oh vete al infierno

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Yn's pov:

Ol : so amore , would u like to go on a date

Yn : when

Ol : tonight

Yn : I cant sorry

Ol : why

Yn : I promised Aurora that i will go to Gavis game with her

Ol : didnt u said u hate him

Yn : yea , but Aurora is my sister so when she asked me i had to say yes

Ol : can u not go

Yn : why

Ol: bc I want to take u out

Yn : I said no

Ol : cmon Yn , por favor

Yn : no and I gtg

Ol : fine then , im going to the club

Yn : fine

After that I left his dorm and went to Mine...

Yn : Grace im back

G : hey

Yn : Grace are u okay, u look pale

G: I have a fever, and I threw up 2 times

Yn : were u at the doctors

G: no , my mom said that it will go away

Yn : but ur not gonna get better if its a virus

G: ill go tommorow morning

Yn : would u like me to come with u

G : I dont want to keep u away from the classes

Yn : ur not okay

G: Gracias hermana, I love u so much

Yn : ofc Grace

G : when is the match

Yn : 6pm , I have 4 hours so would u like some soup

G : yes thank u, ooo and can I borrow ur shampoo, mine is in the trash

Yn : ofc , and ill be right back with soup

I went i to the kitchen and opened the fridge and got dome ingridients and started cooking

I went i to the kitchen and opened the fridge and got dome ingridients and started cooking

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G: wow Yn , this looks yummy

Yn : cuz it is

Then she takes a spoon

G : wow Yn , this is amazing

Yn : thank u

G: no no thank u , now go and get ready

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