Yellow Hope

By SomePersonOnHere101

9.9K 192 36

Barbatos was something of a case, cold dead black eyes, with almost no pupil, his humanity. Ozpin comes up to... More

Character Bio
V:1 C:1 Welcome to Beacon
V:1 C:2 Shining Beacon
V:1 C:3 Night at Beacon
V:1 C:4 First Step
V:1 C:5 Emerald Forest
V:1 C:6 Slaughter at Emerald Forest
V:1 C:7 First Day of Class
V:1 C:8 The Line
V:1 C:9 The Humiliation
V:1 C:10 Fate vs Will
V:1 C:11 Black Heart
V:1 C:12 Dust Crime
V:2 C:1 Best Day Ever
V:2 C:2 The Demons and The Cat
V2: C:3 A Minor Hiccup
V:2 C:4 Painting the Town... RED!
V:2 C:5 The Confusion and The Element
V:2 C:6 The Sun Wolf
V:2 C:7 Dance Dance
V:2 C:8 First 'Job'
V:2 C:9 The Ruin City
V:2 C:10 Search
V:2 C:11 And
V:2 C:12 Destroy
New Character Info
V:3 C:1 The Vytal Festival Tournament
V:3 C:2 New Challengers...
V:3 C:3 Brawl in the Family
V:3 C:4 Lessons
V:3 C:5 Beat City
V:3 C:6 Fall
V:3 C:7 The Start
V:3 C:8 Destiny
V:3 C:9 The Beginning of the End
V:3 C:10 Battle for Truth
V:3 C:11 Kings and Strays
V:3 C:12 The Fall of Peace
New Character Info
V:4 C:1 The Storm
V:4 C:2 The Fading Fire
V:4 C:3 Hollow Snow and Saudade Red
V:4 C:4 Views On Family
V:4 C:5 Eastward!
V:4 C:6 Critical Point
V:4 C:7 Slow Poison
V:4 C:8 The Past World
V:4 C:9 Progress, Regress
V:4 C:10 City of Green
V:4 C:11 Control
V:4 C:12 The King of Nightmares
V:5 C:1 The Kingdom of Green
V:5 C:3 Cornered Opportunity
V:5 C:4 Raid for the Future

V:5 C:2 Hope in the Dark

30 1 0
By SomePersonOnHere101

(3rd Person)

Qrow sits at a bar, alone and looking down at his glass, not drinking. His mind drifting on how will he do anything without Ozpin. Just then he felt a glare, turning to see a kid standing behind him as if Qrow was his father.

"You know, I don't think they allow kids in here, pipsqueak. Where your parents anyway." Qrow said to the kid, and as Qrow looked at the kid, this kid seems more like a farmer boy then anything. The kid looks at Qrow for a second before turning his head to the side and speaking softly.

"Shut up, I'm getting there." The kid said to himself. And Qrow then hoped he wasn't dealing with some crazy kid. "Umm..." The kid trying to piece the words together. "I'm supposed to tell you... I'd like my cane back." Qrow blinks and closes his eyes for a brief moment before nodding with a slight smile. 

"Finally some good news." Qrow said to himself, and he lifts the collapsed cane off of his hip. "It's good to see you again, Oz." Qrow tosses it at the kid, who catches it reflexively. The cane immediately extends itself out from the collapsed base when it touches kid's hand, and he looks down at it, surprised. His other hand comes around to hold the shaft before he looks up at Qrow and blinks.


As the cargo ship flies over Lake Matusu, Weiss, still somber over being unable to help the Mistralian cargo pilots, suddenly notices to her right a series of landmasses floating in the bright blue, partly cloudy sky, with what appears to be black crystals jutting out from the bottom of the rock formations. Puzzled, she then decides to head into the pliot's cabin.

"Where are we?" She asked as the door open.

"Nowhere good." The pilot says to her. "Passing by some of Lake Matsu's floating islands. The gravity that forms in these things is giving us a little turbulence. Nothing I can't handle, but the islands sometimes hide some nasty Grimm." As Weiss walks toward the pilot, outside, an airship is seen quickly heading towards them, on fire, and leaving a giant trail of smoke behind it. "I'm just betting on our friends in distress keeping them preoccupied." Weiss notices to her right the approach of the heavily damaged airships.

"Look out!" She said to the pilot, causing him to panic a little pulling upward, in turn avoiding the doomed aircraft, bearing a white symbol for Mistral on its sail, proceeds to collide into one of the floating islands.

"You've got to be kidding me!" He then turned on radio, listening in for any nearby transmissions.

"By the gods, we've lost Percy! Help!" The radio yelled of the Mistral pilot. Another Mistralian airship, pursued by a swarm of wasp-like Grimm, is suddenly hooked from multiple directions by their extendable stingers, which leaves them trapped and unable to move. "We're hooked! We're hooked!" As the pilot makes a frantic call, the wood on the ship's exterior begins to crack, as the insects grappling on the ship pull very tightly. "Everyone, abandon ship!" Capitalizing on their fear, one of the Grimm somersaults into the air and dive-bombs into the top of the ship, as the pilot and everyone on board perishes in the ensuing explosion. The rest of the Grimm following this turn their attention to and pursue Weiss' airship.

"And those are Lancers!" The pilot yell, as he flipped some switches and press some buttons to insure a fast get away. "Alright buckle up-- Huh?" He turned expecting to see the white girl he was carrying, only to see her jump down a hatch into the cargo hold, as she is determined to stop the swarm. He then grab the intercom."What are you doing?"

"What we should've done in the first place! You're carrying Dust, right?"

"Uh... n-yeah, yeah I am." He says sheepishness, causing Weiss' eyes roll, as she opens a large container of vials of powdered Dust and loads her weapon with six of them.

"Then when I tell you, open the rear door!" Weiss yelled back at the pilot.

"Better make it quick!" He yelled back at her. The pilot makes multiple evasive maneuvers, but the Lancers gain on the ship and begin to shoot their stingers at it. "When kid? They are at our tail right now!" Weiss Summons a black glyph underneath her to keep her stuck to the ship as she readies her sword in front of her.

"NOW!" Weiss says to the pilot. As the rear door opens, five giant glyphs appear in front of her, and when it full open five giant fireballs blast out of the glyphs, savagely hitting the Lancers, Weiss continues to fire the fireballs The amount of fire dust she using causes Myrtenaster's blade to glow hot red, and in turn, making heat mirage, which Weiss had to use ice dust on her blade to quickly cool it off. She eliminates 5,6,7,10 more Lancer while the pilot continues to do evasive maneuvers. She gets knocked off balance somewhat when the cargo ship rocks. "Ah! What was that?!" The upper level of the cargo ship has Lancer stingers sticking in through the ceiling.

"We're hooked!" The pilot yell his answer to her, he then saw an interconnected island, causing his lightbulb to turn on. "I got an idea! Hold on!" The pilot accelerates the ship toward the island's tight gap. Some of the hooked Lancer were able to unhooked themself, only for them to got blasted by Weiss' fireball, causing the unluckily or luckily few (depends on your point of view tbh) to be scraped off by the island's rough cliff texture. Due to the tightness of the gap Weiss' fireballs were hitting 2, sometimes even 5 Lancer, but due to the racket of the cargo ship's engine and the power of the fireballs, cause a dormant Nevermore to be reawaken. "Yeah! Great going, kid! We are in the clear!" The pilot says, in turn, jinxing them, as the Nevermore burst open revealing it to be a Giant Nevermore. It's reveal causing the pilot to quickly move around the falling rocks. "What is it kid?" The pilot asking Weiss.

"A Giant Nevermore!"

"WHAT!" The pilot scream into the intercom. Weiss use her glyphs to throw the Dust crates explode against the creature, but it barely slowing it down. "I can't see the shoreline! Gods, we're not gonna make it!" Weiss then see the Giant Nevermore readying throwing its feathers like arrows.

"Pull up, now!" Weiss barked to the pilot, then she regaining her composure, Weiss tries to summons her Arma Gigas. The world felt slowed down to her, as she tries to summon this knightly Grimm to her side... then she felt its will roaring in her mind.

Just as the pilot pulled up, the Arma Gigas was summoned to her kneeing to her. Weiss mental command her Grimm to attack the Giant Nevermore, before maneuvering to have the vehicle upside down. During this, the Arma Gigas leaves the vehicle and dives toward the Giant Nevermore. Arma Gigas using the momentum of gravity, used it sword to cut the Giant Nevermore cleanly in half. However the Nevermore did shoot its feathers out hitting the ship's engine, destroying one of them, making the fall towards some ruins. Weiss did try to stop ship with her glyphs, but it wasn't enough as she fall out of the back, mix in with some shock of her overuse of glyphs and her vision slowly turns black. As her conscience fades, the Arma Gigas protects her using its body as a shield from the impact of the ground.


Blake exits her father's study, stepping out onto the balcony to receive some fresh air where an armored guard is standing, and turns to her.

"Good evening, miss. Can I get you anything?" The guard asked.

"Just a little time to myself, if that's alright."

"Of course Miss Blake." The guard responded, as he leaves her alone. Blake takes a deep sigh shocked about Ilia's predicament.

"You need better security." Ilia's voice fills the cool evening air, alarmed, Blake turns to see Ilia drop down onto the railing. Blake reaches for the door, but Ilia holds her hand up. "Please! I-I just need to talk." Blake slowly takes her hand away from the door in responds of it.

"How could you take the fall for them, Ilia?" Blake asked her old friend. "I remember you were better than this."

"Blake..." Was the only thing Ilia could say.

"Corsac and Fennec threw you under the bus. We confronted them, and they deny knowing anything and everything found on your Scoll. They talked about how disappointed they were to hear that you'd sided with Adam. But you and I both know they're guilty".

"You can't do anything Blake." Ilia said to her.

"That Scroll might not have been enough to lock them up, but it's enough to at least for me and Sun to search the compound they have here. And we will Ilia, because I'm tried of the bloodshed that I helped to cause, due to my lack of action."

"Your plan isn't gonna work, Blake." Ilia trying to warn her.

"Maybe it will, maybe it won't, but at least I will have tried to end it all here. I am willing to extend my hand to you Ilia." Which shocked Ilia. "I know you will always you believe is right Ilia. You have until morning to make your decision." Blake says to her friend, causing Ilia to jump out of balcony. Blake takes a deep breath and trust her old friend.


Inside the White Fang headquarters, Adam kneels before Sienna Khan the current leader of the White Fang, who is sitting on a throne flanked by two guards on either side of her.

"Adam. I'm not going to repeat myself, so I want you to listen when I tell you that the White Fang will not attack Haven Academy." Sienna said to Adam, commanding him to listen to her.

"High Leader Khan, I am begging you. Listen-" Adam starting to say. 

"No!" Sienna cut him off. "You maybe a figure head of the White Fang, but I won't allow you to drag the reputation of this movement to terrorism."

"I was merely trying to follow your example, High Leader." Adam tried to explain.

"I may have been to first to suggest violence where violence was necessary. Peace bred complacency and acceptance of our place in the world. I will not allow humanity to push us down without pushing them back. But the destruction of the Huntsman Academies crosses a line! The loss of the CCT has brought global communication to a crawl! And the White Fang is more of a target now than ever before! You have justified humanity's campaign against us, and for what?! Empty promises from a group of humans? Humans we still know nothing about, and come and go as they please! These are not examples of strength, Adam. They are examples of your talents being diminished by shortsightedness!" Sienna told him.

"If you want to know more about the humans, then why not talk to one of them yourself." Adam says as he stands up. "Hazel!" He yells at the door. Hazel Rainart opens the doors to the large room, as is followed by a group of White Fang members trying to stop his movement, but failing to do so.

"Took you long enough." Hazel says to Adam as he stops. "Now you please stop." He asked the White Fang members trying to stop him. They did listen but only to protect Sienna from him, and as Hazel enters, Sienna rises from her seat and her guards all point their spears toward Hazel.

"Adam Taurus, you have truly loss your mind you do know this is grounds for execution?!" She says towards him.

"Please ma'am no one should be harm in today's meeting." Hazel said to her with both of his hands raised.

"Adam your pride has to reach a limit." Sienna said to Adam, then turning to Hazel. "Speak Human or you and this traitor will see black until the end of time." Adam's face twisted into pure rage when Sienna called him a traitor, and Hazel seeing this put his hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

"I know you don't like me. You have no reason to like me. But you don't have to like me to get the results you want." Hazel simply said to her

"What what would those be, since you seem to know Adam."

"Humanity's neck within your grasp." Hazel respond.

"And how would you suggest that?"

"War with Humanity." Adam said out loud, causing the White Fang members' (the ones loyal to Sienna) to gasp.

"No." Sienna said to both of them. "I will not listen to this anymore. I do want humanity to fear us, but only enough to respect us. And I do not want to start a war with the humans that we cannot win!

"That's where you're wrong." Everyone turned to Adam as his voice sightly changed. "We can win a war against the humans. Not only because we have the support of Hazel's master, but because the Faunus are the dominant species of this planet. We're better than humans. We have everything humans have and more. Humans shouldn't just fear the Faunus, they should serve the Faunus."

"Adam, it's has seem you are truly full of yourself." Sienna said in a disappointing tone. "I will turn both of you in to Vale's officials, so the White Fang can wash its hands clean of this mess you have made. Guards!" But the guards did not move, causing the group that tried to stop facing Hazel to face the guards. "I said-"

"I think you were right Sienna" Adam cut her off. "My followers in Vale already see me as the true High Leader. And many here in Mistral feel the same." Four armed White Fang soldiers enter through the main doors and stop, pointing their weapons into the room as Sienna rises to her feet, and the group of White Fang loyal to Sienna to tighten formation around Sienna.

"What are you doing?" Hazel asked Adam.

"What's right for the Faunus." Adam said to everyone. "From this day forward, I will be the one to lead the White Fang." Four more soldiers reveal themselves with their weapons drawn, two on each side of the room, as Sienna's guards point their weapons at her. Sienna quickly judges the situation, though taken by surprise. Her eyes narrow darkly.

"If you think I'll just step aside and follow beneath you, you're wrong." As she turned forward, her eyes turned shocked as she sees one of the White Fang still loyal to her take the fatal impalement from Adam's weapon. The group seeing this drop Steam Dust grenades on the group, and a short but deadly firefight happen ending with Sienna and her small group fleeing the room, followed by the Adam's group, and when Adam tried to join up with his group, the White Fang member hold his blade forcing Adam to savagely rip the blade out of his body. But as the White Fang member fall to the ground, he hold on to Adam.

"Adam... Taurus..." The White Fang member said to him weakly. "This take over... your downfall... is surely... on its... way..." He then fell to the ground, Adam looked around, seeing this man's blood cover the throne.

"Nobody needed to die today." Hazel told Adam.

"They were trying to break the rules of nature." Adam told him in this same tone as he said of his plan of war against Humanity, making Hazel let out a sigh.


The cargo ship has crashed in a ruin. Weiss is lying injured on the ground with clothes dirtied as two bandits approach the crash. Weiss consciousness slowly coming to.

"Well what's the state of the ruin?" One of the bandits ask.

"It's fine, luckily. Jeez Nevermore attack, they must have pissed off the oversized chicken really bad."

"Hey, they did us a favor, taking down that thing is no easy feat. What you think Raven?" Just then Weiss' control of her body kicked in and she tried to move, only for, oh I don't know, EVERYTHING to hurt. Her whole body begin to flinch due to the pain "Holy shit, this chick is strong."

"Damn I think I've seen her before as well."

"Altas' princess, Weiss Schnee." A third voice is heard with Weiss. She looked up, through the pain, trying to look scary to them. But the pitiful look the two male bandits gave is more than enough to say the success of it. "Hmm." Raven looks at her, before kicking her in the face causing her to lose consciousness once more.


Team RJNR are all playing Remnant: The Game. for the 30th time.

"Jeez how does Nora always win." Jaune groan.

"I think its cause she doesn't think." Ren tried to answer. "She just does."

"Hey I do think, just not as much as." Nora tried to defend herself.

"Jeez where is Uncle Qrow, he should have been here by now." Ruby says to everyone.

"He will be back, beside he can't get that drunk." Jaune say to Ruby. And just then the door bell ring. "See, thats probably him." Jaune says to Ruby as he gets up to answer the door. "And he has a plan and everything, and... Why is there a kid carrying your Uncle?" He asked Ruby, making her jump.

"What?" She zoomed to the door seeing a kid carrying her Uncle.

"I hic found him." Qrow said to everyone has he past Jaune and Ruby.

"I'm sorry, I will pay for anything he did or say." Ruby said to the kid, clearly out of embarrassment of her Uncle.

"Ruby Rose?" The kid said to her, causing Ruby's and Jaune's brain to go full alert mode after the whole trip to Mistral.

"Yes." She says as she reach for her weapon, not pulling it out, but in case of anything ready for use.

"Uh... okay... you have silver eyes." The kid said to her, causing her to nearly pull out her weapon. "If you could shut up I will get there." The kid said to the side, causing Jaune to look at the side he talked to seeing no one.

"Who... are you?" Ruby asked the kid.

"Right." The kid turned to her. "My name is Oscar Pine."

"Wait hic for it..." Qrow said in his happy drunk state.

"But you probably know me as... Professor Ozpin." Team RJNR froze at the information of this.

"I hic did it!" Qrow said while taking a step, unfortunately his foot wasn't steady, but luckily the couch stopped him for face to hit the floor hard.


(Barbatos' POV)

The wind when Yang goes full speed is something to die for. The wind is something of true freedom, and cutting through it is like having a taste of it.

"Hey Barbatos." I heard Yang's voice.

"Yeah?" I respond to her.

"Thanks for staying with me. And sorry for cutting myself off from you."

"I know, you just need some alone time, you don't have to apologize."

"But I felt like you need me as well."

"You being okay is enough for me."



"... Thanks Barbatos."


(Why do I get random, I mean random, creative energy that last until 3 in the god damn morning. Why?)  

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