Painted Pretty ♡

By ArielleWeekly

1.8K 34 11

In a twist of fate, Ariah Martin's world flips upside down when she receives an invitation to a Christian sum... More

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Author's Note

eleven ♡

38 1 0
By ArielleWeekly

"Hey." The moment almost took me by surprise as I nearly collided with Bryan, my heart yearning for something thrilling and new. But just as quickly as the excitement had surged, doubt crept in. Maybe it was all a simple glitch in the app that made me think Peter was right outside my tent. My former interest in Bryan seemed to have dimmed like a fading light, leaving me wondering if I hadn't been making my feelings clear enough. There we stood, locked in a silent gaze, both lost for words.

The night had grown chillier, and I wrapped myself up in my cozy cardigan, dressed in my bluest overalls with my hair pinned up in a bun. My nerdy glasses sat comfortably on my nose, adding a touch of studious charm. I had always believed in the power of manifestation, and maybe I had manifested Bryan's presence in my thoughts too well. He seemed impossible to shake from my mind, no matter how hard I tried.

His infectious grin lingered in my thoughts, and I found myself drawn in as he took my hand and gently caressed its surface with his thumb. I pressed my lips together, trying to regain my composure as my phone vibrated in one of my oversized pockets. "What's up?" I managed to say, trying to keep my voice steady.

Bryan shook his head, his gaze intense. "Have you been hiding from me?" he asked, taking a step closer, his chest just inches away from my hand.

As Lindsay's laughter echoed through the air, the buzz of excitement surrounded me. But beneath it all, my mind was trapped in the memory of that unexpected kiss. It was like he had this magnetic power, tugging me back into his world, even when I tried convincing myself that I didn't care. My heart had its own agenda, and I found myself tangled in confusion.

Why couldn't he just be honest about his feelings? The uncertainty clawed at me, demanding answers. I knew I couldn't ignore it any longer. The time had come to face the truth head-on. I needed to talk to him, to lay my emotions bare and not let this undefined connection linger in ambiguity. It was only fair to myself and to him to be open and clear.

With determination, I decided to take a leap of faith. No more holding back, no more dancing around the truth. I would be that girl who bares her soul without apologies. It was time to let go of the mixed signals and reveal my feelings, unapologetically.

Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts, Nea appeared, breaking through the haze. "It's time for Truth or Dare! Are you guys ready?" she announced with a playful grin.

Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I found myself drawn to the bonfire, where everyone, including Bryan's brother, had gathered. The night was alive with possibilities, and the warm glow of the bonfire added to the thrill.

We found a cozy spot on a massive log, and the music surrounding us set the perfect vibe. The crackling fire and the scent of burning wood added to the ambiance, making the moment feel magical. I absentmindedly shuffled my sneakers on the gravel, trying to shake off the butterflies in my stomach.

Bryan took a seat next to me, casually draping his arm around my waist. However, as I glanced over at Lindsay, her glaring eyes seemed to pierce right through my soul. What was her deal, anyway? It's not like I asked for this attention.

Thankfully, Nea sensed my unease and handed me some gum with a comforting smile. The watermelon flavor brought a refreshing distraction, which I gladly welcomed.

Stephanie stood up, her body swaying to the rhythm of the music. "Okay, so who's going first?" she called out, clearly eager to get the game going.

Bryan couldn't help but smirk, adding to the intrigue. "Let's just go clockwise," he proposed with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Which means, Xena should go first."

Xena, with a playful glimmer in her eyes, shot a quick look at Stephanie. "Okay, but am I going first to ask the question... or are we mixing it up?"

A chuckle escaped my lips as I replied, "Well, this just got more complicated and exciting at the same time."

"I'll go first," Xena declared with a twinkle in her eye, and we all gave her a thumbs up, ready for the game to begin. It looked like Xena was about to set the tone for our night of Truth or Dare. With an air of excitement, she scanned the group until her gaze landed on Lindsay. "Truth or Dare, Lindsay?" she asked playfully.

Lindsay flashed a confident smile and casually tucked her blonde locs behind her right ear. "Should I be daring and choose a dare? Well, why not?" She chuckled, her adventurous spirit evident in her decision. "Yeah, let's do a dare."

The group erupted with surprise and cheers, the thrill of the game already filling the air. We couldn't wait to see what daring challenge Lindsay would take on.

Xena was in her thoughts as she thought of a good dare to start the game off with. "I dare give each person here a compliment."

Lindsay's eyes widened, and we all knew this dare was going to be a tough one for her. Suppressing a laugh, I quickly covered my mouth, avoiding eye contact to keep from bursting into giggles. Bryan tightened his grip around my waist, trying hard not to chuckle himself.

"Wow, Lindsay, you're starting with a challenge," Nea commented, her voice filled with both amusement and empathy.

Lindsay playfully rolled her eyes. "Thanks for the vote of confidence," she said with a playful smirk before getting up from the log. She walked over to Andre, taking a deep breath to steady herself. "Andre, I really admire your sense of style and uniqueness. You've got this cool vibe that's so authentic, and it's totally awesome," she said, a genuine smile forming on her lips. Andre's face lit up with appreciation, and he nodded gratefully.

Next, Lindsay turned her attention to Xena, who was now looking curiously at her. "Xena, you've got this amazing spunk and feistiness that's infectious. People can't help but be drawn to your energy, and it's seriously cool," she complimented. Xena's chin lifted with pride, and she flashed Lindsay a radiant grin.

Then, it was Paul's turn to receive Lindsay's words of praise. "Paul, we just met yesterday, but you had this inviting and approachable vibe that made me feel at ease. It was nice," she said, a genuine warmth in her voice. Paul beamed at her, grateful for the acknowledgment.

As it was Lindsay's turn, she faced Nea with a mix of hesitance and genuine affection in her eyes. "Nea, you've been by my side since middle school, and I'll admit, your constant positivity can be a bit much sometimes..." Xena cleared her throat, giving Lindsay a playful nudge, and she quickly backtracked. "But, seriously, your positivity lifts others up, and in a world as harsh as this, we could all use a bit more of your light," she added with a small grin, as if finding it a bit challenging to express her feelings so openly.

With a warm smile, Lindsay moved on to Bryan and me. I braced myself for whatever sarcastic remark or shade she had in store for me since I arrived at Peaceful Valley.

"Hi Bryan," Lindsay began, and Bryan arched an eyebrow, ready for her next words. "You're the best youth leader at GCC, no doubt about it. Our youth group wouldn't be half as awesome without you stepping up for all of us," she said, her tone genuine and appreciative.

I was taken aback by the unexpected direction of her compliments. My assumptions were proven wrong, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Lindsay than met the eye. Maybe beneath that tough exterior, she held a heart capable of kindness and genuine care. It was like uncovering a hidden treasure, and it made me curious about the layers of complexity within each person in our group.

"Ariah," Lindsay began, her voice laced with a hint of hesitation. I released a soft sigh, curious to hear what she had to say. "You're so..." she trailed off, the words seeming to hang in the air, heavy with meaning. "I'm kind of envious of how confident you are," Lindsay finally admitted, her eyes meeting mine in a surprisingly vulnerable moment. "You just do what you want, without worrying about what others might think."

Her unexpected compliment left me momentarily speechless. Lindsay, with her sharp tongue and sarcastic demeanor, rarely showed this side of herself. I watched as she retreated to her log, her guard seemingly back up. But her words lingered in my mind, echoing like a soft melody.

Glancing over at Bryan, I felt my lips part with uncertainty. If Lindsay saw me as confident, then why couldn't I find the courage to talk to him about my feelings or just be myself in front of everyone at this bonfire? It was like there were two versions of me – the one that Lindsay described, and the one that struggled with doubts and insecurities.

As I pondered her words, a strange mixture of emotions washed over me. It was as if her compliment had struck a chord deep within my heart, resonating with an unspoken truth. Lindsay's words had hit me hard, and a part of me wondered if she had intended to shake me up with some sort of reverse psychology.

Before I could delve further into my thoughts, Nea's voice broke through the reverie. "Okay, I'll go next. Ari, Truth or Dare?" she asked, snapping me back to reality. The question hung in the air, waiting for my response.

I glanced between Bryan and Lindsay, my heart pounding in my chest as I nervously bit my finger nail. Then, my eyes finally locked onto Nea's mischievous gaze. "Dare," I blurted out without thinking. Truth or Dare wasn't really my thing, but with our time at Peaceful Valley coming to an end, I felt a surge of daring energy. Tonight, we were going out with a bang, consequences be damned. "What would Jesus do?" I grinned at Nea, and the group erupted in laughter.

Nea shrugged playfully. "I dare you to kiss Bryan."

The bonfire's crackling seemed to intensify as the tension among our friends built up. Wide-eyed and speechless, everyone around the fire was caught in disbelief. We all knew this was a crazy dare, and I felt my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I couldn't believe I had agreed to this, especially with my conflicted feelings for Bryan.

I quickly covered my face with my hands, hoping to hide my nervousness. Bryan, ever the gentleman, gently took my hand and led me away from the group. I stole a glance back at Paul, who seemed like he wanted to intervene but held back, leaving me to face this daring challenge.

As Bryan and I distanced ourselves from the others, a whirlwind of emotions swirled inside me. Could I really go through with this? I wondered. Despite my attraction to Bryan, there was something holding me back. He took out some ChapStick from his pocket, a sign he was readying himself for the kiss.

Amidst the nervous anticipation, a phrase I'd heard before echoed in my mind: "Talk to yourself like you talk to someone you love." It reminded me that I needed to be kinder to myself, to be honest with my feelings, and to stay true to who I really was. This dare, this impromptu kiss, it wouldn't bring me happiness if it wasn't genuine.

Deep down, I knew I hadn't been completely honest with Bryan. There was a part of me he didn't know, a part I kept hidden beneath layers of insecurities and uncertainties. And perhaps, I couldn't ignore the fact that he had been withholding some truths as well.

As Bryan leaned in, his arms gently enveloping my waist, I had to make a choice. I had to listen to my heart and my instincts. And so, as his lips drew closer to mine, I knew I couldn't go through with it. My heart couldn't fake what it didn't fully feel.

With a gentle but determined movement, I pulled back, breaking the connection before our lips could meet. Bryan stepped back too, his expression a mix of surprise and understanding.

As our eyes met, a sudden chill seemed to sweep through the air, casting a shadow over the warm summer night. It was just the two of us standing there, lost in a gaze that felt heavy with unspoken emotions and guilt.

I could feel my heart racing, and I knew he could see right through me. We had been playing this game of denial for far too long, pretending that everything was fine, when, it wasn't. The truth had been lurking in the background, and now it was impossible to ignore.

The outside world melted away, leaving us in a bubble of uncertainty. The truth hung in the air like an unspoken dare, daring us to face the feelings we had been burying beneath layers of denial.

His eyes held regret, but also a glimmer of understanding. We were both caught in this tangled web of emotions, unsure of how to navigate the mess we had created.

The chilly breeze outside seemed to mirror the icy feeling in my chest. This moment felt so raw, so vulnerable, and yet there was a sense of relief in finally acknowledging the truth.

Silence stretched between us, as if we were communicating in a language only, we could understand. We didn't need words to convey the weight of what we were feeling. It was all there in our locked gaze.

Finally, I couldn't hold his gaze any longer, my heart pounding as I needed a moment to catch my breath and sort through the whirlwind of emotions inside me. "I...I just can't," I stammered, my voice laced with frustration as I shot him a defiant glare.

"What?" Bryan's voice wavered, and he let out a defeated sigh, almost as if he knew he was caught. "I didn't kiss her, Ari," he pleaded, his hands held out in a gesture of innocence.

But I couldn't ignore what I had seen with my own eyes. "I saw you kiss her, Bryan," I retorted, my heart aching with disappointment.

"I promise, I... I just didn't know what was going on," he tried to explain, his fingers nervously running through his hair, a sign of his unease.

"You didn't even try to stop her," I said, my voice trembling with emotion, unable to suppress the hurt welling inside me. "And then we get back to camp, and you act like all of that didn't even happen. You weren't even going to tell me. Were you?" I shrugged, trying to shield myself from the pain threatening to overwhelm me. "I'm just not going to do... this... with you," I declared, shaking my head, determined to protect my heart.

I turned away, ready to walk back to the bonfire and distance myself from the hurt, but before I could get far, Bryan reached out and gently grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him. In that moment, everything else seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in our own bubble of uncertainty.

The cool breeze whispered around us, but my heart felt like it was on fire, torn between wanting to push him away and craving the connection we shared. His lips met mine with a softness that made me waver, and his hands gently massaged my back, pulling me closer.

As our lips moved together, I felt a mix of conflicting emotions. My heart still ached, but there was a part of me that longed for this, for him to accept me just as I was, as Ariah.

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