Do I make u nervous

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Its my fathers birthday,  finally ...
I woke up early bc me and my father on his birthday go fishing

Its 5 am and me and my father were on a boat    

Ro : whats up with u and that boy

Yn : what boy

Ro : Pablo

Yn : theres nothing , I hate him

Ro: borboleta ik when something is up

Yn : I hate him Pai , I dont have any feelings for him

Ro : look sweetie ik maybe talking abt a boy with ur father is unpleasent but

Yn : pai i dont wanna fight on ur birthday

Ro : just tell me do u have feelings for him

Yn : no


Ro : alright

My father and I always to these stuff on his birthday,  after the fishing we would go to the beach and have ice cream

..but this year we are gonna go on ice cream after the fishing and in the afternoon on my yacht with Gavi family and in the evening a restoraunt

Me and my dad actually got a few fishes of our fishing trip and we decided to get ice cream

We got to ou favourite ice cream shop and ordered

Xx : Olá, o que você gostaria hoje
(Hello , what would u like today)

Yn : Olá, nós gostaríamos de dois sorvetes de chocolate com menta   (we would like two mint chocolate chip ice cream )

Xx : chegando ( coming right up )

We both love the same ice cream so I think that makes us even more conected

Xx:  aqui esta (here u go)

Yn : obrigado ( thank u )

I payed and went to my dad..we decided to eat our ice cream by the beach

we decided to eat our ice cream by the beach

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Ro : Im so grateful that ur here

Yn :  i am too

Ro : I thought u wouldn't come bc what happend

Yn : dad u know its not ur fault

Ro : how its not

Yn : pai

Ro : if I-I-I

Yn : pai I dont blame u, just please lets not disscus this now

Ro : I love u my baby girl

Yn : I love u to pai

Then we hugged

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