Chapter 13

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"What?" I asked in disbelief. She just claps her hands together and smiles.

"Oh come on. You really think that we did this all because we didn't want you alone in the house, if that was the real reason I would have let you stay at Emma's or something. We wanted to set you two up, and I'm so glad we did because it looks like I might have a new son in law soon." She says and hugs tightly.

"Mum!" I groan in frustration, trying to wriggle away from her. When she does let me go I look up at her in shock. "We are not getting married anytime soon because I am only sixteen and I have to go to college and all that." I say and my mum nods.

"I know that and I hope you don't get married soon but I can tell that you are really happy with him and he has really changed a lot since he met you, well, at least that's what Dawn told me." She says and I look at her confused. "Jack has suffered a lot with depression, has he not told you that." She says and I just shake my head slowly.

"Dawn told me that he was getting better at it whilst he was with Alyssa and after she left he seemed to be falling back into it. He becomes really distant and zones out often, but when he met you, she says that all that seemed to disappear instantly and he is a better person with you." She says and I smile. "He did some really bad things whilst he was depressed and sometimes he even ended up in hospital, especially when his Dad left, he was really torn up about that. I'm surprised he's not the same bout what has happened but now I see how you two are and I can see why." She says and I smile and then hug her quickly as the guys walk in. Jack walks in and stands beside me, taking my hand in his. We sit on the couch and we begin talking.

"So Jack." My dad begins. "What do you like to do for fun?" He asks and I look at Jack to see him thinking for a second.

"Erm... I like to read a lot, play football and hang out with my friends mainly." He says and I look at dad to see his approving face.

"Do you like music. Dawn said that you were a big fan of music." My mum says and I feel Jack tense bedside me at the sound of his mum's name.

"Err, yeah I guess. Anna has a really good taste in music as well, that is a thing I love about her." He says and looks down at me and smiles. We look at each for a while as I examine his face, his smile hadn't reached his eyes which were blood shot and had large bags under them. My Dad cleared his throat and we broke our gazes and looked back at him.

"What about future plans then Jack?" He asks and Jack nods.

"Well I am planning on applying for Columbia and NYU, mainly because they have the two best programmes and my mum went to NYU." He says and my dad nods approvingly.

"I think that's where you were going to apply as well, right Anna?" My dad asks and I nod, Jack squeezed my slightly and I tried not to let a big grin appear on my face thinking about being able to see Jack all the time. Not on skype, or over the phone, but in real life, every day. Maybe he would get sick of me?

We spent about half an hour just creating small talk when my mum and dad decided that they would go begin to unpack. I began to make my way upstairs to help, as did Jack, but my mum stopped us.

"We don't need any help. You two go out or something, me and your dad are tired so I think we are just going to do nothing today, we'll be fine here by ourselves for a bit." She says and I roll my eyes at her.

"Are you sure that that is okay with you, Mum?" I ask and she nods.

"Of course! You two go have fun or go out on a date or something." She says and I blush slightly, thinking of how my mom is practically telling us to go out on a date. Jack grabs my hand and I turn around to see what he is doing and his face had a large smile plastered on his face.

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