Remember Me

By insertname101

260 8 0

When Anna goes to stay with her mum's best friend for a week she is not prepared to live alongside Jack, her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 8

16 1 0
By insertname101

I watched in complete shock as my mum fell to the floor crying. I rushed over to her to try and comfort her but I couldn't get the thought of Jack out of my mind, was he okay, his mum was dead. Where would he go? Who would look after him? All these thoughts came flooding into my head as my mum cried into my chest. My dad came running up sooner or later and he walked her away.

"I think you need to call Jack." He says and I nod as he walks away with mum crying. I run over to my phone and quickly dial Jacks number, my heart thudding in my chest so hard it might explode.It rings three time before he picks up.

"Anna?" He asks, his voice quiet and i can tell he has been crying.

"Jack! Oh my God! Are you okay? Do you want me to-" I say and he stops me.

"She's dead." He says, almost a whisper. I begin to panic, what if he did something he would regret, what if he did something and I wouldn't be able to ever see him again?

"Okay Jack, stay calm I'm going to come over. Please promise me you won't do anything stupid." I say, beginning to walk out of the house, grabbing my keys and phone in the process. "I'm going to drive down-"

"NO! Don't you dare get in a car and drive up to see me, I can't lose you tonight as well, if you get in that car I swear to God we are over, I am not loosing you as well." He says and my heart stops when he says that we would be done, he really was hurting and I could hear it in his voice but that made it hurt even more.

"Oh, okay. Erm... promise me you won't do anything you'll regret. I'll drive up tomorrow then instead to see you." I say and the line stays silent for a moment.

"I'm sure that is a good idea Anna. I'm not loosing you yet and I know you need to spend time with your family. I love you and I really want you here but your parents need you." He says and his voice cracks at the end. I let out a sigh.

"Okay... well promise to call me tomorrow, I'm not loosing you either, I know you're hurting and I just need to make sure you don't do anything stupid. Try to stay at home just promise me that I'll see you soon." I say and he sighs.

"I'll probably see you at her funeral." He says and I can almost hear the tears fall onto his cheeks.

"I love you Jack, your mum loved you and I know that you are going to hurt and I want to be there with you, I'll call you again in a bit then?" I ask and the line stay silent for a while and just as I am about to hang up he speaks.

"Don't leave me Anna. I can't be alone right now." He says and I put the phone back to my ear.

"I'm not going anywhere if you don't want me to." I say with a slight smile.

"Thanks Chocolate. I love you." He says and I can almost see him smiling slightly. I let out a small laugh.

"I love you too." I say, the conversation carries on like this and Jack tells me about his favorite memories with his and his mum.

"Jack?" I ask him, it is now almost ten o'clock and we were still talking. He stops talking.

"Yeah?" He replies and I let out a quiet sigh.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and the line stays silent for a moment and I think I've lost him and my heart almost breaks.

"I am when I'm with you." He says and lets out a small laugh. I smile and breath out slowly.

"Well I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I say, with a smile, I hear him chuckle slightly and I can see the old Jack coming back, but then he stops laughing and my heart stops for a moment.

"You're the only one I have now." He says quickly and I begin to panic, what was he going to do? "My Dad walked out on us when I was seven and now my mum has gone, you're the only one that I love now, you're the only person that cares about me." He says and I can hear him begin to cry.

"Jack... " I breath out. "I love you more that anyone else in the world and so does you mum, you have your friends and you have more family. There are many people out there that care about you. And I don't just care about you Jack, I need you, so don't you leave me here now. There are plenty of people that love you and care for you, that including me and if you weren't here I couldn't cope myself. If you need someone to talk to I am here and I don't care if it is three o'clock in the morning or seven o'clock at night, if you want to talk, then you can always talk to me. Don't say that you are alone because I am here and I love you too much to see you get hurt. I can't live without you Jack so please don't do anything that could mean I never get to see you again because I wouldn't be able to cope." I say and now I am crying.

"Anna." He breathes out and I can here how much he loves me in his voice. "I'm not going to do anything stupid and I can't live without you either, I have family, but not that much that really care for me as much as my parents did. My mum knew me inside out and I could always count on her, she was the one to sort my problems out and now I don't have that." He says and he is crying along with me.

"Well I'll be that for you, I'll get to know you like your mother knew you and I'll help you with your problems. I love you almost as much as your mum loved you and please don't forget that, I'll be the one to sort your problems out, the one's you can't handle, and maybe in the future you will be able to help me with mine." I say and I can hear him trying to calm himself down.

"A future with you sounds perfect." He says and I let out a small laugh.

The next day when I wake up I see a text from Jack.

I love you Anna, so much I think it is a problem and I am so happy to have you with me to help me through these things. I hope you realize how much I love you and I hope to see you as soon as possible to be able to tell you I love you in person and be able to hold you again. You help me through my problems and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Love you so much it hurts, Jack. XX

My heart skips about ten beats reading his text message and I can't help but grin like the cheshire cat as I get out of bed. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to see it is empty. I walk over to the cooker and decide on what to have for breakfast. I cook myself some scrambled egg on toast and eat that at the dining table in silence. I feel alone, my mum and dad not here and being in the house alone suddenly feeling like it is the most lonely thing in the world, having no one to talk to or do anything with anyone else. After finishing my breakfast I went back up to my room to get changed. I had a shower and dried and straightened my hair. I put on my black jeans and a white crop top with my black leather jacket with my black converse and, of course, the necklace that Jack bought me. I needed some new clothes and something to get my mind off of everything so shopping was a way to kill two birds with one stone. I applied my normal makeup and then made my way out.

When I got there I parked up and got out of the car and walked into the mall. When I walked in I could see that it was packed but I really needed a distraction so I didn't care about how many people were there. I walked into Hot Topic to get a few new t- shirts. When I came out an hour later with five new t- shirts so I headed to Forever 21 to buy some new pairs of jeans. I was walking round when I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry." I say, falling backwards slightly. When I look up I see a familiar head of blonde hair. "Emma?" I asked her surprised, she looked at me and her eyes widened.

"Oh my God! Anna! When the hell did you get back?" She asks hugging me tightly. I return the hug back and when we pull her away I begin to explain.

"I got back two days ago. When did you get back? I thought you were in Spain for the whole summer!" I say and she shrugs.

"We had to cut it short because my mum said that she needed to get home for work after someone messed everything up." She says with a sigh. I nod.

"That sucks." I say as we link arms. She nods in agreement as we walk round the store. "Well why didn't you text me?" I ask her and she shrugs.

"I thought you would be busy with that gorgeous boyfriend of yours." She says and I laugh. "Yeah, if I knew that you were back I would have texted you about it sooner but I didn't so..." I trail off and she nods.

"Don't worry about it hon, I was pretty happy just having some time with the other girls, but they did get on my nerves after a while and I missed my best friend, I was going to text you tonight asking how everything was going but now your here and I want all the juicy details." She says and I laugh. We walk around we walk around the store and I begin explaining to her about the whole thing.

"Well, you know that I stayed with my mum's best friend and when I got there I found out that she had a gorgeous son. So, he came to help me with the bags and all that and then told me that it was going to be really interesting, which it was, and then about a few hours later he came back in my room. I was lay on my bed and he sat on top of me, he told me that he was making my life more interesting and that he wanted to make it more interesting and then he kissed me. So... then later, I told him that I didn't want to be was of his little games and ended whatever that was..." I carry on with the story and Emma stops me at some points to ask questions and 'oohs' and aahs' and different places, especially when I told her about the thing in the park.

"But yesterday, his mum was in a car accident and didn't make it and I had to talk to him and all this and he said that he would call me today. So I'm hoping that he is okay and that he will be able to work through it because I'm not sure what I would do without him." I say and she begins to squeal.

"you guys are so perfect. I mean, you have the cutest instagram page now with all the pics of you two. Awww you two are what I want my relationship to be like. You guys are perfect!" She says and I sigh sadly and nod. "What's the matter?" She asks and I look at her and smile.

"Well, you say we're perfect but I'm worried that we are too perfect, I'm scared that it is all going to come crashing down any instant because if one little flaw is seen then the whole image is ruined and I really cannot be hurt like I had been with-" I say but someone grabs my arm. I turn around to see a face I really didn't want to see ever again.


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