Empire of Blood

By 129cdmuller

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When the young Selena Liongod unexpectedly became the companion of the noble and gifted dragon named Thor, th... More

Chapter 1: Dragonfire and Steel
Chapter 2: A Dragon's Secret
Chapter 3: The Aynu
Chapter 4: The Hearing
Chapter 5: The Mythic Flight
Chapter 6: Oathbound
Chapter 7: His Dark Majesty's Mercy
Chapter 8: The Dragon's Dance
Chapter 9: The Masked Dragons
Chapter 10: The Shepherd of Souls
Chapter 11: Rahim's Teacher
Chapter 12: The Forest
Chapter 13: The King of Rhumbek
Chapter 14: The Dragon and the Wolf
Chapter 15: Imprisoned
Chapter 16: The Mad God
Chapter 17: Artio's Blessing
Chapter 19: A Shadow Over Nuvak
Chapter 20: Death's Masquerade
Chapter 21: Tiamat
Chapter 22: Fire and Water
Chapter 23: City of Secrets
Chapter 24: The Woman With the Cobra Tattoos
Chapter 25: The Dragon and the Snake
Chapter 26: Red Rain
Chapter 27: Blood on the Ice
Chapter 28: The Long Night

Chapter 18: Unmovable and Unstoppable

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By 129cdmuller

The celebration was in full swing as the Aynu were resplendent with dance, food, and merriment. Rahim eyed the meat roasting in their spits over the bonfire, but he had to wait until the two alphas gave the word; Kiba and Maru took their share first, then the new pack members. Rahim graciously and ravenously accepted his food, but Selena and Azrael weren't as enthusiastic.

Thor and Doragon, meanwhile, had already returned from their evening hunt with freshly caught wild boar, but Thor asked if the Aynu could cook his. I pray neither to be impertinent nor a snob, but I enjoyed how Silver's chefs prepared the meat during the ball.

Not at all, my dear. You deserve the best, even if that means preparing your meals however you see fit, though that may prove difficult with our journey.

Doragon remained indifferent as he gobbled his catch without a second thought, watching the show as the other wolves howled and danced around the fire. They ate, laughed, and told stories for the remainder of the evening.

Selena twirled her wolf totem between her fingers before returning it to her neck and sought out Azrael; he had just sat beside Doragon with his untouched bowl of food as she approached. "Please forgive me for seeming too forward, but did you know Artio was real?"


Selena wasn't expecting his freely given answer. "Pardon me? I've never heard of her before now. I hope not to sound intolerant, but—"

Azrael rubbed his hands together over his knees. "It's not my place to say which gods are real or fake, as that defies what religion is about and the purpose of believing. Artio exists like the Divines, and she's important to this forest. Did you speak with her?"

"Yes, when I returned the artifact."

"I see. If you must know, Artio is my sister."

"Sister?" Selena took a step back. "I didn't know you had any other family."

Azrael only shrugged, but when he asked her to keep their relationship a secret, Selena agreed. However, she wanted to share with Thor what she had learned but decided against it; Azrael asked her to keep their discussion clandestine on his behalf, and she wanted to honor his wishes.

Yet, she was distracted when Thor lunged forward at her, like a cat attacking its prey. His scaly lips curled into a sneer when his surprise attack made Selena trip over her feet. Please, be careful next time.

I don't believe that's my fault that you're not paying attention to me. Thor lowered his massive head, his smoldering eyes almost twice the size of her shield, and his studded eyelids clicked as he blinked. Could you hold onto this for me?

Hold on to what? Thor snaked his neck back and lowered his chin to the totem tied to his necklace. Oh, don't you want to wear it anymore?

I don't want to lose it when flying or in combat.

Selena's eyes darted down to Thor's bracelets. But you have no issues with your bracelets or the chain Aracania gave you.

My treasures are safely clasped on my wrists and neck, but this leather is flimsy. As Thor lowered his neck to her level, Selena untied the stringy necklace from his gold chain. Upon further examination of the crafted piece, Selena believed Thor was right and that it was a matter of time before he lost it. I'll keep it in my bag for you.

Thank you, my dear.

The group agreed to spend the evening and rest before setting out towards Starsong and Nuvak, though Selena faced Azrael's opposition. He ultimately changed his mind when Doragon and Thor complained, wishing to rest their wings before setting off again.

"I hope we'll make it because Nuvak is still about a fortnight away, maybe less if the winds are in our favor." Azrael ruefully looked at the map before Rahim snatched it away. "We have a long ways to go before we reach Snowhaven."

Thor groaned as he made himself comfortable close to the shrine. His insistence on finishing our assignment is putting me in a foul mood. Pray tell Azrael I will ensure my wings will carry us safely to the capital, but I must rest.

Selena joined him and passed out under Thor's protective wings without saying a proper goodnight to Azrael and Rahim.

Yet, Selena didn't have much time to sleep, as Kiba had awoken her at the crack of dawn; keeping her promise to help Selena in her magical endeavor, the She-Wolf brought her to a large, empty clearing outside the Ankoku Pass.

When Thor and Doragon finally awoke, they pestered Azrael and the lazy Rahim to join them and watch Kiba's training session. Rahim, still half-asleep, grumbled at Thor, who slammed his tail against him, throwing him across the ground. Though Doragon and Azrael were amused, Rahim jumped back to his feet and grumbled at Thor again before protesting the pair and angrily stomping away.

Through their magic duel, Kiba tested Selena on her resolve throughout the day, as she still displayed disinclination and uncertainty. "And it shows. It's not just your magic but also your stance whenever you're communing with the elements." The She-Wolf stood on her toes and pointed at Selena's forehead. "Whatever is going on up here is holding you back. You're a dragon; now fight back like one."

As Kiba resumed their sparring match, she hurled a large boulder at her, and although Selena cleaved it in two, she lost her footing and fell; the alpha began losing her patience. "No, you're supposed to stand your ground. We will keep doing this until you get it right."

Selena's face grew red with embarrassment as Kiba's words echoed in her ears. "I'm sorry—"

"No, don't apologize. Just get back in position—we're starting our duel again."

Even Azrael flinched. "This is coming from me, but that's too far." Thor and Doragon agreed through snarls and growls, but one piercing look from Kiba silenced them.

"Quiet—we're doing it my way."

Selena stood up and dusted herself off. "I'm trying, but—"

"Are you really giving it your all? You need to be an unstoppable force, but you're too shallow and weak. You must show the Lich that you're not a coward—he should fear you. Don't let him get in your way." Kiba repeated her instructions, but Selena failed in the She-Wolf's eyes.

Selena hung her head in shame and defeat. "I'm sorry."

Kiba was disappointed. "What are you playing at?"

"Maybe I don't like it when you're yelling at me."

"I'm sorry, what?" Kiba asked, leaning her head down to better hear her.

Selena's nostrils flared, and the firestorm within her steeped. "I don't like you pushing me around and putting me in this position." She stomped away towards Thor.

The stubborn Kiba stomped and shattered the nearby pile of rocks like glass. "Fine, go away."

While relaxing within Thor's saddle during their duel, Rahim flinched when he saw Selena storming over, fuming. "Selena, stop—"

"I'm not ready to hear it, Rahim. I want to leave right now."

He had attempted to dismount, but he was caught in the mess of belts and buckles; he dangled from a carabiner tied to his leg. Yet, Selena climbed up Thor's foreleg and, through her frustration, ordered Thor to take flight. Thor, too, was somewhat wrapped in her fury and hadn't paid attention to Rahim; unfortunately, Rahim's yells and pleas were drowned by the whoosh of Thor's wings, and he was left dangling off the side for dear life.

Selena's eyes widened with shock when she realized what she had done and, with Thor's assistance, helped him board the saddle and untied the carabiner that tore through his pants and bruised his leg.

"I'm sorry." Selena turned away as Rahim mumbled and pulled out another pair of trousers to change.

"You're sorry? You tried to kill me."

I know you're angry, but you need to pay more attention to your surroundings. Selena ignored Thor and sat in the corner with her legs up to her chest. If he had fallen, I would have been able to grab him, but that's beside my point. Where do you want to go?

I don't know.

Thor snorted. Then I'm not straying far; I'll circle the valley until you decide.

Once Rahim recovered from his second near-death experience after slipping into new pants, he asked, "Why is this frustrating you?"

"Nothing is upsetting me."

"You're full of it. Is it Kiba, or is it because you're not as good as you thought you were? How does this make you feel?"

His words cut deep. "Do you really want to know how I feel?"

Rahim nervously backed away to avoid invoking her wrath. "I thought I was quite clear about that,"

Hot tears streamed down her face. "I'm tired of failing. Every time I think I can do something, it turns out I'm not good enough, and it blows up in my face like everything else. I can't fail, not with the eclipse drawing near. I'm not strong enough to face the Lich again, not after what happened with Ragnarok." Selena looked at Thor, who had swiveled his head back and fixated a single smoldering eye on her.

Why do you always believe you have to do this alone?

That's not it, my dear. I'm not strong like you.

Not yet, he corrected. When your time comes, you will be a force to be reckoned with, and your fire will make the Divines kneel.

The three flew in silence under the late afternoon sun as Selena allowed Thor's words to soak. However, she curled herself into a ball the longer she remained alone with her shrouded thoughts.

Eventually, Rahim broke the tense air. "You put so much on your shoulders, and it's not fair. You just found out who you were not long ago, and everyone forced you into this situation. You didn't ask for any of this, but the Divines still chose you and Thor."

Selena looked up at him and wiped her tears away. "I don't know what to do, Rahim."

"Yes, you do. You've never given up." Rahim's eyes brightened upon discovering this revelation. "I believe I now understand your resolve. You never give up—unmovable and unstoppable. That's your hard-headed attitude. Maybe when Kiba pushes you around again, that's what you need to focus on."

Thor dipped his head in agreement and released a few loose ember streams. Rahim is wise, and he's right. Now, fight back like the Divinity Dragon you are.

Selena appreciated the small reminders of what she was capable of, and upon recognizing she was a Divine miracle, she smiled and agreed. When Thor circled back and made his graceful descent, Kiba approached, snarling and arms crossed; she taunted, "I knew you would be back. Are you going to run away again?"

As Thor helped Selena dismount, she growled back at the She-Wolf. "I'm done dealing with you."

Kiba's eyes narrowed. "What did you say?"

"I said I'm done dealing with you," Selena declared, "Now, I want a rematch."

Kiba scoffed. "A rematch against the She-Wolf—are you going to leave and cry to your dragon again?"

Selena held her head up high and took her stance, ready to begin; she became mentally and emotionally unmovable, eager to fight back with the strength of a hundred dragons. Instead of arguing, Kiba smiled and began their duel; she stomped, and a boulder erupted before her, and when she believed Selena was ill-prepared, she launched it.

As she focused on her restored resolve, Selena maintained her firm stance and cleaved the massive boulder in two, her hand slicing through like a knife in butter. The rock split apart, the halves flung behind her. Breathing deeply, she saw Kiba lunging forward at her with an unstoppable force. Selena whipped her arm around and blocked the She-Wolf's attack, leaving the two in an awkward stare-down. Selena knew what Kiba was attempting; the Alpha Female wanted submission, but Selena was a dragon refusing to back down.

I serve neither god nor king.

Flames wafted from Thor's and Doragon's mouths from this delightful display of raw power. Rahim and Azrael fidgeted as they anxiously looked at the dragon and the wolf locked in a silent battle, wondering who would back down first.

When Selena squinted down upon the alpha, a huge grin spread across Kiba's face. "It's impressive to stand up to the She-Wolf; I think you have what it takes to face that necromancer, dragon."

Thor and Doragon clicked their nails against the rocks in approval; Kiba and Selena backed away and bowed, but the alpha wasn't finished and transformed into the white wolf. As she barked and growled, Selena heard her voice ring within her thoughts; she asked the alpha of her telepathic abilities, as she had only known dragons to develop that link with mortals.

I share this telepathic bond with my pack members through Artio's blessing, Kiba explained, Now that you're part of the Aynu, you can hear me as long as you're nearby. She looked at Thor and Doragon, listening to her explanation; they watched her with keen interest. Unlike you and your dragons, we can't communicate with you if you leave this forest, but the link will return if you do. Before I continue, you must tell your dragon that he cannot interfere no matter what happens.

Thor snarled when he overheard; Selena didn't feel comfortable. Is something terrible going to happen?

Perhaps. Accidents happen all the time, but Thor cannot always be there to save you.

As reluctant as she was, Selena concurred, but Thor wasn't as willing when she pleaded. Silver took it too far the last time I agreed to something like this.

I trust her.

Thor fixated his fiery gaze on the white wolf; she met with equal intensity. Very well; I'll stand by for now, but I will take action if Kiba takes it too far.

That's not what I'm asking. Kiba has a pointI must be able to help myself. I can't count on you to always be there to save me. Swear it.

Thor gnashed his fangs and flickered his tail. Fine. I swear it.

Thank you.

Once receiving his consent, Kiba warned her to ready her weapon. Reluctantly unsheathing Dragonheart, Selena asked: Why would I need it?

I believe you should always be armed. Think fast. Selena's face turned white when Kiba gave her a toothy grin; the alpha jumped, and as soon as her paws touched the ground again, the dirt beneath Selena's feet crumbled away, swallowed into the abyss.

Azrael and Rahim protested as they rushed to the edge with Thor and Doragon peering over, but Kiba reminded them of their agreement; Selena struck her blade into the earth, slowing her fall until she was left dangling. The pit in her stomach sank to see her bottomless chasm, and she growled when she heard Kiba's howls from the surface. Before she could brace herself, a large boulder formed over her hole, shrouding her in absolute darkness. The earth rumbled, and her sword trembled as the giant rock slowly lowered down, threatening to crush her. Small rocks fell on her head from the stone scraping against the abyss walls.

Though she didn't have her wings, Selena had an idea; she withdrew Dragonheart from the rock as she concentrated on summoning flames erupting from the soles of her boots and left fist. She sighed in relief to see herself levitating, wobbling in mid-flight but successfully kept herself aloft. Steering herself with the fire from her fist, Selena focused on the lingering threat still making its descent as it increased its fall speed. Stubborn and steady, the flames from her feet grew, and Selena propelled herself forward with Dragonheart at the ready. As the boulder was upon her, she slashed through with one slice and used her free hand to blast the rubble out of the hole with a whipping gale storm.

When they saw an eruption of shattered rocks bursting from Kiba's abyss, Thor and Doragon whisked the She-Wolf, Azrael, and Rahim away, protecting them from the raining stone and debris. Seconds later, Selena flew out of the hole with Dragonheart hanging from her side and flames blazing from her feet. She maneuvered her graceful landing and extinguished her fire as she stepped back onto solid ground and crossed her arms over her chest.

Thor snaked his head around to examine her newfound prowess. You certainly know how to triumph with flair.

Kiba, Azrael, and Rahim looked in awe as Selena made her grand entrance; though sodden and breathless, she stood her ground when the She-Wolf approached, grinning ear to ear as she shapeshifted back to human. "I will never underestimate you again," she said.

"Pray don't try to kill me again."

"I make no promises."

While Thor and Doragon made their final hunt to ensure they would be satiated for the long trip to Nuvak, Selena and Kiba were locked in a magic contest, keeping her awake and alert for any threat lurking around every corner. Amidst Kiba's repeated test of resilience, the alpha explained as she and Selena broke more boulders apart, "My pack and I can all use earth magic because of Artio, and the dwarves learned by watching us. Before that dragon destroyed them, they were almost as good as we were, but from what you saw, they favored that weird magic over the old teachings."

"By weird magic, I'm assuming you mean technology."

"I don't know what technology means unless you're talking about those unnatural things made of metal, then yes. I don't like your firesticks, either."

"Firesticks? Oh, I think you mean our guns."

"Meh. Whatever you call them." Kiba clapped her hands together and summoned a stone disk. "Think fast." She waved her hands, and the rock lunged for Selena's head. Selena held out both her arms without time to analyze the situation, and two large stone pillars erupted from the ground beside her. She then moved her arms together, and the spires followed. They positioned themselves before her, and Kiba's attack crumbled upon impact with her block.

"You've done well to keep up with me," Kiba reached up and knocked on Selena's forehead, "Don't lose your drive and keep thinking stubborn thoughts. Make that necromancer fear you, dragon."

When Thor and Doragon returned within the twilight hours, freshly fed and bathed from swimming in the North Sea, Selena and Azrael wasted no time harnessing and packing. The Aynu members brought out baskets of food and woven furs used to line Thor's and Doragon's saddles, making them more comfortable for the long trip.

Though Rahim expressed excitement to see his mother again, Selena was afraid of what she would think of her and Thor for running away. However, Thor maintained an optimistic attitude towards their reunion. I'm sure she's both worried and proud.

Do you believe she's mad at me?

What reason would there be? I think she misses you and Rahim dearly, and she would love to see all of us again.

Amidst their packing, Kiba and her wolves froze and began snarling for no apparent reason. Azrael and Rahim shared Selena's confusion, but Thor's and Doragon's lips curled back, revealing their serrated fangs at an unknown looming threat that Selena had yet to see.

My dear, stay close to me. Thor's growls turned to thundering roars as he and Doragon unfurled their wings and wrapped shielding arms around the trio while the bristling wolves scattered in pell-mell fashion. They looked to the trees, and hovering in absolute silence was one of the masked dragons that had attacked Alfheim.

No, it couldn't be. Selena's hands trembled at her side, and her breaths turned ragged and harsh, her heart nearly bursting from her chest. The dragon's black silhouette taunted her.

Yet, even amid the wolf pack's battle preparations, the twisted dragon didn't retaliate. Instead, it glided down as gentle as a breeze brushing against a tree and landed near the forest's edge, its razor wings unfolding like a graceful swan in full grandeur. Upon further examination, Selena noted its partially damaged mask and realized it was the same creature that withstood her Divine might and took Niamh.

"Must I use this foul tongue of yours?" it hissed at them. Selena was appalled to hear it speak; its voice was slow and sounded like guttural shrieks. "Your pursuit will be your undoing; it would only serve to strengthen us. We will be waiting for you, but you better hurry. The one you call Niamh misses you." Before Thor, Doragon, and the pack could attack, the masked dragon flew away and left as quickly as it came.

"Get back here and fight," Rahim pushed Thor's wing aside and pulled out his gun to shoot it down, but Selena intervened and pushed his firearm away. His eyes shimmered as he watched the goading behemoth flee, and Rahim was undone.

Selena warned, "Now is not the time. It's only taunting us."

"But Niamh...." Rahim's voice turned hoarse as he gripped the barrel of his Winclock.

"We will get her back. I swear it."

"If you want to save her, we need to leave now and deliver the eggs," Azrael announced as he strapped himself into the harness; Doragon grunted, stretching his wings and nodding to Thor, indicating he was ready for take-off. "We can't afford any more delays."

Kiba and Maru stepped forward while their pack circled the two dragons; they gave her a firm but jumpy handshake in farewell. "Thank you for everything, but be careful if you're going after that dragon. If you ever need us, you know where we are—you're all welcome here."

Maru grunted and placed a fist to his chest. "You're one of us now."

Selena bowed to the alphas, and the trio clutched their totem necklaces. "Thank you, and I know we will meet again."

Once they were ready and the trio belted, Thor and Doragon launched skyward in one massive leap, their wings sweeping across the ground; the Aynu made a great deal of noise, howling in a unified and beautiful farewell.

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