Entrapped hearts [Yandere Cu...

By Lost_With_Alice

71.9K 2.4K 673

When Y/N and her best friend Amelia embark on what was supposed to be a peaceful getaway to a secluded retrea... More

The Flyer
The Drive
Weird People
Missing Things
Back to the House
The Dinner
48 hours
New faces
Love me!
The Boy
Talk it out
Run! ๐Ÿ”ž
Heaven ๐Ÿ”ž
Truth or Dare
Drink up
Option 1 (Crazy)
Option 1 (Family)
Option 1 (Anger)
Option 1 (Tired)
Option 1 (Insanity)
Option 2 (Run away)
Option 2 (Ran away)
Option 2 (Ticket)
Option 2 (Normal)
Option 2 (Dragged back)
Option 2 (The attic)
Option 2 (New normal)
Option 2 (Trade-off) ๐Ÿ”ž
Option 2 (Drunk in love) ๐Ÿ”ž


2.3K 83 40
By Lost_With_Alice

The next day I made my way to the bathroom. However, as I stepped inside, an eerie sensation crept over me. 

Something wasn't right. 

My instincts led me to the mirror. I stared at my reflection, but it felt different somehow.

Leaning closer, I pressed my hand against the glass. To my shock, there was no space between my hand and the mirror's surface. It was as if the mirror was one solid piece. 

A chill ran down my spine. Was this a two-way mirror? The thought seemed impossible, but the evidence before me was hard to ignore.

Questions raced through my mind. Who would install a two-way mirror in a bathroom? What were they trying to observe? Panic started to take hold, and I quickly scanned the room for any other signs of intrusion.

Were there hidden cameras?

Listening devices?

The room felt like a trap, suffocating and filled with secrets.

I took a deep breath and resolved to find a way to walk to the nearby town. It couldn't be too difficult; I've walked longer distances before. As I ventured out, I made a point not to follow any of the trails that led back to the house. The woods were peaceful, but a sense of caution still lingered within me.

While walking, my mind couldn't help but circle back to Dean. The more I thought about it, the stranger it seemed that there was barely any information about him on the retreat's website. 

The place was supposed to be family-owned, and I vaguely recalled seeing another name that started with a 'W'.

Why was there such a veil of secrecy around Dean?

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly heard footsteps approaching. I turned, and there was Dean, walking toward me. His appearance was almost as if he had materialized from thin air.

"Hey there," he said in that disarming voice of his. "Going for a stroll?"

"Yeah, just wanted to explore a bit," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

He gave me an almost too-perfect smile, but there was something unsettling about his gaze. "Exploration can be a fascinating experience. Just make sure you stay safe, Y/N."

The moment I turned my back to Dean and continued my trek into the forest, an eerie sensation washed over me. 

The woods seemed to tighten their grip, and every rustle of leaves sent shivers down my spine. The sounds of my footsteps echoed eerily through the dense trees, creating an unnerving symphony of nature's whispers.

As I ventured deeper, the shadows seemed to dance, playing tricks on my mind. I couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes were peering at me from the darkness. 

The looming trees stood like sentinels, their twisted branches reaching out like gnarled fingers, ready to snatch me away.

The woods became darker, and I could hardly make out my own path. But as I pressed on, a faint glow appeared through the thick foliage, like a beckoning light. My heart raced with a mix of dread and curiosity. I pushed forward, drawn to the light like a moth to a flame.

But before I could celebrate my escape, a chilling voice pierced through the air.

"Leaving so soon?" The words slithered like snakes, each syllable dripping with mockery and malice. I turned around to find Dean standing there, his face half-concealed by shadows, but his eyes glinted with an unsettling intensity.

"I... I was just exploring the area," I stammered, my voice quivering. "I wanted to see what was out here."

Dean's lips curved into a sinister smile, one that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Ah, curiosity can be a dangerous thing," he said, taking a step closer. "But remember, you're here to be part of something special, something unique."

"Special?" I echoed, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes," he replied, his tone dripping with cryptic implications. "You'll soon find out just how special this place is, and how special you are to us."

Us? Is this man clinically insane?

"Y/N... such a lovely name. I do wonder why you didn't visit your parents this year, or the previous one"

Dean's words hung in the air like a sinister melody, sending a chill down my spine. How could he possibly know about my personal life, my choices? The unease grew within me, and I felt the weight of his gaze bearing down on me like an invisible force.

"How did you...?" I stumbled over my words, my voice barely audible. Fear and confusion mingled in my mind, trying to make sense of the inexplicable knowledge he possessed.

Dean's smile widened, revealing a hint of something dark lurking beneath the surface. His eyes seemed to pierce through my soul as if he held the key to every secret I had ever kept.

"You underestimate the depth of our knowledge here," he whispered, his voice a mere whisper on the wind. "We have ways of uncovering the truths hidden within you, the desires and choices that led you to this very moment."

My heart raced, pounding against my chest as a cold sweat broke out across my brow. How could he know such intimate details about my life? The notion of privacy shattered in an instant, replaced by an overwhelming sense of vulnerability.

"I... I don't understand," I managed to say, my voice trembling. "Who are you really?"

Dean's gaze seemed to darken, his eyes gleaming with a perverse delight. "Oh, my dear Y/N, I am but a humble guardian of this place, a guardian of secrets and desires. You are here for a reason, chosen to be part of something far greater than you can comprehend."

A shiver ran down my spine, the tendrils of fear tightening their grip around me. The pieces of the puzzle started to come together, painting a chilling picture of a place steeped in darkness and manipulation.

"I never signed up for this," I whispered, my voice barely audible.

Dean chuckled, a sound that sent a wave of unease through me. "Ah, but you did, Y/N. In ways, you may not fully comprehend yet. Your arrival here was not by chance; it was destiny, orchestrated by forces far beyond your understanding."

The room seemed to close in around me, the air thick with an otherworldly presence. I struggled to find my voice, to push back against the suffocating weight of his words.

"I want to leave," I finally managed to say, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and determination.

Dean's smile twisted into something malevolent, his eyes glinting with predatory hunger. "Leaving is not an option, Y/N. Once you enter our domain, there is no escape. You belong to us now."

"Or, do you want me to call your parents? (M/N) (L/N) and (D/N) (L/N) and tell them that there lovely daughter is in a different state having the time of her life in a random place in the woods because she couldn't stand the sight of either them."

"You wouldn't..."

"Not unless you come back to the house"

"You have no right to do this," I mustered the courage to say, trying to suppress the tremor in my voice.

"No right?" Dean scoffed. "In this realm, my dear, I have all the rights. The secrets you carry, your deepest fears and regrets, they're all mine to use as I see fit."

I felt cornered, trapped in a twisted game I never wanted to play. But a glimmer of defiance sparked within me, a determination to break free from his clutches.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice steadier now. "Why are you doing this?"

Dean's expression shifted, his eyes darkening with something akin to amusement. "Oh, my dear, it's simple. I want you to be a part of this place, to belong here. You are special, chosen for reasons that elude even you. Your presence here is part of a grand design, and you have a role to play."

His words sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was merely a pawn in a sinister plot.

"I won't be your pawn," I declared, my voice stronger, fueled by newfound defiance.

Dean's smile wavered for a moment, replaced by an icy glint in his eyes. "You have no choice. You came here seeking something, and now you will serve a purpose. Embrace it, and you may find a place of comfort and belonging. Refuse, and the consequences will be severe."

I weighed my options, knowing that I had to choose my battles wisely. The thought of my parents receiving that call, of the repercussions it would have on my already strained relationship with them, was enough to make me reconsider my defiance.

Reluctantly, I turned to face Dean, my voice trembling with a mixture of resignation and defiance. "Fine. I'll come back to the house."

A smug grin spread across Dean's face, as if he had expected nothing less. He motioned for me to follow him, his steps deliberate and filled with a sinister purpose. As we walked back towards the house, a feeling of despair settled over me like a suffocating fog.

I knew deep down that returning to the house meant surrendering any semblance of control over my own life. The shadows whispered their secrets, reminding me that escape was a mere illusion within these walls. But for now, I had to bide my time, gather information, and find a way to break free from the clutches of this twisted retreat.

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