Not That Into You: a Carlos S...

By soup_for_azriel

13.2K 348 73

Carlos Sainz Jr has it all easy for him. The good looks, the secured driver's seat at Ferrari, a loyal teamma... More

Part Two
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One

Twenty One

310 10 0
By soup_for_azriel


"How much longer?" he asked as he paced back and forth in the room. It had been days since he had gotten any sleep and his head buzzed with every step he took. But he couldn't stop. If he did, Hawk didn't know what exactly he could do to calm himself down. It had been two weeks since both Morgan and him had been found in that lake. Three days since he'd woken up from the countless operations and heavy anesthesia they'd put him under. His leg was still healing but he could walk just fine, his body felt weak but strong enough to drag himself into her room.

He turned to find Morgan in bed. Countless machines had been connected to different parts of her body. Her breathing was steady but she still hadn't woken up. The hit was on her side. She was the one who had pulled the trigger. He sighed loudly through his nostrils. She knew the risks and yet she took it, even if it condemned her to years of comatose.

"We're not sure but her vitals are steady. Her healing has been accelerating by the minute but with the force of the impact directly hitting her, we're not so sure about a speedy recovery," the doctor answered from beside him.

This was how it had been for the past three days. Everyday he'd drag himself into her room and question the doctors over and over again. He couldn't rest. Couldn't think straight. They'd destroyed the facility in Hungary, wiped off the codes of the bombs that had been deployed to different parts of the world. But Morgan had always taken an extra step when it came to ensuring that the same mistakes wouldn't be made. They'd spent an entire month studying the secret facility, learning its secrets and committing them all to memory. She knew where exactly she needed to be to pull the trigger. She'd blown up the entire faculty right from the middle of its core. Countless deaths were on her hands but she'd taken the risk.

The beeping of the Holter monitor buzzed at the back of his head and Hawk ran a hand down his face as he stared at an unconscious Morgan. The blast had shattered the bones in her left arm, narrowly missing her shoulder and she'd hit the back of her head when she was thrown back. He stared at the bright red scar that ran down from her ear to her throat. Small scratches from the debris marked her face, all looking red and angry. She'd broken a few more bones but the doctors had assured him that the impact wasn't fatal as she'd been behind a pillar. It was the debris and the force of the blast that had messed up her internal organs.

He had been right there. Right outside the window, waiting for her to leap into the helicopter. She had been so close but at the very last minute she'd thrown the package at him and turned on her heel.

Seconds after, the force of the blast had him thrown off the helicopter and he'd plummeted into the cold waters of the river below.

"Agent, you need to rest. We don't know when she'd wake up," the doctor said as she gave Hawk a reassuring pat on the back, "As soon as Agent Morgan does, you'll be the first to know."

Hawk shook his head. To everyone back in the agency, Morgan was as good as dead. Even Jenna had taken the news without so much as a reaction. He wasn't so sure if she'd even visited Morgan or even him as a matter of fact.

He pulled out the chair by the bed and sat. His muscles ached in protest as he did but he ignored it. He would not move until she was awake.

With that thought in his mind, Hawk found himself slowly drifting off to sleep.


"Hawk," something or more rather someone was calling out to him but his meds had gotten the better of his senses and he found himself unable to wake up. "Hawk," the voice called out again before he felt warm fingers poke weakly at his arm. He grunted, forcing himself to wake up.

As his eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room he saw her.

She was blinking slowly. Her body still weak but slowly waking up. He sat up as Morgan feebly turned her head to him and gave him a weak smile, "You sleep like the dead," she whispered.

"That's a lot coming from someone who was in the throes of death."

She laughed but ended up wheezing. "I need some water please," Morgan croaked out and he found the strength in him to rush over to the tumbler and pour her a glass of water. Gently, he held her head up as he lifted the glass to her mouth. She drank the water slowly, wincing slightly to indicate that she'd had enough. "Wait here I'm going to call the doctors," he said as he turned on his heel.

She chuckled, "I'm not going anywhere I promise."


It was almost two weeks since she had woken up and now Hawk watched as she slowly made her way across the room to grab her things. She was still feeble but had recovered fast enough to demand that she got discharged. "Jenna is sending a vehicle for us, we'll be sent straight to the agency," Hawk said as he helped her with her things.

She snorted at that. The scar on her throat twisting angrily in the process. Over the days her scars had healed, the ones on her face almost gone save for the big one at her throat. It was still an angry red.

"With all what we've accomplished I expect a limousine," she joked as she let him take her bags and followed him outside where their car waited. They didn't say much during their ride back to the agency, Morgan deciding another quick nap would do her good. Hawk watched her as she slept and couldn't help but hate Sainz for messing everything up and inadvertently almost sending her to her deathbed. If it weren't for him she wouldn't have been at Hungary. If it weren't for him she wouldn't have been fighting for her life.

They got to the agency and were ushered into the controls room where Jenna sat waiting for them. "Agents," she began just as Hawk and Morgan sat, "Good job on Hungary, you've helped avoid a major catastrophe."

Both Hawk and Morgan didn't say anything.

"During your absence a few things regarding your previous assignment have come to light. We've found out that three of the main sponsors are in cahoots with two popular businessmen who have a reputation for their obsession with all things nuclear," Jenna said as she passed down two files to both Hawk and Morgan. "The two businessmen are well known billionaires, Carl Davidson and Igor Petrov. Both have been known for their contribution to Motorsport, specially when it comes to their fuel and engine supplying,"

"Are you saying that they have a hand in what the teams choose as their primary engines and whatnot?" Morgan asked in confusion.

Jenna nodded, "Not directly. These men control most of the world's fuel supply and with Formula One changing their direction into a more sustainable fuel and dropping the MGU-H power unit, their businesses are under fire," she said. "This is a big hit on their businesses. Carl and Igor have been profiting off motor sports and using these developed engines for a purpose of their own, one that would threaten the very existence of mankind,"

"What exactly are they up to?" Hawk asked.

"Satellite nuclear bombs."

"I thought the Space Draft Treaty prohibited the placement of weapons in space?" Hawk asked.

Jenna shrugged, "These are private companies which aren't affiliated by any government, with the funding they got from Motorsport, it made Carl's and Igor's work easier. Reports have surfaced that a private company in Russia have been designing a nuclear bomb that could be attached to a satellite. Once the satellite is launched, this bomb's location and targets could be controlled without any interference."

"I thought the US, India and China had their ways of destroying satellites? Why can't they just do that?" Hawk asked.

"Because this one is nuclear. We don't know what would happen if a satellite carrying nuclear weapons is destroyed in space," Morgan said quietly.

Jenna nodded, "They've been utilizing the funds they got from Formula 1. With their new green initiative, Igor and Carl cannot fund their project. If any other funds were pulled out people would notice,"

"How have they managed to use these funds without being detected?"

"Formula One is something that has a long history. It's a dirty one too and Carl's and Igor's businesses have been run for generations. It's been a long time coming," Jenna said with a shrug.

Hawk cocked his head to the side, "But what do the divers and the teams have to do with this?"

"They represent the sport. From my understanding, Igor and Carl hope to take down at least one to two teams. With that massive loss, the FIA would have to change their priorities which gives Igor and Carl that wriggle space to keep their fuel in the game at least for a little while longer. Because who would even focus on that when you're beefing up the security and launching investigation after investigation to find out about the deceased teams?" Jenna said.

Morgan and Hawk were silent for sometime. He watched as Morgan read through the file slowly, she would wince slightly whenever she moved her hand to turn the page.

"How can we stop this? Protecting the drivers alone isn't enough," Morgan said.

"All we can do for now until we get a better understanding about how Igor and Carl work is to keep the drivers and teams protected. We can prolong their attacks. We need as much time as we can get," Jenna said with a sigh, "Until we locate the factories and every piece of information about their operation, we're sitting ducks."

Both Morgan and Hawk nodded. Right now protecting the drivers was the best course of action.

But he wasn't so sure for how long they could keep things calm before shit blew up.

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