Chapter 5

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I sat on the floor with my head in my hands for a while, just thinking about what was going on, but I was interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I ask, my voice shaky.

"It's Jack, can I come in?" I hear him ask. I sigh and then begin to get up.

"Yeah, just give me a sec." I say as I get up. I run my hands through my hair and wipe any remnants of tears from my cheeks. After getting up I turn around and open the door slowly. I see Jack standing there and he looks at me expectantly. I let the door open and he walks in and I shut the door behind him.

"Are you okay. You seemed to want to make a quick exit when Alyssa was here?" He asks and I shrug.

"Yeah I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I lie through my teeth, he just sighs and walks over to me, taking my hands in his softly.

"I wasn't born yesterday. I can see something is up. Come on, spit it out?" He says and I sigh.

"Do you still have feelings for Alyssa, because if you want to be with her then it is fine. I mean, I'm not your girlfriend so I have no right to tell you what you can and can't do?!" I say, trying to hold back my anger as he just sighs.

"So this is what this about." He says and I nod. "I didn't call you my girlfriend because I hadn't asked you to be my girlfriend yet and I didn't know what you would do if I said that you were my girlfriend. And no, I don't still have feelings for her, I was the one to break off the relationship because I knew it was heading nowhere and I didn't want either of us to get hurt because of it." He says and I nod slowly. "I want to be friend with her again but I am not going to leave you Anna, you are the girl I want to be with no matter what, even if you move to Australia or whatever. I want to be with you, no one else. So... will you be my girlfriend then?" He says, looking up at me pleadingly. A smile grows on my face instantly with his question.

"Of course I will." I say and he smiles almost as widely as I was. My hand detaches from his and hangs onto his neck, pulling him closer to me. I capture his lips with mine passionately and my heart rate quickens to record breaking time. His arms swing around my waist and mine go to his neck, pulling him closer to me, so the kiss deepens. He picks me up and my legs instinctively wrap around his waist. My back presses against the wall and I pull away. He looks at me breathlessly and then I begin to trail kisses down his neck, his breath hitches and I smile as he lets out a small moan. After that I pull and jump off of him. He looks at me and pouts.

"I need to get ready. I am still in my pajamas and I want a shower." I say and he laughs.

"Fine but you are coming to the party that my mated holding tonight to kick off the holidays." He says and I just frown at him.

"We've already had like a week of the holidays, it's a bit late isn't it." I ask and he just shrugs.

"Well that's Aaron for you." He says and I nod.

"Fine I'll come. But I am not drinking!" I say and he laughs.

"Wouldn't count on you for anything else. I won't either then." He says and I smile and give him a kiss quickly and then push him out of my room. "Be ready by seven!" He shouts as he makes his way into his room. I shout back an agreement and then throw on a pair of my black skinny jeans and my white, fluffy jumper. I throw my hair into a messy ponytail and then walk into the bathroom to clean up. When I walk in the shower is running and I immediately see a figure standing in there. I try to make my way out quickly and quietly but fall into the towel rack behind me.

"Anna? Is that you?" Jack asks and I cringe.

"Dammit!" I whisper- shout and he laughs.

"We're sharing a bathroom better get used to it." He says and I just roll my eyes and walk over to the sink to brush my teeth. I try to do all that I need quickly and when I am finally finished, Jack is just about to step out of the shower so I quickly make my way out before I see anything I don't need to see.

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