Chapter 6

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When we get to the party the music can be heard from outside as we turn down the road. I look at Jack and I see the nervousness reflecting off my face and onto his. I laugh and then turn back to climb out of the car. When I get out I can see how busy it is, there are people on the front lawn already making out and it is only five past eight. I sigh and as Jack rounds the car, he takes my hand in his. He gives it a gentle squeeze and I look over to him to see him looking at the house. We walk up to the door and knock loudly, when it opens I see Aaron standing there, he is not in his usual uniform for the pizza place but is in a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white nirvana t shirt. He is already slightly tipsy and when he speaks I realize that he is more that just slightly drunk.

"Welcome to my killer party Jack and Anna!" He slurs loudly and I just laugh at him. He leads us in and then disappears into a group of people. We make our way through dancing and grinding bodies as well as couples making out to the kitchen.

"Jesus Christ!" I say when we finally get to the kitchen. He nods in agreement.

"Aaron always holds parties to kick off the holidays, it is almost a tradition but this is definitely the biggest one he has thrown." He says and I nod. He hands me a can of Diet Coke and I take it quickly.

"Jack!" A girl shouts, I can tell she is already drunk by the way she talks and walks. She is wearing the shortest skirt I think I have ever seen with a white crop top. He practically falls on Jack and I can't help but feel annoyed. "I've missed you soo much!" She says and Jack just rolls his eyes.

"Hey Rachel. I see you're as slutty as always." He says monotonously and she looks at him and smiles.

"Aww how I love our conversations. Do you want to take this upstairs." She says, gosh! She's a bit forward. I send her daggers and Jack looks at me.

"No thanks Rach. I'm here with my girlfriend." He says and my heart flutters as he calls me his girlfriend.

"Well, you know who to call if it doesn't work out." She says and then begins to tumble her way into another crowd of people. He comes over to me and I smile at him.

"That was Rach, the school slut." He says and I nod.

"Kinda guessed." I say and he laughs. More people come up to him and I get introduced. A group of guys come to say hi and I feel slightly uncomfortable as they look me up and down. Jack puts his arm around me to comfort me and I give him a small, grateful smile. After that we go to the dance floor as Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon comes on, we dance and laugh as the music blares around us. The bodies around us are grinding and all that but I don't care, I'm not a slut and that never has appealed to me, so can't I just have fun with my boyfriend. We carry on dancing and I have a really fin time. That is until a guy begins to feel me up. I turn around to see a guy with blonde hair and brown eyes smirking at me.

"Hey babe, you seem to be a fun time, wanna take this somewhere else." He asks and I just roll my eyes. A remix of the song Rude by Magic! begins playing and he keeps trying to feel me up.

"Yeah, you know Jack Hallman?" I ask and he nods "Yeah? Well he's my boyfriend so if you want to keep that face of yours I suggest you back the hell up!" I shout at him but he just smiles.

"Well can't this be our little secret?" He asks and I begin to get even more annoyed. I know he won't remember this in the morning but if he even tries anything on me, it is going to hurt in the morning. He comes closer and I try to back away but I just bump into the people dancing behind me. I try to find Jack but I can't see him. The guy comes even closer and I avoid him as he tries to grab me.

"Oh, playing hard to get are we. I like a challenge." He says in a sick voice. He begins to walk back towards me and I back away but my back hits a wall. I look for a way out but there isn't, he has me cornered. I look around and see a beer bottle on the floor. I quickly bend down to pick it up and when I stand back up he is standing there, he places his hands either side of my head so I can't escape and then tried to close the gap but I smash the beer bottle against his head. He backs up and then falls to the floor, passed out.

"Pervert." I say begin to make my way away from the creep when I see Jack standing there with his fists clenched, looking at the guy on the floor. I quickly make my way to him and pull his attention form the guy on the floor to me.

"Jack? Calm down. I'm fine, don't do anything you'll regret, he's already hurt from the bottle." I say and he when he looks at me, his expression changes, it softens.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't find you but the crowd got bigger and bigger and you just got lost. I'm sorry, I should've stuck with you no matter what, you could have gotten really badly hurt, James is an idiot and I should've known that he would try to get with you. I'm-" He says.

"Jack!" I shout and he stops. "I'm fine, it wasn't your fault, it was no one's fault, stop blaming yourself." I say and he sighs and then smiles.

"What would I do without you Anna?" He asks and I smile and shrug. He brings his lips to mine and I kiss him back. When I pull away, the song Chocolate by The 1975 comes on and I drag him to the dance floor and we begin dancing again. We laugh as we go and when it is finished he whispers something to me.

"I've got you your nickname Chocolate." He says and I look at him a frown.

"Chocolate?" I ask him and he nods.

"Yeah. It will remind me that even if something bad happens, like with James, you always know how to get through it. You didn't let what happened with James affect you and you carried on having fun and dancing to the song Chocolate. So, there is you nickname." He says and I smile to him.

"I love you." I blurt out and he laughs.

"I love you too Chocolate." He says and I laugh.

The rest of the party goes on well, we manage to have a really good time and it basically goes the rest of the night without a problem. We were dancing on the dance floor and I spin around, but when I turn back, Jack is gone. We planned to go after this song so I needed to find him. I begin to walk round the house, looking for Jack. But he is nowhere to be seen. I think that he might have gone back to the car after we got split up so I begin to head in that direction. As I am about to walk out I turn around to check to see if Jack was anywhere in sight and when I spot him, the sight breaks my heart.

He was standing there kissing Alyssa.

Jack was kissing Alyssa.

I turn around and begin to make my way out of the house. Not allowing any tears to fall as I began to walk down the road. I vaguely remembered the way here and it would probably only take me about a half an hour walk home.

"Anna!" I hear Jack shouts but I just keep walking. "Anna!" He shouts and this time I turn around.

"What?" I ask quietly, the tears about to fall.

"That wasn't what it looked like." He says and I just laugh humorously.

"Well then what was it? It looked pretty much like you kissing Alyssa." I say, the tears falling down my face.

"Well it wasn't she kissed me. I was looking for you when I bumped into her and she was saying all this crap about how she didn't love her boyfriend, but she loved me and I was trying to tell her that I didn't love her, I love you, but she wouldn't listen and then she threw herself at me and planted her lips on me. I pushed her off and then I saw you leaving. Please?" He asks, reaching out to grab my hand but I pull it away. I look into his eyes and I see the pain in his eyes and it makes my heart break slightly. "Please." He whipsers. And I just look at him and sigh. He looks like he could break by whatever I said and I wasn't ready to hurt him. Was i going to give him the benefit of the doubt and forgive, or am I going to follow my head? I kept my gaze on him and I could see him as the guy he used to be, the guy that didn't want to hurt anymore. The guy who played with other girls hearts, but I had made him the guy he is today, he was more considerate, more willing to be hurt and I loved that guy. That guy was him. I loved him and I wasn't ready to let him go.

"Okay." I whisper and he looks at me in shock. "I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt because I am not ready to let you go. I love you but you need to know that I'm not going to be able to forgive you if this ever happens again." I say and he nods.

"I know and you won't regret this decision. I'm not going to do anything to hurt you ever again I promise. I love you Chocolate." He says and I smile, he grabs my hand and this time I let him.

"I love you too."

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