Return To Arizona Skies

By Honestlysassy

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As established in the first book "Arizona Skies" book 2 "Return To Arizona Skies" will deal with corporal pun... More

Please Read Warning
If You Have Nothing Nice To Say Don't Say Anything At All
If You Have Nothing Nice To Say Don't Say Anything At All Part 2
Long Road Home
Ready Or Not Here Comes The Twins
In Trouble With Papas
Where Did You Hear That Word?
To Soap or Not to Soap
Momma Dearest
Knock Knock
Knock Knock Part 2
Underwear Check
Authors Note

First Few Days Home

168 6 0
By Honestlysassy

Mandy's POV

I can't believe that Cassie and I had our twins on the same day. That is pretty cool. I'm happy that all the babies are healthy and we were able to come home 2 days later.

Brad and Ally have been doing okay, Ally's been wanting to be mommy to her twin sisters. Brad has wanted to go to Uncle Kenny's or my dad's.

"Momma, I wanna go to Papa's," Brad whines as I'm trying to change Jayson and Jacob is crying because he needs to be fed.

"Brad, can you just wait a few minutes, please? Momma needs to feed your brother, then I'll call Papa to see if you can go over okay?" I ask as calmly as I can ask a five-year-old, ignoring the fact that he whined which he would normally get scolded for, but I'm just so busy.

Brad stomps his foot and says "NO! I wanna go NOW!" He yells.

I'm so thankful when Cassie comes in and immediately says

"Wyatt Bradley, go to your room and sit on your bed until momma or I come to talk to you,"

"I just wanted to go to Papa's. The babies are being loud," Brad starts to cry as he leaves the room but Cassie stops him.

"I know buddy and momma told you that she needed a few minutes before she could call to make sure you could go over, she didn't say no. It doesn't give you the right to throw a tantrum, go to your room, and once momma is done with the babies, she will be in. Okay?" Cassie hugs Brad as he leaves to go to his room

I had put Jayson in his bassinet and was feeding Jacob. I have to admit that I can't really blame Brad, the babies are crying all the time. I'm so jealous of Cassie and Noah. Their twins are on the same schedule. Whereas mine are on opposite schedules. So, when one is diapered and ready for sleep the other is awake wanting to be fed and burped.

After I'm done feeding, Cassie tells me she will help with Jacob, if I want to go see Brad and call Uncle Kenny.

I handed Jacob to Cassie and went to Brad's room. He wasn't there. I have a feeling I know exactly where he is.

I call Uncle Kenny

Hello," he answers cheerfully.

"Hey, is Brad over there?" I ask

"Yeah, he said you told him it was okay and he is sitting at the counter eating a snack. I'm now taking it, he didn't have permission to be here?"

"No, he was supposed to be waiting in his room for me. I was going to call you to make sure it was okay he came over,"

Just about then I heard Jayson crying. I sighed " Can he stay there for an hour or so? I'll come over to get him as soon as I can,"

"No problem. He should know better than to leave the house without permission. I'll give him a hand spanking for that, you can follow up when you pick him up," Uncle Kenny says and I say goodbye as I walk back into the nursery. Cassie is trying to comfort Jayson, but he isn't happy.

We are thinking something might be wrong with Jayson's digestive system because he is always crying hysterically about ½ hour after he eats. We have to massage his tummy and he passes gas and then he stops and is able to sleep.

I walk over to Uncle Kenny's where I see my son on Kenny's lap, sucking his thumb and snuggling.

"Wyatt Bradley Anderson Jr. Did you have my permission to come over here?" I ask sternly.

He takes his thumb out of his mouth, something Wyatt and I are trying to break him of doing, and looks at me "I'm sorry momma,"

Uncle Kenny gives him a sharp smack and he starts crying, "She asked you a question, answer her properly," he scolds.

"No, ma'am," he answers with his head down.

"Come on, we are going home and you're getting a spanking," I tell him and go to grab him off, Uncle Kenny.

"But Papa already spanked me really really hard and my bottom is really hot," he says seriously and I have to hide my chuckle.

"Yeah, well you're getting another one from me, let's go," I say.

I give Uncle Kenny a hug and then I walk my sulking son back home.

I bring Brad immediately into my and Wyatt's room since it is soundproof and I don't want his crying to wake up the babies that are actually both sleeping at the moment.

"Alright, what are you in trouble for, young man?" I ask him.

"I went to Papa's without telling you and without permission," my son says quietly.

"I told you I would call him after I was done with the twins to see if he was able to see you, didn't I?" I ask him firmly.

"Yes ma'am," he answers me.

I take his shorts and boxers down and place him over my lap, "Wyatt Bradley, you don't leave this house without permission, do you understand me?" I ask as I bring my hand down sharply on his already pink bottom.

"Yes ma'am, momma, please Owwiee!" he cries as I continue my smacks on his bottom.

Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack

I pick up the brush I had laying on the bed and "I'm giving you 10 smacks with the hairbrush," I tell him and begin to finish his punishment.

Whack whack whack

"Owwieee momma, NO MORE!" he cries.

Whack Whack Whack Whack

"I'm Soorrryyy, Momma, NO MOOORRREE!" by this time he is crying hysterically and I do two more quickly and scoop him up off my lap. I hear one of the twins crying, I sigh, knowing I have to take care of the baby, but also do aftercare with Brad.

"Can you lay down on momma and daddy's bed and I will be back right after I check on the babies?" I ask as I pull up his pants.

I left the room as he climbed onto Wyatt and my bed was still crying.

I checked on who was crying and it was Jayson, I fed him, changed him, and put him back in his bassinet.

Cassie came in frantically holding Jessica, crying. " I can't get her to stop crying!"

"Well, don't bring her in here to get mine upset," I say as I slightly push her out of the nursery and take Jem from her.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" I asked as I held her, swaying her back and forth. She stopped almost immediately.

"I'm making dinner, you can take care of my kids for me," Cassie says with a tease.

"Yeah, right! Jacob will be waking up any minute now!" I say back to her as she goes into the kitchen.

I follow her and she starts making dinner as I continue to hold Jem.

A few minutes later, Wyatt gets home and kisses me, and goes into the bedroom, he comes out with an upset Brad. I forgot to go back in and do after, spanking comfort!

"Brad tells me you spanked him and he thinks you don't love him because you didn't come back to check on him," Wyatt tells me.

Cassie comes over, obviously sensing the tension from the situation, and takes Jem from me as I go to Brad and pick him up.

"I'm so sorry, buddy. Momma got busy and I'm so sorry. I love you so so so much!" I give him a kiss on the cheek and he places his head in the crook of my neck. I look at Wyatt and he mouths, we will discuss this later in private.

Wyatt's POV

My life is chaotic right now. With a new position on the police force and having twins that seem to want to cry at opposite times, sleep is a wonderful thing when I'm able to get it.

I get home at my normal time and see Mandy and Cassie in the kitchen, Mandy holding Jem. I gave her a kiss and then went into our room. I'm shocked to find my 5-year-old son crying in our bed.

"What's the matter, buddy?"

"I got two spankings today. One from Papa and one from Momma, but Momma doesn't love me because she didn't give me after spanking cuddles," he tells me. I scoop him up in my arms and give him a huge hug.

"Oh, buddy. That's not true. Momma and I both love you very very much," I tell him, as I wipe his tear stained face.

"Come on buddy, let's go see momma," I told him and brought him to see Amanda.

"We will discuss this later in private," I whisper as Mandy is giving Brad cuddles. I can see it on her face that she feels guilty about it. The only thing I can imagine that happened is one of the twins started crying and she went to deal with them and forgot to go back, I don't know the whole story yet though, so I keep my anger down, but I do want to talk to her about this, after spanking cuddles and reassurance is how we make sure to keep discipline balanced in our home.

After we ate dinner, did bath time, and bedtime with Brad, the twins were settled for a bit, I brought Mandy into our room.

"What happened today?" I asked, folding my arms.

"Brad went over to your parents without permission and your dad spanked him and then I spanked him but before I could do cuddles, Jayson started crying so I told Brad that I would be right back, but then Jem needed to be calmed down and I forgot, I feel so terrible," Mandy begins to cry.

I go over to her and give her a hug. "I know everything is so overwhelming right now, we have four newborn babies in the house, Brad and Ally are testing you and Cassie like crazy. This move has been a lot on us all. I know you didn't mean to leave Brad without being comforted, but remember he needs our reassurance more than ever right now"

Mandy starts sobbing harder "I'm so sorry, I never meant to leave him alone for that long by himself. I just can't do this right, I'm fail...."

I stop her before she gets too far ahead of herself..."I was just going to talk to you about this but I can see you will be too hard on yourself so we will just nip this in the bud now"

I pull Mandy over my lap and start laying down medium swats on her bottom, she is still wearing her leggings since I am just trying to head off the meltdown.

"Wyatt, what the hell? Let me up!" She starts fighting to get off my lap.

"Mandy, I wasn't planning on going hard on you, but if you keep fighting me and swearing, it's going to into that,"

"I wasn't doing or saying anything that wasn't true. I'm a horrible mom," Mandy starts crying.

I know I have to lift her up and comfort her right now. Ignoring the fact that she just put herself down, which I will deal with, I first have to reassure her that she isn't a horrible mom.

"Amanda Marie, look at me," I say semi-sternly, as I pull her up. She looks at me, "You are a great mother. You cook, clean, are taking care of 3 children. One that is 5 and is getting himself into trouble all the time. Twins are hard for any parent," I start to tell her and she interrupts me.

"Cassie and Noah's twins are easier, Cassie isn't having any problems with her twins," she cries.

I smack her thigh, "First of all, don't interrupt me, and secondly, didn't Cassie bring Jem to you because she was crying and Cassie couldn't get her to calm down?"

"Well, yeah, but..." Mandy started to say, but it was my turn to interrupt,

I responded by flipping her over my lap and upping the intensity of the swats, "No, Amanda. You need to realize that Cassie and Noah are also having some of the same issues we are having with the twins. You are doing the best you can, just like Cassandra is doing the best she can. You are not a horrible mother, our children love you. How you looked when you realized you left Brad proves that you love our children and are a great mom. If I hear you say anything negative about yourself or say you're a horrible mother, this is where you will end up, every time,"

I stand her up and pull her leggings down and pull her back over my lap to finish.

"Ow, Wyatt! I'm sorry," She cries.

"You're getting 10 more, I want you to say I'm a good mom after each one,"


"I'm a good mom," she whimpers


"I'm a good mom," she cries.

I smack her sit spots and thighs a total of 10 times with her increasingly crying harder, but saying "I'm a good mom," and then I lift her up and snuggle her close as she cries into my neck and I rub her back and then I lay her down in bed and I undress and get in bed myself, before one of our babies wake up...

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