God what is this girl doing to me

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2 days later

Yn's pov:

Today we are going home😭😭, last night me and my father spent talking till 12pm

The flight is at 10am but I woke up at 7am

I woke up feeling wet not like in a horny way wet but like something is coming out of me ...and then it hit me

I ran from the bed to the bathroom and saw blood in my underwear, thank god that I didnt stain the matress

I put on a tampon bc I just like those better and went out , and Pablo was awake on his phone

I got back in the bed bc I had cramps

Pa: are u okay

Yn : mhmm yea

Pa: u dont look okay

Yn : look just leave me alone okay

Pa: jeez fine

Yn : what is the seating plan

Pa: you , Aurora and me are seating and my mom and dad

Yn : atleast ill be next to Aurora

Pa: you have a middle seat

I nod but then I felt a really bad cramp

Yn : fucking god

Pa: come here

Yn : what no

Pa: I know ur on ur period

Yn : no im not

Pa: then why did u spooned like that

Yn : leave me alone

Then he wrapped his hands around my waist and lifted me to his front
Then we spooned and he was massaging my stomach

Pa : is this better

Yn : its fine , thank u tho

I could feel him smirk and then he started kissing my neck and soon I feel asleep

We felt someone waking us up and it was Aurora

Au : cmon lovebirds its time to wake up

Yn : what time is it

Au: 8 am

Pa: just a bit more

Au : nope

Then she snatched the blanket from us

Yn : hey im cold now

Au : cmoonnn wake up

Yn : just get out

When she got out I went to my dresser and started loking for a sweatshirt bc im cold

Then I let out a frustrated sigh but when I turned around i saw Pablos big sweatshirt
And I had to take it so I did (he was in the bathroom btw)

It was so comfy and it smelled like him , oh and his cologne 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

I picked out some pants and changed into them

Pablo went out and he was surprised

Pa: wearing my sweatshirt now arent u

Yn : I hope u dont mind , im cold

Pa: I dont mind

Yn : thank you

Then I hugged him

Pa: must be the mood swings

My bestfriends brotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora