Rise of The Fallen (unedited...

By Bioshockgrl

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Abandoned and left to die, a human girl must fight to survive on an alien planet filled with monsters that wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter -7
Chapter- 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53-part 1
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60- Epilouge
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Chapter 20

4.7K 237 46
By Bioshockgrl

She stood near the edge of the pond in a trance as I grabbed something from my sack, stood up and walked over to her. She jumped a bit startled as I came up beside her. Her eyes locked onto me and she watched as I stepped into the pool of water. 

I was knee deep when I turned around and held out my hand for her to take. She seemed hesitant as she looked at my hand unsure and after a moment of stillness I thought she might back away and flee. But to my surprise she reached out to take my hand. 

Removing the fur blanket from her shoulders she left it on the shore and stepped into the water towards me. Her eyes not once, leaving mine and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

My entire body seemed to freeze, seeing the sparkle in her eyes and I lost all train of thought as she stood before me and tilted her head. Her body was so round and pale and Her hand was so small and dainty in my own I was almost afraid I might hurt her just from holding it. She was so small and weak yet alluring…

Something primal inside of me wanted nothing more than to hold her against my body and protect the small female. She's hardly fit enough to protect herself and doesn't even carry any weapons besides the knife, from what I can tell. I can't seem to wrap my head around how she's survived out here on her own. 

My eyes moved to her hair as I reached out towards her and removed a small leaf from her mane. The female flitched in response before realizing I was not hurting her, and relaxed. a thought came to mind as I rubbed the silky strands between my fingers. If she's looking for a mate then– would it be possible–

Her gaze moved to our joined hands and I quickly let her go and turned away to redirect my focus. I shouldn't be thinking about such things.

Removing my attire I moved deeper into the water and threw my leathers onto land so they would not get wet, before clearing my throat to speak up. "Come, you should fully submerge your injuries and let them soak…"  I beckoned her over with a simple hand signal and she watched me with curiosity.

She moved deeper into the water and eyed me carefully as I did my best to avoid her gaze. "I'll wash off then get out. You should be fine to stay in here for a while, by morning your wounds will be less likely to rip open from you moving around." 

Wiping the blood from my arms I made quick work of cleaning myself off before striding out of the pool and back over to the supplies. Once she's finished I'll give her some food and she can rest some more while I try to figure out what I'm going to do with the female. 

The slightest sense of being watched poked at the back of my neck and I glanced back to see the tiny human gawking at my body. I immediately noticed the reddish tint across her face and my mind raced to the worst possible conclusion, that she had a fever and may be sick. she realized I saw her and she turned away and redirected her focus to something else. 

She shouldn't be sick, I treated all her injuries and gave her medicine, had she been bitten by something while she slept? She wouldn't even be aware of the pain from a bite because of the medicine I gave her. I need to check her for any bite marks that may be red or infected, but if I try searching her now, I could frighten her.

Perhaps when she falls back asleep… she does not seem to be showing any other symptoms from what I can see. I'll just need to keep a close eye on her for the time being.  

Groaning, I ran my claws through my hair between my horns in frustration and sat on the ground cross legged next to the pool. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the female's strange carrier with something only shaped sticking out.

Grabbing the strap I pulled it closer and took hold of the object consisting of hundreds of thin cloth-like segments, bound between the folds of a piece of leather. Much to my surprise each of these segments held charcoal drawings and markings of all sorts of things. 

Pictures of fauna and flora native to these forests were spread throughout the book with many strange symbols that I could only guess were part of the human language.

The human must have seen me going through her stuff as she suddenly shouted and pushed through the water to get over to me, seemingly frantic. She spouted gibberish while reaching for the item in my hand which I held above her head out of her reach with ease. 

She grew frustrated and climbed out of the pool, trying to take it from me while I kept it out of her reach. She continued to angrily spout incomprehensible nonsense while practically climbing over me, helplessly reaching for the booklet. Much to my amusement. 

However during our little power struggle she managed to position her chest right before my face and my eyes unknowingly changed their focus from the item to her breasts mere inches in front of me. 

The soft round shape of them was entrancing and I couldn't help but stare and the small pink buds on each one. Unconsciously my free hand reached out to grab one of the soft globes. My eyes widened at how squishy they felt in my palm and I lost all train of thought when lightly squeezing it.

A hard smack to the face and shrill scream from the human female, followed by more, and much angrier shouting snapped me out of my trance.  

I dropped the item in my hand to touch my face where I had been struck and watched the small female snatch it off the ground before scurrying away from me back to her resting spot. 

I blinked a few times trying to understand what had just happened as the human glared at me from across the pool, like I had just dishonored her entire bloodline.

Furrowing my brow I stood up and watched as she tensed before shouting more nonsense at me. Through all the gibberish that came from her mouth I only caught a few words and concluded she just called me a haisu. A Rat.

Glaring back at the female I stomped over seeing the fury burning in her eyes as she quickly grabbed a rock and threw it at me, which I easily dodged. What is this human's problem?!

With the first projectile missing she crouched down and started throwing even more at me, calling me haisu again.

A few managed to hit me although they did little more than annoy me, I still shielded my face with my arm.

"Stop this! I am not a rat!" I shouted back. She didn't seem to listen and continued throwing rocks, sticks and anything else she could grab off the ground as I tried approaching her. As she grabbed a larger stone I rushed in, closing the few step gap between us to grab her hand and make her drop it. 

She shrieked and yelled some more while struggling to pull away from me. She held the item she took for me protectively against her chest and even kicked at me, trying to get away, much like she did earlier that day in the water. 

"knock it off!" I snatched the booklet from her and she tried to grab it back but I grabbed both her wrists in one hand and pinned her back against a tree with her arms above her head. She squirmed and struggled with all her might but hardly made me budge or relinquish my hold.

I glared down at the small female as a growl escaped me. We were back where we started only now she's consistently calling me a rat!

"Enough of this!" I spoke up sternly and she momentarily halted her movements and faced me. "I am not a rat. I am Elazar! Son of kren and sharis! Understand? ELAZAR-" I spoke with emphasis on my name while placing my hand on my chest. "Now say it."

Her eyes narrowed at me with a hard glare and she didn't speak a word, so I said it again. "say it. El-az-ar!" 

She continued to glare up at me even in her vulnerable position. Her body seemed to relax a bit and She eyed me for a moment before something seemed to click in her head and her gaze moved down. 

Confused, I followed her gaze, not realizing her intentions until she grabbed ahold of both my horns when I bowed my head,  and pulled on them, shouting angrily  once more in her strange tongue. 

Before I knew it she hooked one of her legs behind my own and pulled it out from Under me. The lack of support made me slip and fall back in the dirt, releasing her in the process.

I looked up at her amazed by the fact she took me down even in her weakened state, and snatched the object out of my hand once more.

"fi ku! Pevat!" She angrily spoke up in her tongue and made some kind of strange hand signal with her middle finger pointing straight up before stomping off into the forest leaving me sitting there in the dirt, both shocked and aroused.

(note: I kinda dislike how chapter 19 looks so I'll probably be going back and end up changing it so be prepared for that. Also don't forget to comment and like so I know if you're enjoying the story so far!! Sorry for slow updates! 😭)

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