Together With You -Rayllum-

By seaah1crel

28.6K 367 210

Team Zym defeats Claudia and Aaravos. They go back to Katolis and continue on with their lives. But what will... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Note (please read)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
New Book! (Please Read)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (preview)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter Ezran
Chapter Soren
Chapter Claudia

Chapter 30 (epilogue)

779 9 24
By seaah1crel

Timeline: 1 year after Callum returns

Soren Pov

It had been a year since everything happened. We caught Claudia, Rayla left, Callum left, yadda yadda yadda.

And it had also been 4 years since king Harrow's death and the big battle in Xadia.

Things were pretty crazy for the last 4 years.

Elves attacked, the king died, Ez and Callum left with Rayla, dad turned evil, the dragon prince was alive, we all went on some crazy adventure, I sided with the good, Claudia remained loyal to dad, dad died, Callum grew wings, he got together with Rayla, Rayla left, came back after 2 years, went on another crazy adventure, and here we are.

Once Callum stepped foot in he kingdom, the people were ready to celebrate his arrival.

They were confused why Rayla was with him and that's when we officially introduced her.

They were pretty accepting and welcomed her with just as much enthusiasm.

Things have settled down.

Callum took back his duties and made sure Rayla was not feeling too overwhelmed. It was pretty sweet.

The council suspected something going on between them especially with their past relationship in mind.

But Callum insisted that they were just friends. But they certainly haven't been acting like it...

They hug, they kiss, and they usually sleep on the same bed even though Rayla had her own room.

Pretty sure they are still in love but are taking it slow.

Time will tell.

I sat on the chair in Claudia's cell, waiting for the others to show up.

We were planning to have breakfast in her room to celebrate Rayla getting an official title.

She hasn't joined the council yet. And people don't know what part she will play in the kingdom.

We will have the ceremony later around noon with a feast for the people.

We didn't really have big events when a new member joins but Ezran insisted for this to be a big one.

Apparently because Rayla is the first elf in all of the kingdoms to have a title and a serious job.

"So Rayla will be an official member of the council after the ceremony?" Claudia asked after I explained it.

"Yes. None of us got big celebrations when we became a part of it but Rayla's should be a big one." I emphasized.


"Well because she is the first elf to ever play a part in upholding a kingdom." I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms, a grin on my face.

"Wow." She nodded her head, eyes wide and eyebrows up. I sighed, showing off my annoyance and rolled my eyes, knowing she doesn't get it.

"Anyway, you're coming too." I looked back at her and her expression turned surprised.

"Why?" She asked again.

"Rayla's request. She said, and I quote, 'She deserves to go. She was the one who listened me vent and rant about my problems.'" I said in a high pitched voice in an attemp to imitate her while doing air quotes.

She looked down at her lap and bit her lip to try and keep herself from smiling.

I smiled, knowing she was secretly happy about it.

I remember the times we would talk about Rayla and she would tell me how the elf would always come visit her and tell her all the problems in her life.

Claudia didn't tell me what she ranted about but I guess that was private stuff only she's supposed to know.

The others soon arrived and I decided to talk to Ezran and Callum.

Pretty sure they were zoning out and not listening to me at all but oh well. I continued talking, uncaring if they weren't paying attention.

Rayla Pov

I was seated on the wooden bench in Claudia's room. It was her cell but it was as big as the bedrooms in the castle. It was definitely a room.

She was sitting opposite of me and was talking about something. I kept zoning out and only managed to catch a few words.

I was feeling pretty guilty for not paying attention to her but I was really nervous.

I was having my ceremony later. Thousands of people will be coming and that made my stomach churn.

What if they don't accept my new position?

I bit my lip and bounced my leg anxiously.

"Rayla?" Claudia called out and I snapped out of it, now realizing I was staring at some random spot on the wall.

"Huh? Sorry. What were you saying?" I turned my attention back to her, trying not to fly off again.

"I was asking about your new position."

"Oh. I'm gonna be the head of the guards." I answered, scratching the back of my neck now suddenly scared to take a big title.

"Nervous?" She asked, seeing me fidget in my seat. I sighed and nodded, my head hung low.

"It's alright. You are taking a big position after all. But tell me, isn't Soren the head guard?" She comforted, asking a question after.

"No. He's the head crown guard. Which are the guards responsible for the royals's safety. I'm the head guard. The regular guards responsible for the safety of the kingdom."

I explained, now realizing the pressure of the job.

She put a comforting hand on my shoulder and awkwardly pat it in an attempt to make me feel better.

It did. A little. It was nice knowing she cares and tries to help. No matter how little her help is. It was somewhat comforting but also kind of comedic.

"Thank you." I gave her a warm smile, showing my appreciation.

I don't really know how we became friends. I just needed to vent and my feet led me to her cell.

Since then I started to come daily. She doesn't talk but she listens. She didn't look like she was paying attention as her back was always turned but I'm sure she was.

She gave an unsure smile and I burst out laughing. She was so awkward.

She gave me a disapproving look and I stifled my laughs until it eventually stopped.

"Sorry, sorry. You are just so awkward. But there's no need for you to be." I said, giving her an encouraging grin.

She nods and smiles.

The time for the ceremony begun.

A feast was prepared for the people and Zym was at the side with his mother.

I fiddled with my fingers as I walked back and forth behind the makeshift stage.

It was almost time.

I haven't even memorized my speech yet and I was sure I was going to tumble over my words.

I muttered encouraging words to myself trying to hype myself up. It wasn't really working but it was kinda comforting to have someone talk to me.

Even if it's just myself...

"Nervous?" A voice popped up beside me. I slightly flinched, not noticing his prescense with all my mumbling.

"Very..." I replied, seeing Callum in front of me with his staff in hand.

"Don't worry. You're gonna do great." He encouraged, rubbing up and down my arms.

We stared at each other for a few seconds before a loud voice spoke up from the stage.

It was starting...

"Just speak from your heart." He said and gave me a peck on the lips before running to join the others on stage.

A warm, appreciating smile made its way onto my face as I stared at his figure from behind.

Callum Pov

It was almost time for the ceremony to start. People have already gathered and hung around the food filled tables chatting amongst themselves.

"Thank you again for coming Zubeia." I heard Ezran say.

"Well it's no problem. Besides, Zym has been wanting to visit." The dragon's loud yet oddly soothing voice replied.

I looked at Zym and boy did he grow. He was much bigger and taller. More features started to appear on his face too.

It made him look cool and fierce.

"Why don't you go check on Rayla?" Soren suggested as he stood next to me. "I'm sure she's a mess." He chuckled.

I nodded, picturing her biting her nails and walking back and forth.

I went to the back of the stage and sure enough, she was pacing. She was mumbling something and I figured she was talking to herself.

"Nervous?" I asked as I got beside her. She flinched a bit and looked at me with surprise before answering.


"Don't worry. You're gonna do great." I smiled at her and slid my hands up and down her arms in an affectionate way.

A voice boomed from the stage telling people to settle down. The others were lined up at the bottom of the steps and I took that as my cue to leave.

"Just speak from your heart." I said before giving her lips a peck.

I ran to join the line as we made our way to the stage. People were gathered and I could feel their stares as we lined up behind the podium.

"Good afternoon citizens!" Ezran greeted.

"For those of you who might not know, we are having this ceremony to welcome our new council member. We don't throw big events for this reason but it is a special person. Please welcome Rayla!"

He threw jazz hands to the side, as Rayla went up to the stage.

She stood beside Ezran and I could feel her nervousness. "Rayla!" I whisper yelled, trying to get her attention.

She turned to me and visibly gulped, showing how scared she was. I gave a thumbs up with a smile I hope was encouraging.

She smiled and turned back to the crowd.

"Uh, good afternoon everyone..." She started, her voice trembling.

Questioning stares and a dead silence took over.

"Screw it..." I heard her mumble.

"I have a few things I want to say." More stares came.

"First of all, thank you for welcoming me when I came here. It was quite unexpected especially since I was part of the group that killed your previous king."

An awkward silence could be heard and I could see Rayla tense. She cleared her throat and continued speaking after a few moments.

"Anyways, I appreciate your acceptance towards me. Some of you may not have liked the idea of an elf living with you. But I thank you for being open anyway."

Smiles were scattered and eyes filled were with wonder.

"I also apologize for all the wrongs my kind did to you. I promise you that that will never happen again." She finished.

Scattered claps could be heard and I frowned at the little reaction. Her speech was great. I don't understand how they don't like it.

"Now you will take the oath."

Rayla kneeled down onto one leg and bowed her head.

The words were said and Ezran tapped both her shoulders with a custom moonshadow elf sword.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now declare you, Rayla of Xadia's Silvergrove, an official council member and the new head of guards."

He lifted the sword and waited for her to get up before he placed the sheathed weapon onto her hands.

She lifted her head, unsheathed the sword, and turned to the crowd.


Ezran said after a moment of silence.

Rayla then touched the surface of the stage with the sword before lifting it up and slamming it down onto the wood, making sure it was in good before she left it standing.

Loud applause could finally be heard.

I smiled as I clapped along.
Rayla Pov

The people cheered, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and smiled widely.

I turned back to look at Callum and he was already staring at me, a proud look on his face.

I turned back to the crowd and grinned victoriously.

Claudia Pov

Applause and cheers of encouragement were heard. I smiled widely, not knowing why I was so happy.

I was standing at the back behind the people, clapping along.

I could tell she was genuinely happy. I could see the proud looks of everybody on stage.

Rayla's eyes landed on me and I gave her an approving salute, silently telling her congratulations.

She chuckled and smiled at me appreciatevly and I returned it.

I didn't expect us to be friends especially after all that happened but she somehow thought I was the person she could rant to.

I pretended like I wasn't listening but I analyzed every single thing she told me.

I guess this friendship with her is also so I can make up for my past mistakes.

Either way, I was still proud of her accomplishment.

She earned this title.

Ezran didn't give it to her because they were good friends. He gave it to her because he thought she was the perfect fit.

With her past experience, her temporary role as the dragon guard, and her time travelling with them, it was even more perfect for her.

I tried to stop myself from smiling too much but it came out anyway.

How could anyone not be smiling when their friend recieved acceptance and a place in their new home?

Wait... Friend?

Yes... They were friends.

The thought makes her smile even more if it was possible.

Ezran Pov

I clapped along with the people.

A wide grin was plastered on my face as Rayla was taking in all the applause.

Originally, I was going to give her a small role.

Until it got bigger and bigger.

I was going to make her co head crown guard alongside Soren. Then I thought of letting her stay as the dragon guard.

Then I was considering making her the assassin of Katolis. She could have been the protector of the people. She could have also been the protector of Katolis.

I also considered making her the head of the barriers. She could have also been a general like aunt Amaya.

But when the head of guards suddenly resigned, I knew it was the perfect role for her.

It was a big role for a newcomer like her to take up but I figured she could do it. With her experience and skill, it will seem easy.

When she finally settled down here, she vowed to protect Katolis with her life. And she has been keeping that vow.

She would always check to see how the residents were doing, she would deal with any outside threats, and she made sure to check every corner and crevice of the kingdom.

She was already acting like a guard. And she earned it. After all that she did for the gang and for peace, she deserved a good life here in Katolis.

I looked back at the council and saw Callum looking at her with such love and admiration. He looked extra proud and I just know he was itching to kiss her.

I smirked and looked back out to the crowd, the smirk never leaving my face.

Callum Pov

Soon after the applause died down, the celebratory feast had started.

And after a few hours, it ended with people going home with full stomachs.

Queen Zubeia and Zym already went back home after an hour of stuffing their faces. She claimed that it would be too dangerous if they travelled at dark.

She wasn't wrong. Anything could happen to them in the darkness of the night.

We ended up hanging around the throne room playing games and having our own little celebration until midnight.

We scattered to our rooms and all the lights went out once we were settled in.

I was in pajamas about to hop into my bed when I heard a soft knock on the door.

Already knowing who it was, I opened it quickly.

And there she was standing in her nightgown with her hair down.

I blushed and moved out of the way to let her in.

Usually, we would sleep in the same bed. It could be in my room or hers but we would always share a bed.

It started when she came to my room during her first night claiming she was scared and wanted someone to be with for the night.

I couldn't blame her.

When me and my mom first came here, it was scary sleeping in the big room by myself.

The howling wind echoing throughout the place, shadows of huge trees marking on the window, and the unbearable silence.

It continued on until it eventually became a routine.

As I closed the door, a hand pulled me by the wrist and I soon found myself all over her.

We kissed, and kissed, and kissed, until our air supply ran out.

We then separated and our foreheads touched.

We panted, trying to catch our breath. Once we did, we started laughing. We don't know why but we just did.

"I love you."

I said, feeling the need to.

"I love you too."

Timeline: 2 years after Callum returned and 6 years since king Harrow's death

Rayla Pov

2 years had passed.

Claudia was officially out of prison after a year of community service. She and Terry made up and started to date again. She was now a mage. She was going up the ranks trying to get herself promoted to high mage.

Soren was still head crown guard but took up new passions. Like poetry and story writing. Which was surprising. And he was about to release his first book. It was a story he wrote based on what happened 6 years ago. It was very vague and less violent as it was a children's book.

Ezran was still king and just turned 14. He was still very respected and grew wiser over the years. He earned the respect of all the kingdoms and Katolis was named the greatest with his leadership. He studies combat with Soren in order to be able to protect himself. He got good at sword fighting too.

Claudia found a way to get my family out of the cursed coins. So now my parents are living here in Katolis as well. Ezran offered them rooms in the castle but they refused and said they wanted to live normally like the residents. So Ezran gave them a house instead. Runaan lives with Ethari in Silvergrove and I have been un-banished, thankfully.

As for me and Callum, well we got married. He proposed during our first year anniversary. We got married days after mom and dad were back. Ethari came to visit and he ended up attending with Runaan. It took him a while to accept the fact that we are now at peace with the humans but they got there.

And now, me and Callum have a 1 year old son.

He was half human and half elf.

He had brown hair, purple eyes, 5 fingers, and a small set of horns.

We were just waiting for him to grow a bit in order to find out his abilities.

It was late evening. I had just finished the millions of tasks assigned and I was dead tired. All I wanted to do was wash up and sleep.

I dragged my feet towards the door, my body sore and tired.

As I got to the last step, arms were suddenly around me, trapping me in their embrace.

Out of reflex, I kicked the guys knee and turned to attack.

"Ouch! Hey!" Callum whined. My eyes went wide and I immediately pulled him up to feet.

"Oh my gosh, Callum I'm so sorry!" I apologized, checking to see if he had any injuries.

"It's alright." He groaned, stretching his body.

"Manus, Pluma, Volantus." He said quickly and I jumped on him, hugging his body as we took to the skies.

This was honestly so much better than walking up the stairs.

He found the window of the throne room and we burst in, surprising Ezran.

"I told you guys to warn someone before doing that!" He scolded, holding our baby in his arms defensively.

"Sorry, sorry." Callum apologized with a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his head.

"So how was Harrow?" I asked, walking towards him with my arms out.

"He was okay. He made no fuss and was a good boy. Weren't you Harrow? Huh? You were a good boy right?" He cooed, tickling the sides of Harrow's stomach.

Harrow wiggled around in his arms and giggled in a way anyone would find cute. A small tint of pink was on his cheeks as he smiled so brightly.

"Hey, why is he good when you're with him?" I pouted as I dropped my hands. "He just loves his uncle." Ezran teased, a grin on his face.

Callum chuckled and walked over to the doors, pushing it open.

"Thanks Ez. We're going back to our room. Make sure you sleep soon." Callum advised as I took Harrow from him.

It was a bit difficult to get his fingers to release his grip on Ezran's shirt but I pulled him off eventually.

After sharing a little chuckle, me and Ezran bid each other goodbye before I walked out onto the dark, empty hallway with Callum.

After I finished my shower, I quickly hopped into bed to find Callum waiting for me on the mattress while playing with our little boy's hair.

Harrow was already fast asleep before we even closed the lights.

"I wonder what ability he's going to get when he grows up." Callum spoke softly and quietly, lightly stroking Harrow's cheek

"It would be nice if he got both. Imagine our son invisible using fulminis. He would be very powerful." I stated as I got under the covers.

"Well we're just gonna have to wait for him to grow up."

Grow up.

The phrase was simple. But those were the words every parent, including her, dreaded.

Our child growing up was good. But it means he is getting older. It means that soon enough, Harrow will separate from us.

But with sadness, comes happiness.

Me and Callum get to be parents to him. We get to raise him. We get to teach him all that we know. We get to help him. And lastly, we get to watch him learn and become wiser.

Harrow was still a baby. So we would have plenty more time with him before he goes off on his own.

Me and Callum give each other a quick peck and sunk down on the bed with Harrow in the middle.

We pulled up the covers and went to sleep hugging our son.

But not before we said:

"I love you."

"I love you too..."

WOO! FINISHED! This was a lot longer than I expected. Word count is 3,500+. Damn. Apologies for the rushed ending. I was trying to finish it quickly so I can watch season 5. So yea. Happy ending for all. I didn't go too deep into the details of their wedding cus then it would be too long.

I tried to make it un-rushed but I'm not sure.
Lmk if u guys have suggestions to make this better.

Edit 1 - November 23, 2023

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