The Great War (Elizabeth Olse...

Galing kay andshesweird

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Character Profiles


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Galing kay andshesweird

A/N: Hey y'alllll guess who's back :) I'm so sorry for taking so long, I posted about it to my profile conversations but thank you to anyone who is here and reading!

Hope you enjoy :) 


She was frozen in place, sitting on the bed while Robbie rambled on about the tour and how it isn't the same not coming home to her. The plastic holding the bouquet of grocery store-bought flowers crinkles as she fiddles with her fingers above it, teetering on the edge of a full-blown anxiety attack.

"What are you doing here?"

Are the first words to come out of her mouth in the past twenty minutes. Robbie comes out of the restroom, rubbing a towel through his wet hair after a post-flight shower, and grins while changing right in front of her.

"I wanted to see you. I missed you, baby."

There's that name again. He has called her only that since her incredible surprising surprise. She looks up at him, lips hesitating to form words, the only thoughts running through her head being questions.

Questions as to what brought him here, how he got into her room to begin with, why he suddenly showed up after barely answering her texts the past few days, how she was going to be able to keep it together, what she was going to do, how long he was staying, and how she was going to keep her hickeys from someone that isn't her boyfriend hidden from him.

"I-I missed you too."

The man's smile widens only more. He steps closer, cupping her cheeks in his calloused hands and pressing his lips against hers. They're rough. She nearly sneers at the itchy feeling his mustache and beard bring after prickling at her skin, but she holds her composure and returns the kiss.

Parting, she looks down at the flowers, a pang slapping into her chest with trembling fingertips.

"They're beautiful."

"I thought you'd like them. You always whine about how I never get you flowers anymore so...ta-da."

Her eyes latch onto the price tag sticker he didn't care enough to remove that reads $1.99. Not that money matters, but he didn't even care to remove the sticker. Then again, a gesture is a gesture.

Feeling her boyfriend's gaze on her, she can feel the expectation radiating off of him like some sort of internet tower sending out waves of energy.

"They are very nice, Robbie. Thank you."

"So? You gonna show me around this place? Where are we, again?"

"Sylva, North Carolina," She answers, then sighs as she feels the exhaustion of the day taking over her.

"I'm really tired, today was long so I was kind of just going to order in? We can catch up, watch a movie? We haven't seen each other in a while."

Right as the words left her mouth, she wished she could shove them back in. Staying in meant that he'd want to have sex, which also meant that he'd undoubtedly notice the bruises on her neck and chest from the regrettable night before.

He smirks and begins moving towards her yet again, his hand landing on her thigh, fingers curling around the skin in a way she knows is supposed to be enticing, but it only raises her nerves more.

"On second thought!" She shoots up to her feet, grabbing her purse from the table in the corner and clearing her throat with a beaming smile at her clueless boyfriend, "There's this cozy restaurant right down the street that is just adorable, you'd love it. Come on!"

Without giving the man a second to breathe, she snakes her fingers through his and tugs him towards the door.

It's a fast departure, one that Lizzie is grateful for and squeezes her eyes shut in brief, praying that dinner goes well and he'd be too tired to do anything before bed.

This could only happen to her.

She cheats on her boyfriend with her annoyingly attractive English co-star and then her boyfriend shows up the next day.

Great. Just fucking great.


A page flips over while grunts echo in the room. Her skin is painted with droplets of sweat squeezing through her pores. Carson pushes herself off the ground again, eyes staring straight down at her script, practicing her lines while getting a workout in.

It's one of her favorite things to do. Works both mind and body all at once, and she always makes sure to get in some exercise during months-long shoots.

Not only does it help her perform better once the cameras are rolling, but it decompresses her mind. Today was exhausting. The sun was out and it was beating on down; they had to bring a change of shirts for Carson a few times due to sweat soaking through the fabric.

Her line delivery wasn't always perfect so they had to do a few takes of the scenes today, along with some of her co-stars screwing up. A few mess ups they knew would make the b-reel, to which Carson always looked forward to.

While she may be a perfectionist in her craft, watching her own bloopers never fails to remind her that she loves what she does, and she doesn't always have to be so serious. It reminds her to be loose and enjoy the journey.

It's something she's still working on.

Thus, the workout. The hotel's gym isn't huge, but it's enough that it has all the equipment she enjoys utilizing in a session. Plus, she has it all to herself right now.

Being that today was long, Carson had shamefully admitted to herself that she was a bit saddened on how little she got to film with Elizabeth. There were a few reshoots here and there, a few moments, but none that truly held any depth for the film. They were mostly across the room from one another, within vicinity, but not close enough that Carson could make out the little flecks of gold in her meadow-like greens.

She had come to the realization that Elizabeth Olsen had done everything in her power to avoid her today. When they bumped into one another at crafty, Lizzie had barely said a word, and even so, she fumbled through them, not even making eye contact.

It left Carson understandably annoyed.

Lizzie had initiated their hookup. She had flirted first last night, she seduced Carson first, brushing up on her, dancing on her the way she did.

"What's life without a little danger?"

The Brit's jaw clenches as she completes another few pushups, jumping to her feet to grab the free weights. Curling them up, biceps flexing with each lift, she grunts with each movement.

She made the first move. She convinced Carson into it.

Not that Carson was mad about it. She had a great time. The feeling of Elizabeth's wet mouth hugging her cock, the sound the woman made when Carson pleasured her, the way her hips bucked up when CJ's cock pumped in and out of her dripping wet folds...

"Christ almighty," Carson huffs, shaking her head as she places the weights back on the rack, blinking intensely in a lame attempt to wipe away the thoughts.

But she can't.

It was too hot of a night to forget.

And Elizabeth freaked right when they woke up, treated Carson like she was some sort of predator or something. Carson knew the dirty blonde was only panicking. After all, she does have a boyfriend, but the way she basically ran through her door, leaving a Lizzie Olsen shaped hole in it, pissed Carson off.

No woman had ever done that to her.

Usually they wanted more.

And Lizzie ran.


Screamed at her.

Got mad at her.

It was driving Carson absolutely mad. She was normally the one to leave, not the other way around. She wasn't going to let Elizabeth Olsen win.

Losing wasn't in Carson's blood, and she wasn't about to let it seep into her bloodstream now.

She saw how riled up the Olsen woman was. Drunk or not, they were all over each other. Carson can't deny how attractive the woman is, irritating as she may be, she's stunning. And she remembers quite clearly how easy it was for her to get a reaction out of the woman last night, how receptive her body was to Carson's touch.

And she planned to use that against her in a game of 'Who Will Break First?'

Leaving the weight room, Carson heads towards the elevator, hitting the up button until the doors ding. Sliding open, she nearly freezes in place upon seeing the woman who has infiltrated her thoughts for the past twenty four hours.

Only, she wasn't alone.

Sliding her gaze over, she spots a man who looks as if he hadn't shaved his face for a decade nor ironed his clothing. She imagines he smells of sweat and uncleanliness. And she knows exactly who he is.

"You must Robin, pleasure to meet you, mate."

Carson holds out her hand towards who she knows is Robbie, but remembers the game she started with herself and Elizabeth in secret just moments ago.

The man chuckles, clearly unsettled by the taller actress and shakes her hand, "Uh, Robbie. And you must be CJ Mills. Great to finally meet you, love your work."

Stepping into the elevator and taking her place right beside a very stiff looking Elizabeth Olsen, both are in two very different moods as they take note of the last time they rode the elevator together.

With their tongues down one another's throats.

"Elizabeth," Carson greets as the doors shut in front of them.


The Brit stands tall and proud while Lizzie silently begs the elevator to move faster. Seeing Carson appear drenched in sweat, her short hair now wet and falling over her face, cut-off tee clinging to her skin revealing the imprint of her unbelievably well-sculpted abdomen, and gym shorts showing a bulge of which Lizzie knows is impressive but still doesn't do the woman justice with what truly lies beneath, is fucking killing her.

She shifts in place, nearly squirming in her stance as she squeezes her legs a bit closer, inching towards Robbie more, fearing their close proximity will expose their secret.

"Looking forward to our scene tomorrow?" Carson quips.

Elizabeth racks her brain with a frown as she thinks about what they have scheduled. Once reality sets in, her mind flashing images of the lines she had read over and over again, she swallows hard and forces away the beginnings of a pulsation between her thighs.

"Depends on if you can remember your lines," She shoots back, keeping the rivalry between them so as not to seem suspicious while Robbie just lightly snickers beside her.

Carson shoots a glance Lizzie's way, reading into her expression, smirking widely at how forcibly showing it is. She's trying too hard.

"Of course," The Brit responds as the doors open again with a ding on their floor. Robbie steps out first and as Lizzie goes to follow, she softly gasps as Carson grabs her arm, leaning in close to whisper in her ear.

"Good thing there won't be much talking in it."

Shivers shoot up and down Lizzie's spine. She stares wide-eyed at Carson who releases her hold with that same charming smile that won her drunken mind over last night.

They continue to walk down the hall until Carson reaches her room, turning to the couple, "Robin, glad we got to meet, hope I'll be seeing you. And Elizabeth?"

Lizzie looks over at her with hot cheeks, willing the woman to just leave her alone before she implodes.

"Don't be late to set."

The green-eyed woman scowls at the Brit, a rolling wave of heat surging through her at how easy it is for Carson to revert back to her annoying, jackass self.

"Fuck off, Mills."

All three disappear into their respective rooms and Robbie just chuckles once the door is closed.

"I know you hate her and all, but she's kind of hilarious."

"Shut up," Elizabeth groans, leaning her head against the door while Robbie just looks at her weirdly until his phone vibrates.

She doesn't see as the man looks down at his phone with flustered, fumbling movements, pressing the 'decline' button swiftly enough to go unseen. He takes his girlfriend's hand and pulls her away from the door, smiling like an idiotic fool.

"I missed you," He breathes out, not letting her speak before kissing her.

He wastes no time in sticking his tongue into her mouth, swirling it around sloppily, and not in the way Lizzie enjoys it. Not sloppy like how Carson was kissing her last night.

It's an uncomfortable sloppy, a forced sloppy.

But all she can think of is the pulsing between her thighs, the way Carson blatantly teased her in that elevator, the sex scene they have to film tomorrow.

Her mind flickers to Carson's tongue on her, lips all over her skin, fingers inside of her, the way she lifted Elizabeth with such ease, complimented her, praised her.

Between her legs, the fabric under her pants goes damp with a growing wetness. Robbie groans as he pulls his girlfriend flush against his body, hands roaming down her curves. He backs up while she remembers the hickeys and flushes.

He can't see them.

He'll kill her.

Everything will be ruined.

"Lights, where are the lights," He hums but she just shakes her head.

"No lights. It's better this way."

And it is better. He can't see the hickeys, and she doesn't have to see that constipated look he gets when he cums in under thirty seconds.

She shoves his chest when she knows they're near the bed and crawls on top of him.

"Shit, Lizzie," He breathes out as she grinds her hips against him, dragging her clothed center over his bulge. Her hands feel the denim of his pants and a (thankfully not visible) disgusted frown forms on her face when she feels his pre-cum already seeping through his jeans.

At least this will go quickly.

-                 -                 -

"Alright, places people! We only have a few hours of sunlight!"

Clea starts directing everyone to their spots while Carson and Lizzie get last touches of makeup before shooting their scene post-Nora's date with Shepherd. They're supposed to elicit their attraction to one another while also keeping the distant hostility and disinterest.

It's an ironic scene to place, really. It all leads up to the very heated scene they'll be shooting later that night, and Carson can't seem to ignore the hilarity of it all. Robbie is standing off to the side, staring down at his phone like whatever he is looking at is more important than his girlfriend acting her ass off for what will probably be an Award-winning film.

Lizzie doesn't seem very fazed by it, hinting that this is probably some sort of routine for them, but the dirty blonde can only think about how disappointing the previous night was.

After what she did with Carson, she has had higher expectations for sex, but Robbie failed to meet even a small percentage of those expectations. The only thing she can smile about is how they did it in the dark and Robbie was gullible enough to believe the hickeys CJ had left on her skin were of his doing.

His dick was also basically slipping out the whole time after being basically stretched wider from her co-star's size two nights ago. She had to hold back her laughter when she heard Robbie's gruffs of frustration.

But today is a new day. Her concerns of him discovering the hickeys have been dealt with, much to her pride for being capable of that level of manipulation and cunning, but then again she slept with CJ Mills and has been spending countless weeks with her filming for a movie, so parts of the woman's personality were bound to rub off on the Olsen woman.

They take their places, though Lizzie has to nudge Carson for attention when she notices the Brit's eyes resting coldly elsewhere. She just didn't see who was receiving that icy glare.

But Carson was praying that she would magically receive telekinetic powers so she could blow Robbie's phone to smithereens so that way he'd pay attention to the woman he so-called flew to "spend time with."

Heading into the bookstore location, the two get right into it; Carson grills Lizzie as Nora about her date with Shepherd, tightening her jaw muscles ever so often to portray her subtle jealousy. Little did she know the fire that lit in Lizzie's core.

They keep doing over some parts and when they begin to nail it, Elizabeth can't help but enjoy the sight of the English actor getting so riled up at the thought of her kissing another man or even going on a simple first date with one. It makes her think about what Carson thought when she saw Robbie, or saw them walking to set this morning.

It doesn't matter.

It was a one-time thing.

Just a hookup.

But seeing how those jaw muscles strain, even if it is just acting, gets one's mind thinking.

When they get to the moment where Amaya is brought up, Charlie's ex but also the one Nora is supposed to be thinking he is still with, Lizzie finds it unnerving. She watches as Carson practically flirts with the woman in her line delivery and it sends her for a whirl, though quickly shoves it down and holds her ground.

This goes on for hours, getting the right angles, the perfect delivery. Some of the props get messed up by extras, the mic goes to shit, it's a little chaotic for a bit, until the scene moves on to Lizzie with Florence.

Carson takes this time to return a text Sophia had sent her earlier.

Work Wife❤️‍🔥: I'll see you in two weeks my Riley to my Brooke😘And Taylor who can be our honorary Raven

Attached to the message is a screenshot of a text conversation with Taylor confirming their little trip to fly to Tree Hill (Or Wilmington if you're boring), right in the gap of Carson's filming schedule. She was thrilled. She had talked to Sophia last night about visiting Wilmington to see their old One Tree Hill filming locations and making a weekend out of it to show Taylor (yes Taylor Swift) around their old stomping grounds. The blonde had been begging her for years and was still upset she was never invited to sing on the show since they've gotten tons of people throughout the seasons.

But of course, Mark would never let Carson or any of the girls get their way.

However, with her conversation last night with Sophia, Carson had left out the tiniest of details.

Carson doesn't think sleeping with Elizabeth is that big of a deal, nor does she think Sophia will be all that surprised. It has become pretty apparent when CJ had her eyes on someone to sleep with, even if it was her ex academic rival. She knows her best friend can see right through her, and part of her doesn't want to give Sophia the satisfaction of knowing she was right about the attraction between them.

She sends a quick message back, along with a gif of their characters from One Tree Hill jumping up and down clapping together. Then, she looks at the message from Taylor, seeing that she sent the same screenshot Sophia had, which makes the Brit laugh.

Most of her wanted to scold the two for not including her and just forming a group chat, which seemed warranted given they're technically coming to see her and not just each other.

Then again, that thought flies away when she sees Taylor's flirty remark.

Blondie: I expect to get the full Riley Dawson treatment this weekend 😌😉

She knew exactly what that meant. Much like Riley's wife in the show, Brooke Davis, she also had a lengthy list of one-nighters at the beginning of the show. To say the least, she had her own share of sexual fun before Brooke Davis won her over.

After a while of checking in on people, shooting a text to her brother after seeing he was spotted out with some girl and deciding to tease him about it, she was called over to the next location.

The library of the town. It was more or less a sex scene. Well, a really heated makeout scene, more than it was the other day. And Lizzie's heart was pounding the longer Carson stared at her.

She kicks into high-gear, molding herself into Nora as "action" is yelled.

"You saw her last night, didn't you?"

Carson's jaw flexes. "I was working. She just stopped by."

Lizzie narrows her gaze in a skeptical manner, one eyebrow very subtly quirking upwards. "For a planned visit?"

The Brit, masking her true accent with that brilliant American one, but the shorter woman can't help but miss her real voice; there's just something about it.

"Yes," Carson admits.

"To buy a book?"

"Not exactly," She says, her voice low and gruff, a crease forming between her eyebrows as "Nora" grills her.

"To hang out?"

"To talk."

"As ex-fiancés so often do."

"It's a small town," She reasons. "We can't avoid each other. We needed to clear the air."

"Ah," Lizzie says.

Carson frowns even more now, an irritation appearing on her face, "Don't ah," she says, frustration evident. "Nothing happened between us, and it's not going to."

With a pathetic shrug of her shoulders, trying to seem nonchalant, Lizzie, still as Nora, pouts dismissively, "It's none of my business."

"Exactly." The Brit's Americanized voice hardens, frustration growing, Lizzie becoming keenly aware of the space between them shrinking as instructed in the script, but it feels as if the cameras have shut off and everyone left, just leaving them alone. "Just like it's none of my business if you date my cousin."

"Whom I have no intention of seeing again," Lizzie says. "And with whom I wouldn't have gone out even once if I'd known he was your cousin."

With the air between them growing heavier by the second, a strange sensation shooting up Lizzie's veins as she holds their eye contact as if connected through the cosmos, Carson takes another step, cautious, like those who would on a frozen lake, testing the landscape, assuring it will all go well.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Carson insists, that rasp in her voice sending icicles down her counterpart's spine.

"And you didn't either, by spending time with Amaya," She replies.

Their characters' ways of arguing is laughable. The tension is right there, visible to the eye, only able to be cut with a power cutter. Both of the women are trading support for the other's romantic lives.

Lizzie gazes right into those soul-seeing bright iceberg eyes and feels something more than just acting. She keeps seeing those flashes of the other night with each blink behind her eyelids.

The words they continue exchanging all have these intense undertones both for the camera and not. She can feel CJ teasing her. She can sense the Brit is smirking inside, knowing that she is having an effect on Lizzie, knowing that when she looks at her with those eyes and talks in that tone, it will do exactly what it did the other night.

Her gaze is like an alarm, blaring through Elizabeth's ears, waking her up, zapping through her nervous system.

When they say the lines that lead up to the inevitable, Carson feels a rip current going through her. She flickers her gaze from the woman's eyes to her full lips. Shaped like a heart, she remembers how soft they are, and she longs to feel them again, longs to hear her moaning just by a single touch of fire, the way the wood crackles through the flames, heating adding more heat.

"What if I already know this can't go anywhere," Carson says, "no matter how much we might end up wanting it to?"

A still.

Both actors can see the cameras out of their peripherals. Carson is slightly surprised no one had called cut yet, but she senses they're doing just what Emily and Clea had envisioned. She feels so comfortable around the Olsen woman. She had in the past, their scenes always just worked. They went together like coffee and cream; Carson has that rough and bitter side, usually aiming for characters that are similar and are presented as more of a rebel and hostile and cold, while Lizzie is the cream that sweetens the taste, compliments it well, and smoothes her out, cools her down.

Carson hates to admit that Elizabeth Olsen may just be one of her favorite scene partners. Sophia being the first, of course. After all, she was and forever will be her work wife.

The next few lines go by in a blur, Carson is now standing right in front of Lizzie, so close that she can smell the honey from the tea Carson had ingested just moments before the scene began. And it smells delicious.

Lizzie's bottom lip quivers as she sucks in a breath, but that breath is cut short when their lips connect. Not being able to tell who started it, they fall into the groove. The heartbeat begins in Lizzie's center, eyes flying shut at the feeling of Carson's lips on hers again, sober this time.

Drunken hookups can give false perceptions of an attraction, a connection. But this is even better than when they were drunk, it's as if they were both pushing one another's buttons until it happened, staged or not, it feels incredible.

Carson's hands are running down Lizzie's sides and back up her front, as if she's taking in every single inch of her. There's no gentility to their moment, no politeness, only hunger. Only want.

And they're starving.

She forgets that her boyfriend is there, she forgets anyone is there. She just gets sucked right back in. Teeth nibble on her bottom lip, drawing a moan out of the shorter woman as her fingers twirl into Carson's shirt, trying to find something to keep her legs from giving out, trying to pull her closer to make sure there isn't a centimeter of space left between them.

As Charlie is supposed to, Carson yanks Lizzie's blouse right out of her skirt and slides her hands up the front of it, so brilliantly and deliciously rough and warm that the silk fabric is impossibly insufferable in comparison.

A desperate plea writhes through Lizzie, and Carson turns them around, pushing the shorter woman right onto the table. Hiking her skirt up, Lizzie gasps when she feels Carson pressing up against her.

Pulling Carson in, Elizabeth melds right into her touch while CJ's fingers take the hairs on the back of her neck into a curling fist, teeth going right for her throat, biting just the way she did that night. Lizzie's mouth drops open in an inaudible moan before clenching her teeth together.

"We can't do this in a library," She hisses, Carson's mouth messily falling against hers, desperate and hot, but the scene still continues, both of their characters helplessly devouring one another.

"I thought you didn't want to worry about the rules."

There's that huskiness again, that rasp. All Lizzie can think of is what Carson said the other night.

"You're walking in dangerous territory, Elizabeth," Carson husks lowly as she bends forward, her breath tickling Lizzie's ear and raspy voice sending a hot chill through her.

"Fuck..." She whines, completely going off script as she forces out, "When it comes to public indecency, it's less of a rule and more of a federal law," she says right back on script.

Still, Nora doesn't stop Charlie, and Lizzie sure is glad she doesn't have to.

Their little words exchanged between stoked fiery touches and explosive lip locks are almost insufferable as they long to get to where they both want. Carson forces herself to stay focused so as not to get a hard-on while filming, at least not until her character is "supposed" to.

"I have no interest in going easy on you, Nora," Carson smirks down at the woman whose eyes resemble those of a wondrous, innocent, submissive receiver.

Lizzie's mouth goes dry, that little heartbeat growing between her legs. She licks her lips but groans when she feels Carson's thumb and forefinger under her jaw, gripping roughly in the most sensational way on her throat.

Behind the cameras, Florence is grinning ear to ear, raising an eyebrow at the two with a shake of her head while snickering quietly to herself.

"Cannot believe I'm getting this for free," She mutters, earning a laugh from Clea and Emily who instantly slap hands over their mouths while they watch on as the two continue to fall into one another, teasing one another.

It is clear to the one other person there who knows that they're mixing acting and reality together. They fit together like a goddamn glove, a glove that's on fire and horny and wanting more and more.

Carson kisses down Lizzie's neck, dragging her tongue lightly over spots she nibbles on. Elizabeth squeezes her eyes shut, head lolling to the side and back, becoming putty in the Brit's hand. She clamps her legs together, but gasps when Carson roughly tears them apart again, pressing her knee between them and stepping to fill the space while smirking down at the woman.

Their scene cuts before they can go all the way, and their characters state that this is not how they want to have sex, but once "cut" is called, both women's cheeks are flared with red, chests heaving, lips swollen.

"Great job you guys, we may do some reshoots in the next few weeks but I'd say that was a great cut. Beautiful," Clea claps and the crew joins in, only making the two women flush even more.

"Agreed. Almost looks like you two have done this before," Florence smirks as she mumbles this to them. Carson laughs while Lizzie only widens her eyes and looks over at Robbie who, same as earlier, is glued to his phone.

Frowning, she goes over to him and tilts her head, "Hey, what'd you think?"

"Hmm?" Robbie hums without looking up and nods, "You were great, babe."

She just stares at him, appalled that he didn't even have a reaction, telling her that he didn't even bother to look up while she was working. She should be grateful that he didn't see that makeout scene with Carson, but she was angry.

He came here to see her, yet the only thing he has seen today was his fucking phone.


That voice, in its usual accent, makes her whirl around instantaneously. She looks up at the bright eyed and bushy-tailed Brit who tilts her head to look behind her at Robbie, twisting her face up in disapproval before plastering on that smile.

"We have a break until later and I'm famished so I'm going to grab some real food from a restaurant about twenty minutes down the road. Plus, my manager says it'd make good buzz. Totally your call, though. I understand you have a guest."

Looking back at her boyfriend, he finally glances up and clears his throat, "Go do your thing. I have something to take care of anyways. Love you." Quickly, Robbie kisses her cheek and walks away without another word, leaving a frown etched into Carson's face as she tracks him with her eyes.

What was Elizabeth doing with this knob?

She notices the numbed disappointment behind her co-star's eyes and jots it down in her brain. It pains her that she's seen so much of that in her since Robbie's been here, since last night, might she add, that she seems so accustomed to an absent partner, so used to getting the bare minimum, and she wasn't even receiving that.

Before Lizzie could get even more upset, Carson takes the opportunity to distract her and pinches her elbow lightly, "Come on, love. Let's change and head out. It's on me."

She holds her arm out as one would at a ball, escorting her to their trailers to change out of their set clothes. Lizzie smiles lightly, shaking her head with a stark chuckle before obliging and appeasing Carson's childlike humor.

And in those few steps towards the trailers, Elizabeth can't shake the thought that Robbie came here for another reason that isn't just to see her. She knows the thought won't go away because it's probably an alarm in her head, an alarm she remembers ringing a year ago, an alarm she tried to ignore and move past without even making it known that she knew. An alarm that should be ringing in his head but doesn't even seem to be on his radar.

Unbeknownst to her, that same alarm is ringing in Carson's head. The same alarm she remembered when she was with Hailey. The same alarm that proved her thoughts right.

And if said alarm is true, despite being a hypocrite for feeding into Lizzie's side of it, she wants to pummel the absolute gutters out of Robbie Arnett.



Might have finally broken through my writer's block :)

Anywaysss, what do you think will happen?

What do you want to happen?

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

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