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Im really sorry for the mistakes
Happy reading!!



After that we giggled and sat down

Pa: I got to ask u this

Yn: whats the problem

Pa: Yn would u like....


Yn's pov:

Pa: Yn would u like to be my offical girlfriend?

Omg , I knew it....
But would I really like to be his girlfriend tho
Imagine all the drama in Spain with the fans
Im not that sure but I cant just say NO

Yn: Yes , 100% yess!!!

He immediately jumped and hugged me and he swirled us around

Pa: Im soo so happy mio amore

After that we talked and decided to go back to the hotel

When we got back i was craving some chocolate and sweets so I asked my dear BOYFRIEND to get me some

While he was getting chocolate i decided to change and to wash my face bc I was feeling dirty for some reason

I was only wearing my lingerie and a silky robe when Pablo came back

Pa: so amore , I have Reeses, milky way , twix..

Then he looked at me

Pa: wow borboleta

Yn: yea

He walked towards me and wrapped his hand around my waist

Pa:te ves tan sexy mariposa

(you look so hot butterfly)

Yn: Deja de hablar del español Pablo.

(Stop with spanish Pablo)

Pa:Pero te encanta bebé

(But u love it baby)

Yn: oh yes I do

Pa:¿Qué tal si voy a cambiarme y podemos ver Harry Potter?

( How about i go change and we can watch Harry Potter)

Yn: Sí, te amo mucho amor.

( Yess , I love u so much love)

Pa: Yo también te amo

( I love u too)

Then he went to change and I grabbed his shirt and changed into it

I got into bed with him and we started watching Harry Potter and eating snacks

Soon we fell asleep...

In the morning we were woken up by Pedri who was pacing around the room

Yn: hey whats wrong with u

Pa: yea why did u wake us up

Pe: look I need help

Me and Pablo looked at him confused

Pe: so.. i want to ask Grace to marry me tonight


I ran and hugged him

Pa: congrats man

Pe: thanks guys but I need help

Yn: ofcc

My bestfriends brotherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant