Livin' It Loud

Da Saediee

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YOU (Haisley Aurelia) was a well-known Nickelodeon kids actor in the late 2000s and early 2010s, after leavin... Altro

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven

Chapter Six

527 10 5
Da Saediee

Chapter Six - What happens in San Francisco, stays in San Francisco PART TWO

Author's Note: There are some characters in this story that people inspire in real life, but their names are changed slightly. Please note that these fake characters' actors have NO CONNECTIONS to the people they're actually inspired by.

Adeline Okly - Played by - Elizabeth Lail
Stephen Halls - Played by - Will Kemp
James Wallace - Played by Alex Lange
Beverly Monet - Played by - Haley Sharpe
Kennedy Bennet - Played by (TBA)
Fredrick Wallace - Played By (TBA)

More to be revealed in later chapters.



Catherine was in a deep and peaceful sleep when there was an aggressive knock on her door. She jolted awake, her heart racing as she tried to figure out what was going on.

She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the grogginess.

Before she could even gather her thoughts, Adeline barged in, letting herself in without warning. Catherine's eyes widened in surprise as Adeline walked in, her eyes darting around the room as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

Adeline was a tall and imposing figure, with sharp features and piercing eyes that seemed to see right through her.

She was dressed in a sleek black suit, with a crisp white shirt and a red tie that stood out against the dark background.

Wake up! Breakfast is downstairs in the dining room.
 That is to your right, down the hall, to your right again,
 and left! Come on! Get up!

Adeline exclaimed, clapping her hands to make noise. Catherine groaned in response, still trying to shake off the sleep.

Adeline then went over to the huge window and opened the curtains, letting in the morning light.

The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the room.

Catherine yawned, still tired, and checked her phone. It was only 8 AM.

Catherine's eyes wandered around the room, taking in the luxurious decor and the breathtaking view of the city skyline.

The room was spacious and well-lit, with high ceilings and elegant furnishings that exuded a sense of sophistication and refinement.

The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings and intricate tapestries that added to the overall ambiance of the room.

Why are we up so early? I thought the interview
was tomorrow.

Catherine asked, confused.

Yes, the interview is tomorrow. So today you
 guys have your rehearsal for the interview. Come
 on, we don't want to be late. I'll meet you

Adeline replied as she headed out the door, shutting it behind her.

Catherine rubbed her eyes again and stretched, feeling the stiffness in her muscles from sleeping in an unfamiliar bed.

She got up and walked over to the window, looking out at the breathtaking view of the city forest.

The sun was now fully up, casting a golden light over the trees and bushes below.


Catherine walked down the lit hallway, her footsteps echoing off the walls.

She felt her heart racing as she tried to recall Adeline's instructions.

She passed by several doors, each one looking identical to the last. As she walked, she couldn't shake the feeling that she was lost in the huge mansion.

The hallway seemed to stretch on forever, with no end in sight.

Suddenly, she found herself in the wine cellar, surrounded by rows of expensive bottles of wine.

The room was dimly lit, with only a few bulbs illuminating the area. The bottles of wine sparkled in the light, their labels reflecting the light like jewels.

A little early for a drink?

A voice said from behind her, causing her to jump in surprise.

She turned around and saw a man in his mid-30s, with brunette hair and a muscular build. He was dressed in a sleek black suit, with a red tie that stood out against the dark background.

His eyes sparkled in the light, making him look almost ethereal.

No, I'm a little young to be drinking. I'm looking
 for the dining room.

I'm just joking around. I'm Kennedy, the majordomo
 of Aurelia Halls, and you must be...?

Kennedy said, reaching out for a handshake.

Catherine accepted the handshake, feeling relieved to have found someone who could help her. His hand was warm and firm, making her feel safe.

I'm Catherine. Haisley's friend. I'm spending the week with her.

Catherine said, feeling a bit more at ease now that she had someone to talk to. Kennedy's smile was infectious, and she felt her worries melting away.

Well, a friend of Haisley's is a friend to the entire family.
Welcome to Aurelia Halls, Ms. Catherine.

Kennedy said, smiling warmly. His smile was like sunshine, warming her from the inside out.

Catherine smiled back, feeling a bit old for being called Ms.

You said you were looking for the dining room,

That's right.

Which one

Kennedy asked, to Catherine's shock.

Umm, whichever one Haisley and Adeline are at.
I wasn't aware there were multiple. I was just told to
go down to the dining room.

That's alright. I think I know the one you're l
ooking for. Follow me.


Catherine enters the dining room finally, behind Kennedy. The dining room had a long and narrow table, and a large chandelier hung overhead, casting a warm glow over the room.

The walls were lined with torches, each one more beautiful than the last.

As Catherine walked in, she felt a sense of awe wash over her.

The long and narrow table was set with fine china, crystal glasses, and silverware. There were several chairs on either side of the table, each one looking like it was designed for a king or queen.

Haisley looked up as Catherine and Kennedy entered the room, and her eyes sparkled with recognition.

Ah, Catherine! You finally made it. I was beginning
 to think you'd gotten lost.

Haisley said, smiling warmly.

I did, actually. Kennedy was kind enough to show
me the way.

Kennedy is always kind. He's our majordomo,
 and he takes care of everything in this house.

Haisley said, gesturing to the room around them.

I'm sorry I wasn't there to lead you myself. You
were asleep and I didn't want to walk you up.

Haisley said, motioning to the empty chair next to her.

Catherine took a seat.

As she sat down, she noticed that there was a large fireplace beside the room, with a roaring fire that made the room feel cozy and warm.

Catherine looked at the array of breakfast foods in front of her, the aroma overpowering.

She could see the steam rising from the hot dishes, the butter melting on the croissants, and the fruit salad glistening under the light.

She used the tongs to grab a croissant, feeling the crispy exterior and the soft, buttery interior.

Then, she spooned some fruit salad on her plate, admiring the vibrant colors and the freshness of the fruits. She set it back down in front of her.

A house staff walked over with a caddy filled with all sorts of drinks.

Catherine could see the different glasses and bottles, the ice cubes clinking inside the pitcher, and the condensation on the sides.

Would you like anything to drink?

Yes, can I get the lemon water?

The staff nodded and poured Catherine a glass, setting it next to her.

Catherine could see the slices of lemon floating on the surface, the water sparkling in the light.

Thank you.

Catherine brings the glass to her mouth and takes a sip.

She could taste the tangy sweetness of the lemon, the coolness of the water, and the refreshing sensation on her tongue.

She scanned around the room, noticing it was just her and Haisley.

Is Adeline not joining us?

No, she never sits down for breakfast, she just
grabs and goes. Despite all the time we have.

Haisley eats her crème brûlée.

Catherine could see the caramelized sugar on top, the creamy custard underneath, and the crunchy texture of the burnt sugar.

Really? There's so much food.

Catherine starts to eat her fruit salad. She could feel the juiciness of the fruits, the sweetness of the honey, and the crunchiness of the granola.

I guess that's just how assistants are. Besides,
 I don't want to force her to do one thing she
doesn't want to do.

Catherine nodded in agreement and continued eating her breakfast, enjoying the flavors and the ambiance of the room.


Sarah steps out of her elegant house, her movements filled with purpose and determination.

She is dressed immaculately in a stunning formal outfit that exudes confidence and sophistication.

Her vibrant brown waves bounce in the wind as she walks towards her sleek, charcoal-colored car parked neatly in front of her house.


Sarah opens the car door and smoothly slides into the driver's seat, revealing the meticulously clean interior. She closes the door behind her, sealing her off from the outside world. 

With practiced ease, she turns the key, bringing the powerful engine to life. The sound of the engine fills the air, echoing through the quiet neighborhood.


Sarah, now behind the wheel, confidently maneuvers her car through the streets towards the production office.

As her focused eyes scan the surroundings, she becomes aware of a lingering presence - a shadowy car that has been following her for an inexplicably extended period of time.

This eerie realization sends a shiver down her spine, momentarily unsettling her senses.


Despite the creeps elicited by the persistent follower, Sarah chooses to brush off the unease. 

Determined not to let it hinder her progress or dampen her spirits, she steels herself and continues driving undeterred.


Annaka diligently washes the last dish from breakfast in the sink.

The quiet hum of running water fills the air as she finishes the task.

She looks around the empty house, a sense of longing and unease creeping in.


Annaka's eyes scan the empty living room, a hint of sadness in her expression.

The house, once a cozy haven, feels strange and foreign without Haisley's presence.

Annaka's footsteps echo softly on the silent hardwood floors.



Images of Haisley and Annaka sharing joyous and intimate moments flood Annaka's mind.

Their laughter, conversations, and shared experiences reverberate through the room.



Annaka's gaze falls upon the photographs adorning the walls. In them, Haisley's infectious smile radiates happiness and love. Annaka's smile fades slightly as a mixture of warmth and sadness 

washes over her.


In Annaka's mind, the echoes of their laughter and whispers of their conversations continue to resonate, painting a vivid picture of their once vibrant life together.


Regret fills Annaka's eyes as she wishes for Haisley's lively presence to fill the empty space.

The constant reminders of their shared love and connection only intensify her longing for Haisley's return.

Annaka's footsteps echo softly as she walks into the living room, her eyes scanning the familiar space. Something catches her attention, and she slowly approaches a shelf near the TV.

There, on display, is a framed picture of her and Haisley, holding their twins with pride.

A bittersweet smile tugs at the corners of Annaka's lips as she gazes at the photograph. Her eyes well up with tears, both sadness and joy mingling within her.

We love them so much, don't we?

She traces her finger gently along the frame as if brushing the memories alive.



Annaka and Haisley find themselves enjoying a sunny day at the park with Ella and Mia. The vibrant playground is alive with laughter and the sound of children at play.

Haisley stands in the middle of an open space, swinging Ella around in a circle while both of them laugh joyously.

Ella's hair swishes in the air, and her eyes sparkle with excitement. Annaka watches with delight, standing a few steps away with Mia in her arms.

Watch out, Ella! Haisley is swirling you like
a tornado!

Haisley slows down and gently places Ella back on her feet.

Ella's face lights up, spun out and dizzy. She staggers towards Haisley, giggling uncontrollably.

Again, Haisley! Again!

Haisley grins and nods, ready to twirl Ella once again.

Annaka starts chasing Mia playfully around the field.

Mia squeals with delight, moving as fast as she can. Annaka playfully lunges towards Mia, tickling her gently.

I'm coming to get you, Mia!

Mia squeals and runs faster, her laughter filling the air.

Annaka eventually catches up to Mia, scoops her up, and showers Mia's cheeks with kisses.

Mia wraps her arms around Annaka's neck, squealing in playful protest.

Gotcha, little one!

Haisley stops swinging Ella and joins Annaka, still holding Mia.

Looks like someone's outnumbered here!

They all laugh together, cherishing these moments of shared joy and playful bonds.

The park is filled with warmth and the sound of children having fun.



Annaka's heart swells with a mixture of nostalgia and gratitude.

The framed picture is a reminder of the beautiful moments they have shared together.

Oh, Haisley... what have you done to me.

Annaka's smile carries a hint of sadness, yet it also radiates with the warmth of love and cherished memories.

Suddenly, a knock on the front door interrupts her thoughts. Annaka quickly wipes away her 

tears and carefully sets the photograph back down on the coffee table.


Taking a deep breath to compose herself, Annaka walks towards the front door, her footsteps echoing in the quiet house.

She reaches the door and turns the doorknob, opening it to reveal Sophia standing outside, 

wearing a bright, friendly smile.

(surprised and happy)
Sophia? Hi!! What are you doing here?

Annaka's eyes light up as she welcomes Sophia inside. Sophia steps into the cozy living room, taking in the familiar surroundings.

I just wanted to drop by and check in. How are you
 holding up the fort?

They make their way into the living room, finding a comfortable spot on the couch.

Annaka sits down, and Sophia takes a seat beside her.

(sighing, trying to sound upbeat)
Yeah, no. It's been amazing! You know? The
house is so big and stuff.

Annaka breaks into a nervous laugh, trying to mask her true emotions. However, Sophia seems oblivious to her friend's uneasiness.

I'm glad to hear that! It's good to change
things up sometimes.

Annaka's anxiety momentarily fades as she listens to Sophia's next words.

Eva is in town today from Atlanta, and I thought
 we could all have a girls' trip. Lexi is joining us too,
 and we're going to drop off Aubin with
JoEllen for the night.

Annaka's eyes widen with surprise and anticipation.

Yeah! Yeah, that sounds great! Are we
talking tonight?

Yes, tonight. We're going to Rossoblu!

Annaka's smile softens, memories flooding back.

The mention of Rossoblu triggers a special memory, the day Haisley invited Annaka to stay with her in her luxurious Los Angeles house.

(in a tender voice)
That sounds like a plan.

Sophia's face lights up with excitement.

Ahhh! This is gonna be so much fun!


Haisley and Catherine stroll through the elegant foyer towards the front door. Adeline emerges from the other end of the hallway, holding a latte which she hands to Haisley.

(taking the cup)
Thanks, Addie.

Haisley accepts the latte graciously, appreciating Adeline's gesture.

They halt in the middle of the foyer, flanked by two grand staircases.

(announcing confidently)
Okay, the Rolls-Royce Phantom will arrive in 2
 minutes. We're scheduled to reach the rehearsal
 office by 8 AM, finishing around 11 AM. Our snack
 break is planned for 10:30 AM.

Haisley and Catherine nod in understanding, absorbing the day's itinerary.

After the press rehearsals, scripts for episode 6 of
The Really Loud House will be delivered to you so
that you can familiarize yourselves with the content. It's
 perfect timing since we'll have an hour-long plane journey
 to Santa Monica for lunch with Anna Wintour.

(in disbelief)
My gosh, why is there so much happening today?

Haisley takes a sip of her coffee, contemplating the question.

Don't worry, today is the easy day. You should be
 more concerned about tomorrow.

Adeline interjects, ready to grab a snack from the kitchen.

I'll grab an apple. I'll meet you guys in the

Adeline heads into the kitchen, leaving Haisley and Catherine in the foyer.

Are we really meeting Anna Wintour again?
Didn't we just see her yesterday?

Haisley chuckles, taking another sip of her coffee.

Honestly, I don't know. But it's Aunt Anna, and
 you typically don't say no to Anna.

Thanks for including me on this trip. I've had so much fun!

Don't mention it. Trips like these are way more
 enjoyable with friends.

Suddenly, a voice interrupts their conversation, descending from the top of the stairs.

Catherine's eyes widen in joy.

Much more enjoyable with friends.

Bryce! You're here! Oh my gosh! I've been waiting
 for you!

Catherine rushes excitedly towards Bryce, embracing him warmly. Haisley, amused by the reunion, addresses Bryce.

Hey, Bryce. How did you sleep?

Okay, the beds in this house are INCREDIBLE!
 How did you get them so soft?! They're
like a cloud!

Haisley chuckles softly, sharing a knowing glance with Catherine.

(informing Catherine)
He's coming along with us too.

Oh my gosh, really?!


Sarah, visibly frustrated, stands in the middle of the meeting room, facing the production executives. Tension hangs heavy in the air.

I don't care that I said one week yesterday. Haisley
 Aurelia herself said two days. So all you are
 getting is two days! And guess what? Yesterday
 was one day, so you only have one day left!
Chop chop!

An executive, angered by Sarah's assertiveness, raises their voice.

You don't get to change the plan on us like that!

Oh, but I can. I have every right to. You're putting
 kids in danger!

Another executive tries to reason with Sarah.

We've already increased security measures, what
more do you want? Our hands are tied!

And those security measures were useless! At this
 point, you should be mad at whatever the heck
you increased because it was so pointless it might've
been a scam!

As the argument continues, the sound slowly fades out, highlighting the frustration and anger in the room.


The camera follows Sarah as she storms down the office hallway, clearly annoyed. She walks with purpose, her steps echoing through the empty corridor.


Sarah reaches the exit of the production office building. She takes a moment to compose herself, exhaling deeply in frustration.


Sarah sits in her car, the engine idling softly. She lets out another sigh of frustration, leaning back into the car seat.

With determination, she takes out her phone and begins scrolling through her contacts. She finds Stephen's contact and presses the call button, hoping for a response.

The phone rings and Sarah waits anxiously for Stephen to pick up, seeking some solace or solution in their conversation.

Sarah sits in her car, holding her phone to her ear. The sounds of traffic surround her as she looks out of the window, lost in her thoughts.

(through the phone)
Hello? Sarah?

Stephen, hey. Are you free? I was hoping you might
 want to visit the bar again with me later today. I
would love to talk more.

(slightly disappointed)
That would be lovely, Sarah. But I'm sorry, I can't.
I'm flying out to San Francisco as we speak. There's
 a press rehearsal today for a VOGUE interview for
Haisley's event tomorrow, and I have to be there.

Sarah's face falls, realizing her timing is off.

Oh, I'm sorry. Forget I ever said anything. I should've
known you have work.

No, no. How could you have known? But hey,
 I fly back immediately afterward. Maybe then?

Yeah, I would like that.

Sarah's eyes shift nervously as she adds one more request.

(nervous laughter)
Hey, while you're in San Francisco, can you
 make sure my daughter, Catherine, is doing well?
I'm always with her, and it feels weird being away from
 her for so long. It's driving me insane.

Of course, I'll see you again soon.

Sarah takes a deep breath, realizing the call is coming to an end.

Alright, take care.

She ends the call, hanging up her phone. Sarah gazes out of her car window, watching the bustling traffic of the city as she contemplates her next move.

She shifts the gear into reverse, backing out of her parking spot.


The sun casts a warm glow over the spacious backyard, surrounded by lush greenery.

A crystal-clear pool glistens invitingly in the corner, while lounge chairs and a small table filled with snacks hint at a relaxing afternoon.

Sophia reclines on a plush lounge chair, her skin kissed by the sun. She wears sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat, tanning her body as a soft breeze rustles through the trees.

Annaka sits on the edge of the pool, her legs playfully dangling in the shimmering water.

She leans towards Sophia, engrossed in their conversation, her animated gestures punctuating their words.

Despite Haisley's absence for the week, Sophia appreciates this brief respite, finding solace in her friendship with Annaka.

The worries momentarily fade away as they share laughter, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.


The backyard seems transformed into a hub of joy and connection as Sophia and Annaka continue their engaging conversation.

Their laughter fills the air, intertwining with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. Sophia sips on a refreshing glass of lemonade, occasionally glancing at Annaka, her face radiating pure joy.

Meanwhile, Annaka, still perched on the edge of the pool, playfully splashes her legs in the water, creating tiny ripples.

In this blissful setting, their shared moments of laughter and pure happiness create a haven of friendship and support, filling both their hearts with true joy.

I'm glad you came over.

(with a chuckle)
Lexi was gone for a day, and I felt like the house was
so empty. I don't know how you do it without Haisley.

Annaka nervously laughs, attempting to hide her true feelings.

Yeah, but it's only a week. I'll manage.

Sophia joins in on the laughter.

(mocking seriousness)
I mean, you get this entire house to yourself. And
 it's a really nice house.

Annaka smiles, realizing the truth behind the statement.

True, it's all peaceful and quiet.

Under her breath, Annaka mumbles, almost to herself.

Maybe, too quiet.

Sophia cocks her head, straining to hear.


Before Annaka can reply, a sudden knock on the front door interrupts their conversation.

(thrown off)
Again? Did you call anyone else?

Annaka gets up, wrapping a towel around her waist, and Sophia follows suit, both curious and apprehensive.

No, I didn't. I don't know who that is.

The two girls make their way through the house, their surprise evident on their faces.


They swing open the front door, revealing Ella and Mia, the energetic twins. Behind them stands a visibly tired JoEllen, their mother.


(jumping into Sophia's arms)

El! Oh, sweetie, hi!

Sophia looks at JoEllen, seeking an explanation.

What are you guys doing here?

(with exhaustion)
Can you guys take them off my hands
for a bit? I need a spa visit.

JoEllen's tired eyes speak volumes, and she hopes her friends can come to the rescue.

Annaka's eyes light up as she sees Ella and Mia, flooding her mind with memories of the times she and Haisley took care of them together.

She looks directly into Ella's stunning pale blue eyes, captivated by their beauty.

(addressing JoEllen)
Just noon, right? Because we have some plans at—

(excitedly cutting her off)
We'll be happy to! How can we say no to these
 cute faces?

JoEllen smiles with relief, grateful for their willingness to help.

Oh, thank you!

She wraps Sophia in a warm hug and gives Annaka a half hug, mindful of Ella still being in her arms.

I'll send you a message when I'm finished.
I'll be back to pick them up later. Thank
you again!

With a nod, JoEllen turns and heads towards the car, the weight lifted off her shoulders. Annaka looks down at Ella, their eyes locked in a silent understanding as she gently strokes her hair.


Catherine and Haisley sit across from Haisley's publicist, Stephen Halls. Adeline, Haisley's strict and no-nonsense assistant, occupies a chair off to the side, her focused demeanor never wavering. The room is filled with a tense atmosphere, as Stephen guides Catherine on how to respond to questions.

(slightly exasperated)
No, no, honey. You can't say that. It has
condescending undertones.

Catherine furrows her brows, unsure of how to proceed.

But what should I say then? I don't want
to sound rude.

Adeline, eyes locked on her phone, cuts in with an unwavering tone.

Stephen is right. We need to project professionalism
and respect. Try this instead, Catherine. 'I acknowledge
 your viewpoint, but I believe exploring alternative
 perspectives is crucial.'

Catherine takes a moment to absorb Adeline's suggestion, realizing the gravity of her role.

Thank you, Adeline. I appreciate your guidance.

Haisley, observing the exchange, chimes in with a level-headed perspective.

Let's remember, we're all here to ensure our
 message is clear and well-received. Adeline, you
 keep us on track.

Adeline nods, a hint of a smile flickering across her focused expression.

That's my job, Haisley. Precision and determination
are essential to achieving success.

Stephen, relieved to witness their collaboration, continues to offer guidance, knowing Adeline's firmness will anchor the team.

Alright, team. We've got this. Catherine, let's
 go over the key points again, refining and
perfecting your responses.

The room settles into a more focused energy as Catherine, Haisley, Stephen, and Adeline delve into a productive dialogue, determined to navigate the challenges and present themselves with utmost professionalism.

Bryce walks into the office room with a tray of Starbucks drinks in his hand.

The enticing aroma wafts through the air, catching everyone's attention.

How's it going? Are we learning?

Bryce proceeds to distribute the drinks to each person:

He hands Catherine, the eager learner, a refreshing strawberry refresher.

To Haisley, a coffee enthusiast, he presents a double espresso iced caramel latte.

For Adeline, the no-nonsense assistant, he delivers an iced Caffè Americano.

Stephen, the meticulous publicist, is handed a simple cup of black coffee, his classic preference.

They're learning. At the very least.

Thanks, Bryce. Yeah, it's fine.

Thank you, Bryce.


Bryce, satisfied with their responses, flashes a charming grin before leaving the room. He knows that a little caffeine and a friendly gesture can go a long way in keeping the team energized and focused.

The atmosphere in the office room lightens briefly as they take sips of their respective drinks, gearing up for the challenging task ahead.

(leaning forward)
How are you holding up?

I'm sorry?

I mean here, without your mom.

Oh, yeah. No, it's been fun! Really fun, actually.
I feel oddly free. And Haisley's been a joy to be
(she laughs, then quickly takes a sip of her drink)

(slightly distracted, eyes on phone)
What's there not to love? You follow an Aurelia
around all week and attend all the biggest
 high-end events.

Catherine smiles appreciatively, trying to avoid any awkwardness.

(putting a hand on Catherine's shoulder)
I'm just glad I'm doing it all with one of my
best friends. Wouldn't know what to do without
 you, Catherine.

Catherine smiles softly, grateful for the support.

(with a grin)
Thanks for letting me tag along as well,

You're legit the funniest actor I've ever met,
Bryce. Love you to the fullest.

Stephen carefully placed his coffee on a nearby stand. He leans in, addressing the group.

(settling his coffee down)
You guys did a fantastic job. I have no doubt
 that tomorrow's press interview for VOGUE will
be a huge success.

Suddenly, the door swings open, and an intern clumsily stumbles into the office, clutching a box filled with scripts.

Oh, uh, excuse me. Are you guys Bradley and Aurelia?
 I've got the new scripts from Nickelodeon's
The Really Loud House.

Adeline, still engrossed in her phone, absentmindedly waves her hand dismissively.

Yeah, yeah. Just set them on the table. We'll
get to them later.

The intern hesitantly walks over to the table, carefully placing the box down before quickly shuffling out of the office.

Bryce, unable to contain his curiosity, approaches the box and opens it with anticipation. He picks up a script and begins scanning through the pages, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

I didn't know we were already receiving scripts.
Especially since we're off for the week.

Adeline finally tears her eyes away from her phone, momentarily distracted by the conversation.

(distraction evident in her voice)
Well, we may be off, but the writers and production
 team in New Mexico are still hard at work. Nothing
ever truly stops in Hollywood.

Catherine intrigued, leans in to ask Bryce about the contents of the script.

So, how is it? Is it any good?

Bryce continues his perusal, flipping through the pages and absorbing the content.

(still scanning)
It looks promising. Lots of great scenes
featuring Haisley and Annaka in this episode.

Haisley, beaming with pride, can't help but express her enthusiasm.

I've noticed that too! It seems like they've
been writing more scenes for me and Annaka
 lately. It's been a blast to work on those
scenes together.

Catherine, unable to resist a playful jab, joins in with a teasing comment.

Ah, so we have the dynamic duo on our
hands - Elizabeth Woods and Lynn Loud
Jr. How about that?

The group erupts in laughter, enjoying the camaraderie and lighthearted banter of their office room rendezvous.

Adeline, still subtly distracted by her phone, quickly glances back at the screen, unable to fully detach from her virtual world.


Sophia and Annaka stand in the bustling kitchen, surrounded by the delightful chaos of their twin daughters, Ella and Mia.

Baking ingredients are scattered across the countertops, and an open laptop displaying a cookie-baking tutorial dominates the scene.

The room echoes with laughter and joyful banter as the group attempts to follow the tutorial, but their efforts quickly turn into hilarious struggles.

Flour is inadvertently thrown into the air, landing on unsuspecting faces and creating a cloud of white.

Ella and Mia, their faces smeared with chocolate from sampling the dough, burst into giggles as they place more sugar on the already excessively sweet batter.

I think we're getting more flour on our faces
than in the bowl!

Who needs a tutorial when we can create our
 own recipe? The "flour face" special!

Sophia, attempting to keep a straight face, shakes her head in amusement, just as her attempt to crack an egg results in a sticky mess on the counter.

Annaka, with flour-covered hands, attempts to stifle her laughter but fails miserably as she accidentally bumps into Sophia, causing both of them to stumble for balance.

Watch out, the clumsy bakers are at it again!

Sophia tries to contain her laughter as she wipes some dough off her face.

We should start wearing aprons made of plastic

Amidst the chaos, the laptop screen displays a tutorial, which the group halfheartedly tries to follow.

Their attempts become a comedic dance of missteps and improvisation. As they attempt to knead the dough, they hilariously squish it between their fingers, flinging blobs of dough across the room.

Look, Annaka! The dough is flying!

Despite their lack of finesse, the group's infectious laughter fills the kitchen, reminding them that the joyful experience is more important than the perfection of their cookies.

They embrace the unruly mess, their spirits undeterred as they continue their baking adventure.

Who needs perfectly shaped cookies when
 we can have weirdly delightful ones?

Moments of triumph emerge amidst the chaos, as they manage to create a few decently shaped cookies that immediately go into the oven.

The scent of freshly baked goods fills the air, adding to the cozy atmosphere.

Sophia, look! I made a heart-shaped cookie!

I like baking with all of you. It's so much fun!

They gather around the oven, eagerly awaiting the delicious treats they have created together.

Their baking was rudely interrupted by a loud, persistent knock on the front door, shattering the joyful atmosphere in the kitchen.

The clatter of utensils and the muffled conversations ceased as all four women exchanged puzzled glances.

Again? Who could this be? We're not expecting
 anyone, are we?

Annaka dried her hands on a kitchen towel, her brow furrowed with confusion.

She made her way to the front door, her steps quickening as Sophia, Ella, and Mia trailed closely behind, their curiosity intensifying by the second.


Annaka reached the door, her hand hovering for a moment before finally grasping the doorknob.

With a deep breath, she swung it open, revealing a MAILMAN standing on the porch, holding a large cardboard box.

(With a friendly smile)
Delivery from New Mexico. Sign here, please.

Annaka's confusion deepened as she signed the delivery slip, her mind racing with unanswered questions.

She accepted the box from the mailman's outstretched hands, feeling the weight of its contents.

Thank you, but I wasn't expecting anything from
New Mexico. Are you sure it's for me?

I double-checked the address, ma'am. It's
definitely for you. Have a great day!

With a nod, the mailman quickly retreated to his van and drove away, leaving the women standing there, baffled and intrigued.

Sophia stepped closer, her eyes filled with intrigue.

Okay— strange. Let's open this. What could possibly
 be in there from New Mexico?

The group moved to the living room, a mix of excitement and curiosity filling the air.

Sophia made sure the front door was firmly closed, ensuring no further interruptions. They settled on the couch, their eyes fixed on the box resting on the coffee table.

In unison, they carefully opened the box, revealing an unexpected surprise—multiple meticulously bound scripts for the next episode of The Really Loud House.

Episode 6, already? They wrote this one fast!
 I can't believe it's here already.

Mia leafed through the pages, trying to take in the magnitude of the situation.

(Flipping through the pages)
Seriously! We barely filmed episode 5. How did
they manage to come up with this so quickly?
It's insane!

Curious about her character's upcoming story arc, Sophia playfully teased Annaka.

Looks like a lot of Annaka and Haisley in this
episode. How are you going to handle all that
screen time? Will the sparks fly?

Annaka's soft laughter filled the room as she playfully braced herself for Sophia's teasing.

As she held the script in her hands, her mind began to wander into the realms of her on-screen partnership with Haisley.

A warm smile slowly curved her lips, reflecting the depths of her thoughts.

Memories of their past scenes brought a rush of emotions to Annaka's mind.

She vividly remembered the electric chemistry between herself and Haisley, the way their performances clicked effortlessly, creating captivating moments on screen.

The unique bond they shared, both as characters and actors, was an intangible force that always propelled their scenes to new heights.

Annaka's thoughts delved into the intricacies of their dynamic. She recalled Haisley's subtle nuances, the way they mirrored each other's actions and reactions, seamlessly understanding the unspoken language between them.

Every shared scene was like a dance, a beautifully choreographed piece where they moved in sync, bringing their characters to life in a way that felt real and palpable.

Lost in her reverie, Annaka's smile widened as she imagined the possibilities of the upcoming episode.

She envisioned the raw emotions they would explore together, the intense moments they would create and unravel.

The thought of working alongside Haisley again filled her with a sense of excitement.

Annaka snapped out of her line of thought by a sudden foul smell that permeated the air. She wrinkled her nose, detecting a putrid odor that grew increasingly worse by the second.

Her eyes widened in alarm as she recognized the distinct scent of something burning. Panic surged through her veins.

Oh my gosh, the cookies!

She darted across the room, her feet carrying her swiftly toward the source of the smell. Sophia's eyes widened in realization, mirroring Annaka's sense of alarm.

Oh my gosh, shoot!

Startled, Ella and Mia dropped their scripts, their faces contorted with shock as the pungent smell invaded their senses.

In unison, they squealed and followed Sophia and Annaka's frantic pace towards the kitchen.


Anxiety gripped Annaka's heart as she reached the kitchen, her eyes immediately falling upon the billowing smoke pouring out of the oven.

The acrid fumes caused the group to cough involuntarily, their eyes watering from the irritation.

Driven by instinct, Annaka swiftly swung open the oven door, revealing a cloud of smoke that swirled around her.

The group's coughs intensified, echoing in the kitchen.

Wait! Annaka, no stop!

Sophia's voice rose with concern, but it was too late.

Disregarding the warning, Annaka instinctively reached out her hand, fingers making contact with the searing hot tray.

A sharp, involuntary gasp of pain escaped her lips.


Annaka's voice escaped softly, but her expression conveyed the fiery agony that engulfed her hand.

Panicked, she rushed towards the sink, desperately turning on the cold water and letting it cascade over her scorching skin.

Concern etched across her face, Ella approached Annaka cautiously.

Are you okay?

Meanwhile, Sophia quickly donned a pair of oven mitts, springing into action to remove the tray from the oven.

She carefully placed it on the stove, her movements precise and cautious, focusing on minimizing the damage caused by the burned cookies.

Yeah, no, it's fine. I'm fine,

Annaka's voice strained as she attempted to mask her pain. The grip hovers around her, worried.

Despite the searing pain that engulfs her hand, Annaka's senses remain sharp.

Through the haze of smoke, she notices tendrils of gray swirling upward, ominously filling the air, threatening to choke her. Annaka's eyes widen in alarm.

Sophia! Go to that white panel on the wall
and disable the smoke alarms! Quick!

Reacting swiftly, Sophia dashes towards the wall panel, her heart pounding in her chest.

With expert precision, her fingers dance across the buttons, desperately searching for the right combination to silence the blaring alarms that pierce the eardrums.

Annaka, are you sure you're okay? It looks
 really bad.

(masking the pain)
No, don't worry about me. I'm okay.

Sophia approaches Annaka cautiously, her eyes fixed on her friend's injured hands.

The sink beneath Annaka's trembling fingers overflows with water, the water pooling around her hands.

Sophia gently takes hold of Annaka's wrists, guiding her away from the sink and inspecting the damage.

Oh, Annaka— she's right. That's not okay.
 Your hands need immediate attention.
Where is the first aid kit?

(gritting her teeth)
I don't know. Haisley has one somewhere in
the house, but I never bothered to ask.

The pain intensifies, causing Annaka to clench her teeth harder, a futile attempt to minimize her agony.

Her face contorted with each wave of torment.

We can't ignore this, Annaka. Your hands are covered
 in blisters. We need to get treated as soon as possible.
 We need that first aid kit.

Closing her eyes, Annaka takes a deep, shuddering breath, attempting to gather her strength and push through the overwhelming pain.

She realizes the severity of her injuries and the urgent need for medical intervention.

Okay, call her.


Sarah sits alone at the bar, her shoulders slumped and her eyes downcast.

The dimly lit room seems to mirror her somber mood. With a heavy heart, she brings the glass to her lips, taking a sip of the drink in front of her.

Instantly, her face contorts with surprise and discomfort as the potent elixir burns through her throat.

Gosh, this burns. What is this?

She places the glass back on the counter, her frustration mounting.

Turning to the bartender, who stands nearby polishing a glass, she expresses her disappointment.

That's tequila.

The bartender, an experienced professional with a wry smile, points to the line of salt and a sliced lime placed neatly next to Sarah's drink.

Well, you're supposed to take it with the salt
 and lime, miss. It helps balance out the

Sarah's eyes widen in realization, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment taking over her features.

The weight of her recent troubles lingers in her mind, causing her thoughts to wander as a moment of silent reflection passes between her and the bartender.

Amidst the noise and unfamiliar faces swirling around her, Sarah has lost touch with herself.

Her recent struggles and heartaches have clouded her judgment and faded her memory, leaving her disoriented and disconnected from the world around her.

Tequila... I... I forgot.

The bartender observes Sarah with genuine concern, a hint of sympathy shining through.

He recognizes the fragility of Sarah's state of mind and silently vows to offer support in any way she can.

(offering reassurance)
Don't worry. It happens to the best of us. Let
 me make you something else, perhaps
something lighter.

Sarah breathes a sigh of relief, grateful for the bartender's kindness and understanding.

It's as if a small glimmer of hope begins to break through the darkness that has surrounded her.

That would be wonderful. A margarita
sounds nice.

The bartender smiles warmly, a comforting presence in this moment of vulnerability. Sarah's phone vibrates on the bar counter, catching her attention.

With a flicker of anticipation, she picks it up and sees Stephen's name illuminated on the screen, a small smile playing on her lips.

Without hesitation, she answers the call.

Hey! How was San Francisco?

Stephen's voice comes through the other end, carrying a sense of relief and satisfaction.

It went well. The girls are definitely ready for their
 press interviews for VOGUE tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the bartender places a freshly crafted margarita in front of Sarah, who is still engaged in her conversation.

Sarah's fingers curl around the glass, the condensation cool against her skin.

That's good... that's really good.

As Stephen continues to speak about the progress of the project, Sarah takes a quick sip of her drink.

The smoothness and hint of tanginess wash over her senses, momentarily distracting her from the conversation.

She's doing well.

Sarah's eyebrows knit together, confusion evident on her face. She places her margarita back down on the counter, its presence momentarily forgotten.


Stephen's voice carries a sense of reassurance and affection.

Catherine. She's having fun in San Francisco, and
 Haisley is really taking care of her, making sure
 she's okay.

Sarah's eyes widen with a mix of surprise and relief. The weight on her shoulders eases, if only for a brief moment.

(slightly amazed)
We can always count on Haisley, right?

A soft laugh escapes Sarah's lips, a hint of warmth and happiness returning to her voice.


Catherine, Haisley, Adeline, and Bryce are seated in their customary spots inside the luxurious private jet.

They are relaxed, each in their own zone, as the jet cruises through the sky. The sandy spots from their previous beach adventure are still visible on their clothing.

Haisley and Bryce share a lighthearted camaraderie, engaged in a jovial exchange of jokes. They laugh freely, their amusement uncontained. Catherine, on the other hand, tries to focus on recording a VoiceOver for her blog intended for TikTok.

(with determination)

As Catherine begins to speak, Haisley abruptly tilts a bag of Lays upside down, attempting to devour the chips in one comical motion.

However, her estimation proves faulty, causing an explosion of chips, some landing on her own face.

Haisley and Bryce erupt into uncontrollable laughter at the unexpected chip shower, their amusement echoing throughout the jet.

Undeterred, Catherine joins in on the laughter even while trying to salvage her recording.

(stifling laughter)
Now we go to lunch.

Speaking into her phone, Catherine manages to utter the line through fits of laughter, thoroughly enjoying the absurdity of the situation.

Unable to resist, she playfully smacks Haisley on her hand, still holding the chip bag.

Stop it, Haisley.

Haisley, still chuckling, playfully mock-pouts, pretending to be wounded by Catherine's playful hit.

Catherine, now composed after the hearty laughter subsides, attempts to resume her interrupted VoiceOver.

Clutching her phone, she begins to address her followers.

(regaining composure)
The event has wrapped up, and now we're getting...

A sudden pause interrupts Catherine's train of thought, her mind momentarily going blank. The words she had queued up disappear from her memory, leaving her momentarily flustered and at a loss for what to say.

(frustrated, laughing)
What do I say?! Ugh!

Her frustration morphs into laughter, her face conveying a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

Observing Catherine's flustered state, Haisley and Bryce, still chuckling, find her misfortune all the more humorous.

As the laughter continues, a flight attendant approaches their seats, placing glasses of Coca-Cola in front of Haisley, Bryce, and Catherine.

Adeline, on the other hand, is handed a glass of water.

The friends take a moment to appreciate the refreshments, their laughter gradually subsiding, replaced by a sense of ease and contentment.

The flight attendant leaves, allowing the group to regain their composure and enjoy the beverages as the private jet soars through the sky.

All of a sudden, the joyful atmosphere is shattered by the sound of Haisley's phone ringing, disrupting the laughter and drawing everyone's attention.

Oh, it's Sophia!

Haisley's eyes light up with anticipation as she quickly answers the FaceTime call, her friends now growing curious about the unexpected interruption.

Hi Sophia!

Sophia's concerned face appears on the screen, causing a ripple of intrigue among Haisley's friends.

How are you doing?

Sophia's brows furrow with worry, her voice laced with urgency.

Haisley, where is your first aid kit?

A sense of urgency and tension instantly permeates the air, putting a halt to the jovial ambiance.

What? Now?

A first aid kit?

Sophia's tone remains focused and urgent.

Did I just hear Bryce? Sorry, never mind.
Yes, first aid kit. Where is it?

Caught off guard, Haisley's mind momentarily goes blank, desperately trying to recall the three possible locations.

(after a pause)
There are three in the house. One is in my bedroom closet,
 hidden among my collection of shoes. Another is located
in the backyard storage area, hidden behind the garden tools.
 And the last one is under the kitchen sink, tucked away in the dark
depths of the cabinet below.

Catherine, feeling the gravity of the situation, seeks clarity and details to understand the severity of the incident.

Sophia, what happened?

Sophia, still searching the kitchen for the first aid kit, lets out a sigh.

(searching kitchen)
We were trying our hand at baking something,
and, well, things got a little out of control...

( amusement and concern)
They kind of almost burned down your house.


Sophia quickly jumps in to reassure her friend, her voice quivering.

No, no! The house is fine. Everything is fine. Just a minor
mishap, really...

In an attempt to assist, Sophia nervously hands her phone to Mia, urging her to locate the first aid kit amidst the chaos of the cabinets.

(to Haisley through the phone)
Annaka burned her hands pretty badly... It's quite serious.

(almost panicked)

Is she okay?

The plush interior of the private jet is now enveloped in concern and anticipation, as the group anxiously awaits an update on Annaka's well-being.

Mia swiftly flips the FaceTime camera around to reveal Annaka, her nervousness evident in her voice.

I'm fine, Haisley, it's okay.

Sophia, after much searching, finally locates the first aid kit and hastily rummages through its contents to find the cooling cream.

Realizing the urgency, Haisley instructs Mia to point the camera downwards.

Mia, point the camera down.

Wait, Mia don't--

However, before Annaka can complete her warning, Mia acts upon Haisley's instruction and points the camera down, capturing a horrifying sight.

Catherine and Haisley gasp in horror as they witness Annaka's blistered, red hands.

Oh my gosh! Annaka!

What did you do?!

She grabbed the hot tray without gloves.

Sophia, trying to reassure Haisley, finally speaks up while tending to Annaka's injuries.

We're taking care of it. It's fine, Haisley.

Haisley, utterly concerned, continues to express her worry.

No, that looks insanely painful. Are you sure
 you're okay?

Catherine chimes in, echoing the distress.

Seriously, it looks like it hurts.

No, no! It's all okay--

Annaka attempts to alleviate their concerns, but her words are cut off by Sophia applying the bandage too tightly.

Owww!! Sophia! Too much!

Sophia quickly loosens the bandage.

Sophia, knowing Haisley's inclination to take immediate action, tries to dissuade her from interfering.

No, no! Don't worry about us. Everything is--

Adeline, overhearing their conversation from her seat, interjects firmly.

Haisley, you can't do that.

Haisley, determined to help her friend, tries to present her plan, fueled by her access to a private jet.

Why not? If I just take the jet, I'll get there easily.
Santa Monica is a 30-minute drive, so if I go by jet,
 it'll be way faster. I can still make it in time.

Sophia, realizing the significance of Haisley's commitment, tries to discourage her.

It's not necessary, Haisley.

Adeline reminds Haisley of her prior obligations, emphasizing their importance.

Haisley, you're meeting with Anna Wintour.
You can't be late.

Haisley, torn between her loyalty towards her friend and her professional commitments, asserts her intentions.

Well, this is an emergency. Aunt Anna can wait.
 Catherine and Bryce can hold down the fort.

Haisley, you can't not show up to a lunch meeting
with Anna Wintour!

I'm not saying I'm not gonna be there. I'm saying
I want to go to Annaka first and make sure she's okay.
She's been through a lot lately.

(on  the phone screen held by Mia)
Haisley, it's Anna Wintour. Go see Anna Wintour.
We're fine. Mia, click hang up.

No! Mia, don't you dare hang up on me!

Mia, hesitates, unsure of whose side to take.

Haisley, you cannot be serious! It's Anna Wintour!
The editor-in-chief of Vogue! You don't make Anna
Wintour wait! Are you insane?!

Haisley, it's Anna Wintour. How about this, you
 and Catherine go see Anna. I'll go to LA and check
up on Annaka.

And if you're still worried, I can send Rowan, your
 personal doctor, over to LA with Bryce.

Haisley, feeling defeated, lets out a sigh of resignation.

Fine, Bryce, go. Thank you for understanding.

Haisley turns to Mia, her eyes filled with concern and urgency.

Take care of her, okay? Make sure she knows I'm
only a call away.

Mia nods, as she looks at the screen.

Bye Haisley, bye Catherine, bye Bryce!

Mia reluctantly ends the call.



The door to the upscale restaurant swings open, and Catherine, Haisley, and Adeline step inside.

The decor exudes a trendy and sophisticated atmosphere. The HOSTESS, a poised and well-mannered woman, greets them with a warm smile.

Hello, welcome to élephante. Do you guys have
 a reservation?

Adeline, with a confident demeanor, responds.

Yes, last name Wintour.

The hostess promptly consults her electronic reservation system, scanning through the names.

Ah, here you are. Right this way, please.

She leads them past stylishly dressed patrons and gracefully moves towards a stunningly designed sitting area.

The restaurant boasts a breathtaking view of the ocean, adding to its allure and ambiance.

The seating area is a stunning section of the restaurant that offers an enchanting view of the ocean.

The tables and chairs are carefully arranged to optimize the magnificent scenery.

The tables are made of polished wood, adding a touch of elegance to the setting.


The elegant restaurant buzzes with activity. At a table adorned with fine tableware, Taylor Swift sits alongside Anna Wintour, both having already ordered their drinks.

Anna spots Haisley entering the restaurant and instantly rises from her seat, hurriedly making 

her way towards her.

My darling! You made it! Oh, it's a pleasure
seeing you again!

Haisley, equally thrilled, reciprocates the embrace.

Hi, Aunt Anna! Good seeing you again too.

Anna then turns her attention toward Catherine.

Catherine, how are you?

Catherine, a bit nervous, shakes Anna's hand.

I'm doing well, thank you.

Please, come sit! We were just getting started.

Everyone takes their seats. A waiter approaches the table.

What can I get you guys to drink?

I'll have the raspberry mint spritz.

Catherine, feeling overwhelmed, decides to follow Haisley's lead.

(slightly unsure)
I'll just have the same thing as her.

A gold rush.

The waiter nods, taking note of their orders, and walks away.

(in disbelief)
I didn't know you were coming to lunch with
 us, Taylor.

When Anna calls, you have to be there.

Adeline mumbles under her breath.


The elegant ambiance of the restaurant provides a glamorous backdrop as Anna gathers the group around the table.

She exudes confidence mingled with a hint of excitement.

Well, real order of business. The reason I wanted
 you guys to meet me for lunch is because I want
 to make a proposal.

Eyes widen with curiosity as everyone leans in, eager to hear Anna's words.

Adeline usually engrossed in her phone, looks up with newfound interest.

As you know, tomorrow you'll be doing
the VOGUE interview.

Nods of acknowledgment ripple through the group, their anticipation for the milestone moment palpable.

(pausing slightly, capturing their attention)
I would like to personally invite you
 to a charity gala.

A collective gasp fills the air, a mix of surprise and delight.

The mere notion of attending a high-profile charity event enthralls the group, and their imaginations start to run wild with possibilities.

(excitement building)
But here's the best part, Taylor, Haisley. I would
like you personally to host it. All the proceeding
 funds would be donated toward a cause of your
 choosing. You have all of VOGUE's employees on
deck, they'll do anything you request. And best of
 all, the charity is of your choosing.

Anna's words hang in the air, each syllable resonating with the promise of an extraordinary opportunity.

The magnitude of hosting a gala and the power to make a meaningful impact on a cause sweeps over Taylor, Haisley, and even Adeline, who is now fully engaged at the moment.

Taylor beams with gratitude and excitement, eager to accept the offer.

Oh, Anna, I would be honored.

Haisley, equally thrilled, expresses heartfelt appreciation.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Anna dismisses Haisley's gratitude, acknowledging her family's contributions.

Oh no, Haisley, it's nothing. Your family has
done so much for VOGUE in the past years.
Nothing compares to that.

The waiter returns, placing drinks in front of Haisley, Catherine, and Adeline. They pick up their glasses, savoring the moment.

As Taylor considers the practicality of organizing the gala, a hint of concern surfaces in his voice.

How much of the charity gala is set up already?
We only have a week.

Reassurance emanates from Anna's voice as she highlights her meticulous planning.

Oh, don't worry, I handled everything. You'll just
be the face of the event, and choose which charity,
 of course.

Haisley, fully on board, reaffirms their commitment to the endeavor.

We'll be happy to.

Is the dress code black tie?


Catherine, unable to contain her excitement, leans in and whispers to Haisley.

Can I steal something from your closet?

Unbeknownst to Catherine, her whispered remark reaches Anna's ears.

No need, I'll have my designers send over their latest
 work the morning of the event. Pick whatever you like.

A flicker of astonished delight dances across Catherine's face as she realizes the generosity extended by Anna.

The prospect of selecting from exquisite designer attire elevates the anticipation within the group, fueling their anticipation for the gala.


Annaka is sitting on the couch, with Sophia beside her. Ella and Mia sit on the other side. Rowan, Haisley's personal doctor, examines Annaka's hand. Bryce stands in front of them, arms crossed.

You did a good job of putting the cooling cream
on. It definitely softened the burns.

I hate to ask, but why did you reach your
bare hands into a hot oven to grab a hot tray?

We burnt the cookies.


Oh my gosh... we go back to work in a week. How
is she gonna act in these conditions?!

Rowan applies antibiotics ointment to Annaka's hands.

You can only hope it heals in a week. But
 typically, second-degree burns take two
 to three weeks to heal.

What? But isn't the majority of episode six just
Annaka and Haisley scenes?

Oh, shoot...

That's nothing you can do to change
 the scenes?

No, we're actors. We have no control over
the show.

Well... not all of us.

What are you talking about, Bryce?

Haisley. She signed a co-producer contract with
Nickelodeon. She can probably figure something

Annaka interrupts urgently.

No, no, no! We can't pull Haisley into this again!
You saw what happened when we called her earlier,
 she completely freaked!

Don't move too much, sweetie.


Annaka, you can't act in those conditions! Maybe
if you played like Lily or something it would work.
But you play Lynn! The athlete!

Play Lily? How would that work? She's a baby—
Sorry, off-topic.

Your hands aren't going to heal properly if you
 keep using them roughly.

Do we know when Haisley is going to finish her
 lunch break?

I don't know, it should finish in a couple of hours.

Annaka stands firm, refusing to call Haisley.

Stop! We're not calling her! This is her trip, we
don't need to bother her anymore. Let her enjoy
the trip.

Sophia attempts to intervene, but Annaka's decision is final.

But Annaka—

No. We're not calling her. There's gotta be
something we can figure out by ourselves.

Bryce tries to present an alternative, but Annaka cuts him off.

Annaka, it would be far easier just to call—

Ella interrupts suddenly.


Yes, Haisley. I actually wanted to finish that sentence myself, El.

No, Haisley! Sophia! She's calling you!

Annaka and Mia instantly react in shock.


Oh no!

Sophia panics and fumbles with her phone.

What do I say, what do I say?!

Act natural!

Sophia nervously answers the call.

Hi!! Haisley!! How is it going? We're doing great
 over here! Absolutely great!

(via phone)
Hey Soph, I just wanted to make sure Annaka
was okay. For some reason, Bryce's phone kept
going to voicemail. It's pissing me off.

Sophia glances at Annaka, desperately trying to convey a positive message.

It's fine. You know? It's going perfectly fine! Nothing
 is wrong! Rowan is doing an amazing job. She's
 doing great.

 (via phone)
Sophia. You're acting weird.

Sophia becomes defensive.

No, I'm not! You're the one acting weird!

(via phone)

Yeah. You're the one being weird! I think
 you should lie down for a bit, Haisley. Too
much working.

Sophia continues to stumble through her anxious rambling.

(via phone)
Sophia, what in the world are you saying?

Sophia feigns a poor connection, trying to end the call.

Oh no, I think you're breaking up. I can't hear
you, I think the signal is bad.

(via phone)

I can't hear you! I'll call you back!

Sophia abruptly hangs up, leaving Bryce and Annaka in shock.

What in the world was that?!

I don't know! I panicked!

Sophia joins in their frustration.

"You're breaking up"? Really?!

The three of them exchange looks of disbelief and confusion in the aftermath.


Haisley stands in the bathroom of the fancy restaurant, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. Her face is a mix of confusion and frustration as she replays the conversation with Sophia in her mind.

Haisley's eyes widen as she realizes what has happened, and a surge of disbelief washes over her.

(whispering to herself)

She takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, before slipping her phone back into her purse.

Haisley proceeds to fix her hair and adjust her outfit in the mirror, attempting to regain her composure.

Gathering her resolve, she walks towards the bathroom exit, her steps determined and purposeful.

The sound of her heels clicking against the tiled floor fills the silence.



Sarah stands amid the bustling crowd, her heels clicking on the polished airport floor.

She anxiously scans the faces of the disembarking passengers, her eyes lighting up as she spots Stephen emerging from the terminal, pulling his luggage behind him.

A wide grin spreads across her face as she waves excitedly.

Stephen! Over here!

Stephen's eyes widen in surprise, a delighted expression crossing his face as he recognizes Sarah's familiar voice amidst the chaos.

He picks up his pace, navigating through the crowd of people to reach her.

Sarah? Is that really you?

They meet in a warm embrace, the joy of their reunion evident in their smiles.

You didn't think I'd miss the chance to welcome
you home, did you?

Just a little surprised, actually. You didn't have
 to go through all this trouble.

Sarah playfully nudges his shoulder.

It's the least I can do. Thank you for making sure
my daughter was okay. It means a lot.

Stephen and Sarah stand amidst the bustling crowd, their weary expressions and disheveled attire contrasting with the vibrant energy of the airport.

How was the meeting with the executives?

You don't wanna know.

What? They're still refusing to increase
security on set?

Sarah nods, frustration seeping into her voice like a poison.

You guessed it... it's been a long day.

I'm glad you're looking out for your daughter. Did you
 mention Haisley and the Aurelias? Sarah's eyes meet
 Stephen's, a flicker of disappointment crossing her face.

I did. But since my original proposal was one
 week, they're furious I flipped the page on them
with just two days.

Why? That was Haisley's idea.

Sarah's shoulders slump, weariness taking its toll.

Oh, trust me, I know. That's exactly what I was
 saying to them. But those bastards wouldn't
listen to a word I say.

Shame. You're a brilliant speaker.

Sarah manages a small smile, though fatigue and frustration still linger on her face.

Well, why be quiet in a room filled with people?
 Makes the entire experience worthless.

They share a moment of shared understanding, finding both solace and defiance in each other's presence amidst the chaotic airport setting.


Anna Wintour, Taylor Swift, Haisley, and Catherine. Their empty plates reveal the delectable feast they have just indulged in.

Taylor pulls Haisley closer, her eyes brimming with genuine affection.

(voice filled with warmth)
It was truly wonderful to see you again, Haisley.
 Your infectious energy always brings a smile
 to my face.

Haisley embraces Taylor tightly, feeling a sense of warmth and familiarity wash over her.

The feeling is mutual, Taylor. Your talent and presence
 continue to inspire me.

Anna, her voice filled with a mixture of authority and admiration, turns her attention to Catherine.

Catherine, my dear. Your performances are
nothing short of extraordinary. You have an
innate ability to bring characters to life in ways
 that captivate audiences. I can't wait to see
your future projects unfold.

Catherine can't help but blush, her laughter tinkling through the air as Anna pulls her into a warm, congratulatory hug.

Anna's gaze then shifts to Adeline, her tone firm yet respectful.


Adeline instinctively straightens her posture, meeting Anna's gaze with unwavering professionalism.

Ms. Wintour.

Anna's voice carries a heightened sense of authority as she delivers her request.

Keep my niece safe, Adeline. She's irreplaceable.

Adeline's face displays utmost professionalism, a flicker of understanding passing through her eyes as she acknowledges Anna's instructions with a resolute nod.

Yes, Ms. Wintour. Rest assured, I will do
everything in my power to ensure Haisley's
safety and well-being.

Haisley's laughter cuts through the tension, her affectionate tone tinged with familiarity and adoration for her aunt.

Oh, Aunt Anna, let her be. Adeline always goes
 above and beyond. She's exceptional at what
she does.

Darling, you're worth more than money could ever
 buy. Don't forget that.

Haisley chuckles, a vibrant laugh escaping her lips.

I know, I know.

Anna, playful playfully nudges Haisley.

You're not gonna leave without giving your
Aunt a goodbye hug, are you?

Haisley rolls her eyes, a playful smirk crossing her face as she wraps her arms around Anna in an affectionate embrace.

Fine, fine. Just one hug for you, Aunt Anna.

As Haisley and Anna share this heartfelt moment, Taylor Swift's attention turns toward Catherine.

It was nice meeting you again.

Catherine, maintaining her composure, offers a gracious smile.

Likewise, Taylor. I appreciate the opportunity
to reconnect.

(holding out hand)
You handle yourself with such grace, Catherine.
 It's truly admirable.

Catherine accepts the gesture, her nerves settling as she shakes Taylor's hand firmly.

Thank you, Taylor. Your music has been a source
 of inspiration for me. I'm honored to be in your

Taylor's eyes hold a genuine warmth as she responds.

That means a lot to me, Catherine. Thank you
for your kind words.

Meanwhile, Haisley, now released from the embrace with Anna, interjects with enthusiasm.

Oh, please say hi to Bee for me! I haven't
 had the free time to see her in forever!

Anna, with a hint of fondness in her voice, reassures Haisley.

I'd be happy to. She misses you too. I'll make sure
 to pass on your greetings.

Amidst the opulence of the lavishly decorated restaurant, a PHOTOGRAPHER walks in, camera in hand. Anna Wintour's eyes widen as she realizes the perfect opportunity.

Oh, one more thing. A picture for the press
 before we go.

The group immediately gathers together, exchanging smiles and effortlessly posing for the camera.

The camera FLASHES, capturing the moment in a burst of light.



Catherine sits comfortably on the private jet, scrolling through her phone.

She becomes more and more flabbergasted as she discovers the countless articles already written about their extravagant gathering.

This is insane, Haisley!

Haisley, sitting beside Catherine, nods with a composed expression.

(laughing softly)
Yeah, I know.

Catherine continues scrolling, her eyes widening even further as the list of news outlets displaying their pictures seems endless.

Look at this, Haisley! We're on VOGUE, Vanity Fair,
 BuzzFeed, The New York Times, The Guardian,
CNBC, CNN, BBC, Fox News...and the list just
 keeps going on and on! We've gone viral!

Haisley's smile broadens, pride evident in her eyes.

I'm happy if you're happy.

Just then, Haisley's thoughts shift to Bryce's absence, but she maintains her composed demeanor.

Addie, where is Bryce? And when is
he returning?

Adeline, sipping her glass of water, shakes her head with uncertainty.

I'm not sure, he hasn't returned any of my calls.
 I can't set out a jet to him if I don't know his

This is ridiculous! I tried calling him earlier as well
 and all of it went t voicemaiL! So I called Sophia
 but then she hung up on me! Now I have no idea
what is happening!

Catherine shoves her phone in Haisley's face, brimming with excitement.

Haisley! Look at this! Oh my gosh! The entire
world is talking about us!

Haisley, lost in her own thoughts, ignores Catherine and continues to ramble.

And I don't even know if Annaka is okay or
at the ER! I don't know anything! Goodness
sake, what the heck are they hiding from me?
 Might as well drop by at this point!

Adeline interjects with calmness, trying to offer some clarity.

Nope, can't drop by.

Haisley, growing desperate, confronts Adeline.

Oh, don't tell me you're on their side too!
Don't do this to me, Addie!

I mean you can't drop by because you're needed
 at the Golden Gate Bridge. You have the cover
shoot for VOGUE.

Haisley was caught off guard.

Oh, shoot. That's today?

Adeline nods, affirming Haisley's realization.


Catherine finally looks away from her phone, caught off guard by Haisley's revelation.

Wait, you have a VOGUE shoot?
You didn't tell me that.

Haisley takes a sip of water, trying to explain.

Yeah, it was scheduled months ago though.
I didn't think it would overlap.

What am I gonna do in the meantime?

You're in San Francisco, sweetie. You have
access to the entire Aurelia Halls house and all
 Aurelia transportation. Do whatever you like.

Haisley sighs, placing her water down on the table.

She's right. Everything mine is yours, Catherine.
 Have fun the rest of the day. Enjoy San Francisco.
 I'm sorry I can't tour it with you personally.

Catherine hesitates for a moment, contemplating the situation.

Plus, I'm sure Bryce is gonna finish-- whatever
 in this world he's doing and phone Adeline to
send a jet over to bring him t San Francisco anyways.
 So you won't be alone for long.

Okay. Thank you for everything. It means a lot.

Haisley smiles, holding Catherine's hands with warmth.

I'm just a phone call away if you need something.
 Don't hesitate to call and please be careful, okay?

Catherine laughs, reassured by Haisley's words.

I promise.


Annaka and Sophia nervously stand face to face in the middle of Haisley's lavish living room, trying to act out the scene between their characters.

Sophia taking on Haisley's role.

Bryce, taking on the role of the stand-in director, closely observes their movements. Meanwhile, on the nearby couch, Ella and Mia sit eagerly, waiting for the scene to unfold.

Bryce reads the action line from the script and looks up, anticipation in his eyes.

Lynn and Lizzy step in close, Lynn touches
Lizzy's hair.

Trepidation fills Annaka's face as she cautiously extends her hand toward Sophia's hair.

However, in a serendipitous twist, a part of the bandage wrapped around Annaka's hand becomes entangled in Sophia's luscious locks.

Oh, shoot!

Bryce's voice rises in urgency.

Wait, no, stand still!

With a mix of pain and frustration, Sophia cries out.

Annaka, ow! Get it off!

That's what I'm trying to do!

Ella and Mia exchange concerned glances, unable to interrupt the mishap unfolding before them.

A sense of chaos ensues as they all scramble to untangle the stubborn bandage from Sophia's hair.

Oh my gosh, just cut it!


Sophia's frustration grows, turning into desperation.

Just cut it! she repeats, urgency coloring
 her voice.

The tension fills the air as Bryce, recognizing the urgency of the situation, darts into the nearby kitchen, frantically searching through drawers in a hurried frenzy.

His eyes dart from one drawer to another, his hands shaking as he rummages through utensils and miscellaneous items.

Time seems to slow as the seconds tick by, each moment feeling like an eternity.

Finally, with a surge of relief, Bryce's hands grasp a pair of scissors buried beneath a pile of mismatched kitchen tools.

He exudes both triumph and anxiety as he hurriedly makes his way back to the living room, his steps a blur as he rushes to aid Sophia.

From the corner of the room, Mia's voice pierces through the chaos, a mix of concern and warning.

Don't run with scissors!

Bryce turns towards Mia, his eyes conveying a reassurance that contrasts with his tense demeanor.

Honey, it's fine. It's an emergency.

That's what Haisley always tells us.

Bryce hesitates, glancing down at the pair of scissors in his hands, unsure of the gravity of the situation.

Are you sure you want to do this?

Sophia, her frustration morphing into determination, meets Bryce's gaze head-on, her voice unwavering.

Yes! Just do it! Hair grows back eventually!

Bryce takes a deep breath, mustering up his courage.

With a steady hand, he carefully positions the scissors near the strand of Sophia's hair, his eyes focused on the delicate task at hand. He snips the bandage-tangled lock, freeing Sophia with a satisfying "snip" sound.

Sophia exhales heavily, relief washing over her in waves.

Oh, thank goodness!

Annaka, cautiously optimistic, tries to ease the tension in the room.

See, we can make it work! It's just a little mishap,
nothing we can't handle.

Sophia's frustration still lingers, her voice tinged with urgency.

Girl, trust me when I tell you that you don't want
 to force Haisley to chop off her precious hair because
 of a stubborn bandage!

I mean, her hair is insured for three million dollars.
 Can you believe it?

Bryce's eyes widen, with genuine surprise on his face.

What? Actually, insured? That's insane.

Mia nodded her head in confirmation.

Yeah, she revealed it during truth or dare.
We all thought it was a joke, but apparently

Hm, who knew?

Bryce looks at Annaka with a solemn expression.

We can't make this work.

But we have to! You saw how much Haisley
worried when we called asking for the first aid kit.

Yeah, I don't feel like losing more hair,
 thank you.

Bryce, trying to find a compromise, makes a deal with Annaka.

Here, let's make a deal. You have until the last
 2 days of the week for your hands to get better
so that you can act properly. Otherwise, we're
 calling Haisley.

You can't just do that to me!

Sophia intervenes and tries to calm the situation.

Okay, Annaka, we don't have much of a
choice here.

Annaka is looking back and forth at them, feeling defeated.

 Fine, we'll call her if nothing gets better

Suddenly, there's a knock on the front door.

Again?! Who keeps coming to our house?!

Annaka yells out as she walks to the front door.

As she opens the door, she's surprised to see Eva and Lexi standing there.

Hey!! So we were at home, thinking about the
dinner planned for tonight. And we thought
it would be 10 times more fun if we all get ready
 together in the same place before we go! I already
 dropped Aubin off with Ian, so we're kids free for--

Before Lexi can finish, she notices Ella and Mia inside the house.

Ella? Mia?

Eva is now confused too.

Ella and Mia?!

Ella and Mia are excited to see Lexi and Eva. Ella gives Eva a hug and Mia runs to Lexi to give her a hug. Lexi and Eva hug them back in delight.

Lexi looks up at Annaka.


Lexi laughs nervously.

And a Bryce.

Eva and Lexi poke their head inside further, to their shock Bryce waves to them and smiles.

Annaka leads Lexi and Eva into the living room, where they all settle down on the couch. Eva's attention is drawn to Annaka's hands, noticing something concerning.

Annaka, what happened to your hands?

Annaka glances down at her hands, holding them up slightly, visibly still affected by recent events.

Long story.

Curiosity gets the better of Ella, who eagerly jumps in to explain the situation.

We tried to bake cookies, but it ended up burning
the cookies and nearly setting Haisley's entire
house on fire. And poor Annaka got burned when
 she reached into the hot oven without any gloves.

Eva and Lexi exchange astonished glances, momentarily taken aback by the chaotic circumstances.

Okay... Now why is Bryce here? Weren't you
supposed to be in San Francisco with Haisley and
Catherine, Bryce?

Yeah, but they couldn't find the first aid kit, so
they called Haisley. However, she panicked and
 insisted on coming herself. Yet, she had a lunch
meeting with Anna Wintour, so she sent me instead.

Eva and Lexi sit in stunned silence once again, struggling to piece together the bizarre turn of events.

All we did was go grocery shopping and grab a
smoothie from Erewhon.

Lexi nods in agreement, equally perplexed by the unexpected chain of events unfolding around them.


Catherine steps inside the giant empty foyer, and her eyes scan the surroundings.

She takes a deep breath before walking up the stairs to her guest room.


As she enters the room, it feels empty, and she can't shake off the weird feeling. Suddenly, her phone buzzes, and she sees a text from James. Catherine's eyes light up, and she types out a quick message back.

A few seconds later, her phone rings, and she sees James' name on the screen.

Hey! How's my favorite award-winning dancer doing?

Catherine giggles.

I'm good! How about you?

Good, good. You're viral! You know how
many new outlets I've seen your name on?!
 You know my dad at home saw you on the
billboards of Times Square too?

Catherine laughs softly.

 Yeah, it was crazy! The lunch was so intense,
 and I felt so nervous the entire time! It all seems
to be happening so fast.

As she talks to James, Catherine can't help but feel grateful for having such a supportive friend.

Hey, I'm just curious. And I know this is a reach
because you're world famous now, are you free
 this afternoon?

James asks, his voice soft and friendly. Catherine smiles at him, feeling grateful for the distraction from the grandeur of her surroundings.

Well, it's your lucky day. I have absolutely
nothing to do.

James chuckles, his laughter filling the room.

Sweet! Why don't I come pick you up? You can
 hang out at my place for the night! My parents
 are throwing this huge dinner party, would be
 nice to have a familiar face.

James says, his voice is excited and warm. Catherine's heart skips a beat at the thought of spending the evening with James.

Wow, umm. Yeah! I would love to. That sounds...
really nice.

She replies, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Nice nice. So I'll pick you up in two? Oh by the way what's
the address?

James asks, his voice eager. Catherine pauses for a moment, trying to remember the address.

I'm honestly not so sure. If it helps they call this place
 The Aurelia Halls.

James's eyes widen in surprise.

You're staying at The Aurelia Halls?! That's one of
the finest homes in San Francisco!

Catherine laughs, feeling a little embarrassed.

Tell me about it. I got lost trying to find the dining room.

Her voice light and playful.

James chuckles, the sound filling the room.

(hanging up)
I'll see you tonight.

His voice warm and friendly.

Catherine can't help but feel a little giddy at the thought of spending the evening with James.

Her gaze drifts to her phone's contact list. Among the names, "Mom" stands out, a reminder of their distant relationship.

Hesitating for a moment, Catherine takes a deep breath and finally taps on "Mom," initiating the call.

The phone rings, and she nervously waits, her heart pounding in anticipation. Unfortunately, it goes to voicemail, leaving Catherine feeling disappointed and longing for a connection.

Her attention is diverted as a gentle knock sounds at the bedroom door.

A HOUSE STAFF enters, pushing a caddy with a selection of beverages. They address her politely.

Any beverages, ma'am?

Catherine's eyes scan the offerings on the caddy, briefly considering her options.

I'll just get the lemon water.

The staff nods, pouring the lemon water into a glass and handing it to Catherine, who accepts it with a grateful smile.

The soothing scent of fresh lemon fills the air as she lifts the glass to her lips, taking a refreshing sip.

Thank you.

The staff smiles politely and exits the room, leaving Catherine alone once again.

As she sips the lemon water, her thoughts return to the missed call with her mom.

Catherine rises from her spot near the window, a determined look on her face.

She makes her way towards the bathroom, the door slightly ajar, inviting her in.


The bathroom is a sight to behold, exuding elegance and luxury.

As she steps inside, her eyes widen with amazement. The centerpiece of the bathroom is a beautiful circular wooden bathtub, its design a work of art.

The craftsmanship never fails to impress her, even after countless visits to this room. She marvels at the seamless blend of nature and opulence.

The bathroom's main attraction is the surprising connection to the balcony, offering an uninterrupted view of the sprawling forest beyond.

Sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow on the bathroom floor.

With a soft smile, Catherine approaches the circular tub, feeling the smooth texture of the wooden surface beneath her fingertips.

Her reflection gazes back at her from the glistening water, enticing her to indulge in a moment of relaxation.

Catherine turns on the faucets, the sound of running water filling the room.

The bathroom fills with a pleasant, refreshing aroma as she adds a few drops of essential oil to the bath.

Steam begins to rise from the water, enveloping the space in a warm, comforting embrace.


Haisley sits in her plush seat on the private jet, her face contorted with worry and stress. Adeline, observes her closely and notices her distress.

(leaning in)
Calm down, Haisley. You're about to head to a VOGUE
 photoshoot. Remember what happens when you
 stress too much? You tend to look deadpan in the photos.

Haisley takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself.

I know, I know. But I can't help it. I can't stop
thinking about Catherine. I left her all by herself,
 and I promised her mom I'd watch over her.
Now that Bryce is missing, I feel like I should be
there with her.

She fidgets with her hands, anxiety written all over her face.

What if something's wrong? San Francisco
is huge, intense, and not to mention, oddly
cold and dirty. I should've taken her with me!

Haisley reaches for the glass of water on the table in front of her and chugs it down, emptying it in one go. She sets the glass down with a clank, her nerves still on edge.

Who knows what she could be up to right now?
Sarah is going to murder me if anything happens
to her! I can't stop rambling.

Adeline gives her a stern look.

You need to focus, Haisley. The photo shoot is crucial,
and you need to be in top form.

Haisley rolls her eyes but continues fretting.

It's not just about the photo shoot, Addie.
This is Catherine we're talking about. Her safety
matters to me. If something bad happens to her,
 Sarah will never trust me again. She might even
 hate me, or kill me!

Adeline's expression softens, understanding the weight of Haisley's concern.

Haisley, you're an Aurelia. Nobody is going to lay
a hand on you. Trust that Catherine is a capable
young woman. Worrying won't change anything.

Haisley huffs, not fully convinced.

It's not that simple. I care about her, and I can't
bear the thought of letting her down.

Adeline places a comforting hand on Haisley's shoulder.

She'll be alright. You've done your part by asking
 her to stay with Bryce. Now, focus on your work,
 and when you're back, you can check on her.

Haisley's agitation grows evident, her voice tinged with frustration as she pours her concerns out to Adeline.

That's the thing, Addie! We have no idea
 where in this world Bryce is even at! And
 now Annaka and Sophia are trying to
hide their injuries from me! What on earth
 is happening today?!

Adeline remains calm and composed, attempting to reason with Haisley.

Haisley, remember that Catherine is sixteen. She
has the entire house and your transportation
team at her disposal. And I'm sure Bryce will
finish whatever he's doing soon. Once he calls,
 I'll immediately arrange a private jet to bring
him back, and he'll be by Catherine's side in
no time.

Adeline's tone remains measured, showing as much empathy as her reserved nature allows. She is known for being monotonous and not expressing many emotions.

Haisley takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The constant reassurance from Adeline starts to alleviate some of her anxiety.

You're right, Addie. I just hate not knowing what's
 going on with them, especially when I'm not there
 to look after Catherine myself.

Adeline gives a nod of understanding, acknowledging Haisley's concern.

I understand, but you have to trust in the team and
 the people you've surrounded yourself with. They're
capable, and they'll take care of everything
while you're away.

Haisley leans back in her seat, trying to relax as she contemplates Adeline's words.

The private jet continues its journey, the soothing hum of the engines providing a sense of comfort in the midst of uncertainty.

You're right, Addie. I'll trust in them and focus on
 the photo shoot. When we get back, I'll check on
Catherine and make sure everything's okay.

Adeline nods approvingly, pleased with Haisley's decision to set her worries aside for the time being.

That's the spirit, Haisley. Now, let's make sure you're
camera-ready and prepared to shine at the VOGUE shoot.

Haisley manages a small smile, grateful for Adeline's support and rationality.

Adeline scrutinizes Haisley's face, her expert gaze taking in every detail. Noticing something she's concerned about, she calls out to a passing STEWARDESS.

Stewardess! I need hot towels ASAP! We need to reopen
 these pores before your face becomes a deadpan statue.

Haisley rolls her eyes at the remark, responding with sarcasm.

Wow, thanks.

The attentive flight attendant promptly rushes over, carrying a tray with a steaming hot towel.

Adeline wastes no time, swiftly taking the towel from the stewardess and getting to work.

She gently presses the hot towel against Haisley's face, allowing the warmth to envelop her skin.

Haisley closes her eyes, savoring the sensation as the steam begins to work its magic, softening her features.

The flight attendant discreetly retreats, leaving Adeline to continue her impromptu facial treatment.

Adeline skillfully moves the towel across Haisley's face, applying just the right amount of pressure to encourage relaxation and rejuvenation.

As the steam opens up Haisley's pores, she feels the tension in her face starts to ease. The stress of the day begins to melt away, replaced by a sense of tranquility and pampering.

Adeline maintains her focus, ensuring each part of Haisley's face receives the attention it deserves. She's precise, not missing a single detail.

With a soft smile, Haisley finally breaks the silence.

You know, Addie, you have a way of making even
the most stressful situations feel better.

Adeline nods modestly, continuing her expert work.

It's my job to take care of you, Haisley. You can
always count on me.

The hot towel treatment comes to an end, and Adeline delicately removes it from Haisley's face. Haisley feels refreshed and grateful for the impromptu spa moment.

Thank you, Addie. You're the best.

Adeline smiles softly before moving back to her seat, her professionalism and composure intact as always.


Eva sits comfortably on a chair, Ella nestled in her lap, while Lexi is seated beside her, holding Mia on her lap.

Annaka and Bryce stand in the middle of the living room, a sense of urgency in their voices as they explain the chaotic situation.

The box of scripts is placed conspicuously on the coffee table.

You got it?

Eva and Lexi's jaws drop in disbelief, and the room falls into a momentary silence as they process the absurdity of the situation.

Finally, Lexi breaks the silence, trying to make sense of it all.

(trying to understand
)Okay, let me get this straight. JoEllen came
 over while you two were in the pool to drop off
Ella and Mia because she needed a spa break.

Eva picks up the thread of the story, still trying to wrap her head around the sequence of events.

Then, you guys attempted to bake cookies, but before
 you could finish, the scripts got delivered, and you
 both decided to get a head start on reading them.

Lexi nods, taking her turn to continue the summary.

But amidst the excitement, you forgot about the cookies
 in the oven and ended up burning them. Annaka
 had to reach her hand into the hot oven to grab them,
 and that's when you needed a first aid kit. So, you
called Haisley, but she got all panicky, and Sophia
ended up hanging up on her. Eventually, Haisley sent
Bryce over to help.

The room is filled with a mix of amusement and concern as the chain of events becomes clearer. Ella and Mia seem blissfully unaware of the chaos, happy to be in Eva and Lexi's arms.

Yes, that pretty much sums it up.

Bryce chimes in, adding a touch of levity to the situation.

Only in our household, right?

Eva and Lexi laugh, shaking their heads in disbelief.

You guys never cease to surprise us.

Well, I guess we have quite the story to tell later.

As the tension eases and laughter fills the room, the box of scripts sits forgotten on the coffee table, a reminder of the amusingly chaotic day they've had together.

You know... we can have the girls' night another time.
How about we take everyone tonight?

Eva's eyes light up with excitement at the suggestion.

(enthusiastically)Yeah! I can go over to The Allan's
house and pick Aubin back up right now. I can also get
Lexi J while I'm at it!

Sophia, with a soft chuckle, chimes in, appreciating the idea.

After the day we just had, it would be nice to see
everyone again.

Sounds like a plan!

Oh! And Bryce, if you're not going back to San Francisco
anytime soon, you should join us!

Bryce considers the invitation, a grin spreading across his face.

Well, I suppose I can postpone my San Francisco
 trip for a little longer. Count me in!

The group shares a laugh, their spirits lifted by the prospect of spending more time together. The living room is filled with a sense of warmth and friendship.

Great! It's settled then. Let's gather everyone, and
 we'll make tonight a night to remember.

Eva and Sophia nod in agreement, while Annaka's smile grows wider, excited for the upcoming gathering.

And maybe this time, no burning cookies or getting
 injured in the process.

The others laugh, knowing well the misadventures of their eventful day.

Yeah, let's leave the chaos behind and focus on
 having fun.

In the cozy living room, the friends share a lighthearted moment, using humor to lighten the mood after a day filled with unexpected events.

Yeah... let's just say... I'll be leaving the cooking
to Haisley from now on.

Trust me, I'm not a good chef either. Been living
off of so much Erewhon and Starbucks since
I flew into LA, it's kinda concerning.

Eva's confession prompts laughter from the others, who can relate to relying on takeout and convenience foods during busy times.

Well, we're lucky to have Haisley's culinary
 skills on standby.

And the luxury of Erewhon and Starbucks when
we need it.

The room is filled with a sense of ease and familiarity, as the friends find comfort in each other's company. They may have their individual quirks and challenges, but they know they can always rely on one another.

Cheers to Haisley, the savior of our taste buds!

Sophia raises her imaginary glass, joining in the playful toast.

And to Erewhon and Starbucks, our saviors in
times of hunger!

The friends laugh together, their worries momentarily forgotten. They may have experienced a rollercoaster of a day, but their bond remains strong and unyielding.


Sarah and Stephen sit together at the outdoor restaurant, the ambiance vibrant with the hum of conversation and the gentle glow of overhead lights.

This spot holds a special significance for them as it's the girls' favorite place to unwind during their busy days on set, making it a perfect choice for their dinner tonight.

Thanks for taking me to dinner. It's good to finally
 sit down for a meal.

The pleasure is mine, plus Haisley always asks
 Adeline to pick her up lunch from this place, so
it has to be good.

Sarah chuckles at Stephen's playful remark, enjoying their relaxed and light-hearted banter.

As they converse, their waiter returns, setting down a sizzling steak with creamy mashed potatoes in front of Stephen, and a mouthwatering plate of pasta alla vodka for Sarah.

The delectable aromas wafting from their dishes only make them hungrier.

Without hesitation, they pick up their utensils, eager to indulge in the delicious meal before them.

Sarah takes a forkful of the pasta, savoring the rich flavors with a contented expression on her face.

Stephen cuts into his perfectly cooked steak, appreciating the juicy tenderness with each bite.

The evening breeze adds to the pleasant atmosphere, carrying snippets of conversations and laughter from other diners.

Sarah and Stephen enjoy the moment, relishing the simple joy of good food and great company.

As they eat, they exchange stories and catch up on each other's lives, their camaraderie evident in the way they lean in, engrossed in each other's words.

So, how's life been treating you lately, Stephen?

Oh, you know, the usual rollercoaster of clients and
projects. But I can't complain; it keeps things
exciting. How about you? How's the company going?

The company has been amazing! We're all
having a blast at the office. It's like a big family,
you know? But I'm also a bit exhausted, so this
dinner is a much-needed break.

I can imagine. It's incredible to see the firm
 doing so well. You all deserve success.

Thanks, Stephen. It's been quite a journey, but I
couldn't have asked for a better group of people
 to share it with.

Their waiter comes back, refilling their water glasses and checking on their meal.

Is everything tasting alright?

Absolutely. The steak is fantastic.

And the pasta alla vodka is divine.
 Thank you.

The waiter smiles and leaves them to enjoy their meal.

You know, it's funny how this place has
become a regular stop for us. Thanks to
 Haisley and her love for their lunches.

Oh, definitely. Adeline practically has their
 menu memorized by now.

I wouldn't be surprised if they make her an honorary
chef at this point.

Sarah and Stephen share a good laugh, their bond evident in their easygoing banter.

I'm really glad you suggested this dinner, Stephen.
 It's nice to step away from the hectic schedule
and just be in the moment.

I feel the same way. Sometimes, amidst all the
chaos, we forget to take a breather. But here
we are, enjoying good food and even better

Definitely. It's nights like these that make me
 appreciate the little things in life.

They continue eating, savoring each bite, and sharing stories of their recent adventures.

The conversation flows effortlessly, and the restaurant's cheerful atmosphere adds to the joy of their evening.

(raising his glass)
To friendship and all the wonderful moments,
life brings our way.

(raising her glass)
Cheers to that!

They clink their glasses together, sealing the moment with a heartfelt toast.



The table is brimming with joyous faces, as Lexi, Eva, Sophia, Annaka, Aubin, Ella, and Mia gather around, joined by Lex J and Bryce, forming a tight-knit circle.

They all raise their glasses in a heartwarming toast, their laughter and cheer filling the air with contagious energy.

The restaurant's warm lighting casts a radiant glow over the gathering, and the soft hum of conversations blends harmoniously with the clinking of silverware against plates.

The table overflows with delectable dishes, showcasing an array of flavors and colors.

Each friend relishes their chosen meal, savoring the delicious tastes that Rossoblu has to offer.

The scents of rich Italian cuisine waft through the air, adding to the sensory delight of the evening.

Lexi and Eva exchange playful banter, their laughter ringing out as they recount humorous anecdotes from their respective adventures. Sophia and Annaka share warm smiles, reminiscing about cherished memories, their bond as sisters evident in their gestures and expressions.

Aubin, Ella, and Mia chime in with their own bursts of laughter and excitement, their innocent joy contagious among the group.

Lex J adds her quick wit and humor to the mix, keeping everyone entertained with his jokes and lighthearted charm.

Bryce, though more reserved, finds his place within the dynamic circle, connecting effortlessly 

with the others.

(raising her glass)
To the best friends, a girl could ask for!


And to the day we attempted to bake cookies
 and ended up burning them!

Oh, that was quite the adventure! I still
remember the smoke alarm almost going

And the look on Annaka's face when she reached
 into the oven to rescue the cookies!

(playfully rolling her eyes)
I thought I'd never hear the end of it. Thanks for
reminding me, guys.

Don't worry, Annaka. It made for a
memorable day!

The friends share a laugh, fondly recalling the mishap in the kitchen.

The topic of conversation effortlessly shifts to other funny and endearing moments they've shared together.

Hey, remember that time we all went on that
spontaneous road trip?

How could I forget? We had so much fun!

Especially when we got lost and ended up
at that quirky roadside diner.

The stories flow freely as they reminisce about their adventures, the mishaps, and the genuine the joy of being together.

The restaurant becomes a hub of laughter and camaraderie as the night goes on.

They savor their meals, indulging in delicious Italian dishes, and each person's unique personality adds to the vibrant tapestry of the group.


On the private jet, Haisley and Adeline sit in a sleek dining area, surrounded by the luxurious interior of the aircraft.

The soft hum of the engines and the gentle swaying of the plane create a calm atmosphere as they have their dinner, a necessity due to Haisley's demanding work schedule.

The stewardess approaches, placing a fresh serving of garlic knots on the table.

Haisley's eyes wander over to her own plate, where a beautifully presented Pan-seared salmon trout with mashed sweet potatoes, sautéed kai-lan, and beurre blanc adorned with roasted macadamia nuts awaits her.

Haisley, if you're not gonna finish your dinner, at
least have half of it. You've been working all day.
You don't want to pass out.

Haisley, preoccupied and restless, continues to nudge her food around with her fork, seemingly disinterested in eating.

I don't know, I guess I'm just not that hungry.

What do you mean you're not hungry? You haven't
 eaten anything since lunch!

Haisley sighs, setting her fork down, her worry evident in her expression.

I can't stop thinking about Catherine. I don't
 like that I left her all alone in San Francisco,
especially since I promised Sarah I would keep
 an eye on her. Gosh, this stress is making me lose
my appetite.

Adeline's concern deepens as she sees her client's distress. She reaches out, placing a reassuring hand on Haisley's shoulder.

Haisley, I understand your worry, but you've
done all you can. You made sure she's well
taken care of, and Bryce is with her now. You
can't control every situation, especially with
your busy schedule. Trust that everything
will be fine.

Haisley nods, trying to find comfort in Adeline's words, but her mind remains fixated on Catherine's well-being.

I know you're right, but I can't help but feel
responsible. She's like family to me, Addie. I just
 want her to be safe and happy.

And she knows that, Haisley. You've been a
wonderful friend to her. But right now, you
 need to take care of yourself too. Eat a little,
relax, and try to get some rest. Catherine will
 be fine, and you'll see her soon.

Haisley takes a deep breath, trying to ease the tension in her shoulders. She glances at her dinner, hesitating for a moment before finally taking a small bite.

This is actually kinda good.

Her smile grows wider as she continues to savor the dish.

The worry that weighed on her mind a few moments ago begins to ease slightly, as the delicious meal and Adeline's comforting presence create a moment of reprieve.

Adeline watches with a knowing smile, appreciating the positive shift in Haisley's mood.

She's glad to see Haisley finding a moment of pleasure and relaxation amidst her busy and anxious day.

See? A little bit of good food can work wonders.

Haisley nods, her eyes lighting up with a renewed sense of appreciation for the simple joys of life.

Thanks for being here, Addie. You always
 know how to bring a little brightness to
the darkest days.

You know I'll always have your back, Haisley. We're in this
 together, no matter what.

As the flight continues, Haisley slowly finishes her meal, each bite a reminder of the taste of friendship and the comfort of being understood.


Catherine stands amidst the bustling crowd in James's lavish living room. The opulent space is packed with people dressed in high-end designer outfits, all trying to make a statement and be noticed.

Fortunately, Catherine has managed to blend in seamlessly by borrowing a dress from Haisley's enviable wardrobe.

She leans casually against a tastefully decorated wall, her eyes wandering over the sea of elegantly dressed guests.

The room is filled with laughter, chatter, and the clinking of glasses as people indulge in the luxurious atmosphere.

In her hand, Catherine holds a flute of sparkling cider, a subtle nod to her youth amidst the sea of champagne flutes.

She observes the conversations and interactions around her, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Suddenly, a loud clinking of glass cuts through the din, instantly capturing everyone's attention.

The room quiets down, and all eyes turn toward the source of the sound.

JAMES'S DAD FREDERICK, a distinguished figure dressed impeccably, stands at the center of the room, holding a champagne glass as a makeshift microphone.

His commanding presence demands attention as he prepares to deliver a speech.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your
attention, please?

The crowd falls into hushed silence, their curiosity piqued by the imminent speech.

I would like to take a moment to thank
 each and every one of you for gracing us
with your presence tonight. It fills my heart
with immense joy to see such a wonderful
turnout for my son, James.

As Frederick speaks, he shares anecdotes about James's accomplishments in sports, his dedication, and the milestones he has achieved. The room echoes with murmurs of appreciation and admiration.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for
 your unwavering support, not just tonight
 but throughout James's journey. Your presence
 here is a testament to the incredible
community that surrounds him.

With a warm smile, Frederick hands the metaphorical microphone over to his son, JAMES, who stands tall with a mix of humility and pride.

Thank you, Dad, and thank you all for being
 here tonight.

James's heartfelt words resonate with the guests, further strengthening the bond between him and the people who have supported him.

I feel incredibly lucky to have such amazing
 friends, family, and mentors in my life. Your
 support has been instrumental in shaping who
 I am today.

Catherine watches, impressed by James's composure and sincerity.

In the midst of the crowded living room, James's eyes light up as he spots Catherine amidst the sea of people.

He raises his hand, signaling her over with a warm smile.

Nervously, Catherine maneuvers through the tightly packed crowd, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

As she approaches James, he introduces her to the curious onlookers as a new good friend he recently met.

The crowd's eyes fixate on her, assessing the unfamiliar face with a hint of judgment. She feels their gaze, aware of their curiosity and the unspoken questions lingering in their minds.

Everyone, I'd like you to meet Catherine, a
 new friend I had the pleasure of meeting

The murmurs among the guests grow louder as they try to place her in their memories. Catherine senses their uncertainty, feeling slightly uneasy under their scrutiny.

You might recognize her from somewhere.
 She's the girl in that iconic photo with Anna
Wintour, Taylor Swift, and Haisley Aurelia.

Suddenly, recognition sparks among the crowd, and whispers of realization ripple through the room.

The atmosphere shifts from curiosity to admiration as they recall the image and the significance of those names.

Oh, I remember now! That photo was

Wow, you know the famous Haisley Aurelia?

That's the heiress living in The Aurelias Halls,

Catherine can feel the change in perception as the crowd's demeanor transforms from skepticism to awe.

She takes a deep breath, grateful that James's introduction has diffused the initial uncertainty.

That's right! Catherine is staying at Haisley's
house, The Aurelias Halls.

The mention of Haisley's prestigious residence cements Catherine's place in the room, earning her newfound respect and intrigue from the guests.

You must have fascinating stories to tell
about living with Haisley!

Catherine blushes, humbled by the sudden attention and interest.

She finds herself becoming more at ease, engaging in friendly conversations with the guests who are now genuinely curious about her experiences.

Oh, you have no idea. Catherine's got some
fantastic tales to share.

The crowd chuckles, and Catherine finds herself swept up in the warmth of the moment.

James's kind introduction and the revelation of her association with Haisley have turned the initial uncertainty into a welcoming atmosphere.


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