my mechanic (kirkhammettxjame...

By schwulermoder

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Cowboy/Western AU. James meets a mechanic and falls in love with him. (Load era Kirk and James) More

im so sorry😭


19 1 0
By schwulermoder

I was exhausted after work, I was so close to passing out. But after working for 16+ hours it was time to see my favorite person. I figured I should get food since I don't really have a reason to go over to his house today. But I don't even know what he likes.

I bit the inside of my cheek as I thought about what he might like. Chinese? Wings? Pizza? Burgers? Yeah, burgers. He looks like he eats burgers. Every white guy does, and he's a cowboy so he has to eat burgers.

I stopped by this burger place and ordered two cheeseburgers, one with bacon. He probably also eats bacon on his. Another fun fact, I fucked the owners daughter in an alleyway. If you didn't know by now i'm kind of a freak.

But after getting the evils from the owner for 20 minutes I got the food and I drove to his place. I tapped the wheel nervously, what if he doesn't want to see me? I should just turn back, you're tired anyway. I shook the thoughts away and ignored my heart that was beating through my chest.

I grabbed the brown bag and walked, more like ran, up the stairs. I opened the door that was unlocked, again.

"James?" I called placing the bag down on a table. I saw a gun on the table and figured he must be a deputy or something.

"In here!" He shouted. It sounded like it was coming from the bedroom so I walked towards it but saw a light coming from the bathroom. James was in there with his shirt off and his jeans on. I saw his face in the mirror and he has a red mark underneath his eye, like he got punched there, I saw various cuts and marks but I saw this big one on his back.

"You have this big cut on your back." I said, I let my finger trace around it. His skin was sticky so he must've been working today.

"Can you get it for me? I can't reach." He asked. He gave me a bottle of alcohol, a cotton and a humongous band-aid.

I dabbed the alcohol on the cotton and rubbed it on his cut, he didn't even flinch which was weirdly hot. I remember crying when I was young whenever my dad did this to me, but he wasn't gentle and told me to suck it up and be a man.

I put my hand on his strong shoulder and I realized these are the same muscles i've been longing to touch. I let my hand trail down and feel his bicep, they were strong. Really strong. These same arms held me in place so I wouldn't move while this same guy fucked me mercilessly. I blushed and stopped, I shouldn't think about that right now. I hurried and put the band-aid on, he probably thought I was weird for caressing his arm like that.

"Thanks." He said. I smiled to say you're welcome and we walked out of of the bathroom.

"I got food, I didn't know what you like so I just got burgers." I said.

He smiled and opened the bag. "Thanks, I haven't eaten anything all day." He said.

I wanted to say me too but I decided against it, it wouldn't make sense since I ate at 2 in the morning today anyway.

I made sure to give him the one with bacon and he got a couple beers and we sat down on the couch. He turned on the TV and he ate the burger quickly and i'm glad that my guess was right, or he was just hungry. Note to self: he likes burgers with bacon and cheese.

"Can I make this a thing?" I asked. Referring to coming over everyday just to see him.

He just raised his eyebrow and continued to stare at whatever commercial was playing. I laid back since all of my courage went into that question.

"Me coming over after work to chill with you." I said, that sounded not the way I wanted to to. Answering it like that probably gave my intentions away.

"Yeah sure, but I might not always be here. Actually i'll give you the spare." He said. He got up and walked into the kitchen. The spare? Like the keys to his house? Holy shit. It's not that serious why am I thinking it is? Maybe because he trusts me to come into his home whenever I want? Ok calm down don't be weird, I told myself.

He was grunting, almost like he was struggling in a way. But he came back and tossed the key at me. He stood as I put the key onto my key ring, right next to the shop's key so I can know it's his. I tried not to smile but that doesn't mean I didn't blush.

"Why do you want to come over everyday?" He asked. My heart started to beat and my breath started to tremble, god fuck. I'm too scared to say why, what if he? Shit.

"To hang out with you." Which was the partial truth.

"Why do you want to hang out with me?" He asked.

Cause I think about you everyday, I jerk off to you almost everyday, I want you everyday. But I wasn't gonna tell him that. I didn't know what to tell him, I like being with you? No, too obvious. I get bored? No, that seems to harsh.

I was blushing hard. This was too much pressure, I can't handle this.

"I don't know, I just want to." I shrugged to make it seem more laid back and believable.
He sat back down and took a sip of his beer, I took a couple of breathers after I realized i've been holding my breath.

I felt his hand on my thigh and I blushed and I looked at it. His hands were so attractive for some reason, the veins popping out, his calloused fingers. I watched as his hand then vanished and went under my shirt. I felt his cold fingers on my skin and I fought the shivering my body wanted to do. His fingers were trailing up my shirt and he stopped at my chest and laid his hand flat. I looked up at him and he kissed me with his soft, slightly chapped lips.

His hand on my chest was pushing me down and I could barely keep my body up. I could taste the burgers we just ate on his breaths and his mustache tickling me just under my nose. I fell back and James came down with me, his lips never losing connection with mine. His hand traveled down to my hip and I softly moaned. I let my hands touch his back and my fingers brushed across the band-aid. I felt so hopeless since James was bigger than me, and I loved it. Though our jeans rubbing together was really uncomfortable.

James seemed to agree and his arm left my hip and unbuttoned my jeans, he unzipped them and I wiggled out of them and he took off his jeans. I didn't know what James wanted to do. I was too exhausted to really have sex tonight but if he wanted to I would gladly let him. But he just kept kissing me the right way, he was touching me in all the right places. I wish I could kiss him like this forever. His tongue slipped in and I could feel his nose next to mine. His tongue moved all around the insides of my mouth and down my throat. Drool was dripping from mouth and I couldn't stop the sounds of happiness and satisfaction coming out of my mouth.

I opened my eyes, unaware that I even closed them. I then needed to check the time so I pulled out my watch to look at it and it was 9 something, almost 10. How long have we been making out? I pulled away and I could feel his hot breath tickling my upper lip. But he obviously didn't want to stop.

"James- James I have to." He kissed me and I was more amused than annoyed, but I still had to go so I was able to slide from under him and get up on my feet.

"James I have to go." I said. He frowned at me and like I always do, I feel bad for leaving. I wiped the drool dripping from my mouth and turned towards the door.

He got up and a felt his arms wrap around me. I could feel his breath on my neck, making the hairs back there stand up.

"Stay please." He said, more like beg since it sounded like that. I've never had anyone beg for me before, it felt ???

I know I shouldn't stay but that's my head speaking.

"Fine, but i'm sleeping." I said making sure to get my point across.

"Mhm let's go." He sounded like he was dismissing what I just said and he turned everything off and grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bedroom.

"Sleeping." I said again. I looked at him seriously because I didn't want any bullshit, not that i'd do anything to stop him.

"Yes, Kirk. Sleeping gotcha." He said rolling his eyes.

I smiled and took off my polo since James already took my pants off for me. I got into his bed and smelled a lemon scent. He was hanging his clothes up and I was too tired to wait for him.

I turned onto my side and closed my eyes. I woke up when I felt his arms snake around my body, pulling me into a little spoon position. I scooted my lower body back so my whole body was flat with his. It felt nice, really nice being held like this. Nothing no women could really pull off for me. His muscular arms keeping me into a tight embrace, his hard chest against my back, his crotch resting just above my ass, being surrounded by this faint lemon smell. I fell asleep. I actually fell asleep. I didn't even wake up until 4:30 something. 6 hours of sleep is way better than what i've been getting lately. James must be some good-bringing guardian angel or something.

I felt my face all warm when I woke up but not from blush. I was laying face first on James, my face buried in the crook of his neck. My arms were around him and his arms were around me. I blushed and knew it was gonna be difficult to get up and leave again. But for right now i'm just gonna relax and cherish this moment. I would've just showered here but I don't really have clothes here.

And if I shower here my mind would go all the directions that the thoughts would be too much to think of at once. But I would be able to smother myself in his soap and smell like him. I get to use his toothpaste, his deodorant. I smelled James's neck and smell his cologne, musky, earthy. It would turn me on if we were in a heated make out session, cocks hard, desperate whines and groans and all I could smell was that exact cologne. I would probably cum twice.

I laid there on James, I even let myself stay a little later. But sadly I had to leave again. I tried to just get up but James pulled me back down and held me tighter. I laid for a minute trying to think of how to get out of this. Wake him up? No, I want him to relax and enjoy the gift of sleep.

I put my hands on either side of James, supporting me so I don't fall onto him. I struggled since James wasn't letting off easy. But I was able to turn around and lay flat on my back so I can unravel his arms, but of course it wasn't that easy since he fought to keep me with him. Is he even sleeping? I looked back and he was snoring away.

I groaned and wiggled myself from underneath him and it took a while but I was able to get away from him but I couldn't find my shirt, so I just put one of his on until I get to the garage and change. I looked back and he was now spread eagle on the bed. I smiled since no one has ever wanted me to stay so badly, especially in their sleep.

I looked at the clock again and it was 5:20 I knew I definitely been here too long, I just didn't wanna leave. I sighed and forced myself out. I found my jeans by the couch and put them on. My shoes were in the kitchen and  I slipped them on, not caring to tie them.

I walked to my car and drove to work. I showered, changed my shirt and greeted Kerry as he walked in. Nothing happened really you can guess that I worked way over than what I usually do. The cops needed some of their vehicles fixed, today, and by some I mean like 40+ cars and trucks. I think 18 hours is the most i've ever worked. I was so tempted to just walk to the other room and sleep but I wanted to see James at the same time. The things I do to myself.

I got in my truck and drove to his place. I was more tired then nervous and I opened the door.

I didn't see him so I figured he must be in the bathroom or something.

"Hey, sorry i'm late. I got held back."  I said sitting on his couch, I was so fucking tired but I wanted to be with James. This is so infuriating.

James peaked his head out from the bathroom, looks like he was shaving?

"How was work?" He asked.

I didn't even wanna talk about work today.

"Oh it was... it was busier than usual. So many things needed to be done." I said wiping my hands over my face. James was back in the bathroom. He was wearing a wide beater and jeans. I could see him slide the razor down his face in the mirror. I wanna lick his face after, yep... I need to go to bed.

I unbuttoned some buttons on my shirt and laid back on the couch. I just wanted to go to sleep.

"-sleep in my bed or shower." Was all I heard as I opened my eyes, I didn't even know I closed them. I squinted my eyes to see who was talking since my vision is kind of shit but I saw James, duh.

"I don't have clothes." I said.

"Use mine." He said. Me wearing his clothes... that lemon, musky scent...

"Uhh okay." I said. I got up and James moved out of the bathroom so I could use the shower.

I walked in and closed the door. I took off my clothes and slowly took off my underwear, I don't know why I felt so paranoid he would walk in. He's seen me naked before.

I grabbed a wash cloth and a towel and I turned the water on.  I didn't waste anytime and washed myself in his soap, it smelled exactly like him. I saw the lemon scented shampoo and smiled to myself since that must be source of the smell in his bed. But as quickly as I lathered myself in his soap I got out of the shower. I put on his deodorant and figured it wouldn't be a good idea to put on his cologne.

I put my briefs back on and folded my clothes on the counter and walked out. James was sitting in the living room with his phone in his hand. He then looked up at me and smiled. I felt weird since I was barely wearing any clothes but I know it was just my body trying to protect itself.

"I uhm goodnight." I said nervously.

I walked into his room and shut the door behind me, I got in the bed and stared at the ceiling. No way this was happening. Maybe I should just tell him about how I feel. I sighed and remembered that I was fairly exhausted so I closed my eyes and I actually got some sleep.

I woke up at 5... that's not a good thing since I was in and out of sleep, I only rested when I felt James's presence next to mine. I walked to the bathroom and took a piss, my clothes were still folded by the sink and I put them back on. I washed my hands and walked back to the room since my shoes were in there. I sat on the bed and forced my shoes on. I felt James turn then his hand on my shoulder.

"Good morning." I grumbled, I was pissed that I would probably have to work overtime again with only about 2-3 hours of sleep.

"You should take the day off. You seem exhausted, you need a break." He said. His voice sounded so tempting, almost like he was the devil. I inhaled and tried not to lean into his hand. That's a fucking good idea, but I have to work. Who else is gonna pay my mothers bills? But his voice was so tempting.

"I can't." I said. I can't let him tempt me, I have to work.

"You own the place Kirk, one day wouldn't kill
ya plus i'll cook, i'll get your clothes, a
toothbrush, i'll take care of you." He said. Fuck that's exactly what I want to hear. I dropped my foot, I shouldn't be agreeing with this but it's James. The things I do just to be with him.

I felt his shoulder pull me back and I smiled. Taking care of me? Really?

"Mmm you'll take care of me?" I asked with an amused tone.

"Yeah lay down, sleep in." He got me, he know how to sweet talk me. The angel on my shoulder is yelling at me to get up, to go to work but I want to be with James. A whole day with him isn't something I should pass up.

I laid back onto his chest and kicked my shoes and jeans off. He took off the wife beater I was wearing/left here from last time.

"Fine." I said giving in completely, maybe I do need this. I shouldn't fight it, it's exactly what I want. I kissed him before I laid back down and I scolded myself for kissing him. I shouldn't have done that. But I fell right back to sleep, thankful for some more sleep.

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