Empire of Blood

By 129cdmuller

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When the young Selena Liongod unexpectedly became the companion of the noble and gifted dragon named Thor, th... More

Chapter 1: Dragonfire and Steel
Chapter 2: A Dragon's Secret
Chapter 3: The Aynu
Chapter 4: The Hearing
Chapter 5: The Mythic Flight
Chapter 6: Oathbound
Chapter 7: His Dark Majesty's Mercy
Chapter 8: The Dragon's Dance
Chapter 9: The Masked Dragons
Chapter 10: The Shepherd of Souls
Chapter 11: Rahim's Teacher
Chapter 12: The Forest
Chapter 13: The King of Rhumbek
Chapter 14: The Dragon and the Wolf
Chapter 15: Imprisoned
Chapter 16: The Mad God
Chapter 17: Artio's Blessing
Chapter 18: Unmovable and Unstoppable
Chapter 19: A Shadow Over Nuvak
Chapter 20: Death's Masquerade
Chapter 21: Tiamat
Chapter 22: Fire and Water
Chapter 23: City of Secrets
Chapter 25: The Dragon and the Snake
Chapter 26: Red Rain
Chapter 27: Blood on the Ice
Chapter 28: The Long Night

Chapter 24: The Woman With the Cobra Tattoos

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By 129cdmuller

"This ends now." Holland sneered at the group as the hooded stranger stepped over the king's bloodied corpse and sat on the throne, crossing their legs. Long platinum blonde locks flowed from underneath their cowl, and though Selena assumed them to be a woman, the figure didn't unmask their identity.

Azrael and Selena slowly backed away when a whole battalion of soldiers and guards encircled them—about fifty in all—but Rahim's hands trembled as he aimed his Winclock at the stranger's head. The conspirators displayed no reaction, but Selena whispered for him to back down while her eyes darted down the corridor for Thor and Doragon, but the dragons had yet to make their appearance.

My dear, where are you? Her heart sank when she received no reply; Thor's thoughts had vanished, leaving her isolated within her tempestuous mind.

Selena growled like an angry dragon ready to strike and retaliate but heard a pitiful cry squealing from behind. With great care, she glanced back and saw Rahim was already in chains with a black hood draped over his face, and the guards circling them revealed themselves to be the dreaded members of the Obsidian Order, their silver dragon-head masks glowing in the faint, eerie moonlight. What terrified her the most was how fast and quiet they were in detaining poor Rahim, for she and Azrael were oblivious to his sudden capture.

She unexpectedly felt freezing metal pressing against the side of her cheek. Her heart stopped, and she didn't have to turn around to see that Niamh stood behind her with a loaded revolver. Selena did her best to stay calm, even facing her possible imminent fate. Instantly, she understood their meeting with Niamh was a trap and that their brainwashed friend had betrayed them.

Niamh's stoic tone unnerved the trio as she said, "Don't do anything so rash, for you're surrounded. If you look back, I will pull the trigger." Azrael growled but neither objected nor attempted to fight back as Niamh pressed the barrel deeper into Selena's cheek.

"Well done, Niamh," Holland said, clapping, "Medusa should be quite pleased." The cloaked stranger laughed in amusement, and given their feminine pitch, Selena assumed they were a woman and possibly Medusa herself. The justiciar straightened his spectacles until they gleamed in Selena's eye. "Please forgive our sudden rudeness, Your Highness, but I tried to warn you," he nodded to the silent cultists, "Bind them."

Selena didn't struggle when bound in ropes and chains, nor when Niamh forced her to her knees, liberating her, Azrael, and Rahim of their weapons. She hunched forward, holding her head in defeat while snarling under her breath, swearing to seek vengeance upon these traitors. Azrael, unwillingly at first, soon followed her example, not without muttering and grumbling.

Selena knew she would be risking her life by speaking up, but she swallowed her fear. "How could you do this?" she quietly asked Niamh. She ignored Selena's question without a reaction, and the painful realization that Niamh was brainwashed made her heart sink further.

Her eyes scanned the castle, wondering if the Lich was somewhere hiding within, waiting to unveil himself. However, she couldn't sense his demonic presence or the masked dragons lurking within the city's shadows. How is that possible? Thor and I were always able to detect their auras.

Selena continued to reach for Thor's consciousness in desperation, but he remained in the dark. Looking at Azrael, he exhibited the same frustration, and she assumed he couldn't contact Doragon either.

Pleased in exposing them to the world's censure and its derision of disillusioned hopes and dreams, Holland smirked, enjoying the fruits of his victory. "Your dragons cannot hear you—the crystals from the stone gardens are enchanted to trap them within their gilt-painted prison and block all telepathic communication, courtesy of the Dark Master's magic. They activated once we captured you."

Selena scowled, disdainfully remembering the Silent Vow necklaces that former Captain Ashur Bel designed. This black magic was the work of the Lich himself, and Ashur used the dark Aether enchantments for the Council, thus further proving Vidar's betrayed alliance with the necromancer. She and her friends fell for the Council's gambit, and now the Lich possessed the Mythic Flight dragon eggs—like harnessing the power of a Divinity Dragon.

"This is a dangerous move, Justiciar," Selena said, "kidnapping the Crown Princess and dragon riders from the Imperial Air Force. You and His Majesty swore allegiance to the imperial family." Yet, regardless of her building wrath, Selena couldn't bring herself to call upon her dragon state. She didn't wish to risk her friends' safety or the dragon eggs, wherever Holland hid them.

Holland turned to the stranger, who nodded, approving him to continue. "My apologies, Your Highness, but the king pledged loyalty, not I. Your father was blissfully unaware of our coup. Snowhaven fell long before he came, and even His Majesty, King Boreas, was oblivious, but he served his purpose."

The howling winds screamed behind them through the open doors, delivering a thick white fleece over the darkened city. Footfalls marched up the stone steps, revealing the locals who had greeted them upon arrival; they morphed into soldiers wearing sinister spiked armor of black and red. Selena scowled to see that the Lich's army disposed of and replaced themselves as Snowhaven's citizens, avoiding detection from the outside world.

The ice isle shifted as waves spewed and rippled across the violent ocean, and hundreds of masked dragons burst from the dark depths like an erupting volcano and circled the citadel like a murder of crows. Selena clenched her teeth as her eyes watched their every move from the opened doors like a hungry wolf anticipating the dragons' raid upon the city as they had done with Alfheim. However, they withheld any possible attack and perched along the floating icebergs, their smoldering crimson eyes glowing in the shadowed fog, watching and waiting.

The stranger finally stood up from the throne and removed her cloak: a charming woman of beauty with an eerie physical resemblance to Selena, save for her long, strikingly blonde hair and purple eyes sparkling against her copper-toned skin. Donning a prestigious sleeve-less military uniform and polished hessian boots, the woman—Selena presumed to be Medusa—stepped down the throne's steps, the blue flames illuminating the cobra tattoos on both shoulders.

Azrael scowled with disgust, and Selena assumed he was familiar with her, judging from his hostile reaction. The woman with the cobra tattoos ignored them and looked at Niamh. "Well done, my pet," she said, her voice sinister. She then looked at Selena and sneered. "It was about time that we met. I've been looking forward to this moment. Oh? You look so confused and depressed; we might as well get acquainted, though you've probably figured it out by now: I am Medusa."

Selena almost didn't care what her name was, as it didn't matter. Instead, she recognized her from the Grand Exchange, hiding underneath the ridiculous attire. "You were with the Lich, pretending to be his sister when he disguised himself as Myrrdin. I'm surprised we couldn't detect the evil looming over this fake city."

Medusa had a gleam in her eye, and her wicked grin stretched across her face. "You're not so daft, after all. You and Thor couldn't sense us because we masked our essences," she held up a gold necklace with a jeweled pendant, "this enchanted piece is enough to hide us from you and Thor for leagues—I didn't want you to spoil our fun."

Rahim struggled in his bindings and growled through his hood, "What have you done to Niamh?"

Medusa sneered and put a hand over Niamh's shoulder. "As soon as my children, the Nidhoggr, brought her here, it didn't take long to convince her to side with us. After all, Niamh is the honored guest of His Dark Majesty." In response, Niamh tightened her grip on the revolver.

"Why did you need Niamh?" Selena asked.

"We didn't need her. My Nidhoggr believed her useful, so they brought her to me instead of killing her. So far, I have not been disappointed—I've even allowed her to keep the same one that brought her here."

"I am honored, lady Medusa." Niamh's voice was monotone and almost mechanical. The ground suddenly rumbled when one of the masked dragons landed before the castle stairs, poking its head through the doorway. It stretched its blade wings during its slow walk, the tips brazing and scraping along the castle walls; Selena recognized its damaged mask and its lips curled as it imitated their speech through guttural shrieks, "Niamh belongs to me," the same goading creature from the Ankoku Pass.

The trio growled and snarled as the Nidhoggr walked inside, the castle trembling from the weight of its massive steps; it lowered its head and rubbed its slimy snout against Niamh's side, purring and chittering in a display of affection.

Medusa sneered and scoffed when noting their close bond, but she returned Selena's paled face with scorn. "Don't fret, Your Highness, for Thor is safe and alive. As long as the Dark Master wishes it, we will treat his dragon like royalty as he is not your house pet. Soon, the dragon will join His Dark Majesty and be by his side at the rise of the eclipse. You may be lucky enough to witness the dawn of a new age." Medusa then turned to Azrael. "And welcome back, Azrael. Oh, the Dark Master so longed to see you again."

Azrael grunted and turned away. "I'm all tied up at the moment. Maybe I'll return another time."

Medusa wasn't amused; she moved with inhuman speed like a striking snake and punched him right in his stomach. Azrael doubled over in pain and spat out blood but cursed and swore her name; Selena tried to move to help him, but Niamh held her in place. "Ashur and I knew of your betrayal for months, but it no longer matters," her eyes shimmered with murderous intent, "for we have the Crown Princess to thank for her part in our scheme." Medusa held out her hands to present her to everyone standing there as if to mock her.

Holland and the malevolently smiling Medusa turned, and there stood the former Captain Ashur Bel, strutting forward from the shadows with his hands clasped behind his back. His pointed chin and gaunt cheekbones brushed against the wide collar of his dark red frock coat with black and gold trimmings and buckles, black breeches, and polished hessian boots. His black hair slicked past his pointed ears, accentuating his thick slanted eyebrows, giving him this intimidating aura as if he were always angry. Around his neck, Ashur still wore an obsidian dragon tooth necklace, and Selena assumed it carried the same enchantment as Medusa's.

A ghostly white shadow slithered around him, and Selena recognized it was his dragon, a rare Imperial Pearlscale with venom and acid abilities named Jade. His ivory nails clicked against the stone as he stepped forward in the light, his translucent scales smooth like a python's hide. Relatively small compared to Thor and Doragon, Jade was shockingly pure white, like fresh snow. Two long tendrils the length of his neck flowed in the blizzard breeze. He folded in his great wings and gazed upon them with piercing, emerald eyes. Adorned around the base of his neck was a heavy golden torque set with sapphires; the deep color magnified the hue of his sea-green eyes. Though Jade presented the same venomous personality as his handler, Selena believed him a lovely breed, beautiful like a viper.

Ashur smiled wickedly. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Liongod," he said sarcastically, "I pray the Council didn't trouble you too much when discovering yours and Captain Altessa's secret."

"He's an admiral now and doing much better since you're no longer there."

Defending his rider, Jade hissed and snarled at Selena; he nudged Ashur's side, his tongue slithering from his clamped serrated fangs as the frill along his jawline trembled and flared. "Now, now, Jade. I told you that we must play nice." Although Ashur spoke to his dragon, he didn't dare tear his gaze away from Selena and her friends.

"For some reason, I am not surprised by you, Captain." The words tasted vile in Selena's mouth. "I wouldn't even spit in your direction. I swear by the Divines, if I weren't in these chains, I would—"

Niamh used the butt of her revolver and smacked her in the head, and Medusa smirked. "Thank you, pet. I thought you would have figured it out by now, Liongod, but I'm disappointed by your lack of intelligence and cleverness."

"I figured out this was a ploy before you made your grand appearance, snake," Selena said, "allow me to guess the rest: you and Vidar negotiated the terms where you get the dragon eggs, and you send him an army of Nidhoggr." Medusa's lips curled into a sinister sneer, and Selena grimaced, ignoring Azrael's disapproving glances, and continued, "Quite frankly, I'm flattered you would consider taking on my form but may I suggest finding a unique look next time? It's rather dull when mimicking someone else far greater than you."

Medusa's smile vanished, and her subordinates took a step back; however, she held her tongue. "Ashur and Jade warned me you were headstrong and foolish, but I find it entertaining." She looked down the hall and jeered at Thor and Doragon locked away in the crystal gardens. "It was a risky and bold move, needing you and the necromancer's dragon to deliver the Mythic Flight eggs to us, but we had no choice. As Divinity Dragons, you two were the only ones strong enough to stand against my children, as Vidar notified us by the courier falcon." Her purple eyes fixated on Azrael. "But you brought us Azrael, and he's the key to making everything happen."

He squirmed and grumbled, but Medusa continued. "What you've done was technically treason, as you aided our Dark Master in the war effort. You're now labeled an enemy of the Empire, and of course, the Council will have no record of their part in this, so the Crown Princess is the one to blame."

Medusa strutted and knelt before Selena, forcing her to see her evil reflection. "I think you will also love this one. His Dark Majesty utilized your beloved's research from the Well of Souls and replicated the project in his lair at Mount Blackrock. It can do so much more than resurrect the dead." She nodded to the Nidhoggr, wrapping the brainwashed Niamh within its protective coils. "The Nidhoggr were dragons until the Dark Master killed and brought them back through the new Well as powerful, undead alterations—they only obey me."


Medusa's eyes sparkled when she saw the hope leave Selena's face. "However, they weren't the new Well's first success. You helped the Dark Master too. Don't you remember? I was made from your blood when His Dark Majesty had you locked up before those buffoons rescued you. Isn't that amazing? I am your clone, but perfect."

Selena refused to hear more, having enough of what Medusa had to say. Yet, Azrael grunted and asked, "What other plan does the Lich have up his sleeve this time?"

Medusa gave him a sinister smile. "You'll see soon. Your usefulness will redeem you of your sins."

"Why is Azrael part of your plans?" Selena asked quietly.

Medusa snickered as she stood up and dusted off her uniform. "I won't ruin that little surprise for you just yet." Before Selena could brace for it, Medusa acted with lightning speed, punching her in the stomach as she had done to Azrael. The pain was unbearable; she tasted blood in her mouth and heaved over, gasping for air.

Medusa looked to Holland and ordered: "Take these prisoners to the dungeons and keep their dragons locked in the crystal gardens. If they so much as fight back, their riders will be the first to die, but do not touch the necromancer's dragon."

Niamh backed away and joined her Nidhoggr companion, allowing Medusa's subordinates through. Followed by Holland, three cultists of the Order led the bound trio behind the throne and down the hidden stairway, spiraling downwards before reaching a stone wall lit by two torches with flickering blue flames. Holland grabbed one and pressed a switch, and the wall crumbled and lowered itself down into the depths. Selena was frightened, though her face lacked emotion, recognizing their solemn hour.

As the former justiciar continued his victorious march, Selena recalled Xyaxon's warning that the Lich would still find a way to succeed in destroying their world by the winter solstice, and he planned on using the dragon eggs to do so. As for Azrael's role in finishing his plans, she could only guess.

Holland led them past a few empty, decrepit rooms, the damp air smelling most foul. A slight noise escaped her lips when she noticed blood smeared across the narrow walls, but Azrael grunted. Rahim, meanwhile, still couldn't see from his hood and dragged his feet, but he was forced to walk faster with a tug of the cold chain.

Holland and his associates brought the trio to their designated cell—hollow by design as a stone cube with no windows—equipped with dangling chains and piled burnt corpses. Once the Order removed Rahim's hood, the three were locked in separate suspended metal cages with shadow locks. Selena felt disorientated by the prison's layout, her stomach churning from the smell of scorched, rotten flesh and the blood-coated table in the corner, covered in filthy rags. When the justiciar and the Order sealed the dungeon doors with magic and left, Selena touched the lock, but electrical pulses surged through her fingers. She recoiled back and cradled her stinging hand.

While Selena and Azrael sighed and leaned against their bars, Rahim squealed and panicked until Azrael barked at him. "I can't hear myself think—just be grateful that Medusa kept us alive. She's not known for her mercy."

Selena snorted as she continued reaching out to Thor's thoughts, hoping to circumvent the enchantment, but the crystals within their beautiful prison severed their connection. "We can't sit and rot in here while Medusa and those gits run amok."

Azrael bit his bottom lip. "We don't have a choice right now, but eventually, we'll find the right opportunity. At least we're warm, dry, and alive." He shrugged and stretched.

Rahim finally relaxed when understanding Azrael's point and let out a long sigh before whispering, "I'm sorry, Niamh."

Selena gripped the steel bars and wondered if she could melt them with dragon fire, but even if she did, she knew they wouldn't break past the dark enchantment Holland and his associates placed on the dungeon door. She scoffed when Azrael confirmed to sit and wait for now, for they had no way of dispelling the dark Aether, but her thoughts steeped with the fiery passion that Medusa could never extinguish. Selena wrapped her hand around her wolf necklace, reminding herself that she was headstrong, stubborn, and born to fight, and no matter what it took, she resolved that, for her friends, she would never quit.

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