Thorfinn's brother (Vinland S...

Galing kay persondoingsomestuff

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Thorfinn and his twin brother, Bo, and their journey of trying to get revenge on the man that killed their fa... Higit pa

Somewhere Not Here
Beyond The Edge Of The Sea
More Then A Monster
England, 1008
England 1013
The Troll's Sons
Land On The Far Bank
Master And Servent At The Table
Return Of The Prince
Two Lone Wolves
End Of The Prologue
New Life
A Kind Man
Unfortunately Popular
Sun Behind The Clouds

Legend Of Thors

105 2 1
Galing kay persondoingsomestuff

The world spun, voices muddled. What was happening? Why was there a thrumming pain all over his body?

Bo slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurry. A giant man was walking toward him, saying something he couldn't quite understand in his dazed mind.

Who is that? He was even bigger up close. What was he saying? Duel? Oh, right. He was in the middle of a duel. Duel! Bo's eyes shot open, memories flooded back to him. Thorkell, getting Askeladd, protecting Thorfinn, winning the duel!

'Shit! No time to lie down!' Bo stood up and tightened his grip on his knives. There was an uproar, men shouting, asking how Bo was standing. "I can't believe he's alive!" One man shouted.

The giant smiled crazily. "Looks like there's more fun to be had." Bo took a deep breath, he was ready to continue the 'fun' as he called it. "I'll give you time to patch yourself up. See to your wounds." The young Viking snarled, he didn't need to be given time to do anything except kill Thorkell.

"Fuck off! I don't want your courtesy!" He yelled. "It's not courtesy. I mean, how will you fight like that?" Thorkell asked. Bo jutted his arm out. "Shut up and mind your own..." He noticed his elbow dangling, bending in a way it wasn't supposed to. A searing pain shot up his arm, making him scream out as he crumpled to the ground cradling his arm to his chest.

"See that?" Thorkell said matter of factly, like he was trying to prove his point. Bo heard the crunching of snow, lifting his gaze he saw his brother running toward him, worry written all over his face making Bo internally cringe. He didn't want to make his brother worry.

Thorfinn crouched next to his brother and spoke quietly. "If you get up and fight right now I'll break your other arm." Out of the corner of Bo's eye he saw Askeladd hobbling over to them, using his sword as a cane. 'Shit! Fuck! Everything flipped on its head from one stupid kick! What do I do?! How do I win?! With one arm! Against that monster! No way I'll let Thorfinn fight him, no way!'

Bo was panicking, brain going a mile a minute, until a grating voice spoke. "Let me see it. I'll get you back into fight shape." He said, holding his hand out. Askeladd was the last person Bo wanted helping him. Besides, if he wanted to help anyone, he should help himself. "Don't need your help. Fix your own wounds." Bo glared.

The older man knelt down. "Just show it to me, Bo. I know my way around setting a broken bone." His tone was sincere, but Bo didn't trust him. "Get the fuck off him, pointy hair! Don't touch him!" Thorfinn yelled, putting himself in front of his brother protectively.

"Calm down. That's your weakest trait. Be cool." He turned to look at Bo. "Calm your head and think of a way to win. What do you think you must do in order to win?" He asked. The older brother took a deep breath, trying to clear his head and think of a solution, but not much was coming to mind.

Bo looked back to the man he was fighting, only to see him sitting on a stool. "Bo! I haven't had this much fun in ages! As I promised, I will tell you of your father while you tend to your arm." Begrudgingly, Thorfinn moved out of the way and Bo let Askeladd fix his arm, setting it back into place.

"You know of the Jomsvikings, yes? The band led by Sigvaldi, battle-king of the Baltic Sea?" Thorkell started. "Your father Thors and I were members of the band." Askeladd moved behind Bo. "Ask him questions. Keep the story rolling. I'm taking your knife as a splint." He muttered, the injured boy gave a subtle nod.

"We were both captains. There were only four of us, so that speaks to our might. And Thors was indeed mighty. An average warrior never sniff a seat with the Jomvikings, yet Thors was called 'Troll' by his peers, the best of the best. Sigvaldi was so smitten with his sword arm that he offered Thors, his daughter. That was Helga, your mother."

Bo and Thorfinn's eyes went wide. "So the head of Jom, is our grandfather?" Bo asked, slowly putting the pieces of his family tree together. "That's right, and my brother. Which makes me your great-uncle, as it happens." 'Oh god damnit, of course.' Bo thought internally rolling his eyes.

But as much as Bo dwelled on being related to the giant, he couldn't quite believe he was related to the leader of the Jomvikings. The men around them had the same thought, only they spoke it out loud. Askeladd voiced his thoughts as well, it was quiet and Bo was sure only he heard. "You can't be serious. They might as well be royalty."

Thorkell ignored the mumbles and continued his story. "Our last battle was at Hjorungavagr in Norway. We were vanquished. Thors fell into the water in full armor, and his body never surfaced. We had to give him a funeral without a body. I even shed tears for him. I've always wanted to beat him with my own hands.

"Of course, as I hardly need tell you Thors wasn't dead, Jomsburg was the last place I saw him. It was three months after we said our farewell, but the Thors I met then, was a far cry from the Troll I knew." Thorkell went on to explain that Thors and Helga, along with their new born, were sneaking out. Planning to run far away and never return. Thors planned to go somewhere where he had no need for a sword.

"The next thing I knew, the lookout were shaking me awake. And Thors and his wife were long gone. There was a brief outcry when Helga's disappearance came to light, but I held my silence. I thought it was the honorable thing to do." Askeladd had finished making the splint, making final adjustments.

"And after fifteen years, I learned that Thors was well and truly dead. The famed Leif the lucky himself brought his body for all to see. They were close friends, I gather." Bo hadn't thought or heard of Leif in a long time, but he currently had other things on his mind. 'This is so humiliating. I'm being bandaged by the very man who killed my father.' Bo was just glad his brother didn't have to face this shame.

"But I did not shed any tears at the news. I had fifteen years to think about him. And I realize that it wasn't a matter of life or death of the flesh. What's important to a warrior is the soul and where it lies. His soul had gone far away. I still don't understand it. I can't reach him. Wherever it is, it's not here. But that must be where he finally became a 'true warrior.'" Thorkell looked down, it didn't matter how much he said he wasn't sad, Bo could see the pain in his eyes.

"Bo, Thorfinn. You knew Thors after his life in the Jomvikings. What sort of life did he lead in Iceland? Tell me of him." The giant blonde demanded. Bo thought for a moment. What was his father like? He could hardly remember after all this time. Bo remembered that his father was peaceful, and never his voice. He never raised a weapon, not until that day.

But Bo couldn't word it correctly, he didn't have enough memories to portray his father correctly. "Fat fucking chance. Why should I tell you about my father?" Bo snapped. "HUH?! WAIT, WHAT?!" Thorkell screamed. "I just told you what he was like before you were born! Does that not clearly yet imply a give-and-take?!"

Neither brother said anything. "Bah! You miserable skinflint! I bet I know what's going on here. It's not that you won't tell me, it's that you can't!" He point a finger at the twins. "I can see it in your eyes. Or rather, can't see it. You're missing that are odd spark he had in his."

Thorfinn snarled. "How dare you." Bo went to stand up, ready to finish what was started. "Don't." Askeladd held his shoulder, stopping him. Bo just looked back with a deadly glare. "Let go! Or I'll kill you first." And Bo ment every single word, but that didn't faze the older man.

"You've got broken ribs. Even worse shape than you realize, boy. If you try to keep fighting the same way, you will lose." Bo didn't care, he had to win. He spun around and slashed at the other man, but the harsh movement sent a jolt of pain up his spine. Gasping, he fell again, only this time Thorfinn was there to catch him. "There, see?" He pointed out.

Bo was sure everyone could see a vein pop on his forehead. "The outcome of your battle determines whether I live or die. So listen to me. And I'll tell you exactly how to beat the monster." Bo's arm hurt like a bitch, every expand of his chest was excruciating, so in Askeladd's infinite knowledge, he could pick up a sword a kill Thorkell for all Bo cares.

"If you know how to stop Thorkell, why don't you fight him yourself?!" Bo snapped. "Combat is not that same as a game of Hnefatafl, boy. You don't just take down the king and get to walk away."

Askeladd kept look straight ahead at Thorkell who was stretching his arms. "But this is a special case. He told you that'd he let us go if you manage to win. The monster values is warriors pride. I don't see him breaking his vow." Bo really didn't want to take any piece of advice from his fathers murderer.

Sensing the boys discomfort, he continued. "Remember why you're fighting. So you and your brother can beat me in a duel, right?" Askeladd knew how to rile the boy up, good thing or bad depending on who you are. "Just take my advice and use it to overcome him. It's the only way we'll get out of this alive." He leaned close to Bo, close enough only the twins would be able to hear the words spoken.

"Fine. How do I beat him." Bo sighed. His eyes widened a fraction as Askeladd whispered the plan in his ear. Giving a curt nod, Bo gripped his knife and walks toward Thorkell. The taller man wasted no time jumping right back into action, swinging his axe toward the smaller male.

Bo threw his body to the side, pain throbbing in his body. "Does it hurt, Bo? Your movements aren't so sharp anymore. Are you going to surrender, and lose your chance at Askeladd forever?" Thorkell teased, trying to get under Bo's skin, but he wouldn't let this get to him.

Standing up with a huff, Bo charged at the giant, dodging and evading axe swings as he makes his own one armed slashes. Thorkell sent a kick, Bo felt the air wiz past his face as he jumped back and into another man, both falling to the ground. Men around the young Viking yelled at him to get back in the ring, some even kicked him.

Thorkell looked angry. "WHAT WAS THAT NONSENSE ABOUT?!" He yelled. "Fight with pride until the end, Bo! Are you trying tarnish Thors' name?!" He lectured, but Bo had to keep his emotions in check, he had to hold up his end of the bargain.

Bo went to swing, but Thorkell's axe knocked it out of his hand and into a nearby tree, the power behind the swing knocked Bo on his ass. He pushed himself onto one knee, inhaling air his lungs desperately needed. "What's wrong, Bo? Tired of running." Thorkell looked down at him, voice dripping with disappointment and smugness. The only answer the giant got was the sound of the boy breathing.

"This is a disappointment. I was expecting you to show me a bit more backbone. Thors must be crying in Valhalla." Bo forced himself not to react, he had to look defenseless, look like this was the end of the road. Thorkell approach, now all the blonde boy had to do was wait for the signal. The taller man stood right above Bo, arm raised for the final blow. 'Any second now baldy!' Then Thorkell squinted his eyes, giving Bo enough time to leap in the air and kick Thorkell right in the jaw.

Thankfully Bo landed on his good arm, and saw as Thorkell the Tall fell like a chopped tree. When Thorkell hit the ground, it shook, leaving everyone eyes wide and jaws open, Bo's included. He did it, he took down Thorkell! Now time for the killing blow!

With a battle cry, Bo leapt from his spot and stuck two fingers in Thorkell's left eye, it making a squelching sound the blonde boy wouldn't forget anytime soon. The taller man thrashed, making Bo get behind his head and lock is legs around his neck. "TO YOUR RIGHT, BO!" Askeladd yelled, throwing the knife that was in the tree. But Bo never caught it, a spear was thrusted at him instead, forcing him to once again throw his body out of the way.

As soon as his body hit the snow, three men pinned him down. "Kill the boy! Everyone together!" A man screamed. Bo cracked an eye open only to see his brother pinned down, thrashing like a wild animal, screaming for them to let him go. As a solution to shut him up, a man twisted his arm until a sickening pop came from his right shoulder, and pained scream followed. "Die, lad!" Another man above Bo shouted, lifting his sword.

No, no, no, no! Bo was not dying like this. He was not dying watching his little brother, who he swore to protect, getting his limbs broken. He was not dying like this. And thankfully Thorkell screaming at the top of his lungs got everyone to stop, halting the motion of everyone. The now disheveled giant looked livid. "You craven bastards, HOW DARE YOU SHAME ME LIKE THIS! HOW DARE YOU DISHONOR MY DUEL!"

He and what looked to be his right hand man got into some kind of argument, Bo wasn't listening, too busy focused on the knee pressed in his back and on his already aching ribs. His eyes could only focus on his brother, his face twisted in pain. If look could kill every man around Thorfinn would be dead ten times over. "That is enough." Came a voice that Bo did not expect to hear. "Calm yourselves, warriors. There will be no further combos. Any who die in this battle are wasting their lives." Canute.

His voice was different. Like something drastically changed from the time Bo and Thorfinn left him to now. The way he held himself, before he was slouched, like he was trying not to take up too much space. And now he walks and stands like he demands respect from everyone around him.

The knee seemed to dig further into Bo's back, making it hard to breath. "Release Bo and his brother. I lost the duel." Thorkell grunted. The man with his knee digging into the boys back protested, but Thorkell shut him down. "Shut your mouth, you clown! Observe the rules! I lost! At least let me keep my damned dignity." He spoke, trying to keep his composure. The knee lifted, and air returned to Bo's lungs, making him painfully aware of his broken ribs.

Bo rushed to his brother, pulling him to Askeladd, ready to grab both of them and make a run for it. "Hey, baldy. Let's get out of here before he changes his mind. Don't waste any time." Bo said, but the old bastard was stubborn, not moving from his kneeling position. "Do you think this is some kind of joke?! Why did I go through all this torture to-" The older male cut Bo off. "Quite squalling, boy, and watch."

Thorfinn may have paid attention, but Bo's head was in the clouds, his mind focusing on the thrumming in his arm. What brought him back to the ground was Thorkell pulling his fist back, and hurling it at the prince, only to stop a hair before the Prince's face. Canute did not flinch, passing whatever test Thorkell was holding. The giant looked at the Prince awhile, just gazing into the others eyes.

With a sigh, Thorkell agreed to follow Canute, with the condition that he wanted to see what kind of man Canute would become with his own eye. "Very well. As of today, you are my thegn." The Prince smirked. That brought an uproar amount the men, everyone asking what the giant was thinking.

Askeladd bursted out laughing, making Bo question if he hit his head too hard and actually went crazy. "I think he lost it." Bo said to his brother. "I think you're right." Thorfinn said back. The Viking leader took a deep breath and his face became serious again. "Prince Canute." He said walking toward the long haired boy.

He held the tip of the sword and offered the handle to the Prince. "It was I who killed lord Ragnar. Strike me down." Canute looked livid looking down at the blonde man. What the fuck did Askeladd just say?! Did he seriously just offer the Prince his head? For free!

"Why would you-" Thorfinn started, but Askeladd continued talking. "However! If you would grant this wicked man life, then he shall see that it is spent in loyal service to you." Canute still looked angry, but calmed himself and processed the words spoken.

Turning away, Canute spoke. "Do Ragnar's share of the lifting. That is your atonement." Askeladd bowed his head. "Majesty! As you command!" Both brothers sighed in sync. "Since when did Askeladd become a kings man?" Bo mumbled. "Since he has a plan." Thorfinn grumbled.

"If you will follow, then do so! We march to drag King Sweyn off his thrown!" Canute declared, continuing to walk with confidence.

'It's been such a long day.' Bo sighed and started walking

A/N: i recently drew Bo, and there's something so funny sketching him in Barbie pink. Also there's so much dialogue in this chapter 😭

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