The Necromancer's Dragon

By 129cdmuller

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Sixteen-year-old Selena Liongod has no memories of her past. She's never been in aerial combat. She doesn't k... More

Chapter 1: The Girl and the Dragon
Chapter 2: Thor
Chapter 3: Beneath the Starry Skies
Chapter 4: The Vampire and the Dragon
Chapter 5: The Storm
Chapter 6: The Grand Exchange
Chapter 7: Flight and Fright
Chapter 8: To Be a Dragon
Chapter 9: The Teacher
Chapter 10: I'll Be Your Strength
Chapter 11: Alfheim
Chapter 12: The Initiation
Chapter 13: The Midnight Duel
Chapter 14: The Venomous Serpent
Chapter 15: Bitter Work
Chapter 16: The Divinity Dragon
Chapter 17: The Well of Souls
Chapter 19: The Battle for Alfheim
Chapter 20: Dragonheart
Chapter 21: The Siege of the North
Chapter 22: The Guardians of the Cave
Chapter 23: Ragnarok
Chapter 24: The Dragon Awakens
Chapter 25: The Day of Eternal Darkness

Chapter 18: The Shadow Emperor

31 1 0
By 129cdmuller

The Oracles returned inside, and Selena made the brisk walk back towards the street, now with a clear set purpose; however, before she could call for a carriage, Niamh marched towards her with Rahim chasing her heels.

"I told you he would be here," Niamh sternly announced, but Rahim's face turned bright red when he reached up and grabbed her arm. "Let go of me."

Rahim quickly pulled away. "No, please, leave him alone." Selena's eyes continued darting between the two, at a loss, but Rahim waved her down and mouthed the words, "Leave."

When Selena failed to heed his warning, Niamh pried her arm away; Selena immediately stepped back as if she were about to run. "I heard about the funeral, and I'm so sorry. When I knew you were there for the service, I went to see you, but I saw you storm away."

"Niamh, stop," Rahim began, but she silenced him.

Face gleaming red, Niamh continued, "I wanted to ask you something, Liongod."

"Ask me what?"

"I know it would be hard for you since you're in the Force and... I-I know your sole duty is to protect the Empire."

Rahim inched closer, waving his hands in huge wiping motions, telling her to say no, but Selena said, "I don't understand." Niamh looked as though she wanted to scream. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Selena's neck and kissed her cheek when Selena moved her lips away. Rahim tripped over his feet, and an awful noise escaped his mouth; Selena didn't know what to do but immediately pushed away. "What are you doing?"

Niamh suddenly realized her mistake and apologized for her impulsive behavior, collapsing into Selena's arms. "I-I'm so sorry. I like you, Andric, and I-I was hoping that maybe...." She couldn't find the strength to finish.

Selena was at a loss for words. However, she blushed and helped Niamh to her feet. "I do like you, but as a friend. I don't want to lie to you," she paused when her thoughts immediately drifted towards Silver, "but I've taken to someone else. That doesn't mean we can't be friends." She flashed a small smile.

Niamh's eyes widened as more tears trickled down her face, but she wiped them away and nodded. "I'm sorry for that. Of course, I would like to be friends." She gave Selena one last hug before running back the way she and Rahim came.

After collecting himself from the initial shock, Rahim shuffled his feet, placing a hand on Selena's shoulder to help him stand upright. "You know, if Niamh knew who you were, then—"

Selena glared at him. "Then what? She can't help it. Would you still be against it if she liked me knowing I was a girl?"

"Not at all. It's just...." Rahim lost his voice as he looked back at her fading figure turning a corner. "I like her."

She instantly recoiled and withdrew her harsh words, but the moment Rahim confessed his affections, Selena's face began burning when her mind raced to Silver. She hadn't realized her growing fondness until Rahim noticed her blazing expression, and all she could say was, "I know the feeling."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you later." Ignoring him, and instead of a carriage, Thor offered a flight. His shadow zipped over the two within moments, and Thor scooped them from the street with a single paw before soaring back to the Dragon District. He glowed and chittered in delight when Rahim praised his mighty size, as he hadn't seen Thor since they arrived in the city, and added an "at this rate, Thor will be the size of a mountain."

As the two looked down at Alfheim from Thor's clawed cage, Selena finally said, "What I said to Niamh was true—I've also taken to someone."

Thor snorted upon hearing her news, and his head curled back in shock like a snake about to strike. Rahim's eyes widened as he began asking who it was, but his lips sealed shut when he realized it was Silver. "That's madness; he's your superior."

"Do you believe I don't know that?" she sighed. "After all the time he and I had spent together, it just grew—"

Rahim hastily interrupted. "I know that's not allowed."

"That's why I will never talk about this again."

Thor, however, was displeased. I don't remember you mentioning this to me before.

Because I'm ashamed, and I know he doesn't feel the same.

His tone turned gentle. Perhaps he does—given his status and situation, Silver is only being cautious.

It reached late afternoon when the trio arrived at the cliff overlooking the North Sea, per Selena's request to watch the sunset in solace. Thor gently dropped the two before excusing himself for his evening hunt and launched towards the feeding pen.

Clouds billowed and rumbled over the horizon, but Selena wanted to enjoy the day's last rays of sunshine before the storm. Standing over the edge of the precipice, Selena observed the sea's still surface, smooth as glass; the calm and peaceful scenery made her want to step over and allow the water to wash away her worries.

As Selena sat down, knees drawn to her chest, Rahim spun in place as he enjoyed the view away from the city. "Dragonstone is nice, but nothing beats this." He laughed, but his smile faded when Selena was caught in a trance. "Please don't tell me that tosser is upsetting you."

"No, he's not, and stop calling him that. I would be a little grateful he opened his home to you and Niamh."

"Err, sorry. I swear, I'm grateful."

The two watched the sunset over the horizon while Thor still gorged himself on sheep; when Selena's thoughts finally cleared, she shared her recent experiences and discoveries, from confirming Ragnarok's whereabouts to learning who she was. She finished her tale when the sun dipped over the peak, and Rahim's jaw dropped to the ground as he sat next to her. "I like the sound of using that legendary sword against the evil necromancer. Let's get it now."

"Not yet. We would have to hide it once we found it or risk it falling into the wrong hands."

Rahim's face brightened. "What about giving it to Silver? He could keep it at Dragonstone."

"I won't endanger him and Niamh. We're better off leaving the sword for now until we need it."

"I suppose." Rahim sighed in disappointment but eventually agreed with her logic before enjoying the news of her Divine and royal nature. "All this time, you're the Crown Princess and the one from the prophecy, the dragon-born." His head whipped around to see Thor picking his claws clean. "He's your half-brother, then. To think we have two Divinity Dragons in existence—I'm sure Silver was thrilled with the way he goes on about dragons."

Selena bit her bottom lip as she clasped her hands around her knees. "He's Genesis Altessa." When Rahim expressed his confusion, she explained how she came to her conclusion; even Thor paused to pay attention to their conversation, although he already knew when they read the journal.

"That would be wicked if he was. No wonder you're so infatuated with him," Rahim nudged her shoulder, "now he can truly be your beloved."

Face burning in embarrassment, Selena peered over her shoulder in fear that Silver overheard, but all she saw was Azrael strolling over with his hands thrust into his trouser pockets. Circling overhead was Doragon's golden gleam; Thor fixated his gaze upon his once-feared adversary, but now the two dragons matched in size. He jumped to all fours, wings extended, ready to pounce upon Doragon, but he ignored Thor.

"Speaking of tossers," Rahim grumbled, but Selena shushed him, hoping Azrael would stray away. To her dismay, he snickered when seeing the two and trekked over as Doragon landed behind him upon his haunches.

Azrael approached with his arms crossed. "What's this? Calling people names, are we?"

"We don't want any trouble," Selena said through her teeth.

Doragon hissed and snarled, but Thor quickly swept himself skyward in one leap and zipped towards them. When Doragon saw him make his descent, he backed away with low growls but acknowledged Thor as the alpha; his eyes caught the gleam of Thor's golden chain and his string of rubies, but Doragon didn't let up.

When Azrael inched forward, Rahim jolted to his feet, but Selena stood up and met Azrael's temper. "What do you want from us? We haven't done anything to you."

Azrael ignored the interaction between the two dragons, even as Thor stepped closer, anticipating an attack against Selena. Doragon swiped at Thor's front legs, and the dragons almost lunged for each other if Selena hadn't asked Thor to back down. Instead, the two watched each other like hawks, snarling through clamped fangs.

"Do I need a reason for anything I do? You think you know everything and can read people like a book." Azrael reached up and grabbed her shoulders, forcing her to step back. "You know nothing about Doragon and me, nor what we've endured." Rahim reached out to pull Azrael back, but Doragon was faster; with snake-like reflexes, he swept his tail across the ground, shoving and tripping Rahim. Thor retaliated by launching for Azrael, but Doragon stood in between, and the two massive dragons rolled around behind their handlers through a snarling flurry of claws and fangs, leaving deep gashes in one another.

Selena struggled to break free, but Azrael was stronger. She could use magic to fight him back, but Azrael was better with the craft. She won their duel last time because she caught him by surprise; even with her training, she was nowhere near his skill level to use Aether.

After collecting his bearings, Rahim resumed his effort to rescue Selena, but Azrael didn't waver until she stood right on the cliff's edge. He sneered as he shoved her once more. "I hope you can swim." Selena lost her footing and fell over when Azrael backed away; Rahim pushed past and reached out to grab her hand, but she slipped through his fingers.

The water below her was steady and calm, ready to embrace her. The cold, hard impact against its glossy surface was like a thousand needles piercing her body at once, and the shock of the drop slowly made her lose consciousness.

After diving in after her, Silver wrapped one arm around her and swam back to the surface. Stoic-faced, he carried her back to shore, and Selena coughed up the salty seawater as her vision cleared.

Azrael and Doragon were nowhere to be seen, but Thor circled overhead, his skirmish settled for now; Rahim ran over and hugged her when Silver helped her stand. "Thank the Divines. I gave Azrael a proper beating for what he did."

Before her buzzing thoughts cooled, Silver spun her around with trembling hands to make eye contact. "Why did you face him alone? Why didn't you call and run for help?" His voice cracked like it would break any moment.

Thor landed near the two and roared. He's right. I should have ferried you two away when I had the chance.

Completely undone, Selena pulled away. "Why are you mad at me? What do you want me to do, crouch down and let you guys fight my battles for me?"

"We are all trying to keep you safe."

"You told me that Azrael and Doragon wouldn't harm Thor or me. Was that a lie?"

"No," Silver sternly said, "but now, he will answer to Phantom Dust."

"I don't believe Azrael will listen if he hadn't already. Why would D appear now?" When Silver couldn't answer, Selena stepped forward and whispered, "Why do you care about keeping me safe? Is it to protect your greatest achievement, Genesis?" Silver took a step back as he studied her through furrowed brows. "So, it's true then. It made sense when I read the journal."

Thor growled as he snaked his head around. Selena, back off.

She ignored him, and Silver pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, I'm not trying to hide it anymore—I'm Genesis Altessa."

Selena paused, her eyes glossing over like a frozen lake in winter. "What are you then, a dragon? Is that how you've lived this long?"

"No, but that's beside your initial concern. Yes, you are important and my magnum opus, but that's not why I want you safe—"

Her flowing tears betrayed her; his words ripped Selena's heart to shreds when realizing her affections were deeper than his. "Then what other reason is there, to hide me? That was certainly my mother's only concern. I don't even know who my father is, and if he's still alive, he probably doesn't want me back either."

"Don't you dare—"

When Rahim attempted to join in on their heated discussion, Silver glared at him. "Okay, I'm sorry. I will ask later after you two finish arguing."

"This isn't a joke anymore, Rahim. None of you understand all I've gone through." Selena didn't expect either to respond; Thor snarled and reached over to grab her, but she slipped through his claws and ran in the other direction, ignoring their pleas for her to stay. Thor readied himself to chase her down, but Selena heard Silver ask him to stay before pursuing her himself, calling for her attention.

The sky turned black as soon as she made it back to the barracks. Thanking the Divines Azrael hadn't returned, Selena dove into the blankets, jumping and flinching from every ear-shattering thunder roaring overhead.

Her door suddenly squeaked open, and she heard Silver's footsteps strut across the floorboard. "Liongod."

She yelped when the thunder cracked again. "Please go away."

"What are you doing under the blankets?" She quivered as the desperation to run away crept closer, but Silver placed a hand on top. "Are you afraid of the thunder and lightning?" When Selena didn't answer, he sat on the bed with great care, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close. "I'm sorry I never realized how alone you truly felt. Thor and I will always be here for you."


The torrential rain lessened; Azrael sat within Doragon's coils on the cliff overlooking the sea, growling through his teeth while complaining about Selena and Rahim. Undone, Doragon hissed at him to stop. You do understand Phantom Dust won't be happy.

I don't care anymore. He picked up a nearby stick and threw it over Doragon's tail, yelling at the sky.

Her very nature makes you angry, yet you helped with the Well of Souls.

Azrael escaped from Doragon's protective golden coils and began pacing. I should have never helped Silver.

Bullocks, this dark world needed two Divinity Dragons. I hate tormenting them, but I followed you. I wish you would leave them alone. Besides, Doragon nodded to the recently healed deep gashes Thor gave him, I believe he will kill me next time. He already outweighs me, and I will not adjust my size anymore.

He growled but lowered his head in defeat, disregarding Doragon's ability to shape-shift as Azrael's spirit beast guardian. Maybe you're right.

Of course, I'm right. I still regret burning the village.

The two lingered in silence, allowing the air to cool from their hot tempers. Azrael sighed. Perhaps I despise how she seems hopeful and forgiving even when others don't deserve it.

Like you? Don't you think you deserve forgiveness?

Azrael thrust his fists into his pockets and peered at Doragon from over his shoulder. "No, I don't deserve forgiveness. Not after all that I have done."

"Don't worry. We're not as forgiving." The voice startled him and Doragon, and Azrael spun around to see Kain Vanguard leaning against a tree. His crimson eyes pierced the darkened veil, contrasting his pearly-white vampiric fangs. Off in the distance, Silver raced towards them in a fit of rage, face burning red while screaming rambling nonsense Azrael couldn't understand; a trail of dust clouds billowed from Silver's stampede.

Kain yawned and stretched out one hand, waiting until Silver was near. He snatched the captain's jacket collar and yanked him back, but Silver dragged his feet across the dirt, attempting to pull away. "You bastard! How could you do that to her? I will kill you myself if she doesn't."

Kain tightened his grip. "That's enough."

"No, it's not. This twat is going to pay. Let me kill him, just this once."

"There's no way I can let you: D gave me that right."

"Absolutely not. He disobeyed D's orders—I will have that privilege." Silver tugged his collar from Kain's curled fingers and marched to the indifferent Azrael, but Doragon growled and snarled between tail flickers. "I will have you court-martialed for this."

Azrael scoffed and turned away, but Silver grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. "Do you not care about protecting our two Divinity Dragons?" Silver's nostrils flared when Azrael ignored him. "Don't you remember helping me with the Well of Souls?"

Azrael scoffed. "That was a mistake." Doragon snarled in disagreement, but his companion turned a deaf ear.

Silver fumed as words fired like bullets. "Mistake? How dare you? Our job is to make sure that its only success lives—think of what we could accomplish, like using her genetic makeup to our advantage. Azrael, have you seen how easily she can channel magic and how amazing she is?"

"I don't give a damn—"

Silver ignored him. "She has the blood of a dragon running through her veins, and I think she has a hidden ability because of it."

Now Kain was interested. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know, but I've never been wrong before."

Annoyed, Kain shoved Silver aside and marched over until his face was a small breadth away from Azrael's: "You will not go against D's orders again, but I believe he'll remind you soon."

Azrael snarled back and spat on the ground, but he didn't argue. Silver leaned in close when Kain stepped aside, disregarding Doragon's maw pluming with smoke and embers. "If you don't, the next time you hurt her, by the Divines, I will kill you myself. I don't care what you are." He then stormed off.

Doragon wrapped a protective arm around Azrael and held him close to his chest before launching to the stars in one leap. Kain watched the pair disappear before joining the angry captain. "What was wrong with you back there?"

Silver snorted. "I don't know what you mean."

Kain reached over and grabbed his jacket again. "Stop being a prick for once. You're getting way too protective." Silver kept his head down, and Kain's eyes widened. "If you tell me of your affections for the girl, I will vomit."

"That's none of your business."

"No, but that's D's concern. I don't know how he will take it."

Silver slowly hung his head in defeat. "It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does." Silver shrugged, and Kain threw him back. "Dammit."

"Do you think I meant for this to happen? After all the time I've spent with her, and getting to see how wonderful and perfect she is—"

"I don't want to hear any more." Kain sighed and rubbed his temples. "Does she know?"

Silver looked towards the North Sea once more. "It's probably for the best she doesn't."

Kain raised a fist like he was about to strike Silver but only extended a finger and pointed at him. "Don't do anything stupid." He then marched off. Silver dug his hands into his pockets and stood there for an eternity. He looked up at the stars and smiled.


When the thunder and lightning ceased, Selena was comfortable enough to emerge from her hiding place; sitting in Azrael's bed, she propped her head up with her arm against the windowsill. Despite their animosity, she remained vigilant in watching for Azrael's return, with only Thor to keep her company.

How are you feeling?

I'm better. I'm sorry for how I acted.

I understand, but I wish you would have talked to me instead of Silver.

Are you getting jealous?

No, never.

You're so full of it, but I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it.

Hmph. Apology accepted, and....

And I won't shut you out like that again. I was just so upset, and I wasn't within reason.

I know.

Their conversation was interrupted by the soft flail of wings from above. A dragon's shadow glided across the ground towards the top of the barracks. She then saw Azrael running down the training field, and she immediately knew that the dragon was Doragon. I believe Azrael is in trouble.

Good for him.

Now is not the time to be sarcastic. He might need help.

I'm not helping him. He and Doragon can rot in Oblivion for all I care.

Azrael ran until a few chains shot through the air, wrapping around his ankles. He tripped, falling face-forward into a pile of sharp rocks, nicking and bloodying his face. He's under attack. I must help him.

After what he did to you?


Ignoring Thor's protests, Selena began climbing out her window but stopped when she saw a mysterious man walking towards Azrael. Doragon wailed from his perch and crouched down; Selena wondered why he didn't save his companion. How could this man scare a dragon?

The man wore a regal red jacket with gold buckles and trimmings, its collar brushing the underside of his chiseled cheekbones. His mask of black and white sent a cold chill shivered down Selena's spine; he made heavy strides towards the imprisoned Azrael, holding the three chains binding him loosely in one hand.

Azrael rolled over to face his attacker, who stopped and lifted his hand. The chains unwrapped themselves from Azrael's ankles and disappeared underneath his jacket sleeve. The man leaned on one knee beside Azrael, but their conversation remained inaudible; Selena leaned further out the window to hear. "You must control your anger. Her Imperial Majesty and I gave you strict orders."

Azrael wheezed and spat blood. "I already dealt with this from Silver and Kain." He forced himself to stand and summoned his spirit pistols, and to Selena's surprise, the man didn't stop him. Before Azrael could fire a single bullet, the stranger, still on one knee, flicked his wrists, and a large, tangled mess of metal shot out from his sleeve, wrapping around Azrael like angry snakes strangling their prey. His spirit guns shattered like glass.

The Chain Master then waved his hand up, and the shackles followed his command, slamming Azrael into the nearby stone wall. While the man watched, Azrael howled in pain and hung his head low in defeat. The man scoffed. "You're weak in this form, from your anger." With another flick of his wrists, the chains withdrew, dropping the undone Azrael to his hands and knees. The stranger leaned in to whisper more in his ear, and Azrael only glared at him.

He finally stood up and backed away, allowing Azrael to flee. Doragon shuffled around on the rooftop before taking to the sky, swooped down, and snagged his rider with his claws before the two disappeared into the night.

Thor's snarls echoed across her mind. Well?

Azrael is fine, but this Chain Master badly injured him.

I like him better already. Hmm.

What is it?

I remember him before I hatched from when Gromm and Beck rescued us: Phantom Dust.

Her eyes locked on Dust, and she jolted outside to catch him before he withdrew back into the shadows. Now is my chance to confront him.

To her surprise, Thor agreed. Phantom Dust marched off the courtyard through the side arches and towards the Hinterlands, not peering behind as Selena pursued him within the darkened veil. The brisk night wind cut across her body, but Dust remained undeterred through his long strides; suddenly, Selena's walk turned into a quick jog when he disappeared through the thickened trees. Where could he be going?

Thor's humming and chittering carried like the wind in the leaves. Be careful.

The ancient grove's enchanting evening ballad pulled her into its dense verdant embrace, and eventually, she reached a small moonlit meadow, but Dust was gone. She swore under her breath but heard footsteps approaching from behind. Her skin began to crawl, and her heart caught in her throat; Selena spun around and came face to face with the towering Chain Master.

His mask's eye sockets were like the void as he met her terrified gaze. Selena backed away as he approached, and Dust's stoic tone chilled the atmosphere. "You shouldn't be wandering around unarmed."

With her fear and paranoia rising, she started summoning a weapon for herself. Before she finished, he grabbed her hand while it was in midair. Her breath quickened, and her heart was about to explode; Selena knew, at that moment, he had her at his mercy and could kill her. He didn't stir. Engraved on the very top of his mask was a symbol of the black fox, and Selena raised a brow as she squinted. "As I've said before, it's unsafe to wander around unarmed."

Dust released her hand; meanwhile, Thor began asking how their encounter went, but she didn't have an answer to give. Selena stepped back but was shocked when Dust pulled out a small, dark green leather bag. "What is that?"

"It's an ingot: dragon bone melded with steel. I smelted this myself to save time, already perfect to begin shaping."

"You're a blacksmith, too."

He nodded. "I used to be, professionally. I find that dragon bones are much better to mix with steel than unicorn horns. From this, you can make the sharpest and finest weapon that will neither dull nor break—you could cut through the thickest of metals and pierce armor in one slice. Use it well."

He offered her the bag. She was reluctant but cautiously accepted his gift; she slipped her hand inside and pulled out a perfectly smooth and light-weight brick, gleaming with a copper-tinted ivory hue. "Thank you."

Dust turned sharply on his heels as if he would leave but stopped. "Mind your manners to your mother. She loves you dearly."

Selena shamefully looked down at her feet when she recalled their nasty exchange as she returned the ingot to the bag. "I swear to be in the future. Thor told me you're trustworthy, and there is one more question I hope you can answer."

"I believe Silver had already told you more than you were supposed to know. He has a terrible habit of talking too much, and I'm afraid you'll be wasting your time with me."

"Please, answer just one question, and I will leave it alone forever. Who and where is my father?"

It was an uncomfortable silence before Dust could say, "He's dead. The Council killed him a long time ago."

Selena felt her heart squeeze. "I think you're lying."

His eyes shattered the darkness. "Think what you will."

He walked away, but Selena ran in front, preventing him from leaving. "You've taken charge of my protection, but for what reason? I need to know—"

"Know what? What good will come of this? I don't have time to explain, and I'm already behind with my plans. Good day."

He strutted off but what Selena said next made him stop dead in his tracks. "Were you ever going to tell me the truth? What's more important than answering my question, Father?"

The Shadow Emperor immediately spun around. "What did you just call me?" It sounded more like a plea than a demand.

"So, it's true then. Why did you tell me that my father was dead?"

"I am, according to the Council." He paused and studied her as if she were a strange creature. "I will admit, you're incredibly bright for someone so young."

Selena wanted to scream, hit a tree, lash out, hug him, and run away. Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Why did everyone want to keep it a secret?"

Dust held out both hands, palms facing up. "To protect you. I don't have another answer or excuse, sadly."

"That doesn't give you, or Her Imperial Majesty, the right to keep that from me. Days ago, I had no idea who I was, and I'm just finding out that I'm the Crown Princess and a dragon. Silver was the only one with the decency to tell me anything." Dust ruefully looked away, and Selena inched closer. "Please, make time to explain."

Caught in great anticipation over his answer, he finally agreed. "You deserve to know. We never made the best decisions. Your mother and I aren't perfect, but we feared the Council would have found out if we revealed ourselves to you." He paused as his eyes shimmered behind the mask. "I can't tell you how devastated we were when you were stillborn. Your mother and I tried to do everything to bring you back, but we did treasonous things that night. The Council somehow found out and immediately ordered me taken away and executed but spared your mother. Meanwhile, Silver had finished his project and offered to help."

"The Well of Souls."

Dust nodded. "I managed to escape Mortemholdt before being taken to the guillotine and was on the run for quite some time before Vidar declared me dead. I had to stay away from Alfheim, and the only way I could contact your mother was through letters.

"After Silver's success and for the next two hundred and sixteen years after, I got a letter from your mother through Loki every week about how you two were doing so that, in some small way, I was still involved. The Council knew nothing about you or the Well, but somehow the Lich did. He took all of Silver's research notes, destroyed his project, and kidnapped you and Thor's egg. Rescuing you and your dragon was our first and only priority.

"We only wanted to keep you and Thor with Chaliss temporarily until we resolved the situation, but we decided to let you live there when we learned you had no memory of us. You were happy, and so was your new companion. Your caretaker was kind and generous to care for you as one of her own, and so we compensated her well, and she hid her wealth to avoid suspicion."

Selena's eyes glistened. "Why didn't you and Mother come back for us? Didn't you want us anymore?"

"Of course, we did—your mother and I loved you more than anything, but we wanted you to live a fulfilling, happy life away from strife. I can't tell you how painful that was for us." Dust clinched his fists. "However, we had to intervene as soon as the Council decided to take you away. You weren't supposed to meet Silver and Kain, but we were secretly around. We planned on rescuing you two, but you and Thor had already fled."

"And Helshire Village was gone." Selena's nostrils flared when her fists trembled at her sides. "Then why did you finally return to Alfheim?"

"Because I wasn't happy when I found out what Azrael did. I know Kain and Silver almost tore him to shreds, but he needed to hear it directly from me."

"I don't understand. Azrael and Doragon have been following and tormenting us, not to mention what they did to Helshire—how do you trust them?"

"It was never their intention to harm you, and as for the village...." Phantom Dust turned away as his voice trailed off. "There is no excuse for that, and I pray for those whose lives were lost in that fire. Azrael has a complicated past." Selena was not wholly satisfied, and he sighed. "I will let him explain it when he's ready, as it's not right for me to speak in place of others." The tense air steeped. "You probably hate and despise us."

"You're my father. All I've ever wanted was to know my parents." She didn't know how to feel: happy, sad, angry? "Please take off your mask."

Dust hesitated. "Do you want to look at the face of a dead criminal?"

Selena shook her head and touched it, but Dust immediately grabbed her arm. "I want to see my father."

They stood in uncomfortable silence. It felt like an eternity, but he finally nodded, released her hand, and lowered his head. She investigated the empty sockets of the mask to see his eyes; she swallowed her fear and pulled it off. His hollow deep blue eyes set against his chiseled and narrow pale face, filled with grief, perfectly pairing with his black hair swept behind his long, pointed ears like raven feathers catching the moonlight—a thin braid wrapped with tiny, gold chains dangled beside both sides of his jawline. Selena dropped the mask and, without another thought, embraced him as the tears began swelling.

Dust staggered, but he hugged her back. Selena tightened her hug and sobbed into his jacket. "How could you two have left me? I appreciate Chaliss and all she did for both Thor and me, but I needed you—I needed my parents. I understand why you two did what you had to do. But why do I still feel this way?"

"Your mother and I love you more than anything. Even as I was in prison and on the run, I thought about you two every night and how much I missed you both. I swore I would never let harm befall you two again. We will take back Armageddon from Vidar one day. The Council has been trying to usurp the imperial family, but we will end it."

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