Chapter 7

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The car ride back is silent and as we get back I make no attempt to talk to him, I just quickly make my way up to my room to avoid him. I get changed into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. I lie on my back on the floor and just try not to let the tears fall, if this was going to happen to me then I didn't know that I would be able to take it. I let a tear fall and then I hear a soft knock on my door. I wipe the single tear away quickly and sit up from the floor.

"Come in." I say and the door opens to see Alyssa standing there. I was completely taken aback by this, as I was expecting Jack.

"I know I am probably the last person you want to see right now but I really need to talk to you. You don't have to like me but I really need you to know that this was my fault. I was the one who kissed Jack, when I saw him again for the first time in almost two years all of the feelings I had came back to the surface. He introduced you as a friend so I thought that you weren't together and then at the party my boyfriend kissed another girl and I was upset and I saw Jack standing there. It was my fault so please don't be mad at him. you might think why am I telling you and I would be asking myself the same thing. But I want Jack to be happy, I wished it was me but I know that you make him happy and I'm not going to try to stop that. It was an honest mistake and if I had known that you two were together then I promise you none of this would have happened." She says, I stand up as she speaks, tears begin to fall down her cheeks and I begin to feel sorry for her. As she finishes what she was saying tears are pouring down her cheeks. Instead of being annoyed at her or anything I just walk up to her and hug her tightly. She is shocked at first but then she hugs me back.

"Thanks for telling me. I really needed closure." I say and she nods as I pull away.

"I thought you would slap me or something. Why did you hug me?" She asks and I just smile at her sadly.

"I know what being cheated on feels like, if I had been in your position I know I would have done the same thing." I say and she nods.

"I hope you and Jack are really happy together for however long you guys are together, if that is forever or only a few more weeks. I really do wish you the best." She says and then she hugs me again.

"Thanks, and I wish you the best as well, you'll find the right guy for you and you seem like a really nice girl so I really do hope that you are happy no matter what." I say and she nods and then walks out, closing the door behind her. I let out a sigh of relief and lie back on the floor. Then another knock comes on my door.

"Come in." I say, not bothering to move this time.

"Hey. I see you talked to Alyssa." Jack says and I nod, still not moving from where I was lay.

"I can see why you liked her so much." I say and he sighs, lying down next to me.

"I love you, you know that." He says and I smile at him.

"I love you too, I think that is my problem." I say, still not looking at him. He moves and he is now lying on top of me, his hands propping himself up so he doesn't crush me.

"It's not a problem and if it is I think I have a bigger problem than you do." He says and I smile.

"Seriously, any girl would have left there and then, but I can't leave you because I love you too much and I can't leave you Jack, not just because I live with you. I emotionally can't leave you." I say, the tears begin to fall and he just sighs.

"Well I can't leave you either so maybe we will never have to." He says and I smile sadly. He flips us over so I am lying on top of him and he uses his thumb to wipe the tears away. I look into his eyes to see they are full of worry and love. I press my lips to his gently and when I pull away he is looks back at me.

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