Exorcise him! // Craig x Twee...


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Craig Tuckers life is at stake, the whole world is against him. And when he thinks that his life is starting... More

★ 1 | Bitter ★
★ 2 | Wasted ★
★ 3 | Thrilling ★
★ 4 | Who Are You!? ★
★ 5 | Salvation ★
★ 6 | Not The Worst ★
★ 7 | Ropes ★
★ 8 | Deal ★
★ 9 | Blame Me ★
★ 10 | Shit! ★
★ 11 | Lunatic ★
★ 12 | Jerk! ★
★ 13 | Stupid Smile ★
★ 14 | I Feel...Sorry? ★
★ 15 | Messes ★
★ 16 | Promises ★
★ 17 | Nightmares ★
★ 18 | Rocks & Stories ★
★ 19 | Scars ★
★ 20 | The Devil ★
★ 21 | Stupid Lips? ★
★ 23 | I Love You ★
★ 24 | Bad Weed ★
★ 25 | Liar ★
★ 26 | Candy ★
★ 27 | I Adore You ★
★ 28 | Kiss Me ★
★ 29 | Hickeys ★
★ 30 | ... ★
★ 31 | Fuck It ★
★ 32 | Lips, Heels, Fist ★
★ 33 | DRIVE! ★
★ 34 | Seconds ★
★ 35 | Trust ★
★ 36 | Needy ★
★ 37 | You Did WHAT? ★
★ 38 | Games ★
★ 39 | Death ★
★ 40 | Chivalry ★

★ 22 | Tulips ★

293 8 56

"I can't do this, Craig I can't" he jittered, fidgeting with his fingers tips. "What if they find out?? What's going to happe-"

"Yes you can" I interrupted him and softly smiled, placing the dark blue chullo over his head to tuck away the obvious horns on his head.

Today was a new day and I was determined to get him out of the house.
And I meant it.
Something about keeping him inside my house all day long just felt like I was trying to purposely imprison him and I didnt want it to feel like that at all.

So what's better than getting a text from the man himself, Clyde.
Possibly the best opportunity to get him out of the house and to introduce him to my friends.

A little booze and a little laughter.
The perfect scenario rights?

"Everything's going to be okay," I cooed. Buttoning up the navy cardigan I had scavenged for earlier in my closet.

"I Promise" I finished up the last button and took a step back. Something about navy blue and my clothes on his body were making him look stupidly hot.

Snap, the fuck out of it.
I brought a hand up to the space on my neck, and sighed.

Yesterday's thoughts were overplaying in my mind, and I hadn't realized how close I had actually been to pursuing his lips.

maniacally close, and I still don't know how to feel about it. I just know that the idea alone made me weak...let's not even talk about my dream. Correction, I meant shameless dream because for some reason Craig's little mind decided to go hots and crazy last night.

Don't get me wrong, It's for sure that I'm head over heels for him, but forcing a kiss from him was out of the question.

Not gonna happen, and not saying that I wanted my first kiss to be on the couch...after turning the whole room blue.

Yeah definitely not happening. Not what I imagined anyways.

"Ready to go?" I slid my coat and coughed opening the door to avoid looking at the way he firmly wore my clothes.

Because that was more than enough to drive my mind hectic.
Not to mention, fuck up my dreams tonight. What now? Tweek wearing nothing below but just my shirt?

Nope nope nope.

As soon as he walked out I locked the door behind and booked it.

Making our way out of the apartment, my eyes caught the sides of the graffitied walls, something by the words "Stan" and a picture of a ufo shooting lighting drooped down the sides.

That's a new one, I snickered scuffing my hands into my pockets.

casually turning around to look at Tweek, but It was obvious. I could tell he was worried about this, and I didn't want him to be.

"You okay?" I smiled, interlocking my fingers with his.

"yeah, yeah" he looked up at me and down at my hands, lighting his face a little red.

Fuck that's cute.

"Yo! Craig!" A yappy voice yelled from ahead, and Tweek let go of my hand.

Ahead of me was the man himself, Clyde in his worn out Jersey, Tolkien in his black flannel and...Jimmy?

Ooo this little fucker! I grinned.

Usually he doesn't join in because he's always saying that he's busy revolutionizing the world at the club, but here he was, joining us in for some booze.

and by the looks of it, his face tells me that he's more than plenty aware of what he did.

yeah of course you know you little shit.

"Sup Craig" Tolkien beamed once we reached a close proximity, but now it was more than obvious that everyone's sweet attention was glued onto Tweeks.

Especially Jimmys.

"Who's the blondie?" Clyde walked closer, cocking his brow.

"Tweek" I replied, placing my hand on his back, slightly pushing him forward.

"Tweek this is Clyde, Tolkien and Jimmy."

"Tweek my man!" Clyde beamed, putting an arm around Tweeks neck and pushing him away from me. He sharply gasped and widened his eyes but he knew he meant no harm.

"You ready to get boozed up man!? you're gonna love us" Clyde started walking off and Tweek chuckled at his stupid remark. Causing Tolkien to walk up to Tweek and start remarking about Clyde's stupid secrets, which made Clyde scowl at him in response.

that...actually went better than I thought, I smiled, and Tweek turned his head around mid laugh.

"Told you" I mouthed, watching as he batted me a quick smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"Jimmy my man, I feel like we need to have a little chat."

I grinned, putting my arm around his shoulder and he steered his eyes away from my face nervously.
Don't tell me you seriously thought you'd get away with this?

"We-we-well I don't know what you mean" he stammered, adjusting his crutches and fidgeting with his shoulders.

"Oh you know well." I tightened my anchor around his shoulders and he gulped.


This was gonna be a long and fun walk.
Wasn't it Jim?

By the time we arrived to Tolkien's house, Tweek had become more than comfortable with them, and that alone made me happy. Despite the tragedy of having to stay behind to tell Jimmy a little warning or two.

What?? He'll be fine, don't worry about it.
I'm sure my warning will stick with him for as long as I'm here.

"Welcome Tweek to the world of big rich dojo mojo casa house" he chimed, stretching the words out of his lips while waiting for Tolkien to open the door and walk inside.

When The door flew open, Tweek followed behind and gasped.

Tolkien's house was a huge two floor house, with marbled floors and chandeliers that screamed rich!

Hell of course the place was a dream, who wouldn't want to live in something so gorgeous?

"Make yourselves at home guys" Tolkien snickered, heading over to the kitchen in search of liquor.

"Clyde, Jim, help me out guys" Tolkien yelled and Clyde let go of Tweeks shoulder "I'll be back soon big man" he winked and wandered off into the kitchen.

And Jimmy followed behind, giving both of us the quick "I know what you guys did" glance, before storming into the kitchen.


"mm Tweek" I surprised him, causing him to jump a little from behind. I placed my chin on his shoulder and loosely placed my hands on his hips.

"You got popular" I teased.

"you think?" Tweek, turned around to face me and I brushed my hands off his hips to bring them over to my chest.

"makes me jealous"


"because they're taking away all your attention geek"
I narrowed my eyes and grinned.

"And it's making me jealous."

"What-" he turned red, but before he could even respond the living room erupted into laughter

"Let's get fucked up!" Clyde chanted, placing the bottles of liquor on the table.

"You'll have fun Tweek, it'll be a way for you to get to know us all more" Tolkien reassured, pulling out a board and some dice, specifically designed for the ocasión.

Jimmy sat beside Tweek, and Tolkien sat beside Clyde, meaning that I sat right next to Tweek.

his face is obviously telling me that he's been thinking about what I said earlier.
And it's making me want to tease him.

Geez, I snickered, wanting to hold his hand out, but something on Jimmys face tells me he's waiting for the exact moment for immaturity to strike again to make a gay joke about the two of us.

"Go-go on first Tucker" Jimmy tossed the dice over to me and I caught it just in time. Carefully I tossed it in the air and flipped it in my palms.


"Haha drinking already?" Tolkien tossed me a shot and I gulped, "seems so" I snickered, thoroughly lifting it up to my lips and throwing my head back.

"mhm" I slurred feeling the burn slide down my throat, it was a good kinda burn. The type of burn that thrilled you up and sparked your body awake.

"Clang" I struck the shot on the table and wiped my lips sluggishly with my thumb.
Shit that was good.

"Damn!?" Tweek chuckled and the others erupted into giddy laughs.

"Surprised?" I smirked, cocking my brow up and lowering my gaze.

"Nah" He smiled and snatched one of the shots sitting down on the table himself and chugged it with ease. Catching everyone by surprise, even me.

"HE'S CRAZY" Clyde chuckled and the room erupted into noise. And I could feel Tweeks pride from just a shot emitting from the gleam on his smile.

"Someones got competition," Tolkien laughed and punched me in the shoulder. I guess that might be true.

"Fellas le-let's drink in honor!" Jimmy mused and in 5 everyone took another shot.

But this time it was...different.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him.
The way his Adam's apple shrugged, the way he cocked his head up and let the liquid run down the ends of his mouth.

Everything about it was hot.
And my body was tensing up just by looking at it.

And seeing him casually give me a glance and smile before drinking made it no better.

My mind went psycho, because the only thing in my mind was him.

I imagined how'd it feel to trace my hands on his body, my lips on his throat.

My body on his.

"Give me that" I snatched Jimmy's drink and chugged it. Closing my eyes and frowning.
I can't believe I just thought that.
Ugh i'm going insane.



"Hic, roll the dice Jim" Tolkien slurred, tossing him the dice.

And he nodded in response, rolling the dice and landing it on four.

"Truth?" Clyde read casually chugging a shot down, "go on why dont you ask the newbie"

"Tweek, fellas, how did you two meet?" he asked, clearly curious. If it wasn't for the fact that Jimmy was the first to see us both in an awkward situation this would have been way easier to discern. But that of course is not the case.

And the looks he's been giving Tweek all night were more than evident to tell me that he wasn't going to let the matter burn out without an answer.

Way to butt in chum.

"I um I met Craig when I-" Tweek hastily put his hand around his neck and tossed his head over to the ground. Fidgeting with his words and clearly finding it difficult to come up with something fast.

"We met at the club" I answered on his part, slinging my arm around his neck and causing him to shrug his shoulders into a nod.

"Does that answer your question Jimmy?" I smiled and his face went blunt.

"I've got one" Tolkien slid a shot towards me from across the table, and I shook my head in agreement. Placing the glass on my lips before his next words caught me out of surprise

"So who's the lucky guy you got kinky with?"
get what the fuck with!??

"What!???" I spat my drink and coughed, trying to relieve the pain aching in my throat. "nobody are you crazy?"

"Actually fellas if you look to his rig-" I slapped a hand over Jimmy's mouth and grinned. "That was just one of Jimmy's hilarious jokes" I rolled my eyes and corrected him, because Clearly Jimmy wanted a death wish instead and hadn't settled for the warning or two I gave him about leaving him stranded on an island without his crutches.

After a few minutes the game continued with the usual truth and dare drunk nonsense that lingered around the room with booze, my head getting tipsier the more I brought the liquor to my lips and consumed it.

And soon it was more than obvious that the others had gotten more than plentiful of drunk,
"Hic- my middle finger gets a boner when you talk" Clyde slurred at Tolkien and he scowled back

"Ah!? you -hic- prick, if you're trying to be a smartass, first you have to be smart, otherwise you're just an ass!"

"Fellas fellas calm down, its-hic- clear I was the most attractive boy in school"

"Shut up" Tolkien and Clyde barked in unison, continuing with their dumb boozed up conversation that caused Tweek to cackle.

"I'm getting a little dizzy, I'll be back" Tweek stood up and tugged at the chullo over his head. Casually walking away and entering one of the many rooms in the house. "Hic-be quick'' Clyde chuckled and Tolkien pushed his fingers into Clyde's cheeks.

"Prick" Clyde hissed, pulling onto Tolkien's cheeks.

"I'll be back too" I muffled, feeling a little tipsy from the shots I took.
Attentively I stepped over the bottles of liquor and followed Tweeks direction.
I found it strange that he suddenly took off so I just wanted to make sure he was okay.

"Tuck don't forget the co-condom '' Jimmy laughed, throwing out the comment into the air with booze still lingering in his tone. And without turning around I flipped him off and rolled my eyes.

Dick. I sighed, ignoring his immature comment.
Carefully making my way over to the room Tweek was in.

"You here, Tweek?" I cooed, softly locking the door behind me with a click.

"Mm hm" he responded ahead, his hands on the railing of the balcony that led outside of the room.

"Everything okay?" I approached him and chuckled, clearly the booze was also hitting his system.

"Just drunk" he loosely threw his head up to look at the sky. carefully looking at me from the corner of his eye. "Feels nice"

"Having fun? I hope they aren't making you feel uncomfortable" I softly muffled, inching my body closer from behind and caving him in with both hands on the railing.

"No, no not at all" he looked ahead and I could see the tips of his ears start to turn red.

"so" I teased, placing my chin on his shoulder. "are you still thinking about earlier?"

"Are you flirting with me?" he turned around and leaned back up against the railings, my hands still on either side of him.

"Do you want me to?" the words hoarsely left my lips and now my heart was beating like crazy.
The idea of being this close to him was making me weak.

He was looking at me and I was looking at him, something in the way he sluggishly traced his eyes down my lips and parted his lips in response, tensed me up.

I really wanted to kiss him.
But I wasn't going to kiss him if he was drunk.

"You smell like booze" I chuckled, leaning in forward and whispering into his ear lowly. Moving my hands down to his hips and away from the railing.

"Should we head home?"

"Mm mhm" he nodded and I chuckled, leaning back and interlocking my fingers in his hands.

"Let's head home then"

"SO IT WAS YOU!? YOU JERK" Tolkien shrieked and Clyde laughed, but it wasn't a laughing matter anymore when Tolkien loosely yanked his hands around Clyde's neck.

"YOU LITTLE THIEF" Tolkien shook Clyde with his hands and Clyde shrieked like a little girl in distress

What the fuck was going on, I snickered pulling Tweek closer to me. "Guys, I think it's time we head out"

"What?? Hic-really?" Tolkien groaned, and Clyde responded with a pout. Jimmy on the other side was wasted and dead sleep by now.

"Mhm, see you guys later" we walked out over to the door, giving our last goodbyes before heading out, carefully locking the door on our way out.

The day had gone by pretty fast and the sun had set way before we had stepped out. And now it was just the street lights lighting the way up for our walk home.

The wind in our faces, and our hands in eachothers.

"You have nice friends" he leaned on my shoulder and smiled, softly inhaling the chilly air around us.

"Well they're your friends now too." I let go of his hand and placed it on his hip.
This alone was enough to spark a chuckle on his lips and cause my heart to skip a beat.

I really did like him.
And a lot too.

Casually we passed by a field of beautiful lilacs and he pointed this out. Telling me how lilacs reminded me of his favorite color, and how he remembered that during the spring he would run around them and collect them for his personal use.

But the idea of him holding onto some lilacs in my mind made me weak.
And I was finding it cute how he reminded me of the times we ran off into a field of lilacs when we were little.

"I totally knew that" I chuckled, walking past the lilacs and he snickered at my comment.


"Click" The door opened with a push and within seconds we were inside my humble home.
Softly I closed the door behind me and stiffened my breath.

Something was going on with my mind.

And I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hic-great I was so-" his eyes widened, but I had immediately pushed him up against the wall. My heart pounded loudly, and loudly it did as I shook my head. The burning in my head from the booze something prominent.

If there was even a possibility that you liked me
Would you let me kiss you...?

Softly I ran my hands up his sides and covered his ears.

"I like you"

I sighed, retracting my hands from his ears and brushing my hands through my hair strands.

"Let's head to bed"


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