Empire of Blood

By 129cdmuller

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When the young Selena Liongod unexpectedly became the companion of the noble and gifted dragon named Thor, th... More

Chapter 1: Dragonfire and Steel
Chapter 2: A Dragon's Secret
Chapter 3: The Aynu
Chapter 5: The Mythic Flight
Chapter 6: Oathbound
Chapter 7: His Dark Majesty's Mercy
Chapter 8: The Dragon's Dance
Chapter 9: The Masked Dragons
Chapter 10: The Shepherd of Souls
Chapter 11: Rahim's Teacher
Chapter 12: The Forest
Chapter 13: The King of Rhumbek
Chapter 14: The Dragon and the Wolf
Chapter 15: Imprisoned
Chapter 16: The Mad God
Chapter 17: Artio's Blessing
Chapter 18: Unmovable and Unstoppable
Chapter 19: A Shadow Over Nuvak
Chapter 20: Death's Masquerade
Chapter 21: Tiamat
Chapter 22: Fire and Water
Chapter 23: City of Secrets
Chapter 24: The Woman With the Cobra Tattoos
Chapter 25: The Dragon and the Snake
Chapter 26: Red Rain
Chapter 27: Blood on the Ice
Chapter 28: The Long Night

Chapter 4: The Hearing

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By 129cdmuller

Selena sat in isolation in the crystal catacombs underneath the Fire Temple for several days since her arrest, yet all she could think about was Thor's horrible torment. The alluring mineral pools lost their luster as she crouched beside a stream of trickling water and cocooned herself within her embrace.

Although her efforts were futile in trying to speak with Thor, she feared he wore the Silent Vow, Ashur Bel's treacherous invention: an enchanted necklace severing all telepathic communication between a dragon and their rider. The former captain had used this once when the pair started basic, separating them until training was nearly over. It took weeks for Silver to convince the Council to remove it finally.

I'm so sorry, my dear.

She held her trembling head. It all seemed like a dream or that maybe someone was playing a cruel trick on her. She was tired, too tired, but she didn't dare sleep. How could a reasonable person sleep while their companion was in chains? If Thor were dead, Selena would join him.

She pushed the thought away as she stood up and paced. How could the Council have found out about us? Selena immediately thought of Azrael, her rival and bunker buddy, and cursed his name. That treacherous bastard, how could he—?

No, it couldn't have been him; Azrael knew better. After their skirmish months ago, he and his dragon, a Sunbeam Shieldtail named Doragon, had both declared a silent truce. Though Azrael didn't quite warm up to her, he had at least begun showing respect. If he did report me to the Council, Silver and the others would have addressed this issue by now.

She then clenched her teeth when suspecting former Captain Ashur Bel's involvement. However, she wasn't sure how that would be possible, as he hadn't been seen since his suspension; even Jade took a leave of absence, possibly to join his handler. Yet, Selena couldn't understand how Ashur found out about her ruse. Clearing her mind, she prayed in silence to the Divines for a way out or to save Thor.

She paused when the wall before her rumbled and swung open like a massive door. Selena scowled and cringed upon seeing Azrael strutting calmly inside, with fists jammed into his pockets; behind him followed Admiral Silver Altessa, frantically spewing nonsense about the Council's atrocities.

Save for Rahim's birthday party, it had been weeks since Selena last saw Silver; her eyes darted to his new badge pinned to his jacket, declaring his high rank. Silver towered above her and Azrael—only the Shadow Emperor's height outmatched his. Yet, he was the same. A pair of rounded spectacles perched on the bridge of his nose, like glass cases protecting his ice-blue eyes. His waist-length silver hair matched his regal white jacket and waistcoat, fastened by an azure chain with teal-tipped feathers, accentuated with gold and blue trimmings and white breeches. Even his hessian boots completed his ensemble, though they were uncommon to be any color other than black.

Contrarily, Azrael looked depressing through his messy jet-black hair and deep blue eyes. His crescent-shaped scar through his right eye appeared darker than usual. Yet, he scowled at the rampaging Silver and turned away to avoid Selena's heated gaze; she couldn't understand why he would be willing to join Silver to see her in the dungeons. She dug her nails into her palm to see Azrael again. Lately, he had been doing his best to avoid her company, not being in their shared bunker whenever she was around, and Selena took it offensively.

Silver ignored their hostile exchange. "I'm sorry I'm late. I came as soon as I was able, but General Araneus won't tell me a bloody thing."

"As his orders came directly from Vidar, I doubt Araneus would." Selena sighed and snarled. "Do either of you know what they're doing with Thor?"

Azrael answered in Silver's place. "From what we know, he's fine for now—Doragon last saw him detained at Dragonspire."

"Very good." She bit her inner cheek until she tasted blood and scowled. "Why did you come here? Silver, I'd expect, but you—"

"Because I agreed to help," Azrael sternly replied.

Selena never thought that Azrael would be the one to offer her assistance; she was sure he would have been ecstatic to see her rotting in the catacombs. "I cannot understand your character: first, you and Doragon spent a good deal of time hunting us down for the Obsidian Order, then the general asked you to be a coroner. Now, you made a complete change by showing me any form of compassion—"

"That's enough from you," he hastily interrupted and nodded at Silver. "You don't know when to stop—you're just as bad as he is."

Silver smirked, taking the comparison as a compliment. Selena, however, hid her burning cheeks, hoping not to show her embarrassment. Since the two confessed their affections and kissed at her birthday party, she couldn't help but long for his company; she wondered if it dampened the small relationship the two shared, but Silver acted as if they had never been apart.

"If you two are ready to play nice," Silver said, "I would like to remind Azrael of the plan."

He hissed at Silver's cooled words but eventually nodded. "Let's hope your former fellow captain doesn't ruin it again."

Selena banged her fist against the large, smooth crystal beside her. "So, it was Ashur who was behind this. I swear by the Divines, if I ever see that rat again—"

"Not to worry, my dear," Silver interrupted, a smile brightening his face, "your father, Kain, and I came up with a plan. Although, as for your suggestion, Azrael, I'm beginning to question your sanity."

"It will work. I guarantee it."

Selena huffed but nodded. "What do you have in mind?"

Silver fixed his glasses. "We have one chance to show the Council how much of an asset you and Thor are. From what I gathered, General Araneus is planning a proposition to control your new awakened dragon state."

She immediately understood what he meant. "You mean like a weapon."

"Precisely." Silver's smile vanished when he noticed her lack of enthusiasm. "That may not be what you want to hear, but right now, that's his best argument to keep you two." His ice-blue eyes pierced Azrael's unrelenting expression. "Though, I still don't believe that, to wholly convince the Council—"

"Dammit, this will help get our point across." Azrael met Selena's smoldering stare. "I know you hate me, but can you trust me?"

Selena snorted. "Do I have a choice?"

Azrael sneered. "No," he said coolly.

Shortly after Silver and Azrael left to join the trial, General Araneus and his two sentry escorts arrived at the crystal catacombs. "Your trial will be held upstairs in the Council's headquarters. You and Thor are prohibited from speaking: Thor will continue wearing the Silent Vow until the Council decides."

Selena avoided the general's piercing gaze and trudged with heavy steps; he and the guards led her up the massive marble staircase branching into different wings within the mountain metropolis. Yet, she couldn't help but wonder if the Council would have kept her in the catacombs upon successfully relocating her before fleeing Helshire; Selena shuddered as her heart caught in her throat.

They passed many wings leading to Rune Citadel's different levels until marching through the main keep. However, General Araneus hastened his steps, and Selena was urged forward before taking in the lovely splendor of the throne room, taking the exit leading to another set of stairs behind the gold-streaked marble columns and red silk curtains.

The next chamber was a surprisingly shining welcome; the warm sunlight captured by the titanic glass dome ceiling and walls illuminated the marble floor's melting colors of ivory and silver. A beautiful water fountain with crystal-clear water sliding smoothly from a lovely mermaid statue was displayed in the center. As Araneus and the guards urged her to stand before the spring, Selena glimpsed at Alfheim's loveliness from the windowed walls, its glorious architecture and landscape glistening in magnificent radiance.

She and her party strutted to the middle, and the floor quivered, shifting beneath their feet. The marble lifted into the air as a moving platform and elevated to the room above.

The stage brought them to a large courthouse. Vidar was in position as the judge, shuffling through paperwork. All twelve members of the Council sat behind him in the stands, shrouded in cloaks and shadow. Five others were seated on the benches to the side: the Empress, Colonel Cyres, Silver, Azrael, and an unknown man she had never seen before. He wore formal military attire similar to former Captain Bel's dress: a dark red jacket and waistcoat with black and gold trimmings and buckles, black breeches, and polished boots. She assumed him to be one of the soldiers.

Engraved into the wall behind the Council was a giant sigil of a dragon taking flight. In its talons was a long scroll bearing the words, 'Enno etem Drvanis,' which meant 'Year of the Dragon' in the Elven Language. Abbreviated as 'ED,' it measured how many years had passed since the war between dragons and mortals ended. An alliance solidified the two about two hundred years later when dragons bonded with the first humans; elves and dwarves joined a few years later.

My old captain couldn't even make it to my hearing. Such a coward—I swear by the Divines he will deal with me if I somehow make it out alive.

General Araneus ordered Selena to sit in the oversized metal chair facing the podium in the middle of the dark courtroom. She did so carefully while the two guards took their post to stand beside Vidar's stage. The many windows above the surrounding benches were closed save for one, catching the sunlight beaming upon her seat like Divine's judgment.

"This is a court-martial trial for the Crown Princess Selena Liongod, also known as Andric Liongod, on the twenty-third of Arelion," Vidar began.

She saw Azrael and Silver sitting beside each other; their heads hung low. Her Imperial Majesty was seated in the back, her face covered by a dark blue cowl. General Araneus took his position to Vidar's right, keeping his posture as he stared forward intensely, yet he ignored Selena's burning eyes.

"During the time of this trial, your dragon, Thor, will be detained until further notice, wearing the Silent Vow. With permission from the rest of the Council, I will be the one making the final decision on the outcome."

The twelve said simultaneously: "Yes, Your Honor."

"Very well then." Vidar then pointed his gavel to Selena. "Please state your full true name for the court to hear."

"Selena Liongod." Her words tasted vile, and she wanted to vomit.

"Very good. Now, will the accused please stand and raise their right hand?" Selena did. "Do you swear by the Divines that you will present nothing but the truth?"

"I do."

"Good. Sit back down. Now, shall we decide in your favor, this will allow you to remain as a Flying Officer in the Imperial Air Force and keep your dragon, Thor, and all charges should be dropped against you. If not, you and your dragon will be executed by sundown." Selena believed Silver had more reaction than she did; she peered up to see him adjust uncomfortably in his seat. Her mother, however, remained still.

Vidar continued: "The court has been asked to hear the two opposing arguments before deciding your fate. The first was submitted to me as a legal document from former Captain Ashur Bel, who unfortunately took ill and could not make it to the proceedings. He declared that a legal representative would take his place in the meantime." Vidar nodded to the unknown individual. "Please take the stand."

The formerly dressed man stood up and cleared his throat. "Thank you, Your Honor. My name is Derik Nuwolf, appointed advocate for former Captain Ashur Bel. His argument is this: Selena Liongod was an abomination created by illegal magic with a terrifying power that she could easily use against the Empire. From the reports following the defeat of the Lich, witnesses noted that Liongod had no control over her dragon state when she awakened her ability.

"Furthermore, she disobeyed the Council's orders for relocation, hid an unreported dragon rescued by Flying Officers Gromm and Beck Steelmane, and committed fraudulent enlistment by falsifying documents. All of her crimes, Your Honor, are the highest offenses against the Empire and should be prosecuted as treason. Her punishment is clear, and we ask for the death penalty." Derik bowed and took his seat.

Vidar nodded. "You may be seated."

"Thank you, Your Honor."

"Next, we will hear the defense from General Araneus Morleth himself." Vidar's eyes darted over to the general.

He and Colonel Cyres exchanged glances and nodded; Araneus made his stand: "Thank you, Your Honor. As the general of Her Imperial Majesty's Air Force, my defending argument is this: I want to acquit Crown Princess Selena Liongod of all charges, keep her as a soldier, and her dragon, Thor, and use their power to fight against the Lich in the upcoming war. She has proven her dedication and loyalty to our Empire. I respect a dragon's choice in their rider and handler, despite her being the first female among our ranks. She neither chose the origin of her birth nor creation, but she decided to fight for us and serve the Empire.

"We have two Divinity Dragons willing to assist us when they don't grovel to anyone lesser than the Divines, and they could be our only chance to defeat the Lich once and for all. You may as well have surrendered and given up by sentencing them to death. Without them, we have no future, save for counting down the days until the winter solstice."

The Council members behind Vidar began whispering when they were reminded of the Day of Eternal Darkness, which fell on the twenty-second of Moonstar of this year. Silver had shared news of the upcoming eclipse with the Council, General Araneus, and Her Imperial Majesty to prepare a battle strategy. Selena scowled when everyone seemed to have forgotten that their days were numbered if they didn't give her and Thor a chance.

However, Vidar was the only one who seemed unconcerned about the looming eclipse; he leaned forward and propped his chin up. "Thank you, General Araneus. Liongod, I have some questions to ask you. Do you still plan on continuing to fight for us, even with your new dragon state powers?"

"Yes, of course."

"How long have you known you had these powers?"

"I was just as surprised as you were, Your Honor—after the Lich conceded defeat."

Vidar shuffled his paperwork as if to search for a missing puzzle piece. "Hmm. Do you recognize this?" he pulled out the journal that Silver gave her two months ago. Her face turned pale, and she trembled; Vidar sneered when she couldn't answer. "Liongod, need I remind you that you are under oath? Answer the question."

Selena almost choked on her tongue. "Yes."

"How long have you had this in your possession?"

"Not very long, Your Honor."

Vidar's eyes narrowed down at her. "That's not what I'm asking. I need you to be specific. How long?"

Selena lowered her head. "Shortly before the battle, Your Honor."

"So, you've known this before you fought the Lich? You just said that you found out after he admitted defeat. Which is it?" Vidar demanded.

Selena snarled; if she had complete control over her dragon powers, she would have assumed her Divine state now and struck him down. "I stand by my original answer: there was nothing in that journal stating I had other abilities as I had no idea until after the Lich impaled me, sir."

Her sudden uncivil hostilities made the appalled courtroom buzz, but Vidar gave her a nasty sneer. Ignoring her insults, he cracked the journal open. "Did it not, now?"

He flipped through pages as Selena went through her thoughts. Did she misread any information? Missed? No matter how many times she thought about it, she never recalled reading about having any powers. She had skimmed through the book several times over, but her heart stopped when Vidar cleared his throat and read: "I'm wondering if I made a miscalculation or an error elsewhere. With the obvious mistakes of being human—and not elf—and the mark on her hand, the child may inherit some unknown side effects from being a dragon-born. I don't know yet, but only time will tell." His eyes darted back to her. "Does this sound familiar?"

"If it did, I would have mentioned it, Your Honor."

"Forgive me if I don't trust you. As I seem to recall, you have an aptitude for lying."

Selena growled and stood up from her chair. The two guards near the podium stepped forward, but she made no intention of leaving the vicinity of her chair; General Araneus ordered them to stand down when he noticed. "With all due respect, sir, as a Divinity Dragon, I swore an oath to the Divines and told you the truth. I yield to them, not you. I have nothing left to hide, and all I can give you is the truth. Then again, you seem to have issues recognizing it."

The courtroom held their breath as Vidar's eyes gleamed with murderous intent. However, he scoffed and tossed the journal back into his paperwork pile. "Hmph. Very well. I have no further questions for the accused. However, I have some questions for you, Admiral Silver Altessa." All eyes turned to Silver as he squinted at Vidar like attempting to solve an ancient riddle. "How can we be so sure that you didn't create her as a weapon to oppose the Empire? What exactly were your intentions?"

Silver's upper lip twitched when he was called out, and he jolted to his feet with a raised fist. "That is absurd. My duty is to the Empire."

"You still haven't answered my question. Why did you create Liongod through illegal magic?"

"How dare you? Your Honor, with all due respect, I never created her. I brought her back to life—that is a huge difference. I only did it to help out an old friend who lost his daughter, but I'm sure you couldn't imagine that pain." Silver's voice echoed with passion and emotion.

"I believe I've spotted another liar in our midst. Explain to me, Admiral, why she got these powers in the first place. It should have been a simple procedure for someone of your talents to bring her back to life, but instead, you created a potential monster that could destroy us." Vidar's lips curved into a sneer when he saw that Silver was ready to erupt like a violent volcano.

Silver attempted to answer, but Selena spoke out instead. "Admiral Altessa has nothing to do with this. Leave him out of it—this trial is about me. How could he have known that it would have given me the power of a Divinity Dragon? How dare you call that a simple procedure? I haven't seen any of you foul old gits accomplish what he's done. He has made the greatest discovery in history, and you're turning it against him."

Vidar smashed his gavel. "Order in the court!"

Azrael grumbled through the noisy blitz and immediately jumped down from the stands, pushing his way past the general; the astonished Araneus commanded, "Azrael, stand down."

Ignoring his superior, Azrael reared up and punched Selena hard in the jaw, her head nearly knocked clean from her shoulders. He pulled out a fully loaded pistol and aimed it directly at her forehead. "Go on, do it. Do it, now!"

"This is an outrage. Azrael, I order you to stop!"

Still ignoring the general, Araneus and the guards took up arms, but Vidar ordered them to stand down. Silver slowly sat back down, eyes fixated on the scene like a snake ready to strike, while Colonel Cyres hopped from the stands to pull Azrael away. Yet, Araneus surprisingly held him back when he noticed Silver's reaction.

The Council members were appalled, but the Empress was the only one who remained emotionless throughout the ordeal. On the other hand, Vidar was amused; he propped his chin up with his clasped hands, watching the now suddenly exciting presentation.

Selena spat some blood before looking up into the barrel, and Azrael mocked her. "That will be the last thing you ever see. Do it now—kill me. Show me your powers." His hands trembled, but Selena noticed he kept his fingers away from the trigger.

Understanding his ruse, Selena growled, "What are you waiting for? Shoot me."

The two stared at each other, ignoring the steeping, tense atmosphere that took the entire courtroom by surprise, leaving everyone anticipating what would happen next. However, their stand-off was interrupted by Vidar's eerie laugh. "Very well; I think I've made my decision."

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