua finally cracked his 18th lock, leaving him with 2 left. Although a ton of gunk had piled up in his cage which made finding the keys harder, he still had hope. Anyway, it was time for another punishment for poor Joshua. This time, the girls carried 2 5-gallon buckets each, and walked to the cage. Without saying anything, Caroline grabbed her bucket of fish guts, and splashed them right into Joshua's face. The fish guts got into his mouth which made him cough and gag while the foul smell made him want to vomit. The fish guts came off easily when he wiped it off his face, but the smell was stuck. As Joshua was trying to get the nasty gunk from his skin, Caroline splashed the rest of her bucket of fish guts right onto his rear which made it stink way worse than a boy's sock. Meanwhile, Bella hoisted her bucket of leftovers, and poured it all over Joshua's back and hair which covered them in bits of spaghetti and onion peels, along with foul-smelling tomato sauce and all sort of gunk in there. It made Joshua start crying and whimpered from the nasty gunk and smell engulfing him while giving the audiences a ton of entertainment. While Joshua was sobbing, he was in a very vulnerable spot which gave Caroline another opportunity to splash her bucket of leftovers onto his face and rear. Bits of rice was fall off his face and hair before piling down his briefs to create a huge mountain of rice at his crotch. Meanwhile peels of vegetables and fruits got stuck on his shoulders, arms, and even hair, but most of them fell to his crotch. The grease from the oil also covered him in it as well which made his arms and legs very slippery. Overall, it was a hell of leftover Chinese food. Lastly, Bella flipped her bucket of fish guts on his head which covered it and the back in brown nasty fish guts. As Joshua thought the girls were about to leave, Caroline pulled out a gallon of cesar salad dressing, and poured it all over his face and hair. He hated it because he always hated the smell of garlic which a lot of them were in the salad dressing. After his head was covered in the garlicky salad dressing, Bella pulled out a can of beetroot, and showered him with the chunk and the juice. It looked like he got beaten up with blood all over him, and it made the audiences laughed which he disliked it. It was definitely way worse than swimming in the dumpster for poor Josh.

Luckily for him, he still managed to bounce back, and finally crack his 19th lock, leaving him with the last one. Anyway, 2 minutes had passed, and it was time for the last punishment. The 2 girls walked out with a plastic containers of crude oil each as Joshua nervously tried to crack the last lock because he thought he wouldn't be able to do it in time. As Caroline approached him from the front, she poured some crude oil into a jar. She then didn't hesitate to splash it all over Joshua's face, turning it really black. As Joshua was shock about what had just happened to him, Bella cracked open her container of crude oil before covering his entire back and hair with it. Joshua was slowly turning black as Bella and Caroline were covering him in crude oil. After 2-3 times of splashing his face, Caroline moved her target to his stomach and legs before dumping the rest of the oil onto them. The result was a boy who went through an oil spill which made the audiences laughed while Joshua in shocked.

Joshua knew he had very little time left for his last lock, so he tried to get himself together and concentrate. As he was wiping the oil off his goggles, it wouldn't come off, and it left a very gray tint on them. He knew it was going to be hard, but hoped he would be able to do it. As Joshua tried to do everything blindly, the only thing he could hope for was luck. Luckily for him, as he was blindly doing his stuff, the last lock finally clicked, and granted him the ability to escape. He then walked out the cage with relief and excitement that he had won the show. "Well, Joshua, you've won fair and square!", said Caroline. "Anyway, there weren't a lot of people that won this show, and you're the lucky few. Therefore, I'd like to give you a present.", said Caroline. Joshua excitedly waited for his present, and unexpectedly got a pie smashed into his face. 2 of them then followed on the left and right side of his head, and another one right down on his head. Of course, that wasn't what he expected, and he thought to himself that he should have seen it coming. "Anyway, you've won the show, so here's your postman hat! This is the real present by the way. Of course, we'll send you your first grand later.", said Caroline. Joshua was thankful for the present and the prize. He could jump up and down right now, but chose not to because he would most likely slip on the slop on the floor.

"Before we end the show,", Caroline interrupted. "Bella, you know what to do.", she said as Bella nodded. She then took Joshua to a place which he didn't know because his goggles were covered in oil. The trail of crude oil and other slop followed Joshua as he was being guided to the mud pool. As he stood on the edge, unknowing of his surroundings, Bella pushed him with her gloved hands, and sent him going head first into the mud. The camera then zoomed into the muddy boy floating around perplexedly before it cut away.

Of course, Joshua did win his 1000 dollars, but he should probably think twice before going on any gameshow from now on...

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