Salty Song Fics

By PinkSafhires

42.2K 679 525

Lots of salt. Adriensalt. Lilasalt. Alyasalt. Chloesugar. Ninosugar. Daminette. Marijon. Peternette. Etc. By... More

City of Angels
Stand by You
Fight Song
3 Months
Cinderella is Dead
Numb little bug
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Not a Chapter

Part 2 of SPIDER WEB

496 14 3
By PinkSafhires

No song :)

"Why do I feel like something big is going to happen today?" I asked Chloe.

"It is, Amandine and Collette are starting kindergarten, today."

"No, something else. I don't know, maybe I'm just nervous about her first day."

"Probably, I mean what could possibly happen?"

Peter: Mari, we have a problem.

Peter texted right after Chloe and I finished having lunch.

Me: What's wrong?

Peter: So far, nothing bad. It could be though, please come home now!

"Something happened, Peter needs me home." I told Chloe. "Sorry, but I really need to go."

"I'll drive you, you're distressed."

"Thank you so much, Chloe."

Me: We're on our way.

When we pulled into the driveway, we noticed a black Audi R8 parked in front of the house. Not what I was expecting, but it could still be really bad. We got out of the car and ran into the house.

"Peter? Are you okay?" I yelled into the silent house mentally preparing to transform.

"Yeah, I'm over here, Mari." He said from the living room.

I turned through the dining room to the living room confused as to what's going on. When I saw who was there, I gasped.

"Mr. Stark?" I asked in disbelief.

"I assume your name is Marinette Bourgeois?" Mr. Stark asked raising an eyebrow.

"Marinette Parker, sir." I corrected.

"In the 6 years I haven't seen you, you got married?" He narrowed his eyes at Peter. "Thank goodness I didn't report you to the police then," He joked.

"Thank you for that, Mr. Stark."

"Please, call me Tony." He offered his hand. "I can't believe underoos actually found a girl." He shook his head.

"I- You aren't mad we robbed a museum and disappeared?"

"Marinette, no one can disappear from me forever, but to answer your question, not really. I mean, I'm sure you both would've invited me to important events in your lives right?" He glared a Peter. "However, my wedding invitation must've been lost in the mail."

"R-Right. Of course, Mr. Stark. I can't believe it got lost."

"Next time just give me a call if it's your birthday, Christmas, Thanksgiving dinner, or anniversary. I want to make up for lost time." He pressured. "Cause when you two end up having a child, I want to be there. I'll be the godfather!"

"Actually, sir-"

"Tony." He corrected.

"Right, Tony, I don't know-"

"Wait, you don't have a child already, right?" He eyed suspiciously. "Nah, you would've called or something!" He joked, "Otherwise, if you didn't tell me I basically had a grandchild, you know I'd kill you." He laughed off. "I mean, who would be the child's godfather if I'm not there."

"R-Right," Peter said nervously. When Tony turned his back, Peter mouthed 'He's gonna kill me.'

"Hey, Tony, can I get you anything to drink?"

"Sure, a water would suffice."

"Sure," I stepped into the kitchen getting a bottle of water. I glanced at the time. 3:25, oh no, Amandine is probably on her way home. I walked back to the living room and handed Tony his water.


"Yeah. Hey, Peter, can I speak to you for a second?" He looked confused.

"Yeah, sure, Mari." I pulled him into the kitchen to speak privately.

"We may have a problem, Amandine is on her way here."

"It's already past 3?"

"How do we make Tony leave before she arrives?"

"I don't know? Maybe we can just say we have to go."

"He'll ask where, then what?"

"Where's Chloe? She's good at making a scene? Didn't she drive you?"

"I think she left to pick up Collette."

"Maybe you can text her to pick up Amandine then?"

"Hopefully," I got out my phone and texted Chloe the instructions hoping that she'll receive them in time.

"Let's get back before Tony snoops through the pictures we have of her birth."

We walked back into the living room, and Tony was staring at his phone.

"Is everything okay?"

"What? Oh yeah. I remember there were three of you, right? Spiderman, Robin Hood, and Bee? Who's Bee?"

"Oh, she's my best friend. We sometimes work together, too." I said cryptically.

"Ah, okay." Tony laughed, "You know, I am so glad you guys didn't have a kid without me. Oh my gosh, I'd feel so left out! Not to mention, if Peter never mentioned them I'd kill him 100%."
He joked.

Suddenly, the front door opened, and Amadine walked in. A few second later, an out-of-breath Chloe burst through the door.

"I-I tried to get her in time, Mari, but, wow, you walk really fast." She panted.

"Uh, Marinette, Peter, who is this?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"I- Peter run!" I yelled as Peter sprinted out the door.

"Peter Parker! You have a daughter! Are you kidding me?! And you never told me anything about her? Not even a postcard or a call?" Tony yelled after him. "I will find him." He growled.

"Wait, Tony! Before you do anything you will regret, don't you want to meet your granddaughter?"

"I- yeah? I guess hunting down Peter can wait. You can run, but you can't hide, Peter Parker." He cursed at the ceiling waving his fist in the air.

"Amandine," I called over. I picked our daughter up and sat her on my lap. "This is your grandfather, Tony."

"Hi, little one!" He waved completely changing his mood. "You make me sound so old." He glared.


"Oh! Are you Bee?" He turned his attention to Chloe.

"Yeah, I was." She said shielding Collette behind her.

"Oh? You don't steal anymore?" He turned to me.

"Nah. We never kept any of the money we obtained anyway," I said choosing my words very carefully.

"I- What?"

"Yeah, we gave it to a nearby village before leaving."

"So you're saying, you never kept even a single cent from the 3 million dollar diamond?"

"Nope!" Chloe and I both said popping the 'p'.

"That's how you got Peter to help you then!" He said with a lightbulb going off in his head. "You must've met outside of fighting, and you told him your plan. Peter being Peter would've accepted it and wanted to help." He said piecing it all together. "Somewhere along, he fell in love with you, and decided he wanted to give up everything to help and be with you."

"Yeah, I could not believe he liked me back," I blushed.

"Then you two got married, and had a child." His eyes darkened. "Without me knowing."

"W-We weren't sure if you'd support us after robbing a museum and because y'all were excluding him."

"Peter is like family!"

"Well, now he's got a family, and we'd really appreciate it if you don't turn us in to the police."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's not like I can see my grandchildren if their parents are behind bars."

"I, uhm- grandchild." I corrected blushing hard.

"Grandchild," He smirked. "For now..."

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