The Raven

By sanonuca

25.9K 328 91

"“I know who you are.” She whispered into my ear. Suddenly, I felt something pointy at the base of my neck. I... More

Chapter One: The Raven
Chapter Two: Hide and Seek
Chapter Three: Sleepless
Chapter Four: Playing with Fire
Chapter Five: The Truth
Chapter Six: Comfort
Chapter Eight: Honesty
Chapter Nine: Lurking in the Dark
Chapter Ten: Tactics
Chapter Eleven: In Green
Chapter Twelve: Suspicions
Chapter Thirteen: Blame
Chapter Fourteen: Dreamer
Chapter Fifteen: Scotland
Chapter Sixteen: What comes next
Chapter Seventeen: Guess who?
Chapter Eighteen: Apology
Chapter Nineteen: Romance
Chapter Twenty: Alarm
Chapter Twenty One: Liar

Chapter Seven: Dancing with Problems

1K 16 4
By sanonuca

Hello my fellow Wattpad-ers! Here is the newest chapter of The Raven!


More coming real soon, as it IS the weekend!!

Chapter Seven: Dancing with Problems

I took a long look around the room then, taking in every detail. Noticing, how it was decorated in different shades of red and how the headboard of the bed was carved in fine detail.

And for the first time, in my seventeen years of life, I felt comfortable.

I needed some air. I grabbed my cloak from where it was draped over the mahogany armchair and put it around my shoulders.

I went outside, towards the stable to check in on the horse. The air was cool and refreshing, but exactly what I needed that moment, peaceful. This horse was our most priced possession for now, and we needed it safe and cared for. It was eating some straw in the stables, chewing hard. I petted its forehead, between the eyes and the image of Nathaniel sleeping spurred to my mind. I blushed and then again, made my way to the Inn.

When I stepped in, lively tune on a whistle was coming from the kitchen, hesitantly, I went down the stairs and peeked through the ajar door.

Kitchen maids were dancing with some country lads; an aged man played a small box with buttons. How unusual. They didn’t have any violins or cellos or violas, but yet they made such lovely music. I stepped in the room; some attendees glanced at me but quickly smiled and returned their attention to the dancers, clapping loudly. I smiled at the dancers, how beautifully their feet moved with the rhythm and their smiles and laughs lit up the room. I wanted to dance, more than anything…

And then, a young boy came up to me, his face full of colour from dancing:

“’Ello there Miss, would ye like to dance?” He said, his cheeks rounded from the smile, two dimples at each side of the mouth.

“Oh, why, certainly, sir!” I said playfully and put my hand in his sweaty palm. His fingers closed over mine and I followed him to the ‘dance floor’. Another jig started, the man with the box entered first, moving his fingers super fast. Then the whistle entered and someone else started to play on the seat of a wooden chair, creating a beat for the jig. This was so exciting.

I danced for a while with the boy, banging my boots on the kitchen floor, laughing crazily. A lot of people joined and now, the whole kitchen was transformed into a small dance floor. Everyone cheered and clapped.

I didn’t remember the last time I’d had this much fun. I wondered about Nathaniel, and at some point I wished he were here with me, but then again, I got angry at myself for having these sort of thoughts about a man I barely knew.

I danced and danced, until the music stopped, and the people got back to their daily tasks of washing, dusting, serving and cooking.

When I returned to the room, Nathaniel was still asleep. He hadn’t moved since the last time. Shyly, I picked up a blanket from the bed and put it over him. I also got a blanket for myself and I went to cuddle up in the armchair. I turned it so it faced the fireplace, and sank in it. The fire danced around the wood, caressing it, as it wasn’t hurting it at all, but instead licking every ounce of life from it, it once possessed.

And I let the blissful sleep overtake my reckless, selfish mind and rest it for at least, a while.

                                                            *          *          *

When I woke in the morning, I was lying on the bed. I sat up immediately and checked for my dress, which was still on, but now, the skirt was wrapped around my legs. I looked around.

Nathaniel was sleeping in the armchair, his hairdo resembling a black sheep. I smiled. My heels and toes hurt a lot and I regretted dancing so much last night.  I got out of the bed, and looked out the window. Nobody was outside, so I assumed it was very early.

I didn’t hear Nathaniel get up and walk over to my side. I felt his breath over my shoulder, and his looming presence was also very obvious to detect. But for someone so big, he was quiet, and very light on his feet. Almost predatory.

I turned around and looked up at him. God, he was so handsome… The dawning sun shone into his green eyes, tinting then into a new shade of gold, a warm and sweet gold. I stared into them, got lost in the depth of those greens. I felt his hand on my cheek. It was the lightest of touches, the most sincere, and the softest. His hands were big and calloused, but his touch was beyond anything I had ever felt. It sent tingles down my spines and to my aching feet, and back up again to my brain. I looked down shyly, but then looked up again, only to see that his eyed hadn’t left my face, his hand still lingering on my cheek. I drew near his hand and he came closer to me. All the while gazing in my eyes, but when he closed his eyes, I did too, slowly, inhaling him. He smelled good, despite the dirt we had experienced on our way here he still smelled ever so manly.

And then, spark.

His lips touched mine and he jerked back immediately. I did too. Whoa! What had just happened?

It’s was like electricity. Just one touch of his lips to mine, one single almost-kiss. I looked away from him, suddenly overwhelmed. It had felt so right. This scared me.

I turned to face him again, opening my mouth to say something, but I was silenced by his mouth coming down on mine. This was like an electric shock, a bolt of lightning coursing through my body. And it felt good, really good. It felt different from all the other kisses that I’d experienced. It was better, no, the best kiss ever. It was different. He was different. I laced my hands behind his neck, pushing his head closer to mine and I kissed him back. Taking this as an invitation, his kisses grew into something more passionate, he traced the bottom of my lip and I, who had been waiting for that, opened my mouth, welcoming his tongue. Our mouths danced together in unison. He was the most amazing kisser I had ever met, and I had met quite a few decent ones. Yes, I was shy, but, when the first phase of shyness was overcome, I was quite the opposite, not that my mother knew.

The kiss lengthened and sometime along the line, I broke it off to catch a breath. He stared down at me with a bewildered expression. I smiled at him and then chuckled at his bush of a hair. But then I got a very cross face.

“What do you find so fascinatingly funny Miss Moore?” He said, smiling himself.

“We shouldn’t have done that… You should get cleaned up, Mr. Greene, we must depart soon, or we’ll never make it to Scotland at this rate.” I said, still tasting him on my lips, angry at myself for enjoying his kiss and kissing him back. “Oh, and thank you for the dress.” I said and turned once again towards the window.

His hands touched my hair, which was draped on my back, hiding the undone buttons. He started to fix them up and didn’t leave until he had finished.

“Thank you.” I said. “I will call the maid to bring hot water for your bath Mr. Greene.”

“Thank you “Mrs. Greene”, that is very thoughtful of you.” He said mockingly and I glared at him.

This was not fair, he wasn’t supposed to kiss me, and I wasn’t supposed to like him. I didn’t know him.

The maid brought hot water and batted her short, thin eyelashes at Nathaniel. I looked away from the scene, disgusted, and Nathaniel saw. I heard him chuckle as he went into the bathing room and close his door behind him.

Was I jealous? This was the last thing I needed right now…

I huffed to myself in exasperation. This was one hell of a situation I was in. And there was no way out of it. At least, not yet.

Well, for one, I was to be a Queen of England. Two, I had run away from home. Three, I had run away from home with a stranger I barely knew. Four, I was starting to develop feelings for the stranger called Nathaniel Greene. Five, I trusted him, for whatever the reason. And six, I had no clue, as to what I was supposed to do.

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