To Die For (Female Slashers x...

Oleh BlxxdAngel

101K 3.3K 1.1K

Y/n L/n moves to Japan in hopes of furthering his education, thanks to the cheap tuition fees. However, what... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One: Kayako Saeki
Chapter Two: Sadako Yamamura
Chapter Three: The Girl With The Mask
Chapter Four: The Past Resurfaces
Chapter Five: A Psychic Connection
Chapter 6: A Sense of Purpose
Chapter 7: Kuchisake-onna
Chapter 8: A Very Familiar Danger
Chapter 9: In the Public's Eye
Chapter 10: Some Quality Time
Chapter 11: A Change Of Scenery
Chapter 12: The Girl In The Snow
Chapter 14: Marked
Chapter 15: Her True Nature
Chapter 16: Appearances
Important Information ‼️
Chapter 17: Arrivederci
Chapter 18: Homecoming

Chapter 13: Her Cold Embrace

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Oleh BlxxdAngel

Y/n's trek has finally begun and it's gone a lot wilder than he could've ever imagined. After grabbing a quick and hearty meal at a local ramen shop, he began his trek into the harsh cold mountains of the Japanese Alps. It began better than he ever imagined, catching a glimpse of the truly beautiful nature that the Alps had to offer, and even coming across a rare albino deer. However, it wasn't all roses for the protagonist, as he caught a glimpse of a woman so otherworldly beautiful that she captivated the male's eyes. However, Y/n would soon suffer a horrific accident, slipping due to the ice that had accumulated over the ground. Helpless, and unable to get help, our Y/n called out for help from the mysterious woman. But who is she? Is Y/n in even more danger now? Will she help him? Read to find out!


3rd person pov:

Nature. It is something that can be both beautiful and hypnotizing and it is easy to get lost in the allure of its magnificence. However, it can also be very dangerous if one isn't careful which is what our Y/n discovered the painful way. Slipping due to his rashness, and injuring himself painfully, it seemed certain that he would be doomed to an early grave in the middle of the cold Japanese Alps.

That was until she showed up.

You might ask, who is she? Well, it turns out that she is none other than the mythical Yokai known as the Yuki-onna. Known for their seemingly otherworldly beauty, the main prey for these Yokai are lost and unsuspecting travelers who dare to venture into the cold and unforgiving mountains of the Japanese Alps and either get injured or lose their way amidst the maze of endless snow.

That was exactly what happened to our Y/n.

However, the woman intended to keep her prey alive for longer, preferring to toy with her kill before ending his life. To do that, she began escorting him back to his homestead by retracing his footsteps. With the teen in her arms, the woman soon reached his cabin. Retrieving the key from him, the Yokai quickly made her way to his room and placed him on his bed, right in the direction of the hottest part of the fireplace.

"Hmph, humans are such pathetic creatures..." The Yokai commented as Y/n was pathetically shivering due to the cold like a fish out of water.

With that, the female Yokai intended to leave him here as she wasn't ready to descend back into the snow-filled forest. It was entertaining seeing him scramble as he was not meant to be in a place like this, he was so defenseless and so powerless. She was going to torment him for just a bit longer till she was ready to end his pitiful existence, but not yet. Turning around, she intended to leave him there to sleep, letting him survive for longer.

Or, so she thought.

Just as she was meant to exit his cabin and leave him there, the male stretched out his hand and in a swift move, gripped her hands tightly. The female Yokai was caught off guard, due to the fact that he was currently in an extremely deep slumber. What was even more shocking, was what he was about to do next. He was only human, and she was a Yokai, seismically more powerful than him but it was like she was powerless in this moment.

It was as if she could do nothing to stop him.

"Stay~" Y/n mumbled in his sleep as he pulled the Yokai into his bed, wrapping his arms around her there to keep her in his arms.

You see Y/n always had a fondness for the cold, ever since he was young Y/n loved to play in cold weather or make snow angels in the winter. He slept without blankets due to that, because he loved the way the cold weather would make him feel.

That is also why he preferred sleeping alone.

So when Yuki held him in her cold embrace, the male naturally began to ironically melt into her touch. It made him feel so safe, so comfortable and he desired more of her touch. Consequentially even in his sleep the male craved her embrace, wanting to feel her in his arms.

That was where Yuki found herself, the male's arms wrapped around her forcing her into a tight embrace. Even his foot was wrapped around her waist, it was clear that he didn't intend on letting her go and that he wanted to spoon her. Yuki didn't know why she didn't fight back or resist in any kind of manner, as she practically allowed the sleeping male to capture her into a deep and close cuddle.

Perhaps, a part of her wanted this as well.

You see the Yuki onna lived a solitary life, she rarely ever encountered any human beings and when she did, they inevitably became a prey to her. A part of that was self imposed - her immortality meant that she would outgrow any humans who she grew close to and to save herself from the pain that she would feel when her partner grew old, she avoided any and everyone but that naturally led to her becoming lonely. Extremely lonely.

Maybe that was why she didn't fight back the actions of Y/n, maybe that was why she nuzzled her body into his arms and maybe that was why she soon fell asleep in the confines of his tight embrace.

Y/n pov:

I had the weirdest sleep last night, I could've sworn that I felt the embrace of someone, but I couldn't think about it further as I woke up with an extremely painful headache, my eyes were forced shut as I winced from the excruciating pain. It was if I had been shot, or perhaps it was as if I was hit in the head.

"No, I slipped..." I whispered to myself rubbing the back of my head.

Suddenly, I felt the sensation of someone's head on my chest, but instead of feeling warm, their touch felt ice cold, as if they were frozen to the touch. Looking down I recognized the individual, it was the same girl from before. She was just as beautiful as when I saw her yesterday amidst the falling snow, but now I could see her more clearly.

"So you saved me huh?..." I whispered to myself, rhetorically.

Gently I reached out my hands to caress her hair, twirling a strand of her black hair around my fingers. Her skin was cold to the the touch, as if she wasn't alive but I didn't mind as I felt an immense level of gratitude towards her. She was my angel, the guardian angel who saved me and I knew I needed to thank her. I couldn't help but find myself staring at her, she was so ethereally beautiful.

"I guess I'll prepare breakfast for you" I said to myself, as I gently removed myself from her as to not wake her up.

Getting up, I began to make my way towards the pantry to see what I could make. The only things I could find were some eggs, bacon and flour. I knew she was of Japanese ancestry but I was going to prepare her a staple breakfast from back home. It was delicious so I knew that she was going to like it.

"Pancake, eggs and bacon. Yummy~" I excitedly drooled at the thought as I commenced cooking.

I was by no means Gordon Ramsay, but I considered myself pretty decent at cooking. I followed my mother's recipe from my memories and with only the aroma to guide me, I soon enough finished cooking up the breakfast. With a plate in hand, I began making my way towards my room intent on letting her eat it as a sign of my gratitude.

Upon arrival, however, she was not there.

"Hello?" I called out hoping for an answer.

Suddenly, I felt something sharp pressed on my neck, glancing down I could see that it was a shard of ice. Behind me, I felt this immensely cold presence which made me shiver and which made the hair on my skin rise. I'd never felt a presence like this and I knew in this moment, I couldn't stop her from killing me.

God, I loved it.

"If you do so much as to move a muscle, I'll slit your throat." I heard the woman whisper sinisterly to me from behind.

"Relax, I have no bad intentions. I just wanted to thank you for saving me earlier by making you something to eat. I promise" I explained.

As if she was taking sometime to contemplate her decision, she stayed still for a moment before soon disintegrating the ice shard as I breathed in a sigh of huge relief. I realized then and there that she was a Yokai, and just like the old man mentioned, she was dangerous. Thankfully, we soon began eating.

I could tell she was famished, judging by how quickly she was devouring the food I made for her. Remembering what had happened, I realized that there was a huge chance that it was her who ate most of that lady's food.

"So, what is your name? I'm Y/n L/n" I explained taking a bite of a pancake.

"... Yuki..." She responded taking a break in between the bites as she continued eating, getting some syrup on her cheeks.

"You know you're super cute, when you're not trying to kill me and all" I chuckled as in that moment, a red tint dusted her cheeks.

Reaching forward, I wiped the syrup off of her cheeks with a napkin as I saw her blush becoming even more red. It was so adorable to watch. We weren't sitting next to the fireplace, however, so naturally I began to shiver.

"You know if you're cold, I know of a way to warm you up~" She responded taking a bite of her pancake as if she wanted revenge for me making her blush.

Now it was my turn to blush, as I watched her lick some syrup off of her fork in a seductive manner while staring into my eyes. My face heated up as I watched her, it was so hot. I could tell that she had both an innocent and a dirty side, and it was this dichotomy that made her even more attractive in my eyes.

"Huh?" was all I could muster out, as I stuffed my face with some bacon to avoid her catching me blushing.

I was sure she did, though.

"I mean we can start a bonfire" she responded in an innocent fashion, as if she wasn't just teasing me.

I knew in that moment that I had to have her.


This is the 13th chapter of my story and I hope you enjoyed it! This was entertaining to write and I really am appreciative of the feedback I'm getting which is the biggest motivation I can get to keep pushing out more chapters!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and onto the next one!

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