
By xoxo-LR

17.6K 672 174

Do not read if you have not read Meeting the Millers: Cannot be read as a stand alone⚠️ Adriana's POV Book 2/2 More

Authors notes
Tell me a story
|01| Words from Grace
|02| Element of speech
|03| June's choice
|04| One man down
|05| POV
|06| Selfish
|07| She walks in beauty pt.1
|07.5| She walks in beauty pt.2
|08| Eliza who?
|09| Seizure
|10| Remember Valentina and Juan?
|11| Mrs Scrooge
|12| Christmas special
|13| Change
|14| Her temple
|15| 'Id drink and drive a plane if it means I get to see you'
|16| Trade your heels for my sliders
|17| Travis
|18| New attraction
|19| Football date
|20| Rory
|21| Words from Carmen
|23| Love

|22| Intimate

255 13 2
By xoxo-LR

First of all happy new years😩
I could give about one hundred excuses for this book going unfinished but the main one is that I've been lazy w it, I had a crazyyyy amount of writers block and was tempted to just leave it unfinished but it's bugging me that it's incomplete so it's gonna get done ya'll just wait on me. Finishing this book is my new year's resolution and I cannot write a new one till it's done. So enjoy this chapter😭

P.S, I'd re read the last chapter just for a refresher.

"I hate it"

"You look cute"

I frown as I stare at myself in the mirror, "No I don't"

"Yes you do", He says amused

Turns out Travis was right. We went to get my eyes tested and I need glasses, when I was trying them on it looked manageable but the fact that I have to wear these all the time? Yeah no

"I'm getting contacts", I decide

"At least try these out for a week"

I raise an unimpressed eyebrow as I continue to analyse myself and he wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Baby I promise you look fine"

"Of course you'd say that"

"Dri you're stressing for no reason"

Travis and I have been dating for about two months now and it's been really nice, since it's the holidays we've practically spent a lot of our days together. He even met my brothers who were surprisingly nice to him, well actually Santi was threatening at first until they bonded over basketball and well Matty's kind no matter what, I think he was mostly scared to meet Enzo but E wasn't threatening. Anyway overall what I like is that in these two months we've just been getting to know each other, we haven't done anything sexual yet (ok maybe a few things but still) and somehow that just made me feel like this was real.

"I'm buying contacts first thing tomorrow"

"Sure", He snorts

I'll be honest these glasses have made my vision ten times better but I just don't know if I can wear these all the time, I'd forget and it would get in the way of a good make out session.

"Your parents will think I look weird"

Did I mention that I'm staying at his place today?

"I promise that no one cares as much as you do. You look sexy" He says amused

I sigh, "Whatever"

Whilst he drove I texted my siblings since they practically forced me to send a picture with my glasses on when I was in the store.

Carmen💕: awww u look so cute
LoLo🧸: I love them
Brat: not bad
Me: thanks guys :)
E🍃: u look ugly asf
Santi: ongg, harry potter looking ass
Daniel: 😂
Me: u guys are haters xxx
Santi: yes we are xxx

"Ok you're right, if Santi says I look ugly then I look good. I can rest now"

Travis eventually parks his car once we make it through the gates to his house. Now I've been here many times when his parents weren't home and I've also met Mia..... but I'm so nervous to meet his parents. I've never met a guys parents before, my sister made it sound so simple.

"Don't stress", He says knowingly

"You kidding? How can I not"

"I've told them about you already and they're excited to meet you, especially my mom" Travis undoes his seatbelt and soon enough I follow him out of the car

He carried my bags for me up to the house, their doors pretty much always unlocked because if you make it through the gate then clearly your intended to be there. I heard a bark echo throughout the house before a Rottweiler came running over to me, I crouch down with a smile as I stroke him. "Hi baby", I coo

Romeo pants excitedly as I rub his ears

"Hey, that's way more love than you've ever given me" Travis says to his dog unimpressed

I laugh, "He loves me more obviously"

I hear a gasp, "Is she here?"

"Mom, chill. Don't freak her our" I hear Mia say amused

"Pfft, well don't keep us waiting" Trav calls out

Now when I tell you his mom was beautiful? She was beautiful

Her hair was so beautifully blonde and long and she looked so young. I'm talking clear skin, perfect teeth and perfect smile. I also noticed that she was pierced up, but not like in a freaky way, I meant she had up to her like her fourth hole on both ears, industrial, nose piercing too. Travis mentioned she's a professional piercer.

I get up, smiling shyly. "Hi mrs Jones"

To my surprise she hugs me, "Hey sweetie"

She pulls away but keeps contact, "I'm so glad we're finally meeting Adriana. Trav goes on about you all the time and I've been nagging at him to invite you over to sleep round"

"Oh really?", I look at my boyfriend as I ask this

"Course I talk about you", He grins

aw, he's so precious

"Indeed he does. And sweetie call me Freya, the whole misses thing makes me feel old"

I laugh a little, "Ok sure"

"Where's dad", Travis asks

"Good question. Mike come downstairs!", She calls out before turning back to me

"You want anything to eat or drink?"

"I'm ok for now"

Truth is I'm actually hungry but I couldn't bring myself to say yes

"Mmk well pantries all stocked up for when you are, I love to cook so don't even sweat about asking me to make you something to eat and the bars on the other side of the house. Trav told me you like to drink so"

I widen my eyes a little as I hit him subtly, Freya laughs a little. "Don't worry honey we all do, although I am a responsible mom so if you do drink tonight then you can't drive and I know you teens like to have a little fun so if it comes to that then just stomp real loud from upstairs and I'll blast some music-

"Ok mom, stop talking" Mia advises

I almost gaped a little from everything Freya just said, I mean she's just so chill and kind.... all things that Isabella wasn't.

"What?-... Mike, finally"

"I had a work call.", He then turns to me and smiles

"Nice to meet you Adriana"

"You too"

"We should be thanking you actually, you've turned this little fucker into a man-

"Mike the swear jar. Five dollars" Freya reminds him

"Oh shit that started today?"

"Yes, now thats ten"

I laugh and Mia rolls her eyes at her parents playfully, they're like a teenage couple but in a good way. Mike also looks young, Mia did tell me that they had her when they were seventeen so it makes sense.

"Ok you have all night to talk to Adri but right now we're going upstairs", Travis says amused

"Alright, well anyway we're going to grandmas real quick so we'll be right back" Freya replies

Thats when I notice that the three of them have their shoes on and she's holding her car keys

"See you in a bit", Mike waves

"Try not to have too much fun in an empty house", Mia snickers

"Oh we will", Travis replies

"Feed Romeo", Freya calls out from outside before the doors shut


"See, not so bad was it"

"You never told me how chill they were. And your mom is hilarious"

She's so teenage coded, I love it

He laughs as we head upstairs, "What the music thing? Shes been waiting to say that one for ages"

I then suddenly remember, "You weren't supposed to tell her I like drinking. I'm responsible remember"

"Baby chill, you're good she still likes you" He lies back on his bed and I join him

"I hope so"

I've always loved his room, it's so simple. I think it's pretty much a boy thing to be honest, Chester draw with deodorants and cologne on top, desk and chair, grey walls, there's also a bathroom connected to his room. And it wouldn't be Travis' bedroom unless there was a framed basketball jersey on the wall which was signed.

"I'm still tryna picture what your mom looks like"

"Oh I can paint that perfectly for you, ok so picture this" We lie our heads next to each other

"Go on", My boyfriend says amused

"Witch, manipulator, traitor"

Travis knows the basis of what's going on with Isabella, I was sure to let him know all about her

"Mmm, I see the vision"

"Yeah but we can't forget that she's no definition of a mother, you know the whole eating disorder thing and the crazy homophobia"

"Can't forget the jealousy"

For the record I didn't just blurt my sisters business to him, Carmen was happy to let him know because we're team Roberto over here. I love our dad.

"So glad we're on the same wavelength"


He then strokes my face, "Come here"

I lean forward to kiss Travis softly and he tucks a hair behind my ear as it deepens, my tongue slips past his lips and he happily obliges. T's warm lips moved perfectly in sync with mine. His body pressed against mine heatedly and within moments I was underneath him, enjoying the soft kisses he was placing across my neck.

My fingers carded through Travis' hair with anticipation as he continuously sucked on my neck hungrily, it wasn't until his teeth tugged on my skin that a moan escaped me. We did pause for a second though so that we could both take off our shirts, Travis had this lustful look in his eye but also one filled with admiration. I liked the way he was admiring my body because he was doing it in a loving way, "Ever thought about modelling?"

"I could say the same to you"

He grins as I stroke his abs, my man was packed

I eventually pull him back down by the neck to continue kissing me, pulling off my sweats in the process. "You're so beautiful" He murmurs against me

I tug on his bottom lip with my teeth and he grunts

This whole thing just feels right, being here with Travis and meeting his parents and just everything to do with him. Hes been so patient with me and shown me that hes serious about this relationship, taking things further just seems right.

He parts from my lips which had me confused for a split second but then when he pulled off my thong and dove head first right into my pussy my questions were answered. "Fuck"

Travis hooks my legs around his neck to get a better taste and I hold onto his head, guiding it in all the right directions. His tongue was doing the perfect job, the way it was swirling around my hole and finding my clit. I was starting to get a swarm of butterflies for about the hundredth time today. He had me moaning left right and centre with the way his tongue was exploring me. I was getting a little carried away though because I interlocked my legs around him a little too much, although weirdly I think that was turning him on. When he did eventually release me he kissed my lips once again, "You taste perfect"

I giggle, "Thank you"

But now I only wanted more, I could see in his eyes that so did he but hes being patient and respectful about it. Midst make out I unclip my bra and T pulls off his sweats, I widened my eyes a little at the big bulge in his boxers.... WOAH.

I can take it

He was sucking on my tits for awhile until I tugged on the waistband of his boxers

Travis lifts up his head, "Hold on are you sure?"

I draw closer to his mouth, hovering my lips over his. I think he was expecting me to kiss him but then I felt his breath hitch and his jaw clench. His dick was now in my grip, I had slipped my hand into his boxers.

"I'm sure", I say whilst maintaining eye contact

And then suddenly I was pushed back onto the bed, my tits bouncing around as he hovers over me, "You're a fucking tease you know that"

"Sue me", I reply innocently

"Bet", He reaches over to his nightstand for a condom but I stop him

"How goods your pullout game"

"Ten ten, obviously"

"Go for it"

I've always worn them with every single guy I've done it with but Travis is different, Travis is special and I trust him. I want to feel all of him.

"If you wanted babies with me all you had to do was ask"

I laugh, "Shut up"

He holds one of my legs around his torso and I keep a hand rested on his neck as his dick enters me, "Ah shit"

"My bad baby"

"You're good"

It hurts so good

The painful sting eventually goes away as Travis continues to thrust in and out of me, I thank God its just us home because I'm afraid Freya's music would not have been loud enough to cover my moans. I hold onto him tightly as I moan with pleasure, taking every inch of him in.

"Trav", I moan

"Shhh, I know"

I kiss him softly, lifting my leg a little more to grant him full access. I was trying to multi task but I only ended up moaning into his mouth, I was so fucking aroused. His bed starts to hit against the wall as rhythm picks up a little more and I whine as he hits the G spot, unsurprisingly so Travis knows exactly how to pleasure me. My nipples had gone hard by now and everything was starting to become a daze, so this is what people mean when they say they can see stars.

"Eres tan bueno", I moan as my back arches

-you're so good-

"Just for my pleasure say that again"

I'll do anything he asks me

I smile a little, "English or Spanish"

"Whatever feels right to you babe"

"I said you're good"

"Just good?", He thrusts faster

"Amazing, wonderful. You got me speechless"

Travis grins, "That's more like it"

His face was rested in the crook of my neck until he eventually pulled out and released on my stomach, I even felt myself cum at about the same time. "That was so....."


"Amazing", I reply breathlessly

He kisses me on the head before reaching for a pack of wipes and starting to wipe me down and my face softens, hes perfect.

"Dri you crying?"

I sniff, "No" I deny

"What's wrong?" He asks softly

"Nothing. You're just perfect" I cry

Travis gets back into the sheets beside me, pulling me in against him.

"You're perfect too baby, and I don't know what all those other shitty guys were like but you deserve nothing but the world. Never forget that ok?"

I nod against him and he kisses my head

He's a keeper

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