The Necromancer's Dragon

By 129cdmuller

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Sixteen-year-old Selena Liongod has no memories of her past. She's never been in aerial combat. She doesn't k... More

Chapter 1: The Girl and the Dragon
Chapter 2: Thor
Chapter 3: Beneath the Starry Skies
Chapter 4: The Vampire and the Dragon
Chapter 5: The Storm
Chapter 6: The Grand Exchange
Chapter 7: Flight and Fright
Chapter 8: To Be a Dragon
Chapter 9: The Teacher
Chapter 10: I'll Be Your Strength
Chapter 11: Alfheim
Chapter 12: The Initiation
Chapter 13: The Midnight Duel
Chapter 14: The Venomous Serpent
Chapter 15: Bitter Work
Chapter 16: The Divinity Dragon
Chapter 17: The Well of Souls
Chapter 18: The Shadow Emperor
Chapter 19: The Battle for Alfheim
Chapter 20: Dragonheart
Chapter 21: The Siege of the North
Chapter 23: Ragnarok
Chapter 24: The Dragon Awakens
Chapter 25: The Day of Eternal Darkness

Chapter 22: The Guardians of the Cave

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By 129cdmuller

The cavern was not what Selena had thought it would be if she could even call it that. Instead, the ruin led them through a long and open corridor of stone and metal lined with pipes gracing the walls, pumping steam into the air sporadically. The Raging River trickled within the cave and collected underneath the giant catwalk the trio walked carefully across. A few burnt urns sat in the corners of the entrance, covered and buried partially in dirt mounds; the forgotten ruin was from another world not belonging to Armageddon.

"What is all of this?" Rahim asked as he peered over Selena's shoulder.

Thor sniffed every nook and cranny as he treaded carefully, occasionally releasing a low growl and rumble, his nails clicking against the stone floor. Selena placed her hands on a copper pipe, the metal vibrating as it drew steam from the flowing river. "This place looks like it has been here for hundreds of years, yet their inventions still seem to work. They must be much more technologically advanced than we thought, but the dwarves in Alfheim never mentioned anything like this."

Rahim shuddered. "That means we need to stay alert. I'm not sure what could be in this mechanical mine."

He lingered behind, but Selena sprinted ahead to stay with Thor as they trekked up a steep incline, her six steps to his one, vigilant to avoid broken copper and steel parts scattered on the ground. They only paused upon hearing a hiss, and a steam cloud wafted in their faces. Grinding and clanking of metal echoing down the halls made her heart race, yet Selena was amazed to see that none of the pipes or copper gates plastered into the walls carried any rust. Despite the lurking awaiting dangers, a spark of curiosity and a sense of adventure swelled within her breast. She was determined to find Ragnarok and defeat the Lich once and for all, and her motivation kept her moving forward.

Thor abruptly paused, however. He sniffed the air and quickly snapped his fangs between growls and snarls, tail flickering as he clawed at the floor. Rahim quivered from seeing Thor's hostile reaction and pressed his fingers to his lips. "I feel like something is watching us."

Selena gripped Dragonheart as she inched forward, but Thor's head swung around. Don't move.

Too late in heeding his warning, she felt her heart caught in her throat as her foot suddenly sank into the ground with her following step. Thor roared and immediately wrapped an arm around Selena, herding her close to his chest away from the activated trap. The path behind remained clear, but Rahim pointed at the ground leading to the dead-end ahead; a piece of the camouflaged metal floor ejected long spikes and quickly soared upwards into the ceiling, leaving a large square-shaped black pit.

As the trio slowly inched towards the edge, an ear-shattering shrill escaped the abyss, and two massive burning orange eyes peered at them from the darkness. Thor moved the terror-struck Selena and Rahim away with his tail when suddenly, a giant snake matching Thor's size with dark greenish-grey scales slithered from the hole. Unlike a Marcupo, the creature's venom-drenched fangs, like tusks from an elephant, radiated with an eerie pearly glow. The colossal snake's spined-hood flared like a cobra's as it watched them like a hawk. The terrible stench of rotting flesh lingered around the creature's presence.

Rahim dashed behind a nearby pile of rocks and busted urns. "W-what is that thing?"

Selena gulped as her hand trembled around Dragonheart's hilt, and she unsheathed her weapon. "I-I believe it's a Grootslang. Very similar to the Marcupo, but it will still try and kill us either way."

Thor stood in front of Selena and Rahim with wings fully unfurled as the primordial snake inched closer, its topaz-like eyes fixated on his lustrous scales and necklace. The Grootslang fully emerged from the abyss, and the spiked platform slowly descended from the ceiling and covered the pit, retracting its sharp barbs. As soon as the floor became whole again, the walled dead-end quivered and crumbled, revealing a giant golem crafted of golden and silver metal parts gleaming cherry red like a heated ingot in a forge. Its eyes began glowing yellow from its human-bust spiked helm, the gears turning within its heavily armor-plated torso.

It slowly lifted and moved its titanic limbs, and the guardian golem trudged forward, lifting its massive, bladed arm to push away the rocks and boulders through swiveling its upper body. Steam exploded and plumed from its armor, and the guardian released a fire breath over Thor's head like a dragon. The Grootslang hissed and shrieked as the flames faded, and the snake leapt forward to meet Thor's flurry of claws and fangs.

While Rahim stayed away from the two snarling beasts, Selena focused on dodging the golem's slow but powerful swings, careful not to get close to its inflamed body. As soon as the titan threw another blow, Selena dodged as its bladed arm struck the ground, sparks flying from metal clattering against stone, and slashed Dragonheart at its torso; the clash of dragon bone steel on metal rang in the air. The golem staggered back but regained its balance as Selena repeated her maneuver, waning its steamed vigor.

Concurrently, Thor resisted the urge to aid Selena's fight as he avoided the Grootslang's massive fangs soaked and gleaming with venom. The colossal snake swung its long, sword-sharp tail that could slice through Thor's blood-diamond hide. He anticipated each strike and batted the snake's head and tail away before delivering deadly blows with his claws. However, the Grootslang paused when it couldn't break through his defenses, and its slit eyes fixated on Selena as the mechanical colossus knocked her away. She slid across the ground on her back, Dragonheart flying from her grasp; the giant snake suddenly changed targets and pursued her instead.

Before Selena could prepare for the snake's incoming strikes, Thor reared up, wings extended, and as he unleashed a mighty roar, a myriad of massive rock spears manifested above him and shot straight for the Grootslang. The snake screeched and writhed with pain as the earth shards pierced and penetrated its body and soon fell limp upon the sharp stone stakes, its black blood pouring and dripping to the ground.

Yet, the metal guardian behemoth breathed fire for the Grootslang's loss and stomped towards Thor in retaliation. Selena jumped to her feet and snatched Dragonheart, but Thor stood in front; maw opened wide, he unleashed a deadly torrential diamond storm of ice and frost that extinguished the titan's flames and crusted over its heated armor. Thor stepped forward, still holding his crystallized breath, and the golem eventually succumbed to the dragon's icy stream. Steam spewed from its limbs and head, and the guardian stumbled backward, collapsing in a clunk of metal before shutting off.

Only after ensuring the two creatures were dead did Rahim finally emerge from his hiding place and begin praising the two. Thor licked away the icicles sticking to his teeth and gums, but he snorted and held his head high. However, his pride diminished when Selena rubbed her back and arms; minor bruising and scrapes, but she reassured him and Rahim, "They're nothing serious."

Rahim quivered upon looking at the Grootslang's impaled body. "I'm afraid to know what else is in here."

After reassessing their slight injuries, the trio resumed through the crumbled wall that hid the mechanical titan, discovering a new hidden passageway that went deeper inside the ruin. Selena and Rahim jumped across the scattered rocks and boulders, but once the two cleared the way, Thor squeezed his entire body through the opening, making it bigger and nearly causing a cave-in. Yet, the ceiling held, and Thor successfully made it through.

Selena looked back at the inanimate colossus and shuddered upon its elaborate construction, possibly the peak and highlight of dwarven technology before the ravages of time. I bet you all I have the dwarves set up these traps and creatures to protect Ragnarok and their starlight reading device.

Thor only growled as he focused his slitted eyes down the darkened, twisted corridor. The three passed by broken metal pieces with scattered gem shards littering the ground; ahead was a locked room filled with discarded ore and ingots—a mixture of gold and silver bullions—behind a thick, steel gate. Thor briefly paused, inspected the hidden and secured treasures, and began pawing at the gate, sticking his muzzle through the wide bars. Selena's redirection failed; growing impatient from the gate's resilience, Thor backed up and charged forward with his horns aimed at the lock. Unable to withstand his might, the gate bent and buckled as he tumbled through, and Thor swept it away as Selena and Rahim cautiously peered inside.

Thor's eyes weren't the only ones sparkling from the trove; Rahim stepped lightly over the hunks of metal and picked up a smooth, gold bar covered in dirt. "I bet this alone would make me richer than the Empress herself." He immediately stopped as he met Selena's inquiring gaze, fearing he possibly insulted her mother. "Err, I mean—"

"Don't worry about it." Her hands went to her hips as Thor began shoveling the bars and ores into his saddle without delay.

Do you think your father could make me some jewelry from these?

I'm sure he could, but we need to find Ragnarok first. Thor paused and shamefully looked down at the last gold bar, but Selena quickly added, I promise when the battle is over, I will ask Silver and my father to help build you a treasure trove, my dear one, and then we can set aside the remaining silver and gold in a bank vault for safe keeping. How does that sound?

I am willing to wait until after the battle, but why can't I keep and guard the rest?

You would make the other dragons jealous, and if they saw your new wealth, they and other treasure hunters would attempt to steal from you. Thor snarled and curled his protective claws over the solid gold ingot. However, by locking them safely in a bank vault, your fortune will be waiting for you whenever you need it.

His growls slowly faded as he scooped up the precious bullion and dropped it in his saddle before finally agreeing. Selena and Rahim climbed up his arms and arranged their heavy yet, rewarding haul, totaling fifteen bricks, in an organized pile before securing them with spare straps and belts; Thor, meanwhile, focused on his gold and ruby chain.

The gleam in Rahim's eye vanished when he asked, "Wouldn't we get in trouble for not reporting this sudden influx of wealth to the Council or your mother?"

Selena finished tying down the leather straps and sighed. "I don't know, but quite frankly, the Council doesn't need to know, and I don't believe my mother would give a damn. Thor at least deserves this." She smiled when he chirped and chittered in glee; Thor moved and twisted around when she gave the word, and Selena ensured the precious hoard remained in place.

"Don't forget me," Rahim pointed at himself, "I think I've earned one bar."

Swiveling his head, Thor snorted but gave a firm, jerky nod upon seeing the gleaming pile. I suppose he can have one, but only one.

Fair enough.

Rahim clapped his hands once and clicked his tongue against his teeth. "That means we'll have to find a safe place immediately after the battle before locking them in a bank vault. I'm sure Silver can help."

Selena nodded. "Dragonstone it is, then."

Satisfied, the group left the pillaged and broken treasure room; as they trekked further down the dark and damp corridors, Selena heard trickling water ahead. The halls began widening with each step until they stumbled upon a large, steamy area with a pool split in half by a massive copper pipe bridge. Moonlight lanced through the stone ceiling cracks, reflected by the churning and swirling water. To their dismay, they had to choose between two separate side-by-side paths across the pipe bridge. Thor assisted his riders from the harness, and they approached their choices with heavy consideration. Rahim placed a hand under his chin, and his face brightened when he pointed at the left passageway. "This way."

As he mentioned for the pair to follow, Selena ruefully asked, "Do you know where you're going?"

"No." He disappeared around the bend while Selena was still busy reconsidering their options, but soon she wasn't given a choice when an ear-shattering crash and scream bounced off the stone walls. She and Thor ran to his rescue.

The passage came to a dead-end, but they reached the edge of a massive pit where Rahim had fallen below and twisted his ankle. Selena leaned on one knee before the edge and disappointedly shook her head. "You never cease to amaze me."

Through painful groans, Rahim looked up at her in spite and rubbed his leg. "I don't see you coming up with any ideas."

"The injured should remain silent."

Rahim's mouth opened a little but couldn't offer another comeback. "If you must know, there is a hidden passageway near where you two are standing." When Selena and Thor backed up and saw the camouflaged corridor of stone and rock, Rahim added, "Who is the oblivious twat now?"

As Thor plucked Rahim from the pit and placed him within the harness, Selena approached the hidden tunnel when she heard an eerie and haunting howl whistling in her ears. "It's pulling me in," she whispered and met Rahim's astounded expression. "I believe we'll try your way."

His beaming face was enough to prove his point, but he uncrossed his arms. "I'm never right. Why do you think I am this time?"

"I have a hunch." A flame flickered upon her open palm as she waved her left hand, and she guided the two down the dark and swerving corridor.

Thor snaked his way through Rahim's discovered passage and snarled as he barreled forward. I feel it, too: Ragnarok is close.

Though the tunnel greatly accommodated Thor's height, the passage began narrowing as the three pressed onward; when he had enough, Thor swiped once at each side, and the rock scraped away to widen the path. As he trudged along, he pushed and shoved the piled debris until they dissolved into the ground, keeping the area clear of clutter.

You never cease to amaze me, Selena observed, and Thor's chest vibrated as he purred like a cat.

As they advanced further down, the darkened veil grew thick, and Selena could only see her faintly lit hand. She fed her flame, but Thor snarled as he released a long and steady fire stream, his blaze glowing red, orange, and yellow across the walls. The exit was just ahead, and the three dashed towards it until stumbling upon an atrium of stone and metal devoid of all light built within the Mustang Mountains.

The natural amphitheater was large enough for Thor to fly freely; he stretched out his wings and extinguished his fire with a snap of his fangs. As his light faded away, blue gemstones trailing along the walls dimly illuminated the two-layered staired atrium. Captivated in wonder by the crystallized lamps, Selena released her flame as she and Thor inspected the azure display.

Rahim pointed ahead when he spotted their exit across the way, and after Thor assisted Selena in boarding, he stretched out his wings and glided over the large, opened center. However, he suddenly paused mid-flight when a loud bone-shattering shrill vibrated from the dark corner close to the door. Thor snarled and growled in response, warning whatever creature awaited that he was just as dangerous, but Selena couldn't stop her heart racing; she pulled out both Dragonheart and her shield, anticipating the creature's unyielding contest.

The shriek faded, but the shadowed corner escaping the blue crystal light suddenly glowed from hundreds of peering, yellow-slitted eyes. Thor was the only one not intimidated, but Selena and Rahim cowered against the bullion pile.

The many eyes blinked at different times, and suddenly, a creature with the head, front talons, and wings of an eagle and a lion's body, tail, and back legs stepped forth, a formidable gryphon matching Thor's size. Selena identified the gryphon as the legendary All-Seeing Argus when noticing its eagle head covered in many eyes. "One hundred, to be exact," she clarified, reciting from past texts.

"Why would anyone be daft enough to get close and count?" Rahim asked, but he covered his ears when the Argus screeched again and launched itself in the air towards them.

Selena warned, Its swiftness even rivals the winds. Be careful.

I'm a dragon, am I not? I am the master of the sky, not it.

Thor reared his arm back and swatted the creature away with a mighty swing, slamming the many-eyed gryphon back down. Realizing that Selena couldn't convince Thor otherwise, Rahim quickly strapped himself within the harness as an airborne battle between the two creatures was inevitable. Selena, however, was determined to give Thor the upper hand, and she realized what she had to do.

The Argus recovered; it flapped its long, feathery silver-tinted wings and zipped to meet its adversary. As the gryphon was upon him, Thor quickly extended out his rear leg and kicked it hard within its chest; while it was dazed, Thor slashed with blinding fury, his talons leaving deep gashes in its maned neck. The creature recoiled, giving Selena enough time to slide down Thor's shoulder, and when the Argus closed in again, she made the leap of faith with Dragonheart held high and landed upon its back.

Not losing her bearings as half of the creature's eyes swirled and locked on her, it bucked and jerked; through gritted teeth, Selena aimed her sword for its wings and, before the Argus performed a barrel roll to toss her overboard wholly, she sliced its shimmering wings off in one clean cut. The creature came crashing down through the spurts of blood pouring from its severed limbs, writhing and twisting in howls of pain and agony as it hit the ground. Selena free-fell briefly until Thor caught her with an opened paw, and he landed upon his haunches in the middle of the atrium, still holding her close to his jeweled chest.

Once its amputated feathered wings completed their slow descent, the griffin eventually got to all fours, shrieking through its boiling wrath. Thor relinquished his hold over Selena as the Argus recuperated enough and charged for him. As its beak attempted breaking through his armored chest scales, Thor grabbed its muscular body, digging his claws into its flesh and slashing upwards towards the neck and eyes.

The tormented screams threatened to shatter the blue gems lighting the atrium, and the gryphon wriggled itself free from Thor's deadly and bloody hold. Yet, it wouldn't give up the fight and began attacking in a blind rage. It lunged for Thor again with claws and an opened beak, but Thor met it with opposition; his fangs and the gryphon's bill snapping against each other made Selena cringe. She saw poor Rahim holding the saddle's edges in fear of his straps breaking from the battle of the beasts.

Instead of interfering and risking being ripped to shreds, she got into position to cast magic; inspired by Thor's beautiful display to use other abilities, Selena imagined the surrounding earth: stable and solid. Feeling the nearby rocks, embracing their strength and vitality, she dug her fingers through the stone and ripped it from its place. Twirling the broken pieces between her fingers, she waved her hand, and the rocks levitated momentarily before the shards fired into the creature's eyes like bullets.

The Argus shrieked as it pulled away from Thor and pawed behind its head. While Selena rapid-fired rock shards at the creature by waving her hands, Thor stood up on his hind legs, forearms close to his chest, paws opened. When he unleashed a thundering roar, he summoned a burning orb of light within his claws, its magical waves sweeping the atrium in concentric circles, each more powerful than the last.

The gryphon shut its eyes from the blinding light and retreated as the intense energy grew; Rahim remained behind Thor's neck, blocking and shielding his gaze. Selena, however, discarded her amazement and took advantage of the opportunity. She trekked through the energy waves threatening to push her back, but she continued her unyielding march until she approached the screaming Argus, but it made no effort to defend itself. With all her might, she held up Dragonheart and decapitated the creature with one clean slice, its head rolling and splashing through a puddle of its blood away from the body.

The atrium suddenly turned eerily quiet save for the light orb's pulsating hums, and then Thor released his magic. It was an enormous feeling I wanted to unleash.

You're amazing.

Rahim trembled as he peered over the saddle at the dead All-Seeing Argus. "I swear, you two with your magic." He huffed in irritation. "Sorry, I hate cowering down during a fight."

"Hopefully, we won't have to anymore," Selena assured.

"No, what I mean is that—oh, forget it." When he refused to elaborate, Selena sighed and cleaned off her sword. Thor scooped her within his claws and flew towards the upper platform leading to the exit, the trio anticipating what else awaited them beyond the massive metal door.

However, Selena and Thor agreed that their search was nearly at a close. It's like I can sense Ragnarok's presence.

I feel the same. Thor released her before the door and nudged it with his snout; he issued a series of chirps and twitters as it cracked from a light touch. Not much farther, now.

Nodding, Selena pushed it open.

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