
By IAmTheOneAndOnlyZero

8.7K 146 857

A Charlie Slimecicle x OC fic "He tenderly places a finger beneath my chin, pulling my face up to meet his ga... More

Nice to meet you, I'm your future~; periwinkle
simpsville, population: chat; dandelion yellow
Morning Voice; navy blue
Teasing Tongue; maroon red
For Him(?); deep red
Cheater!?; bright orange
forever; ocean blue
Mine; light purple
Yum; light yellow
So close; mauve
Winded; sage green
Peace in your arms; dark red
Morning after; cyan
Cats Out of the Bag; warm brown
Perfect.; light pink
Everywhere; dark blue
Infinite; orange
Inside and out; black
Dress-up; light purple
Sleepy Seas; night blue
Evil Ex; mauve
Touch Me; black
His Eyes; blue-grey
In the End...; brown
No Chapter Today
Mine.; light pink
Grumpy; grey
Ouch; light green
Barbenheimer; pink
Score; yellow
The Illithid King...; dark grey
Rolled; brown
HBD; dark red
Talk To Me; grey blue
This'll Be... Easier.; blue
I'm Alone.; grey
Home...?; grey
See You Tomorrow; grey
Welcome; grey
Fangirl; grey
Home Alone 2; grey
I wish I had the words...; grey
Going Dark; grey
Why; grey
Numb; grey
Numb; grey
Leaving...?; grey
Goodbye Cruel...; grey
California...?; grey
Authors Note (please read)
Body and Soul; honey gold
My Beloveds; white
Gasoline Eggs: yellow
Soy Sauce Eggs; purple
Universal Puppy Distribution System; yellow

Shivers; tan

193 3 23
By IAmTheOneAndOnlyZero

Z3R0 SPEAKS: !Warning! Slightly more graphic depiction of intimate action (Not s3x!!!) coming up on the beach!!!

This morning I decide I need to start filming more. I film from the second I wake up.

I nudge Charlies shoulder, waking him up. "Good morning youtube chads, I'm here with Mr. Charlie Slimecicle. Charlie how are you on this beautiful morning." He grumbles, "Rose it's 7 fucking AM." I laugh. "Thanks for the scoop Charles." I turn off the camera and go to the closet to get my clothes. I grab a cute outfit and head to the bathroom. In the middle of getting dressed, the door opens, and Charlie immediately shuts it again. "Sorry. Totally didn't register that you were in there." I come out a moment later, fully dressed, to see Charlie standing there, face red, staring at the ground. "Charlie you're literally my boyfriend. You're going to see a lot more than that at some point." I laugh, and he only gets more flustered. He snaps back to his usual funny self after a moment of embarrassment, "That a promise?" He smirks at me, the red fading from his cheeks and flooding mine. I step out of the way, hands covering my red face. He walks past me into the bathroom, clothes in hand. Holy shit. How on earth did I end up with the perfect boyfriend? "Charlie!" I shout from the bedroom. "What?" He calls back from the bathroom. "You're hot!" He steps out of the bathroom and into the bedroom with a smirk on his face. "Geez you're making me blush Rose." I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him. "You're the best Charlie." I tilt my head to look at him. "I know." He smiles and leans his head down to give me a quick peck on the lips. I love this man.

We decide to go for breakfast again. This time I choose the ocean view cafe in Manhattan Beach, which is quite far, but worth it, because the food is incredible, and the setting is rather romantic.  I order a huevos rancheros sandwich, and a chai latte. Charlie gets veggie omelet and an iced latte. We film as the food comes out, and for part of the time we eat. As soon as the camera goes off I start spouting bullshit. "I feel like dating a non content creator would be difficult." I say, "You know what I mean?" Charlie thinks for a moment. "You mean cause you couldn't do things like film us eating breakfast?" He scoffs. "No seriously though. Dating someone who doesn't do this dumb shit would be hard." He nods, "Yeah I guess you're just so lucky you're stuck with me huh?" He chuckles. "I sure am." I smile at him and give him a kiss. 

We arrive back at the lobby of the hotel. "Hey guys, we went to breakfast again. I was thinking we just go around doing random shit and vlogging. There's a camera shop I want to go to." Toby immediately shouts: "You mean Samy's cameras!?" I nod, "Yeah I haven't been there for a while." Toby gets very excited, "I love Samy's cameras!" 

We head to the camera store first then we went to swingers diner for burgers and salads. 

After lunch at swingers it's about 2:30. Me and Charlie go off on our own. I think for a moment about whether or not I should vlog our alone time, but I figure I might as well. "Hey Charlie I'm gonna keep recording the day unless you take me somewhere romantic again." He thinks for a moment. "Yeah that's okay, but you'll have to stop tonight cause I'm taking you to the observatory." My face lights up. "Oh wait really? I'm so excited." In the time we've known each other, we've info dumped about our interests and he knows I love space. We head to a bunch of random places before the sun goes down, then at 8:30 we arrive at the observatory, and I shut off the camera. We do everything available. and then we come to the telescope viewing, where I spend 30 minutes staring at the sky. "Charlie this is like the greatest date ever." He just smiles. The greatest thing about Charlie is that every time he looks at me I feel like the best thing that's ever happened. his gaze makes me feel important. And the smiles he gives me tell me he loves me more than anything. "You're the best Charlie." He just stares at me, and I feel my cheeks heat up. "What, is something wrong?" He snaps out of his trance and grins, "No, you look really pretty in the moonlight." Suddenly the stars feel like I could reach up and touch them. I know some people think the word is shallow, and skin deep. But when Charlie calls me pretty it means everything. It means I'm beautiful, and kind, and wonderful. "Thanks Charlie." Is all I can manage to say, then I take his hand, and we head back to the car.

In the car, we decide to talk more about life in general. "So Rose when did you move out from your parents house?" I wince, I really hoped he would never bring this up. "I, uhm, I moved out the day I turned 18." He notices the sudden awkwardness of the conversation. "Sorry. Let's talk about something else." You know that feeling you get when someone brings up something awful, and you can't help yourself from letting everything pour out? Yeah. "They weren't too excited when I came out. And there was someone else here who I wanted to get away from. An ex." He glances over to where my hand is and takes it into his tightly. "You can talk to me if you need it. That's what I'm here for. But you don't have to." I smile at him. "You really are the best Charlie." He nods. "Hey Rose. Wanna go to the beach?" I check the time on my phone. "Yeah." I laugh. I love this man so much.

We arrive at el matador beach. "Wow Charlie this is beautiful." He smirks at me. "Not as beautiful as you." I roll my eyes and scoff. "Never again." Charlie laughs. As much as cliches make me cringe, it does feel nice when they're being used on you. The beach is empty. probably because it's 10:30 at night. The tide is as its lowest, and we spot a huge rock that's hollow underneath. We go inside and take some cool pictures, then we just walk around. 

Charlie shouts for me to come to him, and I realize he's standing out in the water. "Charlie what the fuck are you doing?" I laugh at him. "Just come over here!" I take off my shoes and socks and run over to where he's standing. He kicks water at me. "CHARLIE!" I kick water back at him. He runs towards me with his arms out. I quickly realize what he's going to do and start to sprint away from him. He quickly catches up to me and we both go toppling into the water. "God damn it Charlie!" I shout as he laughs his ass off next to me. He starts to get up and I grab his arm and pull him back down. "You're not going anywhere dickhead." he sits up and I straddle his lap facing him. "You suck Charlie." He grins at me and wraps his arms around my waist. "You don't mean that." I boop him on the nose, my face an inch or two from his. "How can you be sure." I drape my arms around his neck and press my forehead to his. He closes the already short distance between our lips and we share a deep, slow kiss. The water is freezing, but I ignore it, trying to cling to the moment for as long as possible. The longer we hold this kiss, the longer it feels like neither of us want it to end. His tongue slips past my lips and mine his. The intimacy of the moment, the sand beneath us, and the freezing water, they all make the moment feel unreal, and I don't want to open my eyes and lose that feeling. His mouth tastes like salt, no doubt from falling in the water so many times. 

After a few minutes of bliss we pull away from the kiss. "I'm still mad at you for getting me all wet." I giggle. He smiles and looks at my lips, "I'm sure I'll find some way to make it up to you." He kisses me again, shorter this time, but no less perfect.  We pull away and I start to get up, but Charlie just sits in the water. "Coming with?" I scoff, weirdly, he's just sitting in the water. He smiles and looks up at the stars. "It's really pretty, just look with me for a moment." I roll my eyes and sit back down in the chilly ocean, and he takes my hand. I'm practically shivering but his touch fills me with a reassuring, comfortable heat. "You're the best Charlie."

On the way back to the hotel we blast the heat. "That was a terrible idea." I mutter, shivering. Charlie places his hand on my thigh. "Was pretty fun though wasn't it?" He winks at me, and I throw away my regrets. I smile at him.

After arriving back at the hotel, neither of us have gotten down from the high of the beach, and we cuddle up in bed and laugh at our friends videos until we fall asleep.

HEY READERS!!!! lmk if you were alright with the slightly more intimate stuff! I might consider doing implied sexual acts or leaning more on borderline smut!! (Let me know if you're not comfortable with this, and of course I'll put trigger warnings on chapters containing smut if I ever write any, like I did for this one!) But please, if you read this, it's important that you let me know if this is something you're comfy with!! as always, love you guys! (Word count: 1696!!!!!)

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