The Necromancer's Dragon

By 129cdmuller

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Sixteen-year-old Selena Liongod has no memories of her past. She's never been in aerial combat. She doesn't k... More

Chapter 1: The Girl and the Dragon
Chapter 2: Thor
Chapter 3: Beneath the Starry Skies
Chapter 4: The Vampire and the Dragon
Chapter 5: The Storm
Chapter 6: The Grand Exchange
Chapter 7: Flight and Fright
Chapter 8: To Be a Dragon
Chapter 9: The Teacher
Chapter 10: I'll Be Your Strength
Chapter 11: Alfheim
Chapter 12: The Initiation
Chapter 13: The Midnight Duel
Chapter 14: The Venomous Serpent
Chapter 15: Bitter Work
Chapter 16: The Divinity Dragon
Chapter 17: The Well of Souls
Chapter 18: The Shadow Emperor
Chapter 20: Dragonheart
Chapter 21: The Siege of the North
Chapter 22: The Guardians of the Cave
Chapter 23: Ragnarok
Chapter 24: The Dragon Awakens
Chapter 25: The Day of Eternal Darkness

Chapter 19: The Battle for Alfheim

33 1 0
By 129cdmuller

The following few days flew by since confronting her father for answers, but Selena hadn't seen him since; she understood he had to maintain his guise, just like she had to with hers.

As much as Selena welcomed the sweet solace, she worried Phantom Dust had taken it too far with Azrael. When her bunker buddy had finally returned, he barely acknowledged her existence. Instead, he crawled into bed and slept throughout their weekend.

Yet, Selena was anxiously looking forward to the promised training with Thor. As her ninth and final week of basic training was nearly complete, everyone from her unit was fitted for custom armor orders by the dwarf blacksmiths, and they would complete their pieces by their last day on the fifteenth of Xol. Meanwhile, she and her fellow brothers built upon their previously learned skills, learning how to cooperate as a team. During field training and their fifteen-kilometer march back to post, Selena remembered Erik and Alexander, wishing the two could join their well-earned victory.

Selena had mentioned the dragon bone and steel ingot to Silver after meeting him in his office after training, explaining that she wanted to make a sword; he happily exclaimed, "You will have a fine weapon yet." However, she was hesitant in sharing her discovery regarding Ragnarok; when she did, Silver's face turned paler than usual, and his head zipped back and forth to ensure no one eavesdropped. "The Oracles told you this?"

"Yes. Why?"

"They usually don't answer questions from anyone outside the Council. Hmm." He placed a hand to his chin as he fell deep in thought. "If what you say is true, you can't tell anyone else about it."

"Other than Rahim and Thor, you're the only one I've told. I had hoped to use it against the Lich—"

Silver's voice suddenly turned cold and stern, like his ghostly expression. "Absolutely not. You could get yourself killed. Leave Ragnarok alone or risk your imminent demise: only a Divine can handle that sword." He pointed to the glossy ingot Selena showed him. "Don't worry. We will forge you a suitable weapon that the Lich himself will fear."

When she first shared the news with Thor, he only snorted. Where did your father get the bones?

Err, he didn't say, but he never struck me as a dragon killer. When Thor still wasn't wholly persuaded, she added, I don't think he would have killed a dragon without a good reason, or perhaps they're from an already dead dragon.

Enough. If it's truly better than steel, I pray this will be the finest sword ever crafted.

Upon their final day, Silver presented each cadet with their new armor: dragon head-shaped helmet with scale-plated chest pieces and greaves. After meeting their new dragon partners tomorrow, he announced that the blacksmiths would work with the graduated soldiers to forge their desired weapon and pick a combat specialty. Silver then dismissed the new soldiers to spend the remainder of the day with their families. Instead of taking the much-needed break, Selena asked to begin some exercises with Thor later before forging herself a new weapon.

After briefly meeting with Rahim, Niamh, and Maria for morning tea and breakfast at Dragonstone, Thor, magnificently blazing the large ruby from his newly fitted harness, made his graceful descent. He readjusted his golden chain set with the smaller string of matching sparkling rubies before plucking Selena off the ground and placing her on the saddle seat. During their short flight to the training courtyard, Selena quickly changed into her steel and unicorn horn armor as Thor landed, lightweight metal forged to withstand the heaviest blows: one revolver and a pistol belted to her waist, and her new round shield strapped over her back.

Aracania was busy commanding several groups before and after taking flight; they practiced different aerial maneuvers and formations once airborne. Trainers down below used magic, creating large hoops set around at different angles in an obstacle course to fly through. If any dragon made a mistake and missed, they would have to try again.

While their dragons were occupied, the soldiers busied themselves with archery and sharpshooting through the instruction of Colonel Theron Cyres, an elf whose skin tone was a dull shade of dark maroon, contrasting his light sea-green hair. Though he donned the typical military apparel, a golden crown of twisted leaves and vines decorated his head, matching his gilded fang-shaped earrings. A seasoned instructor, Cyres was one of the few experts in magic besides Silver, his talent hailing across all four elements. Since Silver handled training recruits, Cyres would be Selena's new superior starting next week.

He strolled past Gromm and Beck, the brothers laying on the ground with rifles, shooting at their targets with quick precision. Azrael stood nearby, firing real pistols; he only paused after Colonel Cyres passed by and peered at Selena as Thor came near, not flinching from the dragon's warning snarls.

That is the first time we've seen him train.

Thor snaked his head upward. Doragon, too.

As Aracania's formation soared overhead, the pair saw Doragon managing the right flank. He barely swiveled his head enough to see them, and to their surprise, Doragon dipped his head in greeting before resuming his training.

Silver waited for the two in the middle of the field, grinning ear to ear. "You look like a proper dragon rider." Selena's sense of pride for her achievements displayed across her face.

Aracania's group finished their final lap before she was satisfied and dismissed the dragons for the day. Doragon raced to the field, landing beside Azrael, who holstered his weapons. Silver, meanwhile, watched them like a hawk.

Thor's muscles tensed and tightened, but Doragon eased the tension by lowering himself towards the ground, wings unfurled and one paw extended outward. Immediately, Thor relaxed, and his growls ceased; Selena hoped this marked the end of their feud, but Azrael still wasn't happy. Satisfied, Silver dismissed them, and Azrael raised his hand in a salute before turning sharply on his heels. Doragon straightened up while casting an admiring gaze upon Thor's exquisite jewelry, and he became airborne with one massive leap with Azrael scooped in his talons.

Aracania swooped in, hovering aloft; her head bobbed up and down, followed by a series of clicks and chirps that Selena interpreted as commands. Thor responded likewise and joined her in the sky, floating through beating his wings forward and backward. She says to prepare yourself as well.

Very good.

Colonel Cyres joined Silver and watched as Selena figured out how to securely strap herself to the harness with carabiners, allowing her to use both hands without holding the reins constantly. After removing her shield and slipping her arm through the leather handle, Thor shook and spun in circles, testing her safety belts; Selena confirmed all was well.

Upon Aracania's wing signal, Silver waved his hands in circular motions, summoning a series of fire rings dangling in mid-air, positioned all around the courtyard's edge. When Aracania roared, Selena gripped her revolver, and Thor raced towards the first elemental hoop. Thor's agile acrobatics were on par with Aracania's, despite his massive bulk; graceful like a swan but with deadly precision like a hawk, he dashed across the courtyard obstacle course at record time, flying through each flaming ring without fail. Aracania chirped in approval when he finished, but Silver recreated the lap with new hoops, and this time, Colonel Cyres assisted.

As Thor rounded towards the first ring, Cyres unleashed lightning tendrils zapping from his fingertips; Selena instinctively held her shield to counter, reflecting and directing his magic skyward. Each hoop was like an earned prize as the pair fought off every attack between rings; when Cyres switched to using flames, Thor exhaled a torrential stream of ice shards lancing the ground like giant crystal spears, extinguishing the fire. Both instructors dashed away from his attack, and Thor was free to finish the course.

Impressed, Colonel Cyres continued attacking with magic streams, switching from one element to another. Thor continued at it for hours until he demonstrated his other abilities with wind and earth. Selena was proud of his outstanding skills until Cyres misfired, striking her with a torrent of flames. As Thor snarled and dove away, Selena assured him she was unharmed. When Thor landed, and Selena dismounted to reassure Colonel Cyres of her wellbeing, Silver was the only one grinning. Selena understood Silver's lack of concern. Mortal magic cannot harm a dragon, my dear.

That still didn't stop Thor from thoroughly inspecting her until he was satisfied. Dragon or not, I will not stand idly by if you somehow got hurt.

Their training ended when Selena heard someone calling her last name. This time, Neith, wearing her red fox mask, pushed past the line of soldiers marching to the dining hall after Cyres dismissed them. Selena removed her charred but undamaged helmet and waved Neith over. The two exchanged pleasantries and bowed before Neith handed over a sealed parcel. "It's from the Council," she warned and left as quickly as she came.

While Selena fumbled with the parcel, Silver wondered aloud, "I hadn't seen that messenger of hers in a long time. I hope Her Imperial Majesty hadn't replaced that fox."

Selena squinted at him after unrolling Vidar's message. "I'm assuming you mean Loki, and it may be because you did something to him. As to what, I could only imagine."

Her fingers fidgeted while she read the official letter; Selena couldn't understand why the Council wanted a meeting with her and Thor at the Fire Temple at eight in the morning. Silver and Cyres were confused but reassured the two that this couldn't mean disciplinary action, or they would have reported directly to General Araneus and Aracania.

Yet, Selena remained unconvinced, and her anxiety grew. What if the Council found out about us?

Thor snaked his head around her. I don't believe so; otherwise, they would have taken immediate action. Rest easy, my dear one. Soon, we'll know the truth.

Selena arose before the sun, and, careful not to wake Azrael, she dolefully dressed in her best uniform: black jacket with gold clasps, buttons, and trimmings, complete with her finest breeches and polished hessian boots. She slipped on her formal gentleman's gloves, easily concealing her mark. After combing her recently cut hair back in a sleek shine, Selena dashed through their fort and past the dining hall, too nervous to eat.

You should, Thor said, I always feel better after eating.

But you're always eating.

Thor hovered above the courtyard as she marched outside, cleaned and scales brilliantly oiled. Instead of the harness, he proudly wore his ruby set chain as a badge of honor. After scooping her off the ground into his paw, Thor propelled himself up and over the gates, sweeping himself higher with long, slow wing beats. The two flew at an arch, and before Selena could fully enjoy the flight, Thor descended before the Fire Temple.

Each step felt heavier than the last as she marched through the door. As Thor was the size of a three-leveled house, instead, his head slithered through the doorway; he clicked his nails against the marble stairs with impatience.

An altar stood in the very back with three sculptures of the Divines behind it: Xyaxon stood in the middle, Death to its left, and Ulrich, the Emerald Dragon, to its right. The eyes of the lion were rubies, while the eyes of Death were sapphires, and Ulrich's were emeralds. Painted above the ceiling was the depiction of the three beasts in a cosmic battle with one another. Lit candles trailed the edges of the long, crimson carpet stretching from the door to the altar.

A lantern flickered in the doorway leading to a massive war room with a long, oak table, surrounded by a large group murmuring over a map with pinned flags marking specific locations. General Araneus leaned over with two hands on the table, studying what Selena assumed to be battle plans. Next to him was Vidar Helios peering to what the general pointed at with Captain Altessa and Colonel Cyres towering over the two. Standing to the general's other side were the Oracle triplets and Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress.

Be careful, Thor warned, but Selena had better control over her emotions this time; Silver broke away from the discussion when she approached and escorted her over to greet the others. Even when she reached her mother, Her Imperial Majesty still smiled, and Selena bent the knee.

Vidar offered her a handshake and clapped both hands over hers. "Impeccable timing, Liongod. We summoned you and Thor here because we're preparing for battle."

"What battle, sir?" After offering her a seat, Silver resumed their topic of discussion that, to Selena's fear and dismay, bore troubling news of confirmed rumors.

"The battle for Alfheim is upon us," General Araneus clarified, "The Lich has amassed an army of about thirty thousand and is en route towards Alfheim. He rounded up those nasty Orc creatures, Trolls, and other horrendous beasts willing to serve." General Araneus glumly looked over to the Oracles. "How much time do we have?"

The sisters said together, heads facing downward: "The morning of the nineteenth at the tolling of the bells." They looked up when Selena felt her heart beating faster, trembling in terror and excitement that would soon fade. The Oracles gave her a secret sneer that only she saw, and Selena suspected they were encouraging her to begin her pursuit for Ragnarok soon.

General Araneus snarled in frustration from the little time given as he looked at Silver and Cyres. "Our scouts have reported they're traveling by dragons ferrying vessels. So far, they've counted about ten, but I reckon there will be more. They've been traveling by night to avoid detection until now." His eyes flashed at Selena, who had remained silent. "Normally, I wouldn't send fresh soldiers directly into the line of fire without a dragon, but given yours and Thor's extraordinary and fortunate circumstances, we need your assistance."

"Sir, we would be honored to serve, but Thor and I just began aerial combat training, and I don't have a weapon yet—"

"I'm afraid it's already been decided. Liongod, you and Thor will report to Aracania later this afternoon to begin preparations. As for a weapon, I'm sure Captain Altessa or Colonel Cyres can supply an appropriate one for now."

Selena gave a firm nod, and a salute with no further say on the matter. "Sir, yes, sir."

"Very good. Dismissed."

Silver nodded to Colonel Cyres, confirming he would be the one to make the accommodations; he broke away and escorted Selena out of the temple once Thor withdrew his head from the entrance. She expressed her desire to make her sword. However, the temptation to find and use Ragnarok for her own steeped, and she mentioned it once more to Silver, who only warned, "That sword has only brought misfortune to those who seek its power. You will be corrupted and destroyed. Please, I beg of you, leave it alone."

She huffed, but she agreed, for Silver's sake. However, Selena secretly decided to look for it when she had a clear window; Thor also expressed his agreement by saying, We'll find it, but if Ragnarok becomes too dangerous, I will destroy it myself.

I find that more than agreeable.

Instead, she switched back to the subject of making her weapon. Though she could craft one through magic if the need arose, Selena needed to have one readily available. "It takes longer to summon an elemental weapon than to unsheathe one that's ready," she explained. "Will I have enough time to forge my sword?"

Silver squinted at her. "I could help you speed up the process and make one with magic—"

"I would rather do it traditionally. I believe perfect weapons are forged through blood, sweat, and tears—not magic."

Silver scratched his head. "I don't know. With the Force caught in a frenzy, Aracania may not allow you to leave her sight, and the process can take a while."

"With your sleepless draught, I can work on it tonight while Thor and I train with Aracania during the day."

Silver's face brightened. "I believe I still have another vial; you will have your sword by morning."

Selena shared his enthusiasm. "Then we have a plan, Captain and Master Alchemist."

He smiled and bowed; Selena placed a gentle hand on Thor's muzzle and propped her forehead against his snout, a silent communion between rider and dragon. From Thor's deep rumbled purrs and chitters, he said: We will go to battle, but we will receive the tribulations, sorrow, and triumphs from the aftermath.

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