Empire of Blood

By 129cdmuller

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When the young Selena Liongod unexpectedly became the companion of the noble and gifted dragon named Thor, th... More

Chapter 1: Dragonfire and Steel
Chapter 2: A Dragon's Secret
Chapter 3: The Aynu
Chapter 4: The Hearing
Chapter 5: The Mythic Flight
Chapter 6: Oathbound
Chapter 7: His Dark Majesty's Mercy
Chapter 8: The Dragon's Dance
Chapter 9: The Masked Dragons
Chapter 10: The Shepherd of Souls
Chapter 11: Rahim's Teacher
Chapter 12: The Forest
Chapter 13: The King of Rhumbek
Chapter 14: The Dragon and the Wolf
Chapter 15: Imprisoned
Chapter 16: The Mad God
Chapter 17: Artio's Blessing
Chapter 18: Unmovable and Unstoppable
Chapter 19: A Shadow Over Nuvak
Chapter 20: Death's Masquerade
Chapter 21: Tiamat
Chapter 22: Fire and Water
Chapter 23: City of Secrets
Chapter 24: The Woman With the Cobra Tattoos
Chapter 25: The Dragon and the Snake
Chapter 26: Red Rain
Chapter 28: The Long Night

Chapter 27: Blood on the Ice

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By 129cdmuller

The crimson sky turned to charcoal, and the rain hammered down as Silver stood outside Moonridge's tavern and looked over the horizon, his concentration and gaze fixated on Snowhaven's direction. Aracania paid no attention, relaxing after a delicious meal while laying ensconced within her coils, wings wholly unfurled against the green turf. Her deep breaths were like a forge's bellows, her rhythmic beating drums soothing, contrasting Alfheim's requiem.

Once he sobered, General Araneus soon joined him. "Since the Council planned their betrayal, I don't think there's any hope for Liongod and the others. The Lich may very well have the dragon eggs as we speak."

Silver bit his cheeks and searched through his jacket pockets, pulling out the letters he had received from Selena while she was in Rhumbek and Nuvak. Araneus peered over his shoulder and pulled out a sealed letter delivered from Snowhaven Vidar claimed was from her, waiting for reinforcements in the capital to establish their covert; upon comparing the handwriting, the general swore and crumpled the forged message before tossing it away.

He rubbed his temples when Aracania opened one leering eye, her tail flickering. "Only the Divines know the truth."

Silver's face drained of what little color he had, wishing he could teleport directly to Snowhaven. He was so close to finishing the Aether line project; Silver cringed at his lost research, for that was the second time the Lich destroyed his work. "I'm going after Liongod and the others," he said.

"Then allow Aracania and I to join you," Araneus pleaded, and the chittering Aracania clicked her claws against the rocks, agreeing with his declaration.

Silver refused their assistance, not wishing harm to befall them. "I'm sorry, sir, but your duty is here to protect the imperial family."

"No, not after what happened. I failed my men; how am I equipped to protect Their Imperial Majesties, let alone the Crown Princess?" Araneus hissed through his teeth when he met Silver's somber gaze. "Oh, blast it—Admiral, I may have sentenced her to death."

Silver snarled at him, not believing a word of it. "How could you have known?"

Araneus marched to the sleepy Aracania and leaned against her bulging stomach. "I failed to bring the Council to justice, and now the Empire has fallen. Pray forgive me for sending Liongod into the depths of Oblivion, Admiral—I had no idea. May the Divines help us."

Looking towards the darkness brewing in the far east across the ocean, Silver said, "Sir, you haven't failed, and the war isn't over yet," and turned sharply on his heels, heading back inside the tavern.

He trekked back to the room where he left Vulduin and Aryl alone; the two were in an intense discussion with Armageddon's map unrolled between them as Silver barged inside, the door swinging open. "I have something to say," he announced, expecting an objection to his plans, but Vulduin was surprisingly quiet. "I'm leaving to find Selena and Thor. I can't stay here any longer and expect them to return. You've held me back long enough, and I've had it: you will not stop me from going after them."

Vulduin and Aryl remained calm. "Then we won't," said the Shadow Emperor.

Silver didn't expect this response. "Pardon me?"

"My wife and I were planning on how we would rescue our daughter, and then you just waltzed in here to declare your intentions. I couldn't have planned that better myself."

Silver cleared his throat and straightened his shoulders. "Very good."

When that was settled, Vulduin turned to Aryl. "In the meantime, General Araneus and Aracania will safely escort you to Dark Blood Hold—I suspect Lord Vincent Godfrey will be expecting us soon." Glaring at Silver, he added, "You will rendezvous with us there once you rescue Selena and the others."

Aryl's eyes glossed over like a frozen pond. "You're not coming with us, then."

"Not yet. I have some unfinished business to address, but I promise we will meet again soon. I'll ensure General Araneus has a map to their hiding place." Vulduin kissed her forehead before marching downstairs to deliver the news.

Aryl, however, suspected this was their last union, and she asked Silver, "Do you know where he's headed?"

"I wish I knew, Your Imperial Majesty, but sometimes he doesn't tell me anything."

"I'm not the Empress anymore, so there's no more need for formalities." She dolefully looked down at the map. "If we win this war, Vulduin and I don't want the throne."

"I'm afraid I don't understand—"

"The rule of succession will apply, and the immediate heir will rise to power." Aryl's sapphire eyes gleamed when she made herself clear.

"That will be up to the Crown Princess; Selena has no interest in the throne," Silver said.

Yet, the former Empress turned away and sighed, ignoring his warning over her headstrong daughter; Silver, however, feared how Selena would take the news. Aryl watched the door before saying, "Vulduin isn't coming back, is he?"

"I-I have no idea."

After saying their farewells, Silver excused himself from Aryl's presence. He made his way out of the inn and rushed to find Araneus preparing Aracania for travel and Vulduin strutting away with haste and purpose. "Where do you think you're going?" Silver called out.

Vulduin's voice was quiet and hoarse, like he was about to cry or scream. "Just for a walk."

"Will you return?"

Vulduin stopped and abruptly turned around to face him, the two standing in uncomfortable silence. "If I take my walk and don't return, it means I haven't finished my walk."

Silver's face became inflamed when he understood Vulduin's meaning. "Your wife suspected this. I don't know what she will say if you leave again." Vulduin ignored him and continued his march. "I think you're making a huge mistake." Vulduin assumed his red dire wolf form and dashed towards Alfheim at dragon speed, making it clear he wouldn't reply.

Silver sighed as he watched the Red Wolf vanish over the hills and said: "May the Divines watch over you, my friend." He fixed his jacket and transformed into his white wingless dragon facade, beginning his long flight to Snowhaven.

The smell of sulfur and rotting flesh laded the air, stinging Vulduin's nostrils. He resumed his elf guise as he walked through what remained of Alfheim. The sky was painted blood red by the fires raging in the background, debris and dead bodies littering the once beautiful streets. Only Rune Citadel and the Council's headquarters remained unscathed among the smoldering wreckage. He looked up to see the dragon creatures circling overhead; Vulduin clenched his fists, preparing himself for a fight, but the masked behemoths ignored him entirely, flying over and perching on the remains of the Pyre.

His skin prickled when he heard Vidar's voice, making him want to vomit. The treacherous, pompous half-elf emerged from the smoke and dust, his eerie ice eyes piercing the veil. "There you are. I was wondering when you would show yourself again."

"Where is the Lich?" Vulduin asked coolly.

Vidar casually strutted forward with the rest of the Council following close; he hissed through his teeth. "I'm afraid you just missed him, Vulduin. He had important matters to deal with in Snowhaven."

"I want my daughter back. Where is she?"

Vidar taunted, "Does it matter? She's still very much alive for now."

Vulduin gritted his teeth and, without thinking, flickered his wrists, and thousands of steel chains shot out from his frock jacket sleeves, focusing the bladed tips on aiming straight for Vidar's heart. Instead of dodging, Vidar and the rest of the Council remained composed as the tangled mess of metal was upon them; Vulduin's shackles struck an invisible barrier protecting the betrayers.

"We were expecting you," Vidar sneered, and Vulduin swore; only the Lich knew the proper wards that could block his attacks. He retracted his chains, and Vidar continued goading him. "What's the matter? The Lich has shared some of his magic secrets with us for being so loyal."

Vulduin backed away and spat. "Damn you all to Oblivion."

"You've been running from us for over two hundred years, and now, there's nowhere else for you to turn. Surrender, and we'll let you live for now, or you can fight and die here. It's your choice, but make it quick. I'm rather busy at the moment." Vidar yawned.

Vulduin lowered his hands and hung his head in defeat. "If I go quietly, will you leave my family alone?"

"We just want you," Vidar pointed at him.

Vulduin nodded and held out his hands in surrender, and Vidar ordered his two associates standing closest to arrest him. The Shadow Emperor neither hesitated nor flinched when the Council cuffed his wrists and ankles nor fought back when a masked dragon swooped down and scooped him with its sword-like talons to be carried away to Mortemholdt, the dreaded prison isle floating over Lake Peril. Vulduin didn't falter.


As much as Selena was happy to be rescued, she had to use Azrael as support upon returning to the old cell, leaning on him as she worked on standing for the first time since Medusa dragged her away. "You can do it. Don't worry about me—put all your weight into my shoulder if you must."

Concentrating on her efforts, Selena ignored her body's unwillingness to cooperate; she fought until her muscles ached, but she was glad to be standing again. "Thank you."

"You can thank me once we get out. And here." Azrael summoned a pool of water within the palm of his hand and offered her a drink. "It's not much, but you'll need it. I placed a spell in it to help you get some of your strength back—like Silver's elixir."

Selena nodded and sipped from his hand without hesitation, instantly rejuvenated; it was like the sun's power coursing through her veins, and she was refreshed, her cheeks full of color. The fire within her blazing emerald eyes that Medusa couldn't extinguish intensified, and Selena was ready to fight back with a vengeance of a thousand dragons.

Happy to see that she reclaimed her lost vigor, Azrael urged her to follow, making their way back to Rahim's cell with haste and stealth. Rahim's eyes lit up like the stars when he saw her and rushed over, hugging her tightly.

Azrael, however, broke up their reunion. "We'll have time for that later." He placed his hands on the wall where he initially broke through Medusa's curse. He closed his eyes and muttered another enchantment in the demonic language; silence, and he confirmed, "We're directly below the crystal gardens where Thor and Doragon are imprisoned."

Selena's heart fluttered like a bird taking flight, and she and Azrael agreed to create an underground tunnel that would break through their wards. However, Azrael seemed a little hesitant about how they could dispel the enchanted crystals, but Selena remained determined. "We have to try," she resolved, "I'll destroy this castle if I have to."

Azrael clicked his teeth. "Pray don't alert Medusa, but once we free them, we must leave as soon as possible."

Rahim shuddered when Azrael and Selena got into casting positions. "Medusa and her army will chase after us once we've made enough ruckus."

"Yes, but with any luck, we'll be long gone by the time they're about to give chase," Azrael reassured, though his tone exhibited some reluctance, "We'll find a place to hide for a while before meeting up with Phantom Dust and the others."

Rahim stood back as Selena and Azrael began casting earth magic; she felt the energy rise within her body as she imagined the world moving. An explosion erupted from their hands, creating a large hole in the wall of their prison cube. Azrael climbed in first and summoned a small flickering flame burning from his palm once Selena and Rahim joined him.

Selena took over the creation of the tunnel with added stairs, clearing the way with magic, the pathway spiraling upwards to the gardens. Every few meters, she deepened the passageway as Azrael and Rahim followed until she made her last cast, and the trio arrived in the crystal gardens without the threat of Medusa's curse.

As much as Selena dreaded staying in Snowhaven any longer than necessary, she still admired the fairytale prison of rock and rainbow, but no sight was as beautiful as seeing her dearest companion again. Her eyes glimmered upon confirming that Thor and Doragon were safe and unharmed—with their belongings and harnesses—near the heated pools; though Medusa was a sadist, she kept her word that no harm would come to the dragons. They whipped around, and their ecstatic roars made Niflheim weep from their reunion when Selena and Azrael dashed over and joined their companions in jubilation.

Happy tears trickled down their cheeks, and Selena buried her face into Thor's snout when she felt his mental touch. I've missed you so much, my dearest one.

Thor snorted and closed his eyes after herding her close to his breast, commemorating their silent communion. Doragon wrapped both Rahim and Azrael within his protective arms, and they grew ensconced within his coiled tail, licking and sniffing them until they pried themselves away.

The trio quickly harnessed both dragons and packed up their boxed belongings and weapons that Medusa and Holland had graciously and suspiciously returned to the stone gardens. When Selena gave Azrael a worried glance, he quickly shrugged it off, urging how fast their window for escaping was diminishing.

Thor snarled when Selena ensured all was ready. I would forego all of this packing. Doragon and I ought to carry you three out while we still have the chance.

We can't leave our belongings behind. However, Selena ruefully looked around, guilty of leaving the dragon eggs behind in Medusa's clutches, but Thor reassured her that they would rescue them once they reconvene with their allies.

I will not lose you again, my dearest.

Doragon roared and unfurled his massive gold and silver wings once Azrael was strapped and buckled. Though Rahim was ready after tightening his carabiners, Thor was hesitant in relinquishing his hold on Selena. Instead, Thor trapped her in his claws, holding her close to his chest.

He and Doragon reared up on their haunches and hovered from the light flutter of their wings. Selena could feel Thor calling forth the essence of stone and living nature as the ground trembled and massive boulders rained from the sky from his and Doragon's magic. Although they were protected from the attack, the castle's crystal gardens didn't stand a chance from the flaming meteor shower destroying all within the dragons' proximity. The colorful gemstones shattered like glass, and the gold-streaked mother-of-pearl walls crumbled from their wrath.

When the dragons exhausted their energy, and the onslaught stopped, their gilt-painted prison lay in ruins. Content that Snowhaven no longer confined them, Thor and Doragon began their flight until Selena saw a black hole materializing beneath them. Her heart sank when shadow hands pluming with dark Aether thrashed forth, reaching for their hind legs.

The trio looked back and saw the former Justiciar William Holland below, hands extended and fingers curled, watching his spell wrapping around the dragons, forcing them to make their descent. As he sneered, his justiciar disguise vanished in a column of smoke, leaving him donning his more comfortable Obsidian Order attire, the dark blue robes nearly hiding him in the shadows.

As Thor and Doragon were forced to land among the destroyed stone gardens, cursing under his breath, Azrael unbuckled himself and dismounted. He knelt before the stone, hands at his sides, and slowly brought them up as he stepped forward, creating a thick ice wall formed around him to act as a barrier from oncoming ranged attacks.

Selena unsheathed Dragonheart, the rose-tinted ivory blade gleaming against the snow and ice, ready for battle, and slipped through Thor's claws, with Rahim joining her once he found his revolver. The two stood with Azrael, ready for Medusa's army of the undead and the Obsidian Order now marching forward from the icy fortress.

Thor and Doragon roared in warning, wrapping their shielding wings around the trio; Thor roared and knocked away the approaching battalion with a swing of his thick steel-rod-like tail. He then opened his mouth and unleashed a powerful fire breath at another group deciding to take on his might, but they remained unaffected by his breath attacks and continued rushing in. Doragon charged with his horns and whipped his tail, countering two large groups circling close. Yet, another formation appeared behind the dragons, but Doragon wheeled around, unleashing a massive torrent conjoined with Thor's to force them back. Their combined power was enough to incinerate the soldiers, reducing them to ash piles.

As the alarms blazed around the citadel, alerting Medusa of their escape, fireballs rained upon them from the catapults lining the castle's high walls. From behind both Thor and Doragon came more of the soldiers marching through the halls, surrounding the dragons. Thor and Doragon roared as their hides became encased in flames, damaging the undead whenever they drew close.

Selena looked over at the water and intensely concentrated. Deep down, she knew that the powers of ice and water moved through her, and she needed to embrace a steely resolve within herself: Selena must be versatile and adaptable, able to turn her opponents' energy against them. Breathing deep, she held out an open hand and dragged her fingers like plucking stars from the sky. The pool's water bubbled, and streams shot up, dancing in the air. The tendrils followed her swift movements, expanding and snapping at the soldiers like a whip from every angle. Her water turned to ice at the tips, and they ripped through their enemies' armor and flesh; to her disappointment, their wounds healed as fast as she attacked them. "Regeneration?" Selena asked, horrified and confused.

Azrael created an ice tornado circling him as he launched into the air, and his ice vortex carried him across the destroyed gardens. While suspended within his crystallized maelstrom, he encased himself inside a frosted sphere, and giant ice spikes grew on its surface and exploded. Selena acted fast, summoning giant ice walls, blocking the jagged missiles from hitting her and her allies, but the soldiers besieging Azrael were impaled from his attack and collapsed into the snow. Once he finished his cataclysm, Azrael landed, and spears from the ice jutted from the ground with a flicker of his hand and launched at the next incoming wave.

Meanwhile, the determined Rahim worked on shooting down the blockading attackers marching forth; his time practicing with Selena and Azrael allowed him to enjoy the fruits of his labor. His quick precision took down six soldiers in a blink of an eye before reloading, which he accomplished in seconds, and resumed with his back to Selena's. However, when one flung throwing knives at him, Selena summoned a cold stone slab as a shield, catching the projectiles. Grinning, she kicked her earth wall down, and as it crumbled, the pieces flew at the soldiers, and the erupting wave carried them away.

Thor turned around and unleashed a light beam from his mouth, pulsating with energy. He aimed his attack at the demonic forces, sweeping his magical torrent across the ground. As soon as the light touched the soldiers, they immediately disintegrated into ash. However, despite their valiant efforts, more of Medusa's troops swarmed around them, replenishing lost numbers in seconds. There was no end to the onslaught.

"What are we going to do?" Selena asked Rahim and Azrael in dismay as the trio backed closer to their weary dragons.

The soldiers suddenly stopped attacking and held their position as if they were waiting, giving the group a moment to rest, but the five cringed when a shrill voice shattered the air, making their skin crawl. "I've expected this treachery, but I thought you would have done this weeks ago." Whispering and hissing snakes tickled their ears as Medusa parted her way through the never-ending army and ran her fingers through her platinum blonde hair. "I'm disappointed in you, Azrael. Have you truly grown this weak to where you couldn't get through a simple curse?"

"Oh, to Oblivion with you."

She ignored him. Instead, she walked over to Selena, swaying her hips with every step. "I thought I could break you after you've been so helpful to my experiments—so unfortunate."

Selena gritted her teeth. "A dragon never yields."

"You're foolishly headstrong as you are brilliant." Medusa laughed as her purple eyes scanned the sea of undead soldiers until Ashur and the already harnessed Jade sauntered down the battered corridor, the Pearlscale's claws clicking against the onyx floors, and she beckoned them over. "I believe it's time you two make haste, as the Day of Eternal Darkness is nigh, and everything must be perfect. My little pet and my children should already be in Alfheim. You and Jade must prepare the dragon eggs at once while I'll take care of Azrael."

Rahim began to sob, ignoring Selena's and Azrael's hisses and snarls. "Niamh."

Ashur and Jade bowed and sneered. "As you wish, my Dark Lady." The Imperial Pearlscale sneered at them as he scooped Ashur within his talons, helping him mount the already prepared saddle. To Selena's alarm, she saw the chest with the Mythic Flight eggs belted behind Ashur's seat; her throat swelled, and her heart squeezed as the group dismally watched the venomous pair sweep off the ground like the gentle breeze under Jade's wings, making the long journey to Alfheim.

Medusa ignored their disgruntled sentiments, relishing her victory in the Empire's downfall. "Now the Dark Master needs you, Azrael."

His eyes widened, but Selena asked when Azrael withheld his suspicions about his role in the Lich's gambit. "Why do you need him?"

Medusa shrugged her shoulders, but the faint sheen in her eyes was as sharp as a two-edged sword. "I'm surprised you haven't figured out what the Dark Master intends with the dragon eggs." Selena scowled, but Medusa continued. "Since losing Ragnarok, our master had to find a different way to destroy your world and rebuild from the ashes. The powerful dragon eggs you graciously hand-delivered will allow us to open the portal to Oblivion, unleashing havoc and destruction upon this realm, thus amplified by the upcoming eclipse. Since he is a Divine, Azrael was the final key to unlock the gate."

Doragon roared and wrapped his arms around the growling Azrael, his golden eyes turning to slits, readying himself to strike Medusa down. Thor joined his side, hissing and arching his back with wings extended. My dear, say the word, and we will strike her down now.

Then we'll fall right into her trap; that's what she wants.

Medusa jeered at the hostile Doragon and Azrael. "The Dark Master has turned your army against you, Death, and has amassed over one billion waiting to storm through." She stepped back and gestured to the surrounding army waiting on her command. "Remember the Orcs and trolls you fought in the Battle of Alfheim? The Dark Master himself has blessed them—their reward for their loyalty."

Selena gripped Dragonheart and stepped from Thor's shield. "You'll have to kill me first before I let that happen." She ignored Azrael's and Doragon's worried gazes.

Medusa's lips curled into a vicious sneer, and the sound of hissing snakes that always followed her returned. "Noble to the end, but no matter. We still have much to accomplish."

Medusa's minions resumed their endless battle, quickly overwhelming the group before they could retaliate. Fighting through wave upon wave separated Selena from the group as she danced through the infinite sea of soldiers, looping off heads with Dragonheart from every swing. Azrael followed Rahim, Thor, and Doragon as they worked their way through, determined not to be separated.

The two dragons spread their wings in preparation to snatch the three away, but Medusa anticipated their actions. Like Holland's spell, she manifested another black hole and called forth the spirits of darkness—the same demons Selena fought from the ancient dwarven ruin. They latched themselves to the two stampeding dragons, holding them in place. Azrael and Rahim backtracked and aided their escape by fighting off the demons. Thor's and Doragon's combined weights were of no consequence, for the spirits of darkness fought with the strength of ten dragons of Ulrich's might, keeping them grounded. When Azrael and Rahim realized it was no use, they defended Thor and Doragon from being overwhelmed when they couldn't fly, but the dragons relied on their breath abilities to protect Azrael and Rahim.

Selena, however, focused her anger on bringing Medusa down, determined to kill the snake. Amidst the pell-mell conflict, Medusa's cold voice whispered in Selena's ears: "You and your friends will die here."

When Selena turned around, she was soon face-to-face with the venomous snake; she raised her hands, and Selena levitated before being thrown across the stone gardens by an invisible force. However, Selena forced herself to land on her feet, sliding across the ice. Her look of trepidation was tempered as she glanced over her shoulder to see Medusa rearing up for a sneak attack.

Selena spun in time and summoned stone blocks to protect her from Medusa's sudden fire blasts, but the force of the impact pushed her near the edge of the deep, heated pool, and she nearly toppled into the water. She regained her balance and blocked more oncoming attacks as Medusa cast a barrage of elemental magic: fire, lightning, ice, water, earth, and poison, all used with such mastery. She dodged and held her hands up in defense, but Medusa's final blast stunned her before dropping Dragonheart and falling backwards into the pool, slowly sinking.

Hysterical, Thor cried out: My dear, no!

Selena began losing consciousness from Medusa's relentless attacks as she continued her slow descent, but an expression of determination appeared on her face. She spun around, created a mighty water whirlpool, and used her magic to launch herself straight for the surface of her monstrous tornado, breaking through the pool's embrace. She propelled into the air at incredible speed and towered over everyone high above the ice.

Medusa looked up at the swirling maelstrom of ice and water with dismay. Selena landed between her and the soldiers, swiftly moving her hands, and the water formed a protective circle. As it expanded outward in a shockwave, Medusa disappeared.

"Liongod, get out of there," Azrael cried out to her. He and Rahim ran after her, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the never-ending army. Azrael's eyes widened, and Doragon roared, fighting from their demonic hold with increased ferocity when their worst fears were realized.

Medusa reappeared right behind Selena with her sword at the ready, the blade a deep red color, and sliced off her left hand in one cut. Selena released her magic, the water barrier splashing and soaking into the snow and stone. First, an uncomfortable sensation stinging in her left arm, then it was on fire. Blood poured forth from her severed limb like water as the snow and ice were dyed crimson. Selena grabbed her arm, screaming in pain and horror, nearly losing consciousness from the agony.

Ignoring Thor and Doragon still fighting through the spirits of darkness, Medusa paced around her and taunted. "Do you love how sharp my sword is? It's like yours: dragon bone and steel, enchanted with the demon's fire from Oblivion. It's said to be especially painful against a Divine."

Thor and Doragon finally broke from the demons' hold through sheer will, and the two, with Azrael and Rahim's help, stampeded through the sea of undead soldiers, with Azrael praying under his breath.

They were all too late.

Selena heard a faint hiss tickling in her ear. The blood drained from her limbs, and built-up pressure swelled within her chest, her heart beating wildly fast, and her body went numb. Before Selena realized what had happened, her chest and back tore open by a blood-shaped spear, splattering her blood on the ice.

"Just as I said before," Medusa whispered, "you and your friends will die here."

Before slipping into the void, Selena heard Thor's voice screaming within her fading consciousness.

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