My bestfriends brother

By noisywriter1

42.1K 317 191

She is friends with Gavis sister , Aurora is like her big sister bc she doesnt have any siblings , but what w... More

la mía se ve mejor en ti.
Your just another loser
Por que tan sorprendido Pablo
oh vete al infierno
dont fall in love with ur bestfriends brother
Thank u Pablito
Pai ?
with ur daddies money
Do I make u nervous
God what is this girl doing to me
So im famous
But it feels right
João Felix
Im not that kinda girl
Que Dios te bendiga
Just live in the moment
Yn would u like...
I couldnt imagine a better girl for my brother


1.6K 15 13
By noisywriter1

Yn's pov:

Its monday and I have to get to my classes even tho im still sick but I have to

I got up feeling a lot sickening so the first thing i did was run to the bathroom to throw up

After that I decided its best if I shower and be refresh for the classes

Also I chosed a very comfortable - casual outfit for school...

Then I went downstairs and saw Grace making breakfast

G: hey hey , why are u dressed like that

Yn : what

G: I mean where are u going

Yn : classes?

G: no no , Estás enfermo
( ur sick)

Yn : Estaré bien
( ill be fine)

G: quieres comer?
( do u want to eat?)

Yn: si claro, pero tengo que hacer mi cafe
( yea sure , but I also have to make my caffe)

G:así que hazlo porque aún no está listo
(Well do it bc its not ready yet)

Then I start preparing coffe

Yn : Te estás volviendo muy bueno en español, estoy orgulloso
(Ur getting really great in spanish, im proud)

G:Mi hombre me está enseñando
(My man is teaching me)

Yn :Ustedes son tan lindos juntos, estoy literalmente tan celoso
(U guys are so cute together, im literally so jealous)

G: and thats all i understand

Yn : I said that...

Then she interupted me

G: ik what u said but breakfast is done

Then she handed me a plate

G: sit down

Yn : no I dont have time

I said getting all of my books and my computer in my bag while eating

G: i still think u shouldn't go to ur classes

Yn : if I feel that im gonna be sick ill be right here and I took advil soooo

G: Im gonna go sleep , bye love u

I said goodbye and laughed and started eating

After eating I grabbed my things and the rest of my coffe and went to my classes

I ran to my dorm and when I finally got there I almost puked but I got into my bathroom on time and Grace saw me running and she held my hair while I threw up

G: god Yn

Yn : yk I was thinking maybe I am lactose intolarent or i have gluten

G: hmmm idk but hey ur studying medicine sooo

Yn : yea maybe gluten no bc if I have it it would have shown when I was a teenager

G: but u are a teenager

Yn : oh yeah

Then I threw up again and she touched my forehead

G: ur burning up

Yn : oh god im gonna..

Then I threw up again

G: nope we are going to the doctors idc

Yn: noooo please

Then she understood

G: but Yn u cant

Then I interupted her

Yn : I can ill be fine tommorow

G: are u hungry

Yn : no if I think abt food ill throw up again

G: well get cleaned and change into something comfy or pj-s

Yn : I will , but where u going

G: Im having my day with the my parents but if u need me here....

Then I interupted her

Yn : go Goooo

G: okay , bye and take care of urself

Yn : bye

Then she left , perfect, now piece for me, but first shower and change

After showering I changed into my pj-s

Then I went to take some strong pills bc of my headache and went straight to the couch and I took my blanket and pulled it over me

I finally got comfortable on my couch and then I took my laptop and started studying a bit

But then I got tired so I went to sleep.....i was woken up to knocking on the door and I ,,said come in" and I saw Pablito !!!!

Yn : Pabss

Then he went to the couch and hugged me and also he sat on the couch

Pa: how are u feeling

Yn : worse

Pa: well I brought u my moms soup

Yn : awww really

Pa: as soon as she heard u were sick she started making it

Then he handed me his hoddie

Pa : ik u would be cold soo..

Then I hugged him again

Yn : thank u

Pa: always hermosa

Then I putted the hoddie on

Pa: u look cute

Yn : can I ask u something

Pa: sure

Yn : do u like Maddison?

Pa: well yeah

Yn : then why are u flirting with me and giving me mixed signals

Pa: Im not , im just being ur friend

Yn : so u dont like me?

Then he stuttered

Pa: uh no


Yn : so just friends?

Pa: just friends

Then we looked into eachothers eyes and held eye contact
Then we both stepped closer and he grabbed my cheek and started stroking it
Then I looked into his lips and he looked at mine

Then we just smashed our lips together and we started kissing
And damnnnnn he is a good kisser
This kiss was just.... perfect

After a few mins we pulled away and I hid into his neck bc I was blushing

Pa: dont hide from me

Yn : okay

I pulled away

Pa: u look pretty when u blush

Yn : thank you

Pa: now im going to heat up the soup

Yn: yayy

Then he went to the kitchen and then I shouted

Yn : just friends ?

Pa: no I dont think so

Then I giggled but then I felt sickening so I ran to the bathroom and threw up and Pablo came right behind me to held my hair

Pa: ohh querida

Yn : can we not talk please

Pa: sure yeah

Then I threw up again

After that I brushed my teeth and went downstairs

Pa: soup is done

Then I sat on the stool and he handed me the plate

Yn : thank u

Pa: wheres Grace?

Yn : with her parents

Pa: I cant believe that Pedri and Grace are having a baby

Yn : right?

Pa: at a young age

Yn: I mean they were 5 years together

Pa: yeah ....5 years thats a lottt

Yn : do u know if Pedri is gonna marry her

Pa: well he was talking abt it

Yn : omggg really

Pa: yea but dont tell Grace

Yn : I wont

Pa: good

Yn : Pablo why are u with Maddison

Pa: well in Brazil u said u wanted to pretend that nothing happend and I thought u wouldn't date me so I started going out and I found Maddison, and I have been with her since we came back

Yn : ohhh

Pa: but I found out that shes cheating on me

Yn : Im sorry u dont deserve her, so when are going to break up with her

Pa: in a few days

Yn : okay

Pa: but when I break up with her , would u be with me

Yn : probably

Pa: okay..

Pablo is a great guy but before we even start dating i need to know if I can trust him
I need to know if hes loyal

After eating I took some cookies and me and Pablo went to the couch

I took a blanket and pulled it over me but I was still shaking so Pablo being Pablo

Pa: come here

I went over to him and he spooned me and his one hand went to my tummy and the other on my hair

Pa: better?

Yn : so much

Pa: what do u wanna watch

Yn : Culpa Mia definetly

Pa: okay

Then we got to watching the film...

The next morning I was feeling a lot better

Pablo stayed with me and slept on couch and I felt bad but he said that he was fine so I just let him be

I came downstairs and saw Pablo cooking

Yn : u can cook?

Pa: very funny

Pa: and yes ik how to make bacon and eggs

Yn : okay okay

Pa: how are u feeling

Yn : a lot better

Pa: Im glad but ur not going to ur classes

Yn : I was thinking about that, ohhhh u know João

Pa: yes

Yn : well hes coming tommorow morning

Pa: mhmm

Yn : Im going to hang out with him

Pa: why

Yn : bc hes funny and...

Pa: João is a bitch

Yn : no hes not

Pa: oh yes he is , when I played against him....god

Yn : well idc , im going to hang out with him

Then he sighed

Pa: do whatever u want

Yn : thank you

Pa: breakfast is done

Yn : give mee im hungry

Pa: well get ready to taste the best eggs and bacon in whole life

Then he handed me the plate

Yn: wow this is

Pa: ik right

Then he took a plate for himself and started eating

Yn : dont u have training?

Pa: I do but I called in sick

Yn : no Pablo no nooo , u have to go train

Pa: Im not leaving u alone

Yn : Grace is here

Pa: no shes staying at Pedris for a while

Yn : oh

Pa: yea she called u yasterday when u were asleep so I answered

Yn : oh thanks then

Pa: u sure u dont wanna go to the hospital

Yn : Im sure...

Yn : ohh i have ur hoddie if u want to change into something else

Pa: no no u can have it

Yn : I already have 5

Pa: I gave u 5 hoddies?!

Yn : yep but I can...

Pa: no no keep them but I can change tho

Yn : Im gonna change too

When we got upstairs I got him his hoddie and he went downstairs to the bathroom while I got changed in mine bathroom

And I also brushed my teeth and did some skincare ♡

I got downstairs and I wanted to make some cookies or something bc I wanted to watch :
,, trough my window again"

Pa: are u sure u can make something

Yn : yes im sure

Pa: what are we going to watch

Yn : through my window

Pa: is that a romantic movie

He made a poutie face

Yn : yes and we are watching both movies

Pa: theres 2?!!

Yn : yep and if u want to make me feel better u are going to watch it with me

Pa: fine!!!!

Yn : now let me make my cookies !!!!

He nodded and went to the couch and started to find the film

I think Im lactose intolarent so im going to make cookies without milk just to be safe

Hmmm well this was difficult to make bc I cant use milk or chocolate so...

Pa: I found it

Yn : yayy

He then putted the film on

Yn : wanna try my lactose intolarent cookies

Pa: sure

Then he took one and ate it

Pa: this is nice

Yn : u dont like it

Pa: its not bad

Yn : let me try one

I ate one and it was disgusting

Yn : ewww give me that im gonna throw them into the trash

Pa: hey they are not that bad

Yn : yes they are

Pa: its fine Yn ill eat them

Yn : no no

Pa: Yn...

Yn : fine eat them idc

Pa: can we watch the movie now

Yn : gladly

After the movie Pablo needed to go home even tho he didnt want to but I told him that i will be fine and now im going to call João

He picked uppp

Jo: hey Ynn

Yn : heyy

Jo: how are u

Yn : Im good i was a bit sick but now im okay

Jo: well thats good

Yn : how are u

Jo: im great

Yn : Im really excited abt tommorow

Jo: me too


After that fun Phone call i got a text from Pablo


Hey Yn

Hey Pabs

So if ur feeling better would u like to go to the restoraunt tonight

Sure i would love to

Ill pick u up at 8 pm

Whats the dress code

Whatever u want


See u tonight

See u

Well interesting ...

I looked at the time and it was 2 30 pm so I decided to cook something

I really didnt know what to cook bc I dont have that many groceries so I had to improvise

I have to remember to go grocery shopping tommorow...

After an hour I finally did something and just drank some ice tea

This was soo good and it just melted in my mouth

After eating I took some pills and went upstairs to get ready ...i decided to shower bc why not

And I also struggled to find something to wear
But 20 mins later i gound the perfect dress

Woww I looked stuninng and it was 7 30 and I was suprisingly on time

In the meantime I decided to make a grocery list

Well that is a lot but oh well...

I got a notification from Pablo saying he was here so I got my purse and headed out...


Pa: hey

Yn : hey Pabs

Pa: u look hot.. uh i mean g-gorgeous

Yn : thanks u look handsome too

Then he blushed

Yn : cmon drive bc im hungry

Pa: okay miss Hungry

Then we laughed.....


Heyy loves im back with another chapter and well this was so tiring chapter to write bc there was never the end of it but its kinda boring except that kiss😏

💞💞💋I hope you guys have/ had a wonderful day and that you are loving yourself the way u are bc u are beautiful the way you are, Love from Lana!!💞💞💋

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