The marriage peace treaty

By yueein

366 20 3

For 97 years there was a war between Avilen and Dyrk. The reason, well it is to discover which of the two cou... More

Chapter 1 Why must I be the one who gets married?
Chapter 2 Before the wedding (part 1)
Chapter 3 Before the Wedding (Part 2)
Chapter 4 Before the Wedding ( Part 3)
Chapter 5 Before the Wedding (Part 4)
Chapter 6 The wedding (part 1)
Chapter 7 The Wedding ( Part 2)
Chapter 8 Afterparty (part 1)
Chapter 9 The Afterparty ( Part 2)
Chapter 11 The Consummation ( Part 2 )
Chapter 12 Departure
Chapter 13 On the Road (Part 1)
Chapter 14 On the Road (Part 2)
Chapter 15 On the Road (Part 3)
Chapter 16 On the Road (Part 4)
Chapter 17 On the Road (Part 5)
Chapter 18 The Purple Spire
Chapter 19 The Harshlands part 1
Chapter 20 The Harshlands Part 2
Chapter 21 The Harshlands Part 3
Chapter 22 The Harshlands Part 4
Chapter 23 End destination
Chapter 24 Tour
Chapter 25 Maryden's companions

Chapter 10 The Consummation ( Part 1)

21 1 0
By yueein

The bedroom that they are in is located in the queen's palace. This is where all the previous queens of the king normally live and of right now it is empty since the queen has yet to find herself a prince consort. The room is huge with a kings sized princess bed. The bed is made out of sandalwood and it is painted black. The bedding is emerald green with black cushions that have green embroidery on them. The curtain that hangs over the bed is pale green. Then there is a huge bookshelf, 2 couches with a tea table, 3 dressers, 1 huge wardrobe for all the queen's clothes, and a dressing room attached to it with a big mirror. There is also a huge bath attached to this bedroom that is more like a pool than a bathtub. 

This is what this room looks like normally but now this place is even more extravagant since the servants have added flowers everywhere together with rose petals on the bed and lit candles together with incense that is a slight aphrodisiac. It helps with getting in the mood but still keeping a clear head. On a nightstand beside the bed, they can see the pills the queen gifted Maryden. Seeing all the preparations the servants have prepared both of them are slightly embarrassed. While Lucius is also very excited, Maryden has more of a feeling of duty and is perplexed not knowing how to do this. But she quickly pushes it aside as she at least knows what she should do first. So she walks towards the pill opens the jar and takes one of the pills and closes the lid afterwards. Then she turns around and says: " I will go and change my clothes." She then quickly turns around and walks towards the changing room not waiting for Lucius to respond. He looks at her in a daze, he didn't register what just happened. 

He sighs and although she did act like she wanted to do it, why did it not feel that way? No thinking about it. It is not like she wants to do it more like it is her obligation to. This did not make him happy. It feels like he is forcing her, no he needs to speak to her before anything else. Although he really wants to do it and they need to do something as this is not just about them, unfortunately. It is not his style to fake something like this and the way she acted it probably did not cross her mind either. So he decides to go sitt on the bed and think about how to approach this dilemma.

Once Maryden walked into the dressing room she notices that the maids have prepared a black nightgown for her to wear. The nightgown is long enough to reach her knees and it has a strap around the neck. Although the nightgown is not overly revealing in itself it is made to show off the assets of a woman and is also made so it can be easily pulled up by just pulling the strap around the neck. Seeing this she gets a little embarrassed, she has never worn this kind of thing before. She has only worn male pajamas or nightgowns for children. Nothing like this at all. She hesitated as she don't really want to wear it but this night dress is the only thing here she can put on...

She decides just to do it, it is just a piece of cloth, nothing different than any other piece of clothing. Despite thinking like this she still hesitates a little, nothing noticeable but she takes an unusually long time with undressing. Even if it is a wedding dress it is actually easy to take and normally would not take long at all. But she is unconsciously stalling for time. Once she is completely naked with only her panties on she then begins to undo her hairdo and takes off the accessories in her hair. Once that is done she looks at herself in the mirror and she feels like the woman in it is not her. For 9 years she has always kept her hair up, never been this naked so that she can be battle ready and definitely not looking this clean. If it was not for her scares and abs she would have thought that this body belonged to a beautiful lady. Not a light in female clothing. She really feels out of her element. She glances at the nightgown but does not move to put it on until around 5 minutes have passed. Then she just braces herself, put it on, and ties the strap around her neck. Once that's done notice that there is a blindfold beside where the nightgown was so she takes a deep breath. Takes off the mask, put on the blindfold, and walks out with conviction. This is something that needs to be done there is no point in running away.

She then steps into the bedroom and Lucius stares at her with an unfathomable excretion on his face as her ability to read human expressions is near zero. She only truly understands those that are like her or have known them for a long time on a personal level. Even then there is only a 50% improvement. 

Lucius:  Oh my gods, she is hot and not shy at all. could it be that she has forgotten about the social differences between men and women in the army? As he looks at her he can see her slender get strong legs, big hips, and moderate-sized chest although the nightgown is covering it. It follows her curves to a tea. Causing him to heat up but he tries to keep a calm mind.

Lucius: " Come sitt next to me, we... we need to speak."

Maryden: " Oh... alright."  And walks stiffly yet confidently to sitt by his side. Seeing her being a little stiff he smile in his mind. So she is not 100% indifferent to it all. Good, at least she sees me as a man and she as a woman. 

Lucius: " You... are you sure you want to do this?"

Maryden:" Ooo... ah... I'm... It is something that needs to be done and as your wife, it is only right that I allow you to sleep with me on our wedding night."

Lucius: " No, this, I don't like forcing you to do what you don't want to."

Maryden:" ... Ah, if you don't like doing it with me..."

Lucius: " No that is not it, I want to do it but not if you are not ready. I want it to be mutual."

Maryden:  " ... I ... I am not but..." Hering this he gets a little disappointed but he is still understanding.

Lucius: " I know what you are thinking, is it alright to not do it all the way?"

Maryden: " What do you mean?"

Lucius: " Is this your first time, do you know anything."

Maryden: " Yes, this is my first and I do know a little from what my comrades have talked about."

Hearing that she did not have anyone before he becomes happy, but a little ticked. Is she talking about those few that follow her commands? Arent most of them men, is it really alright to talk about it with a woman? No, I should not think like that, men and women can be friends and that is something friends talk about. U should not be jealous about this.

Lucius: " Then do you know how to touch a man?"

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