Rise of The Fallen (unedited...

By Bioshockgrl

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Abandoned and left to die, a human girl must fight to survive on an alien planet filled with monsters that wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter -7
Chapter- 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53-part 1
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60- Epilouge
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Chapter 19

4.6K 228 8
By Bioshockgrl

–a few hours later–


Such a strange creature… are all humans like this? Shortly after her attempt to speak to me the small female pulled away and moved a good distance from me to rest. 

I was glad she wasn't trying to run from me again but she is intent on isolating herself away from me. She is still wary of me despite my lack of action towards her. I'm sure if she wasn't injured she would've already tried to leave to return to her home whatever that may be. 

My attempts to speak with her since she muttered a few words in my language have been met with silence and strange looks. It's clear she doesn't seem to understand much but it has left me curious as to how she understands anything in my language and who might be taught her.

The lack of communication has left us in an armistice of sorts. She has been keeping a close eye on me as I occupy myself with checking over my things and trying to come up with a plan. 

I need to scavenge for some food for the both of us before nightfall but I've been worried that she may attempt to leave while I'm gone and risk hurting herself more in the process.  

I watched the human stir uncomfortably in her spot near the large stones, trying to get comfortable while doing her best to avoid putting pressure on her wounds. She mumbled something unintelligible to herself in frustration. She seemed much like a child fighting off sleep with little success.

It's been nearly an entire day since I provided her with medicine to help with the pain and I'm expecting its numbing effects to wear off soon. When that happens I'm sure she will need more, leaving me with another reason to leave her.

Glancing back over my shoulder I could see the female was laying on her back next to the boulder with her eyes shut. Had she fallen asleep? My tail twitched slightly and I cautiously moved from my sitting position, into a crouch.

Until now she has been set on keeping an eye on me much as I have her though I seem to be a lot more subtle with my observations. Seeing no movement from the female I decided now was my chance to get the things I needed without having to worry about her. 

Slowly and quietly I made my way out of the area, stepping on stones and avoiding outlying branches and ferns until I was sure I wouldn't wake her. I just needed to gather a few herbs and food for the female before returning to her side. 

Walking through the forest I made my way back to the devil-cat the small human had fought off the night before. It would be a shame to let its pelt go to waste. and perhaps I could scavenge food from it as well if scavengers hadn't already torn into it. Whether her hunt was intentional or not, she killed the beast on her own, it would only be right to claim its pelt and a trophy from the kill.

As I approached the area I found the body surrounded by tree dwellers who were happily feasting from the feline's corpse through a hole torn in its neck. Quickly stepping over I shooed the critters away, waving my arms and tail around until they all scattered and climbed back up the trees. 

I quickly found my spear that I had left behind and noticed movement next to the body. Looking closely at the abnormal bundle of cloth before me that looked to be some kind of rucksack. I could see the tail of a tree dweller sticking out from within it as the creature dug around inside.

Grabbing the sack from the bottom I lifted it up, dumping the contents and small critter out onto the ground. It screeched then quickly skittered away, climbing up a tree to disappear into the leaves. 

Looking over the items on the ground I hardly recognized any of them and was unsure of their purpose. I remembered seeing the female carrying this bag around the first time we met but I didn't know what could have been inside.

She will probably be happy to have them back. Then again I should be careful, I heard the humans carried strange, dangerous weapons around and if I just hand them over she may attack me. I started gathering the items, placing them back into the sack. I'll investigate more thoroughly once I return.  

As I was grabbing each of the items I paused, seeing the glint of a blade poking out from underneath some debris. Reaching out I picked up the blade and eyed it closely. This is xandisian… why- how does she have this?

Dried blood covered the weapon along with some dirt and leaves that had stuck to it. Glancing back at the dead female I guessed that this was the weapon she used to kill it.

Shaking my head I placed the blade in the sack with the rest of the items and slung the strange strap over my shoulder to carry it. 

Redirecting my attention to the deceased animal I started cutting it open and skinned it to take the pelt with me. Once I had the pelt I moved on to carving some of the meat and cutting out the organs before wrapping them in leaves to keep them fresh.

As much as I didn't want to waste so much from this kill, I was anxious to return to the female, and I had yet to gather the herbs I needed for her medicine. Looking over the animal once more I decided to break off one of the feline's large front fangs and looked it over. This should be enough.

Securing the items in my sack I moved on and looked for the plants I would need for her medicine.

As the sun started to fall and darkness started to take over within the forest, I arrived back at the camp and found the female still lying peacefully asleep where I had left her. 

Crouching down and being mindful of my steps I approached her sleeping form and watched as she slept.

My tail curled as I looked over her soft features and pink lips in curiosity. Hesitantly I reached out to brush the back of my hand across her cheek. I was too panicked to really focus on it before but her skin was incredibly smooth. 

Shaking my head I did my best to remove that thought from my mind.  Moving away from the female with less care than before I started washing the pelt I obtained and hung it to dry over one of the boulders, once that was finished I started mixing the herbs I acquired grinding them down into a paste with a rock, onto a pempi leaf, in order to make the medicine to help with the painting. My actions seemed to create enough noise to wake the female and she groaned as her eyes wearily opened up.

I only glanced back at her once as she groggily sat up, Holding her shoulder in pain. Once I had the herbs ground into a fine paste I stepped over to the female. Her eyes locked onto me and her body tensed as I got closer. 

Being more cautious with my approach I got lower to the ground and kneeled in front of her with the leaf in one hand. "I will not hurt you…" I tried to reassure her but she still didn't quite understand but at least she wasn't trying to run away.

Holding out the medicine in front of her, she eyed the green goop with a look of suspicion then glanced back up at me. 

How do I tell her she needs to consume it? Holding the leaf up to my face I mimicked drinking the medicine then held it out for her once more.

Her face twisted in disdain and she recoiled slightly looking at me like I had a second head. "you need to take it." I spoke up sternly and scooted closer, holding it out insistantly.

With some hesitancy she took the medicine from me and sniffed it, cringing at the smell. "It will make you feel better." 

The small human eyed it unsure before looking back at me once more. I gave a small nod of encouragement and she mumbled something incoherent before bringing it up to her lips and slurping the medicine down. 

Consuming most of it in one go she pulled away and coughed, making a strange face and sticking her tongue out in an odd manner, before handing the leaf back to me. "good it shouldn't take long to numb the pain." I set it aside on the ground and stood back up, walking over to my belongings. 

As the sunlight started to fade I started going through the items I had gathered including the meat and her bag. I paused looking at her stuff, debating on returning the items to her.

A startled gasp from behind drew my attention and I quickly spun around to see what might've happened. 

The sight before me made my tail twitch around wildly behind me as the night set in and all of the bioluminescent plants around us came to life.  

The human female was watching in awe as the flora around us started to show off their brilliant glow. She reached her hand out towards a few flowers that let off a bright glow against the dark of the forest. 

A smile graced the female's lips as he carefully stood up and marveled at how the grass beneath her feet lit up with the slightest touch. She seemed bewildered and entranced by our surroundings as she looked around at all the bright colors and lights coming from various flowers and ferns. 

I couldn't help but stare as she experienced this all for the first time. Her reactions stored something strange inside of me, emotions I wasn't used to. 

Using one hand she held the blanket around her small body while tracing her fingers over various fern leaves, watching them react to her touch. She seemed to pause as she noticed something and stepped around a tree, pushing some branches away to see the shimmering healing pool. 

Lightfliers started reading all around us and she tentatively held out her hand, letting one land in her palm. Its light disappeared as it landed and she brought it closer. The small insect fluttered its wings before lighting up once more, illuminating her face in a blue glow. 

It soon took off once more to join the others, buzzing around the springs as she watched in awe. I started to wonder if she's ever seen anything like this before. What is it like where the humans come from? 

The stars have always looked beautiful from down below, I can't imagine them being much different up above. Her home must be filled with all kinds of wondrous plants and animals. They must not have as many predators roaming about either considering the lack of fangs and claws. Her home must be peaceful and serene.

Humans aren't built to survive in harsh environments like that of xanadis. They have no fangs or claws to protect them, their skin is soft and their bodies are so vulnerable…coming here is dangerous for their kind.

So why did she leave?

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