Empire of Blood

By 129cdmuller

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When the young Selena Liongod unexpectedly became the companion of the noble and gifted dragon named Thor, th... More

Chapter 1: Dragonfire and Steel
Chapter 3: The Aynu
Chapter 4: The Hearing
Chapter 5: The Mythic Flight
Chapter 6: Oathbound
Chapter 7: His Dark Majesty's Mercy
Chapter 8: The Dragon's Dance
Chapter 9: The Masked Dragons
Chapter 10: The Shepherd of Souls
Chapter 11: Rahim's Teacher
Chapter 12: The Forest
Chapter 13: The King of Rhumbek
Chapter 14: The Dragon and the Wolf
Chapter 15: Imprisoned
Chapter 16: The Mad God
Chapter 17: Artio's Blessing
Chapter 18: Unmovable and Unstoppable
Chapter 19: A Shadow Over Nuvak
Chapter 20: Death's Masquerade
Chapter 21: Tiamat
Chapter 22: Fire and Water
Chapter 23: City of Secrets
Chapter 24: The Woman With the Cobra Tattoos
Chapter 25: The Dragon and the Snake
Chapter 26: Red Rain
Chapter 27: Blood on the Ice
Chapter 28: The Long Night

Chapter 2: A Dragon's Secret

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By 129cdmuller

Vidar Helios paced about his office on the top floor of the Council headquarters, overlooking Alfheim's glory. He nicely arranged his mahogany desk with books and pieces of parchment with messages from the members of the Council, including one scheduled crucial meeting with a specific dragon rider. Near the scribbled parchment was a report regarding the egg health of the Mythic Flight clutch. Admiral Altessa's scholars had thoroughly examined the hatchlings and made the alarming discovery that, judging from the hardening of their shells, they were close to hatching: anywhere from several weeks to four months. Yet, he was more concerned about the leather-bound journal hand-delivered to him from former Captain Ashur Bel on top of the pile, detailing startling news needing his immediate attention.

Disgruntled and impatient, he sauntered towards his large window. The sunlight caught in his shoulder-length snow-white hair while he watched the citizens below like a hawk, his usually tan complexion drained of all color, save for his burning crimson cheeks ready to explode like an angry tea kettle. His piercing ice-blue eyes darted from one person to the next, unflinching when he heard a voice coming behind him. "Grandfather."

Vidar spun on his heels to see General Araneus and said in a sharp tone: "Ah, what impeccable timing, as always."

It had been a while since the two spoke. Resembling more of an elf than his grandfather, his mother of pure blood and father with a watered-down bloodline, Araneus Morleth was considered the youngest war general in history at age twenty-four. He wasn't as fair in complexion as most elves, but the alikeness was evident upon his narrow face; his maroon hair christened with silver streaks couldn't hide his pointed ears, nor his deep purple eyes.

His companion, Aracania, was a rare species with venomous abilities, called the Aracania Venomtooth—hence the name. Her daintier and slender frame compared to dragons like Thor and Onyxria made her more agile and acrobatic while airborne and was still strong enough to carry the weight of about fifteen fully grown men. The only other known dragon breed with similar powers were the strikingly white Imperial Pearlscales. Jade, the only Pearlscale in Armageddon, had voluntarily taken a leave of absence after the battle since his handler, Ashur Bel, vanished.

General Araneus' voice nearly matched Vidar's growing temper. "Aracania and I had to pause training with Captain Allendreth and Venerius when we heard you set up a meeting without our knowledge. We demand to know what's going on."

Vidar sneered and scoffed. "No need to be so angry, my dear boy. I will explain everything soon, but I have a favor to ask you." General Araneus' shoulders slumped forward slightly, but he did his best to remain upright. Vidar turned to look back out his window, scooping the scenery. "Before I do, however, you must understand why I would make this ludicrous request."

Araneus squinted at him and snarled through his teeth. "What are you playing at?" When Vidar didn't answer, Araneus asked, "Which soldier did you summon?"

Vidar's reply sent a cold shiver down Araneus' spine. "Do I need to answer that? No matter—I am expecting Liongod."

The general took a quick step forward. "Why?"

"I'm afraid that my orders will overrule yours in this instance: I want Liongod arrested and put in prison immediately."

This abrupt announcement and order made Araneus' knees buckle, but he quickly recovered his bearings. "Have you lost your mind? I will do no such thing. What has Liongod done to warrant an arrest?"

There was a sharp gleam in Vidar's eye as he spun on the balls of his heels, piercing certain darkness trailing the edges of his pudgy face. "We received disturbing reports of his new, unstable power. Not only that," Vidar reached for the leather journal and waved it in front of the general's face, "but we have proof that Liongod isn't who he claims to be, thanks to Captain Ashur Bel."

General Araneus fumed. "As you're well aware, I have a warrant for the former captain's arrest, and you're telling me you allowed him to waltz in here—"

"Believe me, what he brought to my attention cleared him of all charges."

"Nothing in this world would ever clear that man for what he's done." Araneus' fists shook at his side as it took every ounce of energy to keep from lashing out at his grandfather for his insurrection. "How dare you question my authority and decide this behind my back?" When Vidar still wouldn't answer, the general headed towards the door. "When Liongod arrives, I will dismiss him immediately."

Vidar's lips curled into a sneer. "She," he corrected, leaving the general at a loss. "You mean, 'she.'"

"I'm not following you."

His grandfather held up the journal again. "Read it."

He glared at Vidar for another moment before finally snatching the journal. Araneus opened the first page through clenched teeth, but his expression changed as he shuffled through the entries. Vidar scoffed when Araneus' eyes widened, and his mouth trembled. After he finished, General Araneus tossed it on Vidar's desk and looked away after grabbing his chin, falling deep in thought. As Vidar had expected, the general's face burned with rage, but all Araneus could say was, "Where did Ashur find this?"

Vidar squinted at him, confused and bewildered. "I was expecting more of a reaction from you, my boy, upon discovering this dragon's secret. Aren't you disgusted that one of your soldiers is a young woman disguised as a gentleman? Not only that, but she is the result of illegal magic."

Araneus returned his grandfather's gaze and held his head high. "It doesn't matter if she's an Orc; she is the Crown Princess. All I care about is that a dragon chose her, and they decided to serve Her Imperial Majesty."

"She is the abomination of illegal magic," Vidar repeated; he grabbed the journal and waved it in front of Araneus' face. "I had an odd feeling about this 'Andric Liongod' fellow when she and that dragon of hers showed up unannounced. Remember Flying Officers Gromm and Beck Steelmane and their mission?"

"No need to remind me—"

Vidar ignored him. "We wasted our time, money, and resources in rescuing and harboring the dead child of the Empress."

"Watch your tongue. Liongod is the Crown Princess—how dare you speak ill of the imperial family?"

"Oh, may the Divines strike me down, then." Araneus cringed when Vidar began mocking their oath. "We have laws and rules for a reason, and this child has broken enough to be sent to the gallows a hundred times over."

"Who are you to pass judgment over the imperial family, not to mention a Divinity Dragon? For Divine's sake, Grandfather, think about this for a moment—"

Yet, Vidar continued spewing his nonsense that made Araneus want to vomit. He grabbed his chin and began pacing about his office, ignoring his grandson's disapproving glances. "The Emperor is still alive and hiding somewhere within the Empire. I knew it, and we will find him and condemn him for his crimes. Then, I will prepare a trial for the Empress and Admiral Altessa. Yes, Selena Liongod will be tried for her crimes, and I will send them all to the gallows."

"I will not hear anymore of this," General Araneus sternly interrupted, "and I will see to it that she and Thor remain in our ranks. We can use their abilities; they helped us win the Battle of Alfheim. They're heroes."

"She's a woman and a disgrace—Liongod will never be worth anything."

Araneus snarled as he had enough of Vidar's sexist remarks. "Oh, I beg to differ. I see that she and Thor are enough to frighten you and the Council." It was time for Vidar to growl. "I will fight for Liongod during the trial. If we kill her now, what will happen to Thor? He and Selena are Divinity Dragons; we couldn't be luckier than having them in our ranks. If you sentence them, the entire Force will turn against the Council."

"Not if they find out who and what Liongod is." As if to play on his grandson's words from earlier, Vidar's smirk vanished, and his face suddenly turned pale. "You will have to convince the rest of the members of the Council, as we all feel unsafe and fear her Divine powers."

"You say she's not worth anything, yet you hide in the corner, shaking in your boots. Think this through, I beg of you. Selena Liongod outranks all of my other soldiers in skill alone. How many have stood against the Lich and his army?"

Vidar's expression changed, and an eerie smile played upon his lips. "If you fight for them, do you think you can win?"

The general took a step back, appalled by his grandfather's sudden change in demeanor; he wasn't sure if this was a trick, but he said, "I will prepare my stance to keep her in. I will see that she will have the full support of Her Imperial Majesty's Air Force."

"We will see, but unfortunately, I cannot say much more. It's not something I can openly discuss with you, my dear boy. We have our plans." Vidar turned his back to him. The general couldn't bring himself to move; it was as if Vidar purposefully pushed him into the corner, testing his intuition. He wasn't sure whether to trust his grandfather. The two stood in uncomfortable silence before Vidar said again: "I believe you have someone to arrest."


Upon seeing Her Imperial Majesty waiting for the pair upon the Fire Temple's steps, Thor finally made his slow and graceful descent, still carefully carrying Selena in his protective clawed hold. The sun perfectly captured the beauty of his exquisite gold and diamonds, glimmering with his deep ruby chain he polished to a flawless shine.

Instead of donning her usual dark blue cloak, the Empress stood out in the open, her imperial magnificence on full display. Her long hair and thin, silver-tinted eyebrows burned like a beautiful white flame, magnifying her blue eyes gleaming against her narrow sun-kissed face and golden crown set with dazzling sapphires. Though Alfheim's denizens were a perfect rainbow of skin color, hers and Selena's hues were an identical match, no mistaking their relationship.

The Empress smiled upon seeing Thor's new trinkets, and regardless of all formalities, she bowed as Selena stepped forth from Thor's paws. Overcoming her surprise, since Her Imperial Majesty lowered herself, Selena immediately dropped to her knees to keep up the respectful appearance. Since an imperial ruler bowed, Selena needed to bend lower.

Ignoring the confused public behind them, the Empress said, "It's wonderful to see you again, Liongod."

"Thank you for granting us an audience, Your Imperial Majesty." Yet, her mother's eyes glossed over at the overly formal exchange as if she desperately wanted to beg Selena that this ruse was no longer necessary. "I pray we haven't kept you waiting long."

"Not at all, my dear child. You've arrived plenty early, but Vidar is not a patient man. He's anxiously waiting to meet you, Liongod."

Selena couldn't find the strength to step forward when the Empress spun around. Thor lowered his head and nudged her along with his snout, but she blurted out, "I'm sorry for what I said before, at the funeral. I didn't mean to lose my temper."

Her mother paused, but she didn't meet Selena's apologetic gaze. "I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." Her answer was cold.

"I don't understand—"

"There is no reason to talk about this." The Empress' voice turned to ice-shards that pierced Selena's chest.

Thor snarled through clamped fangs and swept his tail around the water fountain beside the temple. My dear, you need to back off.

I was trying to apologize, but she won't accept it—

Thor's roar made the ivory city pause dead in its tracks. Enough! I understand, but right now is not a good time and place.


We're out in the open where everyone can hear you, and I will not allow the Council to take you away from me.

"Vidar is waiting." The Empress acted as if the previous conversation had never happened and strolled inside, head held high with her eyes closed.

Thor's throat echoed from the deep grumbles as if he were about to roar in Selena's stead but nodded; he sat down, tail whipping in circles. I will wait here until your meeting is over.

Selena tore her shimmering gaze from her indifferent mother and leaned against Thor's foreclaw. I'm sorry. I promise to be more careful.

My dear one. Thor snaked his head around and sniffed her short hair. His slippery red forked tongue danced through his clamped serrated fangs and licked her cheek before Selena followed the Empress inside the temple.

The stone-cold sanctuary wasn't nearly as inviting as when she first stepped foot inside, yet their presence made the candles flicker on the shrine to Xyaxon, the Fire Lion, upon trekking inside; even the paintings displaying the Divines' perfect tableaux looked dreary. It gave Selena an uneasy feeling to return, and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.

Before Selena could muster another word to her mother, the Empress abruptly halted and peered over her shoulder. "Please know that I was never angry with you, my dear child—it's not safe here."

Just as the Empress strutted forward, the wall behind Xyaxon's statue crumbled away, revealing a hidden passage with a massive marble staircase. General Araneus trudged down the stone steps with two guards following behind.

"Sir, it's great to see you." Selena immediately saluted but froze when she noticed that he didn't return the gesture. Head hung in defeat, Araneus even refused to meet her gaze. Instead of formalities, he snapped his fingers, and his guards immediately drew their weapons.

Selena flinched and stepped back, confused; the desperation to run erupted from the thundering ticking of her heart as his voice echoed: "Andric Liongod, you're under arrest."

Before Selena could demand the reason for her warrant, the Empress stepped forward and held out her arms, shielding her. "What is the meaning of this?"

General Araneus avoided eye contact as his guards rushed past Her Imperial Majesty and forced Selena to her knees, binding her hands behind her back; the cold metal cuffs made her skin prickle.

Selena couldn't think about losing Thor. Her friends: Silver, Kain, her father, everyone told her they would be safe. This nightmare couldn't be happening—

"Selena Liongod," the general stated with her real name this time, "you are being charged with joining Her Imperial Majesty's Air Force under fraudulent enlistment and endangering the Empire."

How could I have been so careless to let my guard down? No, the Divines wouldn't do this to them, to her. She couldn't walk to the gallows or watch them kill Thor. She couldn't—

The Empress stepped forward but was pushed back by the guards. "General Araneus, I order you and your men to stand down this instant."

"My orders are not my own, Your Imperial Majesty."

"Then whose are they, Vidar's?"

Araneus held his tongue and turned his back on her. Selena struggled, but the guards shoved her face into the marble. She relayed what was going on to Thor, and his roars made the earth tremble. Araneus and his guards looked up in time to see flames trickling from the closed temple doors; dragging the bound Selena with them, they rushed out of the way, and the stone doors burst open from Thor's deadly inferno blast, his flames reaching the hallway end, singing the walls and carpet.

His fire died away, and one of Thor's claws thrashed wildly from the threshold. General Araneus immediately pushed through the dissipating smoke, drew a dagger hidden in his belt, and pressed the blade to Selena's throat. "Thor, stand down, or I will kill your handler now."

Thor stopped and slowly pulled back his claw. He lowered his massive head to the ground through thundering roars and peered through the entrance with his colossal, smoldering eye, burning like a volcano's fury.

Selena hissed through her teeth, but she reassured, My dear one, now is not the time. Please, do as he says.

Thor only backed away when he confirmed Selena remained unharmed. If they kill you, I will destroy everyone and everything in this damn city.

Thor carefully backed away from the temple, and on the general's command, numerous heavily armed guards surrounded and pointed their rifles at him. Snarling through the wafting embers licking his clamped maw, Thor neither moved nor budged when the guards bound him to the ground in heavily weighted chains.

Satisfied that Thor was finally cooperating, the general put his weapon away with his back to Selena, even as his sentries forced her to her feet. "Your dragon will be detained until further notice." He pointed at the escorting guards, still refusing to meet the Empress' pleading gaze. "Take her to the crystal chamber until we're ready. The Council will prepare for your trial, Liongod."


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