The forbidden love

By Tvduu_spicy

323 13 5

It's about a girl named Tara pierce and her journey and she's Katerina Petrova's (Katherine Pierce) twin sist... More

The forbidden love
Kidnapped doppelgΓ€nger
Deja vu
Senior night murder
Kill the hybrid
The Mikaelson family
Psycho teacher
The vampire hunter
Gone paranoid
The cure
Confessed feelings
Burning into pieces
Long lost mother
Humanity off
New York
It's back
Wherever you go
Augustine vampires
You never know who's telling the truth
I don't know myself
Found memories
One last time
Dance with pain
Never have i ever
Other side
Bloody dance
The birthday
I love you
The full moon
It happened
Psycho friends
Operation Kai
Thinking of him
Best friends
Christmas disaster
Nobody's killing anyone
Getting Elena
I killed my mom
Almost losing
Bonnie's birthday

Ghost town

4 0 0
By Tvduu_spicy

I was at mystic grill when I saw Lexi.

"Lexi?!" I said happy

"hi Tara" we hugged

"this is not possible you're-"

"dead? Well your friend Bonnie have opened the door but we ghost won't be here for long"

"well little time with you means a lot for me"

Lexi smiled and I continued with "Lexi you saved me when I was at my lowest but when more bad things happened I couldn't stand all the pain anymore so I turned off the switch".

"I missed you" she smiled holding up her glass

"I've missed you too" we toasted two glasses of bourbon.

I later was going out and it was dark as I saw the hunter who was supposed to be dead so I ran but he threw a vervain bomb at me so I fell to the ground,

I heard Damon scream "no let her go!"

The hunter took a dagger and stabbed me in the heart and Damon screamed "no!".

I felt how everything disappeared and my body falling to the cold ground.

Damon's perspective
I saw Tara lying on the ground, the hunter took a dagger and then stabbed her in the heart.

The hunter later ran away and I ran to Tara.

I held her in my arms and said "you are not dead" tears ran down my face.

I kissed her forehead as I saw Stefan coming

"Damon...what happened!?" Stefan looked at Tara's lifeless body worried

"the hunter killed her! She's- she's...not coming back, Stefan she's.....dead"

My mind wouldn't even believe my own words, I kept telling myself she will wake up any second...but she didn't.

Stefan shakes his head as he said "No. No. No this is not....happening" he cried and looked away.

I carry her in my arms and her hands just hung down.

Tara's perspective
I saw Damon lying with my body as I was on the other side, I couldn't stop cry.

I then appeared in the Salvatore house and nobody could see me, they just talked.

I was just thinking about that I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to everyone especially Klaus.

As I was standing and crying Stefan and Damon then came into the room and everyone's head was turned around from me

Damon says "how can I see you?" he looked confused at me and then everyone else looked at me

"when did you come in?" Caroline asked

"you see me?" I asked with tears in my eyes

"yes we do...why wouldn't we?" Bonnie asked frowning her face

"because...I'm dead, he....killed me"

Damon ran up to me and hugged me.

"But how is this possible?" I asked.

Stefan then says "it's open, the door for the ghosts"

"who killed you?" Jeremy asked

"the hunter. But Bonnie you close..the door"

Bonnie started to cry and hugged me.

"Okay I will"

"I need to go" I said

"where?" Damon asked

"I need to say goodbye to...someone".

I ran to Klaus's  house and I had tears in my eyes.

I was in their house and I screamed "Klaus!"

He heard me and then came as he had a smile on his face.

When he saw me crying his smile disappeared

"what's wrong love?"

"I'm dead....Klaus"

"no no you're not, you're here"

"the door is open but I will be gone soon".

Klaus looked frustrated putting his hand on the back of my head hugging me.

"I need to say goodbye to Rebekah too".

He nodded and I called Rebekah

"Rebekah we gotta talk can you come to your house"

"yes of course"

Rebekah arrived and saw me and Klaus crying

"what's happening?" She asked

"Rebekah....I'm dead"

She shakes her head "no this is NOT.....happening. Why can I still see you?"

"the door is open and when it close I will be gone forever"

Rebekah cried and hugged me.

I called Bonnie and she was about to close it.

Rebekah was in the kitchen because she didn't want to be there when I died

"Klaus if I'm gonna die I have to do this before"

Klaus looked confused at me

"Klaus you make me feel something else, something special and I love that and that's why...I like you. When I'm dead, you gonna need to let me go and I hope we'll meet someday...maybe a really beautiful day in hell" I giggled trying to not make myself feel so sad.

" day...I will come for you. A sunny day"

Klaus looked happy and sad at the same time. He kissed me on the lips and then I disappeared.

I was looking at Klaus from the other side and saw him breaking down and then I felt someone touching my shoulder.

I looked back and saw Bonnie

"what are you doing here?"

"I'm dead"

"what happened?"

"The magic was too strong but Jeremy's alive"

we both cried

"I never wanted to die, I will never find peace" I say looking at Klaus

"I know...nobody wants to die but at least I made Jeremy come back and...that's what matters"

we hugged but I couldn't feel her anymore.

"Please Bonnie don't leave me, I don't wanna be alone"

I cried and then Bonnie was gone.

I was all alone, I couldn't see anyone.

I was standing at the Salvatore's living room and then Jeremy looked at where I stood very suprised

"Tara!" He said

"wait you can see me?" I said happily

"yes yes Tara I can see you"

"Tara's here?" Damon asked


"Jeremy tell them I miss them"

Jeremy nodded and did.

As I said I started to cry and got a break down and sat down on the ground.

"What's wrong" Jeremy asks as he bent down a little.

"Jeremy what's happening?" Caroline asked

"please I'm all alone,...I don't wanna be alone. It's so cold. Everything feels cold, dark and just like...death"

Jeremy looked sad and said "she's all alone".

Caroline looked really sad

I said "Bonnie's dead...Jeremy"

Jeremy looked sad and then I heard

"tell him to not tell the others" I looked to the side and saw Bonnie I nodded and Jeremy looked confused at me.

"Jeremy don't tell the others"

"Okay, who was you talking to?"

"Bonnie. Jeremy could you do something for me?"

"Do what?"

"Tell Katherine that I'm dead and that I loves her, please"

"yea I can do that". He started to walk to the door.

"Jer what are you gonna do?" Elena asked

"talk to Katherine"

"no you can't" Elena said

"Jeremy can you send Damon or Stefan instead?"

"I can ask them"

"thank you so mu-" as I was saying Jeremy couldn't see me anymore



I got sad again and were walking around town.

Today it was graduation and I couldn't be there and not Bonnie either.

I was looking at everyone else take it but I was looking at everyone being so happy too.

The times I could see Klaus I tried shouting his name but he didn't answer.

While I was dead I was driving around everywhere exploring things even tho I can't see anything alive.

That's the thing that makes me more sad.

When I drove back to mystic falls I was going around in the school when I saw Lexi

"Lexi!" She turned around and I ran to her

"wait why are you here?"

"Lexi....I'm dead"

"no I was with you"

"I died after thet because of a hunter that Elena once killed".

Lexi smiled "well it's fun to have company here"

I also smiled "if I'm going to be dead it's really nice to be with you. So what is the most fun thing here?"

"Not so much, it's mostly quiet, dark, cold"

"so it's exactly what I was afraid it would be"

"you get used to it".

Me and Lexi were talking straight for 4 weeks and I could finally talk to someone all the time.

After half summer had gone I was still dead and I wasn't able to see Lexi so much

I was walking on a road when Bonnie came "I can bring you back Tara"

"what how?"

"I found a way"

I smiled and said "we're going to get our lives back"

"not we"

"no no no Bonnie I won't leave you here"

"I have my grams" Bonnie said as she smiled and got tears running down her face

"no Bonnie don't".

Bonnie began a spell and I screamed "Bonnie stop!"

I couldn't  touch her or make her stop.

"Bonnie" I said as I cried even more.

When she was done she said "I see you sometime again".

I looked at her and suddenly she was gone and I was looking around as I was going on the road and I saw people driving by and people was everywhere.

I got tears because I was happy and sad about Bonnie.

I was walking on the roads until I saw the Mikaelson house.

I ran in happy as I saw Rebekah standing there

"Tara?" I nodded, I got tears of joy.

Rebekah dropped a blood bag she was holding and hugged me and I laughed of happiness.

"I've missed you"

"I've missed you too Rebekah".

We were hugging a long time until I asked "where's Klaus?"

"Why don't you call him?" Rebekah said

"I don't have my phone"

"take mine" she said as she smiled and handed me her phone.

I called Klaus and he answered

"hi little sister"


"Tara?" As he said I teared up

"I'm alive....I'm alive" I giggled

"where are you?"

"At your house"

"i be there love don't go"

he hung up and then Elijah called Rebekah and wanted her to come to him so I was waiting for Klaus.

"Tara" I heard behind me so I turned around and Klaus hugged me tight.

He stopped hugging me he said "I thought you would've never come back"

"I thought I never would talk to anyone alive again"

I cried of joy and Klaus hugged me again and he took me up and spinned me around.

He let me down as he said "you help me feel something special".

I got a smile on my face and he kissed me and I put my hand on his cheek.

He pushed me against the wall and put his hand on my hip as he started to kiss my neck, he stopped and looked into my eyes as I smile.

We kept making out and his hands were on my cheeks and I put my hand on his back head.

After some minutes I ripped off his shirt and we made our way to the bed.

He let me down on the bed and he bent down so he was over me.

As we made out I opened up his belt and he helped me open the rest.

I took off my sweater and threw it to the side so it fell to the floor.

I bent upwards to Klaus and kissed him.

We took off the rest of our clothes and Klaus smiled at me, he was over me and we connected our lower parts.

I made a face and felt Klaus necklace touching my neck, it was really cold and made me shiver

I put my hand on his back head so I felt his hair and I closed my eyes.

I felt his lips finding their way to mine and we began to make out again, as we did I put my other hand on his back and I felt how my claws were coming out, I accidentally tore him.

He gave away a little sound and stopped kissing me and looked at me, he smiled tilting his head at me

I felt how my whole body was weak but I responded with a smile biting my lower lip.

He leaned closer to my ear

"you like this...don't you?" He whispered

I later woke up next to Klaus and when I looked at him I gave away a little sight.

I got up and tried to not wake him up

when I was at the door I heard "are you running away from me again?"

I looked back and smiled annoyingly "kind off. Could I shower here?"

"Yes of course love".

When I had showered I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around me as I looked down and then walked into someone and I almost dropped the towel.

I looked up and saw Klaus so I stood up

"Klaus I almost dropped the towel"

"I would've stayed for that show"

I looked at his lips.

He looked down at me and he tilted his head to the left as he took his hand on my cheek.

"You need to stop with that" I say

"With what?" He smiled

"The tilt's really....-"

"You enjoy it...don't you, love?"

"No I don't"

I looked away trying to hide how I really felt

He began to kiss me and we were now making out and Klaus stopped kissing me

"you don't need this towel" he pulled off my towel.

As we were going to his room we made out

He took me against the wall kissing me hard and I was think about his hand on my thigh.

I was also thinking about the we shouldn't do this, it's going to be a mistake but at the same time it was too good to stop.

His hand came higher and higher on my body and it stopped at my neck

"We sho-" I say but he interrupts me

"The only thing we shouldn't is stop"

I rolled my eyes at him

He takes away his hands

"'s your can either choose to go..or....stay"

He raised his eyebrows making a annoying face

I looked up at him

I took my hands on his cheeks and he smiled

I kissed his annoying face and he lifted me up, he pushed me to the wall

"I..guess this means...stay then"

I just thought he was really annoying

"Shut up"

We made our way to the bed and we did it again.

I was later laying on Klaus chest and he was playing with my hair.

"This was fun" Klaus said as he looked down at me so I looked up

"I...take that as a compliment" I made a confused face

" was like a compliment. I actually starting to feel that...I like you"


"No...I'm serious"

"I'm actually starting to like you more and more too"

He smiled big


"I get it. I have to say something"

He continued

"I will always protect matter what, I've should have. You always make me feel something and it's a feeling I've never felt before but I just now it's a good feeling. If something like this would happen another time..I won't look at you and do nothing. I will fight for whatever it takes"

I smiled and kissed him

"I've never thought you could be this sweet"

he smirked

"every monster has their soft side. They just needs to be with someone they care about to show it"

" about me?"

"Of course I do love. I will always do"

I put my hand on his chest and he put his hand on mine.

"I need to go tell people I'm alive now"

I sat up and put on my underwear

"i was the first person you talked to after Rebekah?"

"Yes" I put on my sweater and then my jeans

"goodbye Klaus"

"goodbye love".

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