A Stolitz Story

By Stolitz_Radiodust13

18.2K 415 888

Blitzø was an assassin, and he was hired to kill Prince Stolas. But, what happens when he accidentally falls... More

.+*Chapter One*+.
.+*Chapter Two*+.
.+*Chapter Three*+.
.+*Chapter Four*+.
.+*Chapter Five*+.
.+*Chapter Six*+.
.+*Chapter Seven*+.
.+*Chapter Eight*+.
.+*Chapter Nine*+.
.+*Chapter Ten*+.
.+*Chapter Eleven*+.
.+*Chapter Twelve*+.
.+*Chapter Thirteen*+.

.+* Headcanons/Updates*+.

2.4K 34 69
By Stolitz_Radiodust13

Before I start this story, I want to make some headcanons so the story can be clear as possible.

1. Stolas and Blitzø will still meets as kids. I don't think this story will make sense if they didn't.

2. I.M.P does still exist, but they kill demons instead of humans. It wouldn't make sense in they did the once a month exchange.

3. Blitzø is friends with Fizzarolli, because I want at least someone in his past to still be close to Blitzø, but will still have the drama with the rest of his family.

That's it. Everything else will still follow canon and I'm excited for this story. I hope that you will love this story as well. That's all for now. I will see you soon.


While Im writting Chapter Three right now, I wanted to make some more headcanons, because three wasn't enough.

4. Blitzo and Stolas will meet in a simular way to how it was in S2 EP1, but not to simular or identical.

5.Blitzo can purr, don't ask why, he just can.

6. Stolas likes rainbows

Thats all for now, bye!!

Another Update Time!!!!

I promise you that I'm almost done Chapter Four, but like the last chapter, I need some more head canons to sail the story. Let's go!!

7. Blitzø has nightmares about a lot of things in his life.(You will see what I mean in Chapter Four)

8. At this moment in the story, Stella and Octavia doesn't know that Stolas is seeing Blitzø yet. They will find out... Eventually.

9. This is a major change but... Blitzø can write normally... Sometimes. In my canon, Blitzø has dyslexia and can't really write good. But sometimes, when he tries hard enough, he could pull it off.

10. Stolas LOVES to cross dress A LOT of the time. But, he can't really show it because his wife would make fun of him. And why does he do it...... Come on, you know why.

That will be all for know. If you excuse me, I need to finish Chapter Four and start on Chapter Five. Bye!!!!!


I'm sorry for the lack of update, I've been at school and its been very time consuming for me. Chapter four will come out today or tomorrow. That's all for now Byee


A couple of updates for this story. I was going to say some of this in Chpt 5, but it's taking longer than expected. It should be out by Friday though. But, back to the update!

Firstly, I have planned out the whole story from now to the end. I'm not gonna go into detail, the less you know the better, but this story should be done by Mid-November to December. That's all I'm gonna say for now at least.

Secondly, Im also planning my next story on here. I'll talk more about it when it's gets closer to release, but it won't be out for a while. I can't wait got everyone to see and read it to the fullest.

Thirdly, Thank you SOOOOO much for all the reads, votes, and followers. You guys mean the world to me and the work I put behind it. Its astonishing to me that I got all this attention in TWO MONTHS! This means so much to me som much. So, thank you.

Alrighty, that's all the updates I got to say for now. I'll say some more stuff when Chpt 5 comes out on Friday. Until then, I'll see you soon and beg you goodnight.

Another Update

Since I didn't get any help from you guys, I did two polls at at school to help me out. The results were, drummual please🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁...... That I post every Saturday somewhere at 12:00 and 2:00 PM!

I really need some help cause I didn't know what to do, no Offense though, I love y'all so much, but when no one replied, I went to school for some help.

But wait, I said I did two polls, and I only announced one. Well, the second one was for my upcoming story. I'm not gonna say who won, I just going to tell you their names.

𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙙𝙪𝙨𝙩 .𝙑𝙎. 𝙁𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙯𝙯𝙞𝙚

I'm gonna keep the winner a mystery until I'm done with this story. It's gonna be fun watching you guys guess for the answer.

So then, I'll see you tomorrow for A Stolitz Story AND S2 EP6 coming out! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚒 ᵤₚ𝒹ₐₜₑ Եíოҽ!!!

Ok... That was something. I was not expecting.. That from S2 EP6. I didn't really know how to comprehend after that episode, so I couldn't finish writing chapter 6 in time. It will come out this week and I will start to do the time schedule as soon as possible.

I was in emotional damage and couldn't even write without me dragging and rewatching the episode.

So for today's headcanons, they will be about our favorite Stolitz and the new couple Fizzmodeus!

11. Like Stolas, Ozzie loves to cross dress if you read Chpt 5, mostly to seduce and turn on Fizz in the most cute and sexy way. I want to bring these two back more into the story cause I love them so much.

12. From the newest episode, we learn that Fizz can't cook even to save his life. When I thought that, I thought because they grew up in the circus, the preformers didn't learn to cook, which brought me to Blitzø. So like Fizz, Blitzø doesn't know how to cook either.

13. Like Blitzø, Fizz can also purr. Don't ask questions, just accept it.

Those are all the ones that I could think of rn, because my mind is blank. But, before I go, I want to mention at least one thing that will occur in my stories from this point forward. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 There will be OCS in my stories!!!

I know that OCs aren't the biggest shock in the world, but I never included one in my stories. But, I need a oc to help out one of the characters in the climax, and the only way I could do it is to add an OC. You'll see this OC in the next chapter, so stay tuned. Anyways, I gotta go, so bye!!!!!


Hello everyone! I hope yall are loving Chapter Six so far, it took me a while to do it. Today though, I only have one headcanon, and its a really important one.

14. Some of the Goetia CAN'T die. Let me explain. In my AU, if you are in the Ars Goetia family, you will get the mothers DNA. EX. Stella was born in the Goetia, but dosen't have the Goetia blood, unlike Andrealphus, who has the Goetia blood from his mother. If you don't get it, it will be explained later in the chapters. Also before I go, Chapter Seven will be posted on Sunday because it will be my Brother's birthday, and I want to take time to celebrate. That's all for now, see you soon!!


I'm sorry to say this, but Chapter Nine will have to be postponed for next week. I really didn't want to do it, but I've had A LOT on my tiny plate to deal with, and I didn't have enough time to get it done. Plus with all the school work I needed to do, and I'm going to my school Halloween dance tomorrow is especially bad timing on my part. Like I said, I am so sorry for the delay, but I like Quality over Quantity. If I did wanted to post on time, I would have to rush it, and the last thing I need is to rush to get something on time.

Now, before I go, I would like to announce that I will be for taking in Fizzarozzie Week 2023! The days are form Oct 29-Nov 4 of 2023. I am so excited to do something like this again after the success of Stolitz Week 2023 and I hope to do more fun stuff like this in the future. That's all for now, I'll see you soon!

Update finally!

Hey, sorry for the late Chpt Nine not coming out. Like I said last week, I was very busy and was not able to get anything done. I promise I'll get it out by tomorrow, and I'll try my best to finish it by today. That's all for now, see you soon!


Uptade + Some REALLY good news!

Hey there, just wanting to pop in and announce some things for the near future! I was going to wait for December, but with A Stolitz Story coming to a end in the next couple of weeks, I might as well do it now so I don't forget later.

Firstly, I just finished the process of getting another writing app to do future oneshots! This place shall be AO3! Tbh I've been knowing about the site for about forever, I just didn't know what to use it for. But now, I've decided it would be the place to tell all of my oneshots, and the occasional Story once in a blue moon. Don't worry though, all my longer stories will end up on here, along with the week prompts, like Stolitz Week and Fizzarozzie Week ect. I just did lnt want to have like 18 stories with 15 out of the 18 being oneshots alone.

Secondly, remember months ago I did a poll for my next story, and I couldn't saw which won? Well, now I am allowed to say who won, and the announcement of my next upcoming story heading out next year in January from the release of Hazbin Hotel! Introducing🥁🥁🥁🥁

A Love Inbetween Two Worlds: A Fizzarozzie Story!!

Ever since I had my eyes on these two, I've been waiting for the right opportunity to make a story about them, and since we need more Fizzarozzie stories anyway, I've thought I'll be the one to do it. And also, it was total conicidence that it's coming out the same month as Hazbin Hotel. I've been planing this out for months, ever since August, and January seemed the perfect release time. But hey, the more hella verse content, the better.

Finally, I am here to say THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for all the reads, votes, comments ect. Every day I come on here to see people prasing the shit out of these. Also, thank for the good reception of Fizzarozzie Week 2023. I was really scared of it not doing well, but I was stand corrected by you guys. I promise that I'll do a celebration for all of this very soon, but for now, just thanks for being there. That's all that matters to me, and I won't have it any other way.

Anyway, time for me to lay down and rest, hope that your hyped as I am for these upcoming projects, and I hope to see you all real soon! 👋👋👋👋


Since I couldn't bring you any Chapter, I thought I could bring some headcanons instead, because I hadn't had a headcanon for who knows how long. So lets get started!

14: Kinda weird I haven't made this a headcanon yet, but if you haven't guessed, Blitzø is naturally clumsy, to the point that I'm surprised that he can stand without tripping to death!

15: Both Blitzø and Stolas come up with cute and kinda accurate nicknames for each other in their heads, but never say it out loud to not embarrassed the other. Kinda weird, I know.

16: This is kinda stuck between headcanon and actual canon, but I think besides killing people and assassinations, Blitzø works as a bodyguard half time, but also hates doing it like in the show. You can decide if it's canon or not, but it's in the middle for me.

That's all the headcanons I have for now. I'm so excited for this story to come to a close and I can't wait for you guys to see it. Part Three of the Gala has to be my favorite chapter I've ever made, and your going to see why this Saturday. So until then, I'll see you soon👋👋👋

Mini Update!

Hey y'all, I hope your day is going as good as mine is, I just wanted to announce that a sequel to A Stolitz Story is on the way! I know I said this in Chpt 12, but I wanted to say it who didn't read that chapter out. It should be hitting Wattpad sometime later next year, because I am tired of writing for now. After Stolitz Story, I'm taking myself a two week vacation to not only rest my hands, but to come up what will and won't be in the sequel. That's all for now, and I'll see you on Saturday for Chpt 13! Byeeee👋👋👋


Have a wonderful holidays and I hope to see you all next year for some more helluvaverse content!

Final Update! Story has been completed!

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