Random One-Part Stories Series

By RiptileSprinter

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All of my random one part stories all in one place! More

#2 - Shipped Away
#3 - Athletically Humiliating
#4 - Contemptuous Charity
#5 - Wet and Wild
#6 - The Sacrificial Student

#1 - How Much Can Teens Take

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By RiptileSprinter

It was a Friday evening when Alex's sister, Lily had just came back home. Alex thought it was a bit off since Lily would be home at about 2 on Fridays after finishing up at her college, but that day was different. She looked tired from her day, so she collapsed on the couch almost immediately.

"What's up, sis?" Alex asked his sister with a worrying voice. "You know I'd finish early on Fridays, and I'd be home by about 2." Lily replied which compliment the thought of his that something was a bit off. "Today, I got called to go to the set I work on. Turns out, they can't find a contestant for this week's show yet, and if they can't find one for them, I'm going to be in big trouble!" said Lily. She then collapsed onto a pillow and let out a sob from the pressure that she had build up her entire day. Alex looked very concerned for her since it was her dream to be on the film industry, and it'd make it harder for her if she got fired. Being a good little brother that he was, he hugged his sister, and said "Don't cry, sis. I'm sure you can figure it out.". Lily rose her head up, and said "How, Alex?" with a sound of defeat, then an idea popped up on Alex's head.

"I remember you said one time that the contestants for the shows are teenagers?" asked Alex which Lily nodded. "What if you take me as one of the contestants?" said Alex with an exciting voice. "Alex, I really don't think it's a good idea." said Lily with a worrying voice. "Why, sis? I'm 13, almost 14 which I'm classified as a teenager. Why can't I go, sis?" said Alex with an annoyed voice. Lily paused for a moment, then replied with "I'm telling you it wasn't a good idea." said Lily. "Please, sis. I still want your dream to come true which it already is, so I don't want to ruin it. Please, sis!" Alex begged his sister. "Alright, Fine! But don't said I didn't warned you. A-and if mom or dad asks you what show it was, just answer them with a trivia show." said Lily. Alex nodded, and continued his normal routine. Since Alex had classes in the time that the shows aired, he had no clue what it was about. He kept trying to remind himself that it was a quiz show, but the curiosity got the better of him which made him think about it all night long.

It was the next morning, and Alex got ready to go to the set after breakfast when Lily interrupted him. "Alex, I think you should pack an extra set of clothes." said Lily while looking at his opened backpack. Alex replied with "Sure, I guess.." before putting another sets of clothes into the backpack which made him even more confused to why he needed an extra set of clothes if he was just going to a quiz show. He knew something wasn't adding up, but he decided to be the contestant to help his sister.

Before the siblings walked into the studio, Lily grabbed Alex's hand , and said "Are you sure you want to do this? If you continue, there's no turning back." while looking dead into Alex's innocent blue eyes. "Of course, sis. I'd help you." said Alex with a confident voice. "Alright, here we go!" said Lily.

The siblings walked into the studio, and into the staff's room. In there, there were 2 girls aged about Lily. One of them was a brunette with brown eyes while the other had blonde hair and hazel eyes. They were tall, slim, and had very nice curves. They're basically a picture-perfect model. "Oh, hi, Lily! Is this your brother that you brought?" One of the girls asked her. "No no no, this is our contestant." , Lily answered. "Contestant? How old is he? 10? Where did you find him on the side of the road?" said another girl with a mocking voice. The girl then laughed devilishly before Alex said "Actually, I'm 13, almost 14 actually. My birthday's next week.". Lily the explained that she found him at her brother's school, and thought he was cute and would be up for the challenge. Therefore, she decided to bring him here. Of course, everything she said was a complete lie which she said to hide their relationship as siblings. "Oh really? Well, then. I guess you qualified. I'm Courtney" said a girl. "And I'm Brittney. What's your name, boy?" said another girl. Alex then replied with "I'm Alex, nice to meet you.". "I don't think you should have said that to be honest." said Brittney which made Alex even more sceptical to what the show was actually about. Before he could finish the thought, he was guided to the waiting room.

While Alex was in the waiting room, he scrolled through his phone like usual while wondering everything about the gameshow. He thought it was weird when his sister told him not to come here, or to pack an extra set of clothes, even when Brittney said it might not be nice meeting her. His thought ran wild while he was in the room.

About 30 minutes later, he was called to go to the back of the stage. When he arrived there, he saw Courtney, the brunette in a white dress while Brittany and his sister were wearing their white hoodie, and their red skirts. Later, Courtney then went up the stage, and got into her position.

Soon enough, the show's theme played, and got the audiences very excited. "Hello everybody, and welcome to How Much Can Teens Take? I'm your host, Courtney, and today, we will be testing this generation of teens their physical and mental strength." said Courtney as she did her intro like usual, and the crowd applauded for her. "Today, we have our youngest contestant yet!" said Courtney. Meanwhile, Lily whispered to her brother that she might be a different person on show, so he would have to be prepared for that which he understood, and was alright with it. "Here's our contestant!" said Courtney as Alex was guided onto the stage while the audience applauded for him. "Hi, what's your name?", Courtney asked Alex. "I'm Alex.", he replied with a shaky voice as he was very nervous to be on the television for the first time in his life. Courtney then asked him how old he was which he responded with "I'm 13". The crowd was shocked and excited at the same time to see such a young contestant on the show. "Alrighty, Alex. We'll get back to you in a bit. For now, let me introduce my assistant, Brittany and Lily!" said Courtney while Brittany and Lily were walking onto the stage. The crowd applauded extra loudly for these models, and some even cheered a bit too hard for these beauties. It was very clear that the situation was ought to be like that since Lily's blonde hair and green eyes made her look menacingly cute, along with her slender body. Brittney also didn't come second as her blonde hair and hazel eyes made her just like Lily; menacingly cute. Alex looked behind him to see his sister, but she looked at him menacingly like she was ready wreck vengeance on him which made him very scared and wish he hadn't come here. After the assistants were on stage, it was time to begin the first challenge.

"The first challenge for you, Alex is very simple. Just answer our trivia right, and you won't get punish. If you get more than 3 of 10 questions wrong, you'll have to do an ultimate punishment." said Courtney. She then asked Alex whether he was ready or not which he simply nodded. The first 2 questions were about astronomy which Alex was very interested in, and got them right. The next one was about geography which he barely got it right.

The forth question however was about Spanish which was the hated the most and paid the least attention among all the classes he studied. "I don't know this one. I guess...", Alex answered which he got it wrong. That meant he was getting a punishment. Alex was very scared to what was about to happen. As he was turning to his left, he saw his sister, Lily holding a pie, and immediately splattered it into his face, and slid some up his hair with out any time for him to prepare. Alex wasn't too keen by the idea of whipped cream stuck to his face and hair since he didn't really like the idea of getting all those mess all over himself. He quickly wiped the cream off of his eyes, and turned to his sister to see her giggling with Brittany. He had just understood why his sister didn't want him to be on this show, but it was too late to back out.

Question 5, 6, and 7 was a general knowledge question which he answered them with ease, but not so much on question 8 since it was his most hated subject, math. The question was a 6th grade math question, but he couldn't concentrate nor answer the question from the cream covering his face. Even though he was on the 8th grade, he failed to answer the question, and he knew he would have to be punished. He was also embarrassed to be an 8th grader that answered a simple 6th grade question wrong. Before he could even get ready, Brittney sandwiched his head with 2 pies, then slid them onto his cream-covered face. Lily then joined in on the fun too by smashing another cream pie onto her brother's smooth blond hair, and turned it white. At that moment, his head was covered in cream which made the audience laughed, and made him even more embarrassed. Lily then took off his shirt since it was a part of the rules which made him cried a bit from the embarrassment. "Oh, poor boy! Don't cry this is just the beginning." said Courtney to tease him. Alex was left with his shorts and underwear, and his top was bare.

Even though Alex wasn't done crying, the show must go on. He was asked another math question which he couldn't answer, so he had to get another punishment. Before he could even get ready, his red shorts were pulled down his legs which left him in his white boxers. He was then pied in the face and another pie got smashed onto his butt by his beloved sister. It reminded him of when he used to spank his sister's butt for almost everyday when he was in elementary school, and he though that might be her revenge on him. Alex was very embarassed, and he got even more so when Courtney said "Wow, Alex! You really went for the classic, huh? White boxers." which made the audience laughed uncontrollably, and when Courtney wiped some cream off his cheeks, they appeared to be bright red as he blushed heavily from the shear embarrassment he faced. If that wasn't enough, Brittney then splashed some orange gunge onto his rear which turned it orange. The gunge also stuck to him very well, and it was as sticky as glue.

"Here is the last question. Let's see whether this boy has to do a punishment or not." said Courtney. It was very hard for Alex to concentrate since he couldn't open his eyes, and the things on his body made him disgust them. Therefore, he was sent to the ultimate punishment as he was dragged to a giant wooden wheel, then got his hands and legs tied to it. Alex could then barely open his eyes to see the 2 assistants holding 2 buckets of gunge each. Before he could say anything, Lily threw some green gunge onto his face, then follow by some blue gunge on his chest from Brittney. The next bucket of yellow gunge was then splashed onto his crotch which stained his underwear yellow. The last bucket of purple gunged was then poured on his head to finish off the job. He then got an extra pie from his sister as a gift which he didn't prefer it. Alex was now a colorful blob that was almost impossible to clean up. He couldn't see, but heard the laughters amongst the audience which made him super embarassed to the point that he almost cried out loud again. "Stay with us, and we'll be right back after the commercial break" said Courtney.

Alex was then sent to shower which it didn't help him much, but he mostly got the heavy stuff off of him. As he was changing into his new clothes, he saw Lily staring at him with an evil grin. "What was that for, Lily? I thought I was your brother!", Alex asked his sister with an angry voice. "Well, that's the character I have to be for the show, plus you decided you wanted to be here, so you have to deal with it.", Lily said that before leaving her brother. Alex thought it was very weird for this sister to switch her personality in an instant; a personality that was polar opposite of what he know of her. There were no time to think about it since he was called backstage right when he had just finish putting on his new clothes.

"Alright, welcome back to How Much Can Teens Take? And as you can see, our boy right here cried on the first challenge! I wonder how would he be like on the last one." said Courtney which made Alex more nervous especially the sentence 'I wonder what would he be like on the last one.'. Courtney then turned to Alex, and asked "How was it, boy?" Alex just had enough of the miserable experience, and just put his head down miserably. "Alright then, seemed like he just doesn't wanna talk right now. Anyway, the show must go on, and I'm going to explain your second task now." said Courtney.

Courtney then explained the rules which was the following. "You have to throw 5 giant darts onto the giant dart board, and whichever punishment the dart landed on, you have to do it. If you discard the punishment, you have to do an even more extreme one. Easy, right?", Courtney explained the rules to Alex and the audience which the poor boy just nodded. "Just hope that you have a good aim, Alex." said Courtney as a not-so-useful advice. Alex was then guided to the dartboard which he stood right in front of it. Houston given a dart, and let the game begin.

The first one for him wasn't that special since he only got a pie in a face. Before he even had time to react, his sister, Lily smashed a giant fluffy creamy pie onto his face. He looked just like a clown which made the audience laughed really hard, and made himself very embarrassed.

Alex also wasn't in luck on his second throw. He was suffering on his accuracy since his face was covered in cream, and he couldn't see very well from interruptions from the cream on his face. Therefore, the dart landed on the gunge dunk rather than the middle which he aimed at. Alex was completely clueless to what the gunge dunk could mean. It began to get a bit clearer when he saw Brittney wearing a pair of latex gloves, and hoisting up a bucket of orange gunge. It began to get clearer when she put the bucket right in front of his face and getting a tight grip of his soft and smooth blond hair. Before Alex could even brace himself, his entire head was dunked under the orange gunge. Alex then went into full panic mode, and tried to get his head out of the bucket. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get out since Brittney wasn't going to let him go easily. Finally, after a long moment, Brittney finally lifted his head up above the gunge. He desperately gasped for air as his head was turned completely orange except his eyes and mouth. As Alex was feeling like God was blessing him, Brittney grabbed his hair and dunked his head back into the gunge again. He panicked, but it was just like the first time, he couldn't get out. Finally, his head was lifted out of the bucket again before being pied in his face by his beloved sister. "You know what, Alex? Orange looks good on you." Said Lily before she tipped the entire bucket of orange gunge right down on his head. The audience laughed at him which made him more miserable, but he couldn't do anything but to continue the show.

The third attempt didn't give him anything good either. Instead, he had to take off all of his clothes and got striped down to his underwear. Before Alex could even react or even hesitate, his T-shirt was pulled off of him while his pants was slipped off of his leg. He was left almost naked in his white boxers that were stained quite orange. He wasn't very lucky on his fourth turn either since he got to put some ice into his pants. He wasn't in really great luck since the only pants that was left on him was his underwear, and it's going to get really bad in there. He stood there, shivering with fear as he saw Britney walking towards him holding a bucket of ice. Without any hesitation, Britney grabbed the waistband of his underwear and dumped half of the ice in the bucket into his no-no to. His face clearly sensed pain while he let out an agonizing scream of pain that could be heard miles away. The audiences seemed to be enjoying this too much, but Alex wasn't so. As the ice was melting, it turned into water and soak his underwear. It looked like he had just peed his pants which topped it with another layer of embarrassment.

On his last throw, he got the gunge dunk again which he really hated it and didn't want to do it again. He refused to do it as Britney was holding a bucket of gunge. "That's fine, Brittney, put the bucket down" said Courtney which made Alex a little relieved. Before he could even be relieved for a moment, she then said "That meant you'd be facing the ultimate punishment." which made his heart dropped. Before he could even react, he was sent away to do the punishment.

Alex was guided to a dunk tank food with black squid ink and dead squids. He was told to sit on to seat which he did it out of fear of something worse happening to him. As he looked down, he could clearly see the black squid ink, the squid heads floating around, and small bits of squid egg which was the part that disgusted him the most. He then saw his sister, Lily holding a ball very tightly in her hand which she got ready to throw at the target. Alex hoped that she would miss the target, but unluckily for him, her aim was really good and it hit right in the dead center. He was plunged into the black squid ink and dead squids. He came up with his body covered in squid ink and bits of squid eggs in his hair, and all over him. He panicked, screamed, and splashed around squid ink as his only goal was to get out of that dunk tank. The audience laughed hysterically while he was flopping out of the tank like he was a fish, and landed face first right on the floor. He was turned completely black with the only other color on him being his blue eyes. Alex perked his head up to see his sister right in front of him. She was standing there smiling with a grin, and padded his now-black hair down before walking away. She seemed to looked happy to dunk her brother into the nasty concoction. The camera cut for the commercial break with the last scene being Alex lying on the floor miserably while covered in squid ink.

He lied down there with defeat for 5 minutes before he decided to get up, and have a shower like after the first round. As he was walking off the stage, he was stopped by Courtney. "Hey, Alex where do you think you're going?" said Courtney. "Oh, I was just going to get cleaned up.", he said with a shaky voice. "Oh, if we let you go there, our white floors are going to be turned black. That's why you're coming with me, Alex" said Courtney as she was pushing him back on the stage. "B-but I'm still in this m-mess...", Alex whimpered which Courtney heard him, and whispered to him "We'll figure it out.".

Later, the camera finally rolled, and it was time for the third and final part of the show. "Hello everybody, and welcome back to How much can teens take? I'm Courtney, and this is going to be the last section of the show..." said Courtney with an excited voice while she was doing her intro. "Before we get into the last part, our poor Alex was still covered in squid ink." said Courtney which made him nervous to what was going to be done to him. He was also told to stand in a kiddie pool which made him a lot more nervous. As he was standing there and thinking about it, the 2 assistants snuck behind him, and poured iced water onto his head from a 5-gallon bucket. He was shocked and screamed as the cold water suddenly hit his body, but the iced water washed some of the squid ink away. There was still some more black ink on his body, so the assistants decided to splash another bucket of iced water right into his rear. The iced water washed the ink away like he wished, but it also made his entire body turn red and made him shiver. Even though he had been cleaned up by 2 buckets of water, his underwear was still stained black, but it was the least of his concern since it was stained orange before that anyway. "Now, our adorable contestant had been cleaned up like he wished, so it's time for our last challenge for him" said Courtney as Alex wondered what the last challenge could have been. Before continuing, she let him get dried up, and change his pair of underwear. After he was done, the show resumed.

"While we were having a commercial break, I've put out a vote for the audience to vote for which game you have to play on this round." which made Alex wonder what the audience chose for him. Would it be nice? Let's find out. "...and they chose kitchen run." said Courtney with an excited voice, and the audiences seemed to get very excited too! Courtney then said "This going to be the best one yet." which made him very nervous. She then went on to explain the rule. "The rule of this game is simple. What you have to do, Alex is go through this obstacle course filled with all kinds of stuff. Along the way, there would be pools filled with all kinds of stuff, and each one contained a small loaf of bread. What you have to do is get the bread out using only your mouth. Also, you might get bullied by our assistances which they are the chefs of the restaurant, trying to get rid of you. If you got through the course slower than 2 minutes, you'll fail the challenge. Simple, right?" said Courtney before she turned to look at Alex. "I think the only ethical thing to do is to let him get dried up and change his dirty underwear because this is going to be fun!" said Courtney with an excited voice and an evil smirk. Alex got a bit sceptical, but didn't mind since he really wanted a change of clothes very badly. After Alex was dried up, and changed into his new and clean underwear; the classic white boxers, it was time to start the 3rd challenge.

His sister gave him a pair of goggles for him to wear during the challenge which was the first time she was this kind to him on the show. Alex slowly looked up to see Lily giving him a wink before wandering away. Later, Alex was told to get on all fours, and stay at the start of the course. Meanwhile, the assistants were putting on their gloves, and staying right by the menacing trail. There was a ton of pools of nasty stuff and buckets lying along the way. Alex immediately got very nervous all the sudden since it was most likely going end badly for him. He braced himself before a loud sound from the air horn could be heard.

He immediately started crawling through the course very swiftly until he reached the first obstacle. It was a sink for washing the dishes, but there were not a single dirty dish in there. As he got closer, he noticed there wasn't some bread in there like he was told. As he was planning to skip the sink, the 2 assistants suddenly popped out of nowhere, and locked his arm and legs with him facing upwards and his arms and legs spread out. Courtney, the host then slowly walked to him with an evil smile. She then hoisted a bucket of dish soap right above his head, and dumped all of it onto him. It made his whole body slippery, and some even gotten into his mouth which they tasted very salty. Before he could even react, another bucket filled with very fine sand was poured onto him, and stuck to the dish soap on his body. His body immediately got covered in the yellow sand which was a weird sight. It felt slippery and gritty on his skin which was a very weird feeling. After the procedure was done, the assistants finally let him go. Courtney then said "There's no bread in his sink, so you better be fast. You don't have a ton of time left, boy." which made the situation tenser for Alex as he was desperately crawling away.

Now, it was the real deal for Alex. He saw a pool filled with melted peanut butter with 2 assistants standing right by it. He hesitated, but went in since he had no other choice. The peanut butter was sticky, and was about a feet deep which was enough to cover his ankles. After he had found the bread, he looked at his sister nervously as he wouldn't like to dunk his head in to get the bread. "Come on, Alex! It's just this simple!" said his sister before she dunked her brother's head right into the sticky peanut butter herself. He came right up with his sandy face covered in peanut butter, and completely humiliated himself by looking completely ridiculous. The audience laughed at him, and to face the embarrassment, he decided to plunge his entire face into the peanut butter. At least, it was sound proof. As he was hiding from the humiliation, he managed to grab the bread, and got it out with his teeth. As he raised his head up with the first piece of bread right in his mouth, the audiences cheered, but the assistants were planning something else. As Alex was celebrating, Brittney grabbed a fluffy cream pie, and smacked it real hard onto his butt. He the let out a painful scream, but it was muffled by the bread in his mouth. He finally spat the bread out which marked as his first one, but as he was moving on, he got sabotaged by his sister. She made him lose balance, and flopped face first into the sticky substance. His rear was now covered in peanut butter which began to stick to his skin. She then giggled before letting her brother continue.

As Alex was crawling towards the next pool, his hands and knees were getting a little slippery from the peanut butter which made it quite hard to get a firm grip on the floor. As he was getting into the second pool, his hands slipped on the slope going down which sent him sliding head first into the cheese, and turned his entire body yellow. He completely humiliated himself in front of the audience with out any attempt to sabotage from the assistants which made the audience laughed audibly. He was very embarrassed, but there was no time to wait. Therefore, he quickly dunked his head under to find the bread. As he was under, Lily said to the audience, "I think he likes mac and cheese, so I'll prepare him some". After that, she reached down to grab a handful of macaroni, and put it inside the back of her brother's boxers. Alex felt someone putting some mushy thing into his underwear, but can't tell who did it nor what was put in. After 2 to 3 handfuls was put in there, she grabbed an extra bucket of the cheese sauce, and poured it onto her brother's back, butt, and legs. As Lily finished, Brittney decided to put some finishing touches onto Alex which was some chopped spring onions and bacons. She sprinkled some onto his back, and some onto his face and hair as he was rising back up with the second piece of bread. After going in the second pool, Alex was turned completely yellow and sticky from the cheese. He was really disgusted, although there was no time, so he continued out of fear that he wasn't going to finish in time.

In the next pool was some egg wash. Since there was almost no time for him to waste, he quickly dove into the egg wash to find the third piece of bread. Just when the slippery texture of the eggs hit his tongue, it was too disgusting for him to handle raw eggs in his mouth, and made him gagged badly. He suddenly freaked out, and splashed it all over the place. That resulted to Alex getting eggs all over himself. The audience laughed as the assistants were backing up since they didn't want to be covered in egg wash. Although the laughters humiliated him, he focused more on trying to wipe it off of him, but it was too late as he was soaked with the eggs from his head down to his knees. A moment later, he stopped panicking, finally got himself together, and went in for another attempt. As he was searching around for it, he felt something landing on his back. When he eventually raised his head back up, he saw his own sister covering him with flour, Brittney sprinkling bread crumbs all over him, and Courtney splashing some egg wash onto his body. He knew he would have to get out very quickly before the girls could finish turning him into Fried Alex. Else, his body's going to be covered in a thick flour batter which will do him no good. After he found the bread, he rose his head back up like before. This time, he saw courtney right in front of his face, and before he could do anything, she threw some flour at his face and covered it and the bread. It started to tickle his nose and made him sneeze, but he was able to get the bread out of the pool before he sneezed which would certainly drop it back into the eggs. Therefore, it meant that he got it out, and didn't have to spend more time in there. Before he left, his sister gave him a spank in the butt which he thought it was her revenge on him. Brittney then gave him a pie in the face as a present. Before he continued, he wiped the cream off his goggles to see again, and exited the pool.

Alex continued the hell of a trail wearily as he was gasping the air through his mouth. He started to get tired, but the determination was still there. As he was crawling along the path, and was about to get into a turn, suddenly, jets of cacao powder was blasted into his wide-open mouth which made him choke on it. "Awww, do you need something to wash it off your throat?", said Courtney which he replied yes with a shaky voice. She then blasted an entire gallon of milk right down his face and mouth which choked on it again, and spat pretty much all of it onto the floor. It was chunky and sour which he asked Courtney about it. "Oh, I think it might be only 2 months pass the expiration date." said Courtney which made him gagged. Luckily, the spoiled milk saved him from choking, and he whished he wouldn't have to face more of these near-death experiences.

He then continued crawling along the path, but kept his mouth shut to prevent the same thing happening to him again. As crawling along it, a jet of green color powder suddenly erupted onto his face which was dyed green. As he was shocked and confused at the same time, Courtney was pointing a T-shirt cannon at him, and blasted some pink powder onto his head and dyed his hair pink. The 2 assistants also joined in on the fun as well, and dumped bags of blue and orange powders onto his back and butt. Alex was now covered in a colorful and powdery mess. After he cleared his goggles, he crawled away, and got his chest and stomach sprayed with the green powder as he was leaving which completely covered his rear with the green powder.

Since both times that he was facing down to the floor, he got a ton of stuff sprayed into his face, he decided to look forward instead, thinking it would be a good idea. Unluckily for him, a pie was swinging towards him, and hit him right in the face. His face was turned from green to white, and was now covered with the fluffy cream and the flakey crust. If he had looked down, he wouldn't have to deal with the mess on his face. Anyway, he cleaned up the whipped cream off of his goggles before dashing for the final section.

He saw a giant pool of gravy about 3 and a half feet deep along with a couple more pools like it. "Do I have to get the bread like I did before?", Alex asked nervously. "Yes," said Courtney "but I felt a little cruel, so I'll let you use your hands." Although it seemed like a nice offer, Alex would have to dunk his entire body in anyway. He hesitated, but decided to got in to get it over with. He got in before discovering the thick brown gravy to be very cold and covering as high as the waist of his 5 feet 4 body. He breathed heavily before gasping his last breath, and dunked his entire body in. The audience gasped before getting excited as he came back out of the gravy with his body covered in thick brown gravy in exchange of getting rid of the thick batter on his skin. His skin was completely covered in the thick brown gravy which had a texture of tiny bis of pepper flakes on him. He was pretty much soaked in gravy. Luckily, he got the bread out, so he passed the first pool in his first go. As he was walking out, Brittney reached out her gloved hands onto the back of Alex's boxers, and pulled the waist band out. The gravy suddenly gushed in, and filled his underwear with it. After he was released, he quickly made his way to the edge. When he got out of the pool, the gravy in his underwear was drained out, and caused a big mess on the floor which wasn't the biggest deal in that moment.

Next pool he witnessed was filled to the brim with 3 and a half feet of mustard which was his most hated condiment. He walked up a set of stairs which lead to the pool with disgust. After he reached the top, he stood there shaking and staring right into the mustard. "Why did you stop? The time's almost up, Alex!" said Courtney. Alex knew he had to get in eventually, but pussied off. As he was standing there nervous and cold, he felt a push from behind his back. Before he could even react, he was sent bellyflopping into the pool of mustard. He caused a big splash which sent mustard flying everywhere. Just moments later, a yellow monster emerged from the mustard, and gasped for air. Alex was in shock and disgust, and got angry when he saw his sister giggling along with the audiences laughing at him. Although he was covered from head to toe with mustard, he still got scared to go in again to find that piece of bread. After a long moment of standing nervous in the pool, Brittney eventually had enough, and decided to lift one of his legs up which sent him tumbling back into the mustard. As Alex was submerged in the mustard for the second time, he immediately panicked again. This time, the bread floated into his hands which was really lucky for him. After he got the hold of the bread, he re-surfaced, and begged them to let him out since the mustard was burning his entire body. Before he was let out, the assistances decided to have some fun. The assistants reached their gloved hands towards Alex, and grabbed the waistband of his underwear. Lily pulled the front while Brittney pulled the back. The mustard gushed into his most sensitive areas which hurt way worse than on his regular skin. After he was let go, he screamed and quickly jumped out of the pool. He then widened the legs of his boxers, and swiftly emptied the mustard from his underwear. Although most of the mustard was drained off, some that was still stuck to him still burns. Plus, he had to go through one more pool before finishing anyway.

The last pool contained melted strawberry ice cream, so Alex could be pink right when he finished the game. Alex got up the stairs nervously, and approached the edge of the pool. He lowered himself down right at the edge, and reached a finger inside it. To his surprise, although the ice cream had been melted, it was still freezing cold. As he was leaning into the pool, his sister, Lily took the opportunity to do what she considered fun. She swung up her leg, and kicked her brother right in the butt which sent him front-flipping into the freezing cold pink liquid. The audience laughed as Alex tried to flip himself right-side-up again. Eventually, the pink monster emerged from the pool which made everyone laughed even harder, much to Alex's displeasure. Although he was very angry at his sister and was very embarrassed, he still couldn't do anything, but shivered very hard. As he was still shivering, suddenly, he felt something grabbed both of his legs, and flipped him upside down. After he emerged above the sticky strawberry ice cream, he saw Courtney and Brittney laughing which he immediately knew it was them. Time slowly passed as he stood there shivering with his body plastered with the gooey pink liquid. Moments later, he realized that he had to only get the last bread to get out and finish the challenge. Upon realizing that, he immediately dove in which splashed the ice creamed everywhere, and made the assistants duck. He immediately got up with the last piece of bread in his hands, and proudly stepped out of the pool. He then took off his goggles which revealed the only clean spot on him which was his eyes. Courtney then proceeded to announce the time.

"Alright, Alex." said Courtney. "The time to beat was 2 minutes. You got..." everybody paused as Courtney said that. She then said "2 minutes 45!" which made his jaw dropped as he realized he failed every challenge given to him. He put his head down, and he looked very sad. "Congrats, Alex. You failed every challenge on this show! What a pathetic time!" said Courtney which made him very disappointed in himself. "We thought we gave you the easiest challenge in the show's history yet. And... You managed to fail them." said Courtney which made Alex even more disappointed in himself as he stood there with slops dripping off of him. She then said "Well, I'm feeling generous today, so I'll give you one last chance to avoid the ultimate punishment." which gave him hope. "We'll see you after the commercial break!" said Courtney before the camera zoomed in at Alex which was drenched in ice cream, then faded to the commercial.

"Welcome back to the last stretch of the show," Courtney exclaimed as the crowd cheered. "...and we're right here with this boy who failed every challenge." Then, the audiences booed at him which made him a little angry. "Since you're a swimmer, Alex. I'll give you a challenge that's related to swimming" said Courtney as she looked over to the audiences. Alex was getting a little sceptical since nobody running the show knew he was a swimmer except his sister. Anyway, he felt the luck started to come on his side, and listened to what Courtney said next. "The thing you'd have to do it do a butterfly back and forth of this 50ft pool." said Courtney which made him relieved. She then said "The catch is the pool will be filled with blended fish guts and some other nasty things in there." which made his jaw dropped for the second time. She then added, "Also, you only have 40 seconds." which made his jaw dropped even more.

Before that challenge began, Alex had a question to ask Courtney. "Can I at least wear my swimsuit?" Alex asked Courtney with a nervous voice. She then replied, "What do you mean get a swimsuit? Alright, here you go. " Alex was then handed with a pair of black swim jammers which he wore it on top of his sticky pink underwear. The waistband of his underwear was still visible, but he was more than happy to have some more fabric covering him. "One thing" said Courtney. "The jammers aren't fitting in with you very well. Can you help him a little bit?" The 2 assistants then started walking right towards him with an evil smile on both of their faces. Brittney grabbed him by his arms while Lily grabbed him by his legs. They then thrown him into the strawberry ice cream that he was in earlier. His entire body turned pink again. He emerged up from the liquid with his eyes blinded by it since he wasn't wearing his goggles, only to hear the studio filled with laughters. As he was wiping ice cream off his eyes, he heard more laughters from the audiences. His jammers were turned from black to pink which he finally got why it wasn't suiting him very well. After he got out of the pool filled with ice cream, the assistants grabbed him with their gloved hands, and dragged him to the pool filled with fish guts. Alex was disgusted by the fish guts, but knew that this hell would end in just 10 minutes or less. He decided to push on, and decided not to fail this challenge again although the thought of swimming in fish guts almost made him throw up.

He got on the diving stand, standing with the gooey strawberry ice cream dripping from his hands and fingers. Almost every part of him being sticky from his hair, armpits, and even hands. He then wore his sticky goggles, wiped the slop off of it, and got into position. Courtney then gave the signals. "Ready... Take your mark... Go!" As Alex was trying to gain some distance by jumping further, he slipped from the ice cream pooling at his feet, and fell just a couple feet from the edge. Some seaweed in there slipped around his body, and some wrapped around his head and arms which made it even harder to navigate. As Alex was about to gain some lost distance by streamlining, the nasty and slippery texture of the fish guts made him disgusted, and immediately surfaced. He immediately started gagging continuously, and the horrible smell of the fish guts wafted into his nose from every angle that he turned to. The audiences started to get disgusted as well even though they were tens of feet away from the pool. The smell wafted around the room which didn't help much either, and even made the assistants and the hostess plug their noses. Alex's entire body was turned from pink to brown, and the smell had gone a thousand times worse. After he had calmed down a bit, he started to remove the seaweed from his body although that wouldn't help much since he would still have to get more off later. After Alex realized he had wasted a lot of his time already, he decided to go for his first strokes of butterfly in the nasty fish gut pool even though the texture was horrendous and the smell was just down right rancid.

Alex went for some strokes of butterfly, and tried to go as many strokes without breathing as possible since the pungent smell couldn't penetrate through his nose while he was under. Although the junk in there such as seaweed and some dead fish in there bounced around him, and tried to tangle him up, he just kept going. Eventually, when he was about two thirds of his trip to the other end, he finally rose his head up to grab some air. When he was above the fish guts, he was met with the horrendous odor of it. It started making him gagged uncontrollably again which was the perfect opportunity for Brittney to dump some fish oil on him as well. The fish oil made it even harder for him to focus, and got him drenched in another bucket by Lily. After a moment of watching her brother gag, Lily got tired of it, and pushed her brother under with her gloved hands. Although it was just on her glove, Lily decided to throw it away from the horrible smell it reeked. Anyway, Alex realized he made the same mistake again of hesitating, so he swam some more strokes to reach the other side of the pool.

Seconds later, Alex finally reached the other side of the nasty pool. He then got ready to emerge up since you have to touch the side of the pool before turning around when doing butterfly. When he touched the rim of the pool, and was ready to gasp for some air, a nozzle suddenly erupted some fish guts right into his face and mouth. It was truly disgusting, and the fish tasted very salty as well. Alex spat all of it back into the pool, and coughed few more times. After some moments of letting stinky fishes splash on his face, he realized he was a total idiot, and he should have turned around instead. He then turned around, and did some streamline to get some distance.

As he was about 12 feet on his way back, he suddenly got caught in some net. He looked up, and realized it was Courtney, then she poured some more fish scales at him. Alex tried to get the net off of him, but it was quite heavy. Therefore, he lost more time getting out of the trap. After freeing himself, he quickly swam back with his only goal was winning.

Along his was go victory, he found seaweeds tangling his arms, leg, and body although that didn't stop him. When Lily realized her brother was about to complete the challenge, she decided to play dirty. She grabbed his legs which halted his strokes before stuffing the back of his swim jammers with seaweed and fish scales. She then lifted his head and upper body up, and coated his heads with some fish oil before letting him swim the rest of the length. It made him lost some time, but he wasn't ready to give up. He finally finished, and emerged from the disgusting fish guts with his head and body covered in fish oil, fish guts, and a ton of seaweed, and got his jammers stuffed with seaweed and fish scales. The fish scales that had been dumped on his head earlier by Courtney started to cling to his hair like an earing on people's ear. Although he had been swimming in tons of the horrendous fish guts, he still disgusted it, and he reeked of fish guts. He then got out which left a trail of the nasty sluge. After that, he made sure to get all of the seaweed off his head and out of his swimwear before he was ready to hear his time.

"Alex, your time was..." said Courtney which made everybody in the studio excited. "40.3 seconds..." Alex then got angry at his sister that messed him up at the end. He tried to complain, but it just got ignored. "Anyway, you know what to do, girls! Let's punish this loser!" said Courtney. The assistants then tied him up, and towed him to a staple. It had a floor layered with hay, and a long tub which was empty laying there. Alex was then told to lay his stinky body which reeked of fish guts inside the tub facing upwards. As Alex way laying there nervously, the girls had something truely evil planned for him.

After an extremely nervous moment for Alex, Courtney walked to him with a bucket which was full of a disgusting slop that he didn't wish to know. "Hey, Alex~", Courtney said with a taunting voice. "Guess what this is?" "I guess it's mud?", he answered nervously. Courtney then said "Wrong!" as she poured the content of the bucket onto him. "Ewww! What is this!?", Alex yelled with a disgusted voice as the thick slop covered his face which almost made him cry for god knows how many times already on this show. "Guess what, Alex", Courtney said with an evil grin. "This is leftovers, and there will be some more coming your way." After Courtney finished, the girls quickly dumped 9 more buckets of it onto Alex which completely covered him in it. He almost threw up as the foul smell of the left over stank him even more. It was very mushy, and some of it was liquid which soaked into his swimwear. He was also completely buried except for his face which unfortunately was plastered with the rotten slop.

After a moment of the stinky misery passed, the evil hostess said something. "You know, Alex. A man's trash is the other man's treasure, as they say." said Courtney, as he nodded his innocent head. "If we don't eat the leftovers, surely somebody's got to eat it, right? Therefore, I'd like to introduce the pigs! Arnold, Bruno, and Charlie!" Alex was shocked when he witnessed 3 giant pigs walked onto the stage with an old farmer controlling them. "Mr. Dalton, I guess it's time we let the pigs have their treats!" said Courtney. "Alright, my piggies, get your treat from this young lady." said the farmer with his old voice. Suddenly, the pigs rushed towards the tub that Alex was in. They then started to eat their food like pigs, of course. Their tongue tickled his belly, and feet, especially Charlie that liked to lick his stomach. Arnold also didn't made Alex more comfortable either. He licked the fish guts off his head as the saliva soaked Alex's blonde hair. The audiences laughed as Alex was at the mercy of those piggies, and they know they weren't going to let him go easily. As if it couldn't get any worse, Bruno used his mouth to slide Alex's swimwear off his waist, and licked the slop off his reeking boxers. The audiences got very excited as they made sounds that could be heard by people outside. Seemed like the pigs and the audiences enjoyed it very much, but it wasn't the same story for Alex. Finally, after a long time, it was time for the piggies to go, but the 3 piggies licked his face before they go as a way go say good bye. His body was coated with the mushy slop of leftovers, and a ton of slimy pig saliva. "Am I going to get diseases from those pigs?", Alex asked with a very concerned voice. Courtney then repied "Of couse not, Mr.Dalton took them to vets to do some test, and they're all good." which made Alex relieved when Courtney suddenly said, "The person that isn't safe yet is you! Ladies?"

The assistants tied a rope to Alex's hands since they wouldn't want to touch him, even with their gloved hands. They then got him out of the staple, and dragged him to the middle of the stage. They then tied his legs up with a rope which slowly lifted his legs up. Alex suddenly began to get nervous and scared. He didn't know what was in store for him next, but hoped it would be the last. After he was lifted a feet above the ground, the machine stopped, and left him dangling upside down. His hands was then untied which he immediately used them to pull his jammers back up(down?) to cover his underwear. Alex was very rotten, and reeked of some of the most horrible smell a human could ever get.

After a moment of waiting, the 2 assistants walked up to him with 2 buckets filled with fish guts. Lily then pulled the string on his swim jammer very hard which made it very tight, perhaps too tight for Alex. She then tied it up, and went back to her bucket. As Alex was waiting silently, he felt some thick slop sliding through the legs of his jammers. Since Alex's jammers were just in the small size, just after 1 bucket of fish guts poured into his jammers filled them. Therefore, Brittney decided to have some fun. She decided to splash the remaining bucket into his face which made him gagged horribly. Suddenly, the fish guts in his jammers exploded which sent another wave of fish guts hurdling right to his face. Obviously, the poor boy gagged even harder.

Next up, Lily carried a bucket of creamy pig lard, and a bucket of molasses. She then poured it into one bucket, and poured the contents down his swimwear which his face clearly said how uncomfortable he really was. She then lifted the waistband of Alex's jammers up which sent an avalanche of molasses and pig lard tumbling towards his face. It completely covered his upper body with sticky black and white stripes. Lily then tried to pull her brother's swimwear right up to the feet, but couldn't do it since her brother was resisting it with his hands. Brittney immediately knew what to do, and she cuffed his hands with handcuffs which made Lily finish her job with ease. As she was pulling the jammers right up, it revealed a pair of boxers what once were white, and stank like it hasn't been washed for years when it reality, it was clean just minutes ago. Anyway, that was just the appetizers, and everybody's hungry for the main course, except Alex, of course.

First up, The goggle that Alex had put through a ton of mess had been taken off of him for what seemed like no apparent reason. As he nervously waited, he saw the assistants standing right to the side of him with Lily holding a hose, and Brittney holding another hose. Suddenly, thick cream of pig lard was sprayed onto his face, and turned it fluffy and white. Since the lard was very thick, he couldn't even see a thing. He also couldn't use his hands to wipe the lard off his eyes because they were cuffed up. Therefore, he decided to wallow in his misery and accepted things that are happening to him. As Lily was spraying his body with lard, Brittney also started spraying Alex with some grease as well. His body started to get very greasy, and started to smell worse. Some audiences started plugging their nose, but some could handle the smell and laughed. After some moments of spraying lard at the poor contestant, Courtney then join in the fun, and started spraying molasses at him. Alex simply just sobbed as he was hopeless.

After some time had passed, the gunging changed from manual to automatic as the girls stopped spraying Alex, and let the machine spray him instead. The machine sprayed him with 360 degrees of molasses and pig lard. A nozzle was spraying molasses right in his face while another one sprayed lard on his feet. As the poor boy was being tortured by the machine, Courtney decided to do one final thing. She let the audiences which was either about 8-11 years old, or 18-25 years old up the stage. She then told them to grab which ever gunge items they'd like, and throw them at Alex. He was attacked by a swarm of people pouring the gunge on his body.

As people were swarming Alex, Courtney then said "That's it for this episode. Hopefully, this boy learned his lesson to not be such a loser again. Anyway, that's how much time we have for today, I'll see you next Friday in How Much Can Teens Take! I'm Courtney, and I'll see you then!" She then gave Alex one last pie before the end credits rolled out. After all of the gunge was used on Alex, Courtney uncuffed him while the slop stopped spraying at him. The arm which Alex was hung on moved, and placed him dangling right above the fish gut pool. Lily then cut the rope which was tying his feet together which sent him falling, but his jammers didn't follow. Alex dove in head first back into the fish guts. He emerged up with his body turned from black and white to the nasty sewage brown color of the fish guts. Alex splashed around perplexedly, and slipped a couple more times. The seaweed started to tangle his arms and legs as he kept splashing around. Finally, the camera cut as embarrassed Alex was panting wearily, and was trying to grab the rim of the pool like a loser.

Alex was definitely going to have a hard time removing the gunk off of him, and he certainly wouldn't forgive his sister from the hell she put him through although she didn't seem to feel very bad about it after all...

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