tough luck - ALEJANDRO X READ...

By tbhkrazy

119K 3.1K 6.4K

in which you join total drama world tour in need for some money, but a certain someone won't make that easy S... More



4.5K 129 279
By tbhkrazy

"Tyler, I need to tell you something." you started as he ran. You looked around to make sure no one was near. Well except for Izzy who was still in the radioactive box.

"What's up?" he asked looked back and still running.

"It's about Alejandro." you whispered, still scared that anyone would be listening.

"Oh yeah! What happened with you two?" he asked

"Long story short I caught him messing with Harold and trying to get him voted off, then when I confronted him about it he said he'd get me voted off if I told anyone!" you complained throwing your hands in the air and Tyler gasped.

"WHAT!? So you're getting voted out!?" Tyler shouted in panic and you rolled your eyes.

"No Tyler! He won't know that I told you if you don't tell him so don't tell him!" you said and he nodded obediently.

"Good. When the time comes that our team goes to the elimination ceremony, let's both vote for him. He needs to go." you told him.

"Yeah definitely, he keeps-" he was cut off.

"Guys! I can't find a radio anywhere, I think someone stole it!" Izzy emerged from the box shocking the both of you as she was covered in what seemed to be green radioactive energy. You weren't even going to question it.

Instead you decided there would be there would be a good time to end your conversation, you had said what you needed to after all there was nothing left to tell.

You gave him an affirmative nod and he did too before turning back forward to start running.

"If you guys see anyone, call out." he and Izzy gasped.

"Oh oh! There's Tyler! Oh and (Y/N)!" she exclaimed pointing at the boy and then you causing you to sigh.

"Other than us!" he said as if that was already obvious, maybe because it was.

Suddenly she spoke up again.

"Ooh! There's Noah!" she said and as you turned around surely enough Noah was there running up to the sled before jumping on. He blinked confusedly at the sight of the green Izzy.

"Noah, they took our radio!" Izzy said angrily and you could see Tyler rolled his eyes. Noah was about to open his mouth to say something but you stopped him.

"Don't question it." you said and he shrugged.


"I never told (Y/N) but I don't so well with secrets. They make me real nervous" Tyler said fiddling with his fingers "but if the risk is her getting voted out I'll try my best!"


All that was left now was Owen and Alejandro, after going on for what seemed like ages you guys finally saw the latter in the distance at one of the meeting points.

You squinted to get a proper look and there Alejandro was with Bridgette. But that wasn't what surprised you the most.

He was shirtless.

On top of that his red jacket was wrapped around Bridgette.

He's shirtless... in the artic!?

"Ooh there's Alejandro up ahead!" Izzy pointed out and Tyler picked up the pace.

Just as you guys were closing in, he took his jacket back and it looked as if Alejandro and Bridgette were about to kiss, but instead he hopped onto the sled last second as Tyler sped off.

You widened your eyes looking back to see Bridgette with her tongue stuck to the meeting point pole.

Glancing at Noah, Izzy and Tyler, none of them seemed to have noticed what Alejandro had done and instead discussed where Owen would be.

Then you focused your vision on Alejandro and he had already been looking at you, giving you a cocky smile knowing it had only been you who had just witnessed what he had done. In return you gave him a scornful look.

I'm definitely telling Tyler..!

"What's the matter (Y/N)? Like what you see?" he said responding to your gaze on him. It was only then you realised he still hadn't put his jacket back on.

Immediately you widened your eyes and turned to look back in front. No way were you going to let him see the creeping blush that you were fighting to keep down.

"Put your jacket back on, we're literally in the Artic you freak." you said not facing him.

"Ah, but I can't freeze. My Latin blood won't allow it. Would you like my jacket?" he asked and you were weirded out by the idea.

"I'm fine, it's not even that cold" you said and most definitely lying. He would've believed you if there weren't goosebumps on your neck.

Instantly he put his jacket over your shoulders and wrapped it around you, his arms lingering around you as well.

"There, better?" he whispered in your ear causing you to warm up immediately much to your dismay. You shook him off and huffed, no way were you going to let his charms work on you.

You kept the jacket though.


"Ok, it was freezing cold. He said himself that he didn't need the jacket so of course I'd keep it." you said defensively "why am I still wearing it now? Cause it's comfy! Duh!"


Not long after you found Owen who was leaning against the pole and had his hand resting upon his forehead. He looked exhausted.

"What's the matter Big O?" Izzy asked and Owen's stomach rumbled.

"I haven't eaten in hours! Oh I wish we were in Russia right now, they're building the world's largest cake!" Owen said getting on the sled

"Ooh! What flavour?" Izzy asked curiously.

"Who cares? It's cake!" Owen yelled happily

"Ok Tyler, time to get moving." Noah said uninterested by their conversation.

"I am moving!" he shouted and indeed he was moving, his shoes squeaking against the ice as he ran on the spot. The only problem was the sled hadn't moved an inch.

"No, you're miming." Noah said disapprovingly.

Probably cause Owen just got on

"It's my court shoes, they're no good on ice! If the contest was pulling a sled across a volleyball court we would have already won!" Tyler tried to reason but Noah rolled his eyes

"Well it's not so try harder." he said as if it was that simple.


A few minutes had passed and you guys were going at felt like 1km/h. Tyler was struggling albeit trying his best and Owen was doing anything but helping.

"Dude get moving already! I need hit a John or another river fast!" he said as he jumped about. It wasn't ideal as you were crossing an ice bridge at that very moment.

"Owen stop jumping, you're gonna make the ice-" but you were cut off by the sound of cracking and the bridge collapsing underneath all of you.

Alejandro held onto you as you held onto Izzy. The thought of him holding your hand made you grimace but it was life or death at this point as you all hung on the edge of the once complete ice bridge.

Surprisingly, Tyler was the one at the top gripping to the edge keeping you all together.


"I've got wicked strong fingers. Docs can't explain it. My first piano lesson, I broke the piano." he said looking at his fingers "Got into sports after that."


It looked as if he was trying to pull you all up but instead you all climbed up using him as a ladder of some sort as you reached the surface.

He pulled himself up too and was still attached to the sled due to the harness. As he was trying to pull it up, it finally catapulted forward as you all hopped onto it and Tyler was getting dragged behind.

The final part was downhill and guys were going much quicker than before. The goal was in sight, along with the two other teams in front.

There's no way we're going to make it!

"Owen! Lean forward!" Noah yelled and Owen did so speeding you guys up in the process. With literal milliseconds between the you and the other teams, you scraped a first place.

You all cheered and Tyler who was buried in snow brought up his fist and also let out a muffled cheer. From what it looked like Team Victory had come second with Team Amazon in last.

"Last place!? I can't believe I did all that hard work for nothing!" Heather shouted but from taking a look at their team it was Courtney who had been the 'dog'.

"Actually, Team Victory crossed the line without Bridgette so they come in last." Chris said and Lindsay, Leshawna and DJ all looked disappointed.

Well Bridgette isn't here because of Alejandro.

"Which means Team Amazon comes in second place and Team Chris Is Really Really Really Crazy Hot takes first!" as you all cheered once again


You were all back in the plane and you guys were chilling in your well deserved first class. You sighed happily.

"This is more like it. It's all thanks to you Tyler!" you said drinking a cup of hot cocoa in a golden chair as you turned towards your friend.

"Thanks (Y/N)!" he said happily, he was already on his second cup.

The rest of your team were scattered around the area, Izzy at the main table eating a bunch of chocolate chip cookies while Noah and Owen were on the couch.

Huh... where's Alejandro gone off to this time?

You shrugged, not that it mattered anyway. It was better when he wasn't around, yet you couldn't shake off the growing feeling that he was probably stirring up trouble somewhere else.

Now' a great time to tell Tyler about the Bridgette situation!

But just as you were about to start speaking, a voice from behind your chair interrupted you.

"(Y/N), can I have a word with you?" he asked coming around the chair to face you properly with his hands behind his back.

Tyler and you both looked at each other before you reluctantly stood up.

"Uh, sure..." you said as you followed him to what seemed to be the basement.


"Why are you taking me all the way here?" you asked as you finally reached downstairs. Honestly you wanted to soak up as much of first class as you could before the next destination.

"Relax, I won't take long. I must say, the jacket looks absolutely stunning on you." he added, he was only in his white tank top. The comment made you blush slightly as you realised you still had it on and immediately started taking it off and handed it to him making him frown.

"Well, stop flirting and spit it out." you said crossing your arms and he cleared his throat.

"I've been thinking, and I have a proposal to make." he started and watched to see your expression. You raised a brow at him and he took that as a sign to continue.

What could he possibly want..?

"You and me, should form an alliance." he said as silence fell upon the two of you.

Honestly you were assuming he would break the silence and say it was a joke but he looked at you expectantly waiting for an answer.

"You're... you're joking right?" you asked searching his eyes for any form of deceit but to no avail. "You know I don't like you right?"

"That's something I can easily change." he said wrapping his arms around your waist and coming closer so the two of you were face to face. you nearly got lost in his mint green eyes before you gathered your senses and pushed him away not wanting to let him get to you.

"What do you even need an alliance for anyways? You seem fine with your foul-play you've been giving the other teams." you asked and he shrugged.

"You're the only one that's realised so far-

Well I told Tyler already

-so then you can help me get everyone else voted out and then we'll both get into the final three." he finished sounding proud of himself.

"That's all I get out of this?" you asked cautiously

"Along with the guarantee that I will not turn against you and vote you out. Fair no?" he said giving you a cunning smile.

You thought long and hard about what to do and then finally responded.

"Fine, let's do it."


"Oh don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I know better than to trust that guy of all people." you said to the camera. "I'll play along with this little alliance of his for now, but when the time comes: he wont even know what hit him"



Ending Note:




not proofread cuz yeah 😳

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