The Colors Yellow and Purple

By Bit_h_

3.4K 107 103

(Cover art by me)) ~slow burn enemies to lovers ๐Ÿ˜ฝ~ Y/N had a rough life, living with her mom until age 10 wh... More

Golden Guard
The Cooler One
Dark Blue
Hard to Hate Him
Thats Hot
Half a Witch
Never listen
You're Awful
Up to Something or On Something
Long day
Spiderweb candy
Grape girl
Ever know


94 3 1
By Bit_h_

Go! - Santigold,  Karen O

Your pov

Hunter told me his story of oweing Belos and feeling useless but for some reason I still felt... skeptical. Especially with his palismen but I didn't have any period to doubt him as we walked.

"Do you know where eclipse lake is?" I asked, "or are we walking mindlessly."

"Of course I know where eclipse lake is," Lemon boy snapped back, "I just..." he paused, "don't know where you basically spawned us."

I folded my arms, "so we're lost?"

He simply groaned and gave me a dirty look and I held up my hands. "I just need to figure out where we are." He said quickly as we walked practically aimlessly.
I just rolled my eyes once again as we walked again.

Okay okay let's see, think y/n how far south did we go underground... we have a Tv show to get back to.
Honestly chads kinda hot.
Ok figure this out to get back to chad on love bones three.

I thought to myself, thinking what I could've possibly learned that could help.

Plant magic? No.
Oracle? I could try spirits but that'd be too risky.
Bard and use it like echolocation?
No that's to communicate.

I was thinking to myself as we walked, there had to be something-

Before I knew what was happening Hunter had quickly grabbed me and pinned me against the wall and covered me mouth.

I was about to cuss him out for assault but then I noticed he had hidden us from the three- well two witches and one dog thing- as they passed.
I understood what was going on but I felt my pulse drop to practically nonexistent as I looked in front of me.
He looked to the side-waiting for them to leave- as he pinned me to the wall, his hand still on my mouth. The dim lighting of the cave somehow highlighted his sharp jawline and sharp nose, accenting his piercing magenta eyes.

Titian... teenage brain keep it under control.

He watched them leave as he sighed and then seemed to get an idea. He turned to me quickly and whispered, "we could follow them, they can lead us right to the titian blood. "

I muffled, "how do you know they're looking for titian blood?" I asked incoherently. His eyes widened and he queickly retracted his glove and I could've sworn there was blush on golden boys cheeks.
"Oh crap- sorry."

I shook my head, "how do we know if they're even headed for eclipse lake?"

"I heard them talking about it and getting it for that human." We both shivered remembering both of our encounters with her, "and I know they're loyal to her. They'll look and they'll find it."

I nodded and put my thumb up to mh chin, "yea... I guess that could work but what happens when we get there?"

He smirked, "we lead them off our tail."

I nodded, "ok so we just follow them and...?"
He nodded and began to walk ahead, "now you get it."

I stood dumb counted, "no I really don't-"

Before I knew it I was using an invisibility spell as we followed them.

"Once we get this titain blood we can give it to luz and I can prove to her what an awesome girlfriend I am." A purple haired girl smiled proudly as she walked holding a paper.

Eda shook her head, "chill it boots, we'll find it, though I can't etch off the feeling we're being watched..."

The dog thing ran in front of her, "you could use your new harpy powers to beat whoever off!" He said enthusiastically.
"And I can voice power them!" He smiled and tapped his paws together menacingly.

Well crap they're out of their minds. Is Hunter serious? How are they supposed to know-

"The lake should be somewhere down here.." the girl said as she pulled out a pice of paper.

Of course!! They have a map! Finally a solid plan.

I looked over to Hunter to see if he spotted it too and he nodded at me.

"Ooh ooh king, why don't you use your powers to eco locate the lake," Eda said quickly.

I could see... "boots" about to detest but the dog i now knew was king didn't seem to care. He went to one of the tunnels and let out a loud "WHEH".

I didn't think that was supposed to work..?

After a long period of dramatic silence he turned around and shrugged his shoulders.

They continued to walk and we continued to walk ahead until we got to one of Kikimora bases.

I looked over and there she was demanding everyone like a tiny little monarch, "why have we stopped?!? Is it the Golden Guard?!?" She looked around parinoid.

"Titian dude what did you do to her..?" I whispered.

His face as he looked at her only could be described as, "I don't get paid enough for this." He turned to me and just shrugged.

"No mamm' this is a dangerous area, we need to move carefully." A head scout informed her, then she opened her little rat mouth again.

"Careful takes too long!! My butt is on the line and so help me titian and if you ruin this I'll throw you off the highest point of the knee with a smile!!" She yelped like a tiny rat dog.

Hunter then looked over to me and used his finger to replicate a "coo coo" motion. I chuckled quietly agreeing with him.

"That poor girl is going through something." Eda said quietly.

"She's also blocking the path to eclipse lake," boots informed.

Me and Hunter head perked up from the hiding spot while I let my magic rest for a moment. I used my oracle magic to get into Hunters head again.

"Boots must be talking about the tunnel Kikimora is standing in front of. If we can get her away from that then we can get to it before anyone."

"TITIAN WHAT THE- titian give me some warning before you do that it always spooks me out."

I looked at him with a less than remorseful look, "sorry, but what's the game plan? How do we get her and them away from the tunnel?"

"We need a-"

"We need a distraction!!!" Eda called quickly grabbing king, "stay here and wait for my signal." She said too mistiviously for my likling. Eda walked off and I watched her throw her hair in her face and talk about being one of the miners ghosts or something.

The boots girl kept looking at her device in her hand before she impatiently walked back and forth, "ugh!! We don't have time for this!" She yelped, then she used fire magic and sent it across the walls.

I yelped as it was sent our way and grabbed Hunter to make him duck from it. We both looked at each other with a wtf look before realizing now was our chance.

Sadly though Eda had caught up with boots and asked why she didn't wait for her signal, "we can't play around!! Were getting that titan blood."

I used more magic and felt myself getting drained from constantly making us invisible.

"Is this titans blood?" The Owl Lady asked as we walked into a cavern with tons of what any logical person would know was fools blood.

I gasped and they both turned to our direction.


Hunter whined and I saw he created a new plan in his head as he stepped back.

"Don't touch that!" He yelled and everyone looked at him. I sighed of relief finally being able to put my spell down.

Boots jumped in front of the owl lady and used abomination magic from her pouch, "the golden guard!" She yelled out like the others didn't know that. She sent a spike of abomination goo at him but he quickly ducked out of the way before I used my own abomination magic to squish hers.

Then I noticed, Hunter didn't have a staff.


" I left it at the castle! Kinda deploys the whole point of "being in a disguise.?"

I rolled my eyes when the Owl Lady then scoffed, "you're just saying it so you can keep it all for yourself!" She then cracked open the dark blue blob with her staff and I felt Hunter grab onto my shoulder and step back quickly as the ground opened up and engulfed the Owl lady and the rat dog.
When boots was distracted Goldie let go of my shoulder and quickly tripped her so she fell back, he then grabbed my hand as the bird chirped angerily as if it were scolding him.

"Sorry!" I yelled to the teenage girl.

Hunter led me to a mine cart and helped me in and I nodded understanding what was going on. I noticed the cardinal looking at us as it flew and instinctively grabbed it and helped it get to Hunter.
I shook off my hands not liking how wild magic felt, shoving down the sound of broken dishes in my memories.

Thankfully when I felt like I couldn't bury the memory the Minecraft began to go, fast. I screamed as it went down quickly, grabbing hold of Hunters waist as he held onto the front of the Minecraft and the palismen.
Then I heard Hunter begin to scream like a little girl and I would've laughed if I wasn't scared shitless.

Finally it haunted with a sharp stop causing me to fling into hunters back, making him fall over.
"Sorry!" I yelled to him as he rubbed the back of his head. He shook his head and jumped out.

"It should be just down here! Come on!" He yelled as he impatiently waited for me to get out of the Minecraft before grabbing my hand again and running down the cave like he was a child.

I couldn't help but smile and ignore the warmth in my cheeks.

He laughed as he ran, not his signature cocky laugh but something more pure, more childlike and just joyous. It was nice.

Sadly it ended quickly as soon as we saw eclipse lake, or what used to be eclipse lake.

I felt my heart drop as I looked at Hunter, his face could only be described as a look of pure and unmistakable horror.


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