dnf + karlnap oneshots ๐Ÿ˜

By imclovinit

10.4K 96 55

This story has mainly karlnap and dnf but may contain other characters as side characters. Contains: Smut, fl... More

Perfect date
broken glass
Dream come true
help A/N
Good God
new book!!

Secret Kisses

384 8 9
By imclovinit

no editing cause It's 3:40 am, my fuckin fingers hurt like hell and I'm tired as shit.

dnf fluff

The sound of a new episode on Netflix played while George ventured off into the kitchen for a glass of ice cold water. It was so hot, god why did he have to move to Florida.

Speaking of why he should've moved to Florida, Dream -part of the reason why he moved here- came out from the hallway, rubbing his eyes tiredly. When George looked up from the freezer where he was getting ice for his water, he realized Dream only had basketball shorts on—and probably boxers, but how was George supposed to know?

"Hi." George says, closing the freezer drawer.

"What're you doing up, I thought you went to sleep like, hours ago?" Dream asks while holding onto the counter, feeling lightheaded from just waking up.

"I've been up?" George says pouring a water bottle into his ice filled glass.

"You say that like I would've known, I was asleep George." Dream chuckles.

"You—" he takes a sip of his water, "–are an idiot."

He walks past Dream and into the living room again to watch his show, heartstopper, season 1, episode 3 (I think we all know what that means, yeah?).

"What show is this?" Dream asks, following George to the living room.

"Heartstopper. Saw it on tiktok." George responds, sitting down on his spot on the couch with Dream standing behind where George sat.

They both begin to watch the show together, Dream eventually sitting down on the couch with George's legs in his lap because he said ' I'm tired but I'm not comfy, scoot over. ' even if there was a whole other part of the couch. He wanted to get comfy while being able to feel Dream.

Dream, being his little fidgety self—adhd at it's finest— had his hand on George's calf, just rubbing his fingers along it and drawing shapes with his finger tips. George loved it, Dream's hand almost wrapped around his entire calf.

The size difference between the two was driving George insane, in a good way of course. Dream's hands were huge compared to George's. There was a time that he was talking to Dream about his hands being huge and they compared hand sizes, it drove him mad.

"Dream, no, it's not fair! You have an advantage, your fingers are long so you can reach the keys faster than I can!" George whined.

"What?" Dream wheezes,"That makes no sense, your fingers can't be that small, George."

"No, I'm serious Dream." George pouts.

"Here, lemme see." Dream says, holding up his hand for George to put his hand to Dream's.

"What?" George asks cluelessly.

"Put your hand up to mine and let me see how much bigger my hand is."

"It's only gonna prove my point even more." George says, putting his hand to Dream's.

Dreams fingers looked like they were never going to end compared to Georges bony little fingers.
The warmth seemed to buzz in George's fingers, it felt like time stopped when they touched.

"George, hello?" Dream asks while tapping on George's calves.

"Sorry, what?" George questions, snapping back into his thoughts.

"You tired?" Dream asks as George comes back to reality, trying to find 1 thing be could feel, 1 he could hear, 1 he could taste, 1 he could see and 1 he could smell.

He could feel the blanket on top of him.
He could hear heartstopper playing on the tv. Beabadobee? Anyway, he could taste the minty gum in his mouth. He could see Dream sitting on the couch with him and he could smell the vanilla and chamomile that the diffuser in the kitchen was diffusing out into the house.

He also felt like he needed Dream to fall asleep, he could hear the little person in his brain calling him gay and all kinds of other rude things and slurs, he could taste– hell, he could get drunk on the taste of wanting Dream, he could see how tired Dream also was and smelling the chamomile was making him sleepy.

But he couldn't stay sleepy without Dream by his side, he'd be tossing and turning all night.

"Yeah kinda, I'm probably not gonna be able to sleep if you leave, not that you have to stay or anything but. . ." George trails off, finally gaining his senses back.

"If you want, you can sleep in my room?" Dream suggests, still rubbing George's calf.

It took George a second to respond. He was so shocked and excited at the same time. Sleeping in the same bed as his shirtless crush? Someone pinch him right now.

"Sure." He says tiredly but excited.

"Mk, do you wanna go right now or do you wanna finish this episode?" Dream asks, taking his hands from George's calves and crossing his arms.

"We can go right now, I'm tired and I'll probably fall asleep if we watch another episode." George says, pulling his legs from Dream's lap and getting up from the couch.

"Ok, yeah." Dream agrees, getting up and turning the tv off before following George to his room down the hall.

George pushes Dreams door open and walks in, waiting for Dream to do something first before he sits down. Dream end up walking past him and pulling the covers up and patting the space beside him. George walks over and sits himself comfortably next to Dream, pulling the comforter over himself and laying down.

"G'night." George says sleepily.

"Night." Dream responds.

A few minutes later, George still hasn't fallen asleep, he knows Dream hasn't because he can almost see the light of Dream's phone through his closed eyes. Eventually, he scoots a little bit closer to Dream, wanting his warmth. Dream, assuming George was asleep and just sleep moving, turned off his phone and pressed soft a kiss to the top of Georges head.

It happened again the next night. Him, Sap and Dream all went out for dinner and they were on their way home. George was resting his eyes –without saying anything and trying to keep his breathing steady because of his anxiety from all of the people–Dream though he was asleep. Sapnap didn't want to "wake him up" and neither did Dream so he just picked him up and carried him inside. When he layed George down, he gave him a soft kiss atop his fluffy mess of curls.

And from there on, he kept doing it. When it was just him and Dream together, Dream would wait till George fell asleep, then, he would kiss George's head and go to sleep or take George to his own room then go back to his room.

George hated that Dream would take him to his own room instead of Dream's room. He wanted to lay with Dream, in Dream's room, in Dream's bed. He also hated that he knew, well thought Dream was kissing him every night they were together but he wouldn't be awake to feel it.

Some nights, he would go to Dream's room when he knew he was awake and he would sit down and ask Dream if he wanted to watch a show or movie, then he'd fake fall asleep just so see if Dream would kiss him or not. Sure enough, he kissed George every time.

"Sapnap." George says, barging into Sapnap's office where he was just sitting in a minecraft server, probably testing out a new code.

"Hold on," Sapnap says while pulling his headphones –that were playing music so loud that you could hear the song through the headphones– to his neck,"What do you need?"

"I have a question." George says, walking fully into Sapnap's office.

"And that question is?" Sapnap asks.

"Does Dream ever. . . does he ever like," George stutters,"kiss your head. . .?" he mumbles,just barley coherent.

"Hm?" Sapnap hums, obviously missing George's question.

"Has he ever. . . kissed your forehead or like- head when he thinks you're asleep?" George repeats barley above a whisper.

"Uh. . . no?" Sapnap says awkwardly.

"Ok, you know what I'm leaving good bye." George says, starting to walk twords the door.

"Wait, come back!" Sapnap calls, standing up to go grab George's arm and stop him.

"What?" George questions.

"Here- sit down in my chair so it's easier to talk to you." Sapnap demands, pulling George over to his office chair.

"What do you want Sapnap?" George asks, attitude present as ever.

"Ok so, from what I'm hearing, Dream kisses your forehead but you're asleep–"

George cuts him off, "awake, fake asleep to see if he'll do it again."

"Ok, so when you fake fall asleep, he kisses your head?" Sapnap resumes.

"Yeah, but I don't know if he knows I'm really awake cause sometimes i kinda smile a bit and–"

"You smile? George now I have a question."

"Ugh, what?"

"Ew, I let you ask your question you brat, lemme ask mine."

"Don't call me a brat Sapnap, you whine more than I do. I remember that one time–"

"Be quiet! Let me ask my question."

"Ok, fine, whatever, go ahead Sapnap."

"Alright, so, you said you smile a little when he kisses your head. Don't get me wrong, I'm just making an assumption but, and don't get mad at me for this either–"

"Sapnap, spit it out!"

"Do you. . . like Dream? Like, like-like him?"

George was taken back by Sapnap's question. He froze. How did Sapnap get to that conclusion? Surley he couldn't tell Sapnap, he would tell Karl and they would both make fun of him and they would never let George live it down.

"Um, maybe?"

"What the fuck do you mean 'maybe', it's a yes or no question, George."

"Shut up Sapnap. God, he probably doesn't even like me back so it'll never happen so even if it was a  full yes (it was), it would never happen!"

"God, you are clueless huh?"

". . . What?"

"Nothing. But how do you know it would never happen, George."

The door to Sapnap's office opened and Dream appeares in the doorway.

"What would never happen?" He asks, running his hands through his hair, trying to fix his sleepy appearance now that he realized George was in the room too.

God, George was clueless huh? But who am I to know? I'm just a narrator –I'm literally the one writing the story wtf–

"Whats up?" Sapnap questions as Dream makes his way to come more into the room and shut the door behind him.

Sapnap was sat on the floor infront of George who was in Sapnap's gaming chair, turned around so he could actually see Sapnap and not his setup. Dream just went to sit next to Sapnap on the floor, both now facing George.

"I dunno, just wanted to see you guys. The house was really quiet, usually George is threatening you with a knife in the kitchen or something." Dream jokes while laughing, the other two laughing with him.

"What were you doing though, like you said, house was quiet and you're in the house too?" George asks while pulling his legs up onto the chair and pulling them to his chest.

"Sleeping, thats why I was so concerned when I didn't hear anything. I thought you guys left without me or something." Dream answers.

"Damn, without me? Traitor." Sapnap jokes, crossing his arms and looking to the left with his chin high in the air.

"Yes, I've found another. My comforter." Dream says, putting the back of his hand to his forehead as if he were feeling faint.

George fell into a fit of giggles at Dreams silly little joke and so did Sapnap. George was laughing so hard that he ended up going forward on the chair and falling over with the chair coming straight after and landing on his back.

"Oh shit!" Sapnap exclaimed, laughing harder at George's crash.

"Ow!" George whines, damn, that chair hurt like a motherfucker.

"Shit, George here-" Dream grabbed the chair and pushed it back off of george and made sure all of the wheels were on the ground before helping George.

"Oh my god, Sapnap shut up! That actually fucking hurt dude."

"Oh my god, did George Henry Davidson just curse? Whattt? And it wasn't shit, damn or hell? So you're actually hurt, you'll live though." Sapnap says, getting up from rolling on the floor in laughter and straightening out his clothes.

George eventually got up from laying on the floor, with Dream's help because Sapnap was too busy trying not to laugh.

"Thank you." George says, grabbing onto Dreams hand and pulling himself up.

When Dream pulled his hand away, George was aching for Dream to hold it again. From Dream to kiss his forhead and let George lay with him while they slept.

He wanted Dream's anything at this point. Any touch, even an elbow bump or an arm around his shoulder –like normal things.


A few weeks later, after the whole kiss thing with Sapnap and Dream walking in before Sap could give any advice, Sapnap ended up talking with George and suggesting that he confronted Dream about it and told Dream how he felt.

Right now, George and Dream were in London together with George's family while Sapnap was in Nort Carolina with Karl and probably Karl's family. It was Christmas and George's mum's house had a spare room but it had exercise stuff in it and a few boxes —obviously being used for storage.

But, they said they didn't mind sharing a bed, they did it all the time anyway. Best friends can sleep in the same bed. Best friends are allowed to cuddle. Plus, if George fake slept, he might get a kiss unless Dream falls asleel first –he never does.

"Dream, you awake?" George questions sounding a little bit muffled because of the fact that his face was currently in the crook of Dreams neck.

"I'm awake." Dream says.

"Can I tell you something?" George asks, he must really like fucking questions.

"Whats up?" Dream hums.

"I know what you do to me when I sleep." George admits.

"Thats sounds so fucking creepy, George." Dream chuckles, trying to make a joke out of being caught and not wanting to talk about it.

"No, be serious. I know that you kiss my head when I fall asleep, and that you never go to sleep unless I fall asleep first." George says.

"I knew you weren't asleep you little shit," Dream jokes truthfully, "I swear to god I would see your lips turn up just a bit and your cheeks would flush pink toobuy I thought I was just in my head about getting caught." He admits, the truth dripping off of his tongue like honey.

"You're allowed to do that if you want to y'know." George assures, relieved to finally tell him that but also not realizing it actually came out of his mouth.

"Really?" Dream asks surprised that George was ok with the kisses.

"Mhm, really." George says, moving his head back to look at Dream.

Now that he had George's permission, he decided on kissing him whenever he saw fit. When they woke up the next day, Dream was already out of bed and getting dressed quietly. When he saw that George was awake, he gave him a kiss on the forehead and then went away to go finish getting ready for the day.

Then, they were making brownies and cookies in the kitchen and Dream would sneak secret kisses, hidden from the others. Or that's at least what he thought, he didn't know that when he kissed George's head while standing behind him and massaging his shoulders for him that George's sister saw him do that.

God, that was an awkward conversation but a good outcome was due after it.

"Dream!" George calls through the screen door to outside where Dream and George's sister Leila were talking with each other.

"Yeah?" Dream calls back, walking twords the door to George.

"We need to talk, c'mere." George says, opening the screen door for Dream to come in.

"Whats wrong?" Dream asks, letting George lead them to his room.

George just ignores the question, waiting until they're in a room, with the door shut and locked.

"Ok, sit down." George demands, pointing to the bed infront of the chair he was in.

"Mk." Dream just does as George asks, not wanting to make him angry.

George took a deep breath and then looked at Dream, "Dream, y'know what Leila said earlier? About thinking we were a couple because you were kissing me?" He asks.

"Yeah, why?" Dream questions, keeping his words scarce so he could hear what George had to say quicker.

"I feel like if you keep doing that– kissing me. I'm going to go mad. Not in a bad way but in an 'I really wish I could've told my sister we were dating but I couldn't because you aren't my boyfriend and I'm not yours but i wish we were each others' kind of way." George rambles.

"Oh." Seriously Dream? Oh? You sound fucking stupid man.

Oh in as in 'I didn't know that' or oh as in 'ew what the fuck is wrong with you' way. He didn't know and wanted to find out.

"I'm sorry, I knew I should've just been grateful for the little secret kisses you'd give me and the ones i knew about but I wasn't and I'm sorry. I'm so so sor-"

Dream cut him off with a kiss, finally shutting him up and keeping him from rambling again. When they pulled away, they were panting and George looked like he was going to pass out. -someone fetch the smelling salts(no, not crack, it's a thousand year old joke, literally.)-

"Clay. . ." George whispered and it made something inside of Dream light up.

"God, I want you to call me by my real name all of the time if you're going to say it like that, George." Dream pants.

"You just kissed me on my lips." George states.

"I did." Dream replies.

"Clay?" George asks.

"George." Dream responds.

"Will you be my boyfriend? The one that doesn't give me secret kisses whenever no one is around?" George questions, staring Dream in the eye.

-"Will I? Yes, fuck yeah, I've loved you since I met you, you stupid british fuck!" im just playing lmao-

"Only if you promise to keep calling me by my real mame when were alone like this." Dream says even though he'd date George any day, hell, George could be a girl and he'd still date him.

-technically her if George was a girl but wtvs-

"Promise." George sticks out his pinky like an 8 year old.

And Dream, an 8 year old at heart, took George's pinky with his own and locked them together and then pressed a kiss to his own thumb while George did the same. Right as they let go of each others pinkies and were a out to kiss again, a knocking on the door interrupted them.

"George, Dream?" It was Leila, not again.

"Doors locked." Dream calls.

"Why?" Leila asks through the door.

"Cause the adults are talking." Dream responds to which Leila laughed.

"Whatever, you guys suck, tell George we're disowning him." Leila jokes, walking away from the door and back down the hall to the living room.

George broke into a fit of laughter, barley being able to catch his breath.

"Oh my gosh, please don't fall off of the bed like the chair incident." Dream laughs which makes George stops laughing and glare at him.

"It was once and I didn't even fall that hard anyway." George grumbles, crossing his arms

"Whatever you say, George." Dream says, getting up from the bed.

Even though they were boyfriends now, the way they talked made it seem like they were best friends instead. At least they weren't awkward or anything. Besides, now the secret kisses didn't have to be secret anymore.

Guys, I haven't posted in WEEKS omg.

Sorry for that but also, my mom changed the fuckin wifi password and I don't have any like mobile wifi on my phone or whatever cause it's so god damn old but I finally got wifi via my grandparents house (thank god) and I've been writing this in my notes for such a long time so heres this while I'm away.

Be prepared for a few updates within the next months because the notes app is full of chapter ideas and a few half started chapters.

Ok bye bye now, see y'all in a bit.

3451 words (WHAT THE FUCK)


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