Por que tan sorprendido Pablo

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Yn's pov :

I heard the door of the restoraunt opened and saw the one and only PABLO GAVI ughhhhhh....

Then I saw him with a girl and they were walking towards us , Oh no no no...

Pa : hey is there room left at ur table

Ol: hey bro

(They did a hand shake)

Wait they know eachother?

Ol: ofc , sit here

Pablo went to take a seat beside me , ughhh

Yn : so what are u doing here Pablo

Pa: well im here on a date with Laurie

Yn: ohh so u are Laurie

La: Yes I am

Yn : How old are you

La : 19

Yn : oh so like Oliver

La: ig...

Ol : so we already ordered, we can call a waiter when ur ready

Pa: okay

After some time we got our food, Pablo ordered steak and Laurie ordered salad , classic

But Oliver and I got this ⤵️⤵️

But Oliver and I got this ⤵️⤵️

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Yn : mmm this is so good

Ol: ik right

Yn : we are gonna have to come another day

Ol: so another date night

Yn : ofc

But then I felt a hand on my thigh and I look down on the hand and ofc it was Pablos hand
But why?(btw Oliver doesnt really know espanol)

Yn : Estas loco ( are u crazy)

Pa : ¡Què?¿ Por què?

Yn : ¿Por qué tu maldita mano está en mi muslo?
( why is ur fucking hand on my thigh)

Pa : Porque no (bc why not)

Yn :solo quítatelo (just get it off)

Pa : Nò

Yn : bien ( fine )

Yn : I gtg to the bathroom

Ol: do u need help

Yn : no , I can do it alone but thank u for asking

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