Levi Ackerman x Reader (Witho...

By NoTimeForAnything

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Y/N Jeager had been living peacefully inside the walls with her mother, father, and her little brother Eren... More

To You, in 2000 Years
That Day
The struggle for Trost
Can't Look into His Eyes Yet
Special Operations Squad
What Needs to be Done Now
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 1
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 2
The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission Part 3
Raid On Stohess District Part 1
Raid On Stohess District Part 2
The Walls Have Eyes
Secrets, Lies, and Traitors
Everyone Knows
Time Will Tell
Realizations and Determination
Wounds Go Deeper Than Skin
Jealously and Hostages
Blood Ties
No Longer A Secret
All Your Fault
Let Them Have Today
Give Up on Your Dream
The Basement
New Truths and New Secrets
The Sea
Secret Wedding
Family Reunion
True Intentions
Campfire Stories
The Boat
When Everything Changed
Death and Destruction
Final Goodbye
10 Years Later...


258 8 0
By NoTimeForAnything

Your POV

"Kenny!" Levi launched his blade at the man, Kenny the Ripper. It almost hit him, but Kenny blocked it, and he went to shoot at us. But Levi threw his cloak up in the air and we both ducked down. It hit right above my head and large crater was blown into the pillar. Levi dropped the cloak and stood up, looking around frantically. This was the first time since we've met that he looked scared, which had me panicked. "Y/N! Let's go!" Levi urged while grabbing my hand. I grasped his tightly and we ran down the roof, dodging the mass number of shots coming at us. I let go of Levi's hand and slid down the roof, Levi and I doing exactly the same thing. We grappled to the walls and flew through the city. 

"We have to get to Eren and Historia!" I yelled back to Levi who was just behind me. 

"Right," He replied. I could see the cart from where we were, one of Kenny's crew had just shot and killed the driver and had now taken over the reins. Levi and I were gaining on her though. The cart went around a corner, and we were about to follow, but 4 other people blocked our path. They pointed their guns at us, and we grappled onto the cobblestone road and flew downward to avoid the shots. They kept firing at us and we kept dodging. They've predicted our every move. Levi and I were now next to each other. I was facing backward, looking for the people following us. "Y/N! Move!" I heard Levi shout. I felt him wrap his arm around my torso from behind and he grappled onto the corner of an alleyway. I saw that Kenny had just fired a shot directly at my head, but Levi had saved me. We both planted our feet on the ground and slid in a wide turn into the alley. I grappled onto the wall, Levi releasing his grip on my waist. There were now 5 people on our tail. All Levi and I could do for the time being was dodge the shots and try to buy time until I had an opening. I saw Levi get hit in the face with some debris and I gasped in horror. He had blood coating half of his face. He seemed to see something ahead and motioned for me to stay close and follow him. I nodded firmly and saw he was headed for a bar. We grappled through the entryway and landed harshly against the bar. I heard the patrons in the bar whispering about us, but I didn't really care at the moment. Levi was kneeling on the counter, and I hopped over and stood next to the trembling bartender. Levi wiped his eye so he could see through the blood.

"It's the damnedest thing," I heard Kenny's voice taunt from outside the bar. Levi quickly jumped behind the counter and sat down with his back pressed firmly to the bar. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to sit between his legs. "I seem to be smelling a rat in this fine establishment. Come on out, little rodent. The sheriff is here! And I aim to exterminate all the vermin I can find. Bang! Bang!" Kenny had entered the saloon now. I felt my breathe pick up slightly. I wasn't scared for me though. I was terrified for what this man would do to Levi. Levi must have felt my heavy breathing and wrapped a comforting arm around me and pulled me flush against him. His touch grounded me, and the rising and falling of his chest was soothing. I slowed my breathing and regained my composure. "Oh, come on! You here or not?" Kenny shouted to Levi specifically. 

"Right here, Kenny. Been a while. I really thought you'd be dead by now, what with all the MPs you were butchering. But now you're great friends, huh?" Levi responded. 

""Yeah, well, adults do plenty of things kids like you can't understand. Oh, right. My mistake. You're s'posed to be an adult now, but you're still such a runt it's hard to tell, "He insulted, "Always hoped that I might get to see you in action someday. I can't say I'm disappointed, either. Seems you still remember every trick I taught ya. Even taught 'em to your little girlfriend. But didn't I ever tell you what happens to a cornered rat?" There was a clicking, signaling a gun was loaded and ready fire, "Cause if I had, you'd know that wherever you run, you'll find a bullet waiting. Hey, Levi." A chair flew over the counter and smashed a bunch of the liquor bottles on the shelves. The glass and alcohol were scattered around us. "You must've become a scout for a reason. And I think I know what that is. We were forced to survive in that little hellhole. Giving everything we had just to stay alive. So, when we found out just how big the world really was, you could bet it hurt like hell. But ya know what saved us? We found something we enjoyed doing. It's just that simple. Every man needs himself a hobby. Maybe the only source of fulfillment he'll ever find in this wretched world."

"Oh, I see," Levi responded, "Is that why you blew off my people's heads, then? Cause it's fulfilling?" Levi tapped me on the shoulder and motioned to the bottle on the lowest shelf. I looked and saw that I could see a slight reflection of Kenny. I reached up and inconspicuously turned the bottle so I could see the whole picture.

"Yup. To achieve my grand goal, I'll kill as many as get in my way," He responded. He was pointing the gun at the counter, ready to shoot the moment one of us stood up. "And you're no different. You kill too when it benefits you."

Levi reaches behind him and pulls a rifle from off the shelf. He holds it in front of both of us in an awkward position. I was a little confused until he responded, "Yeah." He flung the gun backward and once it hit the counter; he pulled the trigger. Kenny had blocked it but had stumbled out into the street. I jumped up and swung myself over the counter, Levi had jumped on top of it and was knelt down. He handed the man back his gun and said, "Thanks for the help, old man." Levi and I glanced at each other, and we both had the same idea. I grabbed a chair and threw it out the side window, there was a shot and then we took off out the window. Levi launched his grapple into the face of the man who had shot the chair. I was a bit disturbed. Killing people was not something I imagined I'd be doing as a scout. Levi and I grappled up onto the roof. I stood behind him and he used the lifeless body of the man he had just killed as a shield. Kenny's squad shot at us until they ran out of bullets. Then, Levi ditched the body and I slingshot myself forward and slit the throats of the two men standing in our way, killing them instantly. 

After about thirty seconds of searching, I spotted the cart with Eren and Historia in it. They were still passed out cold. "Levi!" I shouted, grabbing his attention. I pointed at the cart and we both sped up to catch it. I heard cables whirring behind me and turned to see one of Kenny's men point a gun at me. Just as he pulled the trigger, Levi shot a grapple into the man's torso and the bullet missed me. He pulled the guy towards us, and I launched myself forward and used my blades to slit the soldier's throat. I came to a stop against the wall and turned back to see my squad members close behind. "Follow the wagon!" I ordered. They nodded in acknowledgement and began following Levi and me. 

"Listen up! These soldiers were trained to fight other people. They've already taken out three of ours. If you hesitate for so much as a second, you'll be dead. The moment you see an opening, go for the kill," Levi instructs. 

"Yes, sir," Mikasa says determinedly. I launch my right cable into one of the men in the cart and retract it, making him fly off onto the road. Two more of the guys take off of the cart toward Levi and I.

I think quickly and decide to make a judgement call, "Armin! Secure the wagon with Jean! We'll keep you two covered!" 

Armin looks hesitant and before replying, "Uh- Yes!" Jean looks slightly horrified, and I heard him muttering something to himself, but I couldn't quite make it out. "Come on!" Armin urged before zipping down onto the wagon. The woman steering the cart turned toward them, but Mikasa was quick to knock her back into the cart. Jean pointed his blade at her but didn't make any move to kill her. The girl slowly rolled over and used her gun to knock his blade out of his hand. I was busy fighting off my own opponent, and I couldn't help him. From the corner of my eye, I saw her pointing her gun at him. There was a shout and a gunshot. I was praying that it wasn't Jean. When I looked back, I saw the girl dead on the ground and Armin holding a smoking pistol. Now that I knew they were okay, I was focused on the fight again. I flew head on and the man in front of me and shoved my blade completely through his torso. I released both blades from the handles and watched him fall to the ground. I replaced the blades and turned the corner to be in sight of the wagon. 

I saw two men and a woman all aiming their guns at Armin and Jean. "Shit! Armin! Jean!" I warned. Levi and I flew down fast from opposite ends of the street. He grabbed Armin and I grabbed Jean. We moved out of the way just in time. There were now bullet holes directly where they had been standing. The remaining soldiers landed in the cart and shot at us as they entered a tunnel in the wall. I skidded to a halt on the ground. I saw Mikasa try to run after them, but I grabbed her and held her back. "Let them go. We're running on fumes."

"No!" She shouted and started to struggle against me. "Eren!" 

(Time Skip)

Connie, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, Levi, and I were all in the warehouse from earlier. We were sitting in a circle on some crates with a lantern in the center of all of us. "What's wrong? Did all this filth kill your appetite?" Levi asked Armin. Armin had just been sitting there, holding the ration we had given him.

"No," He responded before turning to the boy next to him, "Jean, there's something I don't understand."

"What's that?" Jean asked.

"When I turned around to try and save you... that woman already had her gun to your head. It's... funny. How could I have shot before she did?" Armin answered.

Jean looked away, as if remembering the moment Armin was talking about, "I don't know," he responded.

"You shot first because she hesitated. It's simple," Levi affirmed. 

"I'm sorry, Armin, "Jean apologized. "You wouldn't've had to save me if I'd just done my job."

"I know what it is," Armin said with a tone of horror and realization, "The woman I shot back there. I bet she was a really kind person. She must've had a lot more human empathy than I ever did. I pulled that trigger so easily. Without a thought. I'm..." He trailed off.

"A killer," Levi finished. "And now that your hands have been soaked in blood, the person you once were gone for good."

"Why would you say that?" Mikasa asked accusingly.

"And you shouldn't regret it for one second. Because if you'd chosen to keep your hands clean, Jean would be a corpse on a cart right now," Levi said in a deadly serious manner.  "I'll tell you why you pulled the trigger. Because your comrade was about to die. Armin. Everyone on our squad survived today because you got blood on your hands. Thank you."

Armin looked to be somewhat at peace now. Levi's words finally convincing him that he was not a coldhearted killer. "Captain Levi," Jean spoke, "I, uh, I thought it was wrong for us to fight other humans, sir. I thought it was wrong that you'd order us to do it. I mean, we became soldiers to protect people. But now, I see that I was in the wrong, sir. Next time, I swear I'll shoot."

"I never said anything about what was right or wrong. My moral high ground's shot to hell. I have no idea who's in the right at this point," Levi replied. He then stood up and turned to the man we were holding captive in the warehouse, "Now then, I think it's time we heard what our guest has to say." I stood up as well and walked over to the man, Levi close behind. I harshly pulled down the cloth we had used to gag him.

"Mercy, please!" He begged, "I'm just an old man they use to move cargo. I didn't want to, but they-"

"I've met this one before," Mikasa jeered, "He seemed to be a prominent merchant."

"Yeah, I know him. Dimo Reeves, right?" I asked the man coldly.

"This damn job was forced on us by the Military Police," he fumed. "And now that we've completely botched it, they'll plunder the Reeves Company for everything its worth. First, they'll kill me, and then they'll set up 'accidents' for all my employees. My dumb son, too."

"You just gonna lay down and take it?" Levi asked, almost in disbelief. "There's a reason Trost recovered from that titan attack. It's largely because of jobs and money brought in by the Reeves Company. Tell me, if your company were to disappear, how many would survive the coming winter?"

"So what? You want me to join you?" He questioned.

"We just need to know where Eren and Historia are. If you're in contact with the MPs, I think I have a plan," I stated.

"And can you give me your word that the people of Trost won't end up starving to death?" Reeves asked.

"I can't guarantee it. That said, I believe they'll have a better chance with us than without," I answer.

He seemed hesitant before slowly nodding, "All right."

(Time Skip)

We followed behind the wagon, cloaked and hidden from sight. When it finally reached the cottage, it stopped. Jean, Levi, and I quickly approached, and Jean pointed his gun at the opening in the back. An MP stuck his head through the gap and was met face to face with the barrel of the gun. Nobody made a move for a second. Them the MP tried to back up, but Jean hit him in the face with the butt of the gun and knocked him out. I heard a shout that was cut off by a thud and knew that Mikasa had knocked out the other MP. 

We took the MPs down into two small dungeon-like cells. Levi was putting on gloves and a heavy-duty leather apron. I decided I didn't need either of those, however. Suddenly, the door flew open, and Hanji came bursting in, Moblit close behind. "I made it! You haven't finished yet, have you?" Hanji asked urgently.

"No. Haven't even gotten our feet wet," I replied. We had only roughed him up a bit, but nothing too major. 

"Sannes! I'm only a novice at human torture, but while I lack experience, I plan to give this job my all!" She threatened. The man was tied to a chair, and I was being painfully reminded of what had happened earlier today. I was trying my best not to show how uncomfortable I was though.

"Hold on! At least tell me what you want! Who the hell tortures someone without asking questions?!" Sannes pleaded.

"Oh, yeah. We do have some questions. Where were Eren and Historia taken? What do you want with Historia, and what is the Reiss family?" Levi asked.

"Come on! Can't you see that we're in a time crunch here?!" Hanji yelled at him. She took the pliers and ripped out one of Sannes's fingernails. I cringed and turned my head away. He was crying and begging us to stop. I clenched my hands tightly around my forearms, my nails digging into the fabric of my shirt. The only thing on my mind were the hands of the pig from the warehouse. I couldn't take it anymore. I rushed out of the room and ran up the stairs. I walked past my squad, them giving me pitiful and confused looks. But I just kept walking until I made it outside and just to the edge of the woods. I was still visible from the cottage, but only if you were looking out the kitchen window. I leaned my back against the tree and slowly slid down it and onto the ground. I placed my head between my knees and sniffled quietly. All I could think about was the warehouse. How exposed and vulnerable that awful monster forced me to be. 

I sat like that for a couple minutes alone. Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder, and I flinched away from it. My eyes shot up to see who it was, and I was relieved, but embarrassed to see it was Levi. I relaxed slightly and leaned back against the tree. He was now not wearing the gloves or apron, but just his casual attire. He slowly sat down in the spot next to me and we sat there in silence, until Levi broke it, "So... Why'd you run out?" He wasn't pushing or prying. He was asking out of concern for me.

I sighed and wiped the stray tears from my face. Not meeting his eyes, I answered, "His screams... The way he was tied up... All I could think about was what happened in the warehouse." I glanced at him, and he seemed to stiffen. His fists clenched at the mention of it, alerting me that he already knew something about it.

He paused for a moment, relaxing and unclenching his fists. His voice was gentle and caring when he asked, "You don't have to tell me exactly happened... but if you want to, I'll listen."

I was grateful that he didn't push. I did want to tell him. But I thought that if I did, he'd never look at me the same way again. He'd always give me those pitiful eyes that I hated so much. But if I couldn't go to Levi, who else could I turn to? So, I told the story. What happened, the things he said, how I could still feel his hands, how I was forced into a vulnerable position, and how weak and disgusting I felt. And he didn't interrupt, or ask for more details, he just listened. 

I finally finished the story, and I felt like a weight had been lifted off me. Although Levi hadn't said anything, and I was getting worried that he might think I'm being stupid and weak. I looked at him and saw he was looking back at me. His eyes didn't hold pity or sadness. Instead, they had shown with protectiveness and love. He slowly raised his hand to cup my cheek as he stared into my eyes. "Y/N, I promise you that I will never let anyone hurt you again. I will always protect you. Until my last breath," He spoke. And I knew he meant every word. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips and then back to my eyes. I slowly raised my hands to cup his jaw and glanced down at his lips. Without a second thought, I pulled him close, and our lips crashed together. His arms moved down to wrap around my waist and mine went around his neck. I never wanted this moment to end. But alas, I needed to breath. I slowly ended the kiss and pulled away just enough to look into his eyes. He smiled down at me, a genuine smile that I returned, and leaned his forehead against mine. Both of us closing our eyes and reveling in the moment. "Y/N?" He asked softly.

"Yes?" I reply just ask softly.

"I love you."

My smile widened and I pulled back slightly to see his beautiful grey eyes again. "I love you too." He leaned in and kissed me again, this time a shorter kiss, but still just as meaningful. 

Our moment was, unfortunately, cut short by the slamming of a door. Levi and I jumped apart, pretending as if we hadn't just confessed our love for each other. "Y/N! There you are! I was worried about you!" Hanji shouted as she ran to me. She crashed into me and gave me a tight hug, cutting off my air supply.

"Yeah- I'm fine Hanji. But- I can't- Breath," I wheezed out. She hastily released me and apologized. "It's okay," I laughed slightly. I glanced at Levi and smiled, "Everything is just fine."

We walked back into the cottage and Hanji announced, "Okay. Let's call it a night. Everyone, get some sleep." Everyone mutters some form of agreement and went their separate ways. Hanji went to go to our room (the living situation was 2 people per room, so naturally it was girls together and boys together), but she saw I wasn't coming. "Y/N, you coming?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll be in shortly," I responded, giving her a smile to let her know everything was okay. She smiled back and continued down the hall. I stood in my place until I heard the door shut. Levi and I were now alone in the living room. I turned to him and smiled tiredly, which he returned. I walked over and wrapped me arms around his torso in a loving and comforting hug. His arms went around me as well. "So," I asked quietly, trying not to let anyone hear me, "What does this make us?"

Levi huffed a quiet laugh and replied, "Well, I was hoping I could call you mine."

"Your what?" I asked with a smirk. I wanted to hear him say it.

"You're such a brat," he teased.

"Come on, I wanna hear you say it," I pleaded.

"Fine," he paused, "You're my girlfriend. Happy now?" He asked, although I could hear the smirk he was wearing.

I laughed quietly and replied, "Very." We stayed like that for a moment longer before we reluctantly pulled away. "I'd better go before Hanji sends out a search party," I joked. 

He smiled and shook his head before giving me a sweet kiss on the forehead and saying, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I responded. I crept down the hall and into my room, slowly shutting the door behind me. But unfortunately, Hanji was sitting in the desk chair facing me and had a knowing smirk on her face. "What?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You wanna tell me why you needed a moment alone with Levi?" She asked with a taunting smile.

"Hmmm," I pretended to think, "Nope." 

"What?! Oh, come on! You have to tell me!" She practically shouted. 

"Shhh! Keep your voice down!" I scolded while grabbing a pair of pajamas. 

"Pleaseeeee?" She begged in a softer voice.

"No," I replied.

"Why not?" She whined.

"Because I said so," I replied simply before turning my back to face her and changing my clothes. 

"Ugh. Fine. But if you guys get married one day, can I be in the wedding?" She asked.


(Time Skip)

Hanji woke me up early the next morning. I got up and got dressed and headed into the kitchen. Levi was already there and seemed to have just finished making a cup of tea. I sat down at the table, and he walked over and placed a teacup in front of me. I smiled at him in thanks and took a sip of the hot drink. He made it just the way I like it. I sighed in satisfaction. I could get used to waking up like this. 

After we finished breakfast, Hanji and Levi went to see if they could get any answers out of Sannes. I was shocked to see them walk back up the stairs within a couple minutes. Hanji and Levi explained everything Sannes had told them.

"You mean the rightful heir to the throne is... Historia?" Armin asked what we were all thinking.

"That's correct. And based on that knowledge, we're assuming that she and Eren have been taken to Lord Reiss," Hanji explains. Moblit then unrolls a piece of parchment and there is a drawing of a distinguished looking man with eyes that resembled Historia's.

"That's him," Levi stated. 

"And now... we've gotta find him to save Eren and Historia."

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